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Created November 23, 2019 07:57
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import * as std from 'std';
import * as os from 'os';
function getCallingScript(depth) {
depth = depth || 0;
try {
throw new Error();
catch (e) {
try {
let line = e.stack.split('\n')[depth + 1];
var regex = /\((.*?)\)/g;
var result = regex.exec(line)[1].split(':', 2);
return result[0];
catch (e) {
return undefined;
function readFile(filename) {
const stat = os.stat(filename);
if (stat[1] !== 0)
return undefined;
if (stat[0].mode & os.S_IFDIR)
return undefined;
const ab = new ArrayBuffer(stat[0].size);
const file =, 'r');, 0, ab.byteLength);
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(ab));
function readJsonFile(filename) {
const string = readFile(filename);
if (string === undefined)
return undefined;
return JSON.parse(string);
function requireLoadInternal(scriptString, exports, __require, module, filename, dirname) {
if (scriptString === undefined)
return undefined;
if (filename.endsWith('.json'))
return { exports: JSON.parse(scriptString), };
const wrapped = `(function(exports, __require, module, __filename, __dirname){${scriptString}})`;
const moduleFunc = std.evalScript(wrapped, filename);
moduleFunc(exports, __require, module, filename, dirname);
return module;
function requireLoad(scriptString, filename, module) {
return requireLoadInternal(scriptString, module.exports, null, module, filename, path.dirname(filename));
const builtins = {
inherits: {
name: 'inherits',
main: './inherits_browser.js',
zlib: 'browserify-zlib',
assert: 'assert',
url: 'url',
'builtin-status-codes': {
name: 'builtin-status-codes',
main: './browser.js',
process: {
name: 'process',
main: './browser.js',
os: "os-browserify",
path: "path-browserify",
buffer: "buffer",
https: "https-browserify",
stream: "stream-browserify",
http: "stream-http",
events: 'events',
util: 'util',
let rootRequire = undefined;
function requireLoadSingleFile(fullname) {
const found = requireCache[fullname];
if (found !== undefined)
return found;
const fileString = readFile(fullname)
if (fileString === undefined)
return undefined;
const ret = requireLoad(fileString, fullname, createModule(fullname));
return ret;
function appendScriptExtension(file) {
return `${file}.js`;
function requireLoadFile(fullname) {
let ret = requireLoadSingleFile(appendScriptExtension(fullname));
if (ret)
return ret;
return requireLoadSingleFile(fullname);
function createModule(fullname) {
const module = {
exports: {}
requireCache[fullname] = module;
return module;
function requireLoadPackage(fullpath, main) {
const found = requireCache[fullpath];
if (found !== undefined)
return found;
const packageJson = readJsonFile(path.join(fullpath, 'package.json'));
if (!packageJson)
return undefined;
main = path.join(fullpath, main || packageJson.main || 'index.js');
let fileString = readFile(main);
if (fileString === undefined)
fileString = readFile(appendScriptExtension(main));
const ret = requireLoad(fileString, main, createModule(fullpath));
return ret;
function requireFind(name, directory, isPath) {
let fullname = path.join(directory, name);
let ret = requireLoadFile(fullname);
if (ret || isPath)
return ret;
let fullpath = path.join(directory, 'node_modules', name);
ret = requireLoadPackage(fullpath);
if (ret)
return ret;
if (isPath || directory == rootRequire)
throw new Error(`unable to load ${name}`);
const parent = path.dirname(directory);
return requireFind(name, parent);
function requireBuiltin(moduleName) {
const modulePath = path.join(requireDirectory, 'node_modules', builtins[moduleName].name || builtins[moduleName]);
var ret = requireLoadPackage(modulePath, builtins[moduleName].main);
requireCache[moduleName] = ret;
return ret;
export function require(moduleName) {
const callingScript = getCallingScript(1);
const currentPath = path.dirname(callingScript);
const isPath = moduleName.startsWith('/') || moduleName.startsWith('.') || moduleName.startsWith('\\');
let unsetRootRequire = !rootRequire;
if (unsetRootRequire)
rootRequire = currentPath;
try {
// require cache can be set externally, so do a straight name check here.
if (requireCache[moduleName] !== undefined)
return requireCache[moduleName].exports;
if (builtins[moduleName])
return requireBuiltin(moduleName).exports;
return requireFind(moduleName, currentPath, isPath).exports;
finally {
if (unsetRootRequire)
rootRequire = undefined;
const requireCache = {};
let requireDirectory;
function loadPath() {
const requirePath = getCallingScript();
const parts = requirePath.split('/');
parts.splice(parts.length - 1, 1);
requireDirectory = os.realpath(parts.join('/') || '.')[0];
const pathDir = `${requireDirectory}/node_modules/path-browserify`;
const pathPath = `${pathDir}/index.js`;
const pathScript = readFile(pathPath);
const module = createModule(pathPath);
const ret = requireLoadInternal(pathScript, module.exports, null, module, pathPath, pathDir);
if (ret === undefined)
throw new Error('unable to load path module');
requireCache[`${requireDirectory}/node_modules/path-browserify`] = ret;
requireCache['path'] = ret;
return ret.exports;
const path = loadPath();
// const requireDirectory = path.dirname(getCallingScript());
require.cache = requireCache;
globalThis.require = require; = globalThis;
const process = require('process');
// for debug module
process.type = 'renderer';
global.process = process;
global.Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer;
const oldToString = Object.prototype.toString;
Object.prototype.toString = function() {
if (this === process)
return '[object process]';
return oldToString.apply(this);
global.location = {
protocol: 'https:'
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