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Last active May 30, 2017 09:42
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* Параметры экранов
screen-desktop = 'screen and (min-width: 1025px)'
screen-touch = 'screen and (max-width: 1024px)'
screen-tablet = 'screen and (min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 1024px)'
screen-phone = 'screen and (max-width: 599px)'
screen-desktop-1460 = 'screen and (min-width: 1460px)'
screen-desktop-1280 = 'screen and (min-width: 1280px) and (max-width: 1459px)'
screen-desktop-980 = 'screen and (min-width: 1025px) and (max-width: 1279px)'
screen-tablet-1024 = 'screen and (width: 1024px)'
screen-tablet-960 = 'screen and (min-width: 960px) and (max-width: 1023px)'
screen-tablet-768 = 'screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 959px)'
screen-tablet-600 = 'screen and (min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 767px)'
screen-phone-540 = 'screen and (min-width: 540px) and (max-width: 599px)'
screen-phone-480 = 'screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 539px)'
screen-phone-414 = 'screen and (min-width: 414px) and (max-width: 479px)'
screen-phone-375 = 'screen and (min-width: 375px) and (max-width: 413px)'
screen-phone-360 = 'screen and (min-width: 360px) and (max-width: 374px)'
screen-phone-320 = 'screen and (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 359px)'
* Темы отображения
theme-color-background = #EEE
theme-color-foreground = #FFF
theme-color-brand = #000
theme-color-action = #FC0
theme-color-selection = #555
theme-color-button = #E5E5E5
theme-color-label = #FFF176
theme-color-title = #000
theme-color-text = #000
theme-color-hint = #999
theme-color-link = #1565C0
theme-color-border = rgba(0,0,0,.1)
theme-color-fog = rgba(0,0,0,.5)
theme-radius-inside = 4px
theme-radius-outside = 6px
theme-radius-button = 4px
theme-radius-label = 100px
theme-size-head-desktop = 100px
theme-size-head-touch = 60px
theme-size-footer-desktop = 100px
theme-size-footer-touch = 60px
theme-size-button-s-desktop = 24px
theme-size-button-m-desktop = 32px
theme-size-button-l-desktop = 44px
theme-size-button-s-touch = 32px
theme-size-button-m-touch = 44px
theme-size-button-l-touch = 44px
theme-size-text-s-desktop = 12px
theme-size-text-m-desktop = 14px
theme-size-text-l-desktop = 20px
theme-size-text-xl-desktop = 30px
theme-size-text-xxl-desktop = 40px
theme-size-text-s-touch = 12px
theme-size-text-m-touch = 14px
theme-size-text-l-touch = 20px
theme-size-text-xl-touch = 30px
theme-size-text-xxl-touch = 40px
theme-size-text-line = 1.25
theme-font-text = '.SFNSDisplay-Regular', HelveticaNeue, arial, sans-serif
theme-font-title = '.SFNSDisplay-Regular', HelveticaNeue, arial, sans-serif
theme-text-s = {
font-family: theme-font-text
theme-text-m = {
font-family: theme-font-text
theme-text-em = {
font-family: theme-font-text
font-weight: bold
theme-text-l = {
font-family: theme-font-title
font-weight: bold
theme-text-xl = {
font-family: theme-font-title
font-weight: bold
theme-text-xxl = {
font-family: theme-font-title
font-weight: bold
line-height unit(theme-size-text-line, em)
if type is s
@media screen-desktop
font-size theme-size-text-s-desktop
@media screen-touch
font-size theme-size-text-s-touch
if type is m
@media screen-desktop
font-size theme-size-text-m-desktop
@media screen-touch
font-size theme-size-text-m-touch
if type is l
@media screen-desktop
font-size theme-size-text-l-desktop
@media screen-touch
font-size theme-size-text-l-touch
if type is xl
@media screen-desktop
font-size theme-size-text-xl-desktop
@media screen-touch
font-size theme-size-text-xl-touch
if type is xxl
@media screen-desktop
font-size theme-size-text-xxl-desktop
@media screen-touch
font-size theme-size-text-xxl-touch
if type is em
@media screen-desktop
font-size theme-size-text-m-desktop
@media screen-touch
font-size theme-size-text-m-touch
* Динамическая сетка
GridDefine(colNum, col, gap, marginX, marginY = marginX * 1.5)
gridWidth = colNum * col + (colNum - 1) * gap
inCols(prop = '', num, extra = 0)
{prop} num * col + (num - 1) * gap + extra
for i in 1..colNum
inCols(width, i)
inCols(height, i)
content join(' ', col, gap, colNum, marginX, marginY)
&_1Extra // На одну колонку больше, чем в сетке
inCols(width, colNum + 1)
for i in 1..2 // Число колонок плюс поле
inCols(width, i, marginX)
for i in 1..6 // Ширина сетки минус число колонок
inCols(width, colNum - i)
for j in 1..4
.Grid_col_{colNum - j} &_{i}Left
inCols(width, colNum - j - i)
&_1LeftMargins // Ширина сетки минус колонка плюс поля
inCols(width, colNum - 1, marginX * 2)
&_third // Треть ширины сетки
width floor((gridWidth - (2 * gap)) / 3)
&_half // Половина ширины сетки
width (gridWidth / 2) - (gap / 2)
.Grid_col_9 &
width (inCols('', 9) / 2) - (gap / 2)
&_max // Ширина по максимальному числу колонок
inCols(width, colNum)
&_wrap // контейнер сетки
inCols(width, colNum, marginX * 2)
margin-left auto
margin-right auto
&_margin // поля со всех сторон
padding marginY marginX
padding marginY marginX
padding-bottom marginY * 3
&_marginX // поля слева и справа
padding-left marginX
padding-right marginX
&_marginY // поля сверху и снизу
padding-top marginY
padding-bottom marginY
&_unmargin // отрицательные поля со всех сторон
margin (- marginY) (- marginX)
&_unmarginX // отрицательные поля слева и справа
margin-left - marginX
margin-right - marginX
&_marginRightGap // правое поле - межколонник
margin-right gap
&_marginLeftGap // левое поле - межколонник
margin-left gap
&_cell // горизонтальный отступ между компонентами - межколонник
display inline-block
vertical-align top
& + &
margin-left gap
&_tiles // горизонтальные и вертикальные отступы между компонентами - межколонник
margin-left - gap
margin-top - gap
display inline-block
vertical-align top
margin-left gap
margin-top gap
&_row // отступ сверху между компонентами - вертикальное поле
margin-top marginY
@media screen-desktop-1460
GridDefine(12, 100px, 20px, 20px, 25px)
@media screen-desktop-1280
GridDefine(12, 80px, 20px, 20px, 25px)
@media screen-desktop-980
GridDefine(12, 60px, 20px, 20px, 25px)
@media screen-tablet-1024
GridDefine(12, 62px, 20px, 30px, 40px)
@media screen-tablet-960
GridDefine(12, 56px, 22px, 23px, 30px)
@media screen-tablet-768
GridDefine(10, 54px, 20px, 24px, 30px)
@media screen-tablet-600
GridDefine(8, 50px, 20px, 30px, 40px)
@media screen-phone-540
GridDefine(8, 50px, 14px, 21px)
@media screen-phone-480
GridDefine(7, 50px, 14px, 23px)
@media screen-phone-414
GridDefine(7, 40px, 16px, 19px)
@media screen-phone-375
GridDefine(6, 42px, 16px, 21.5px)
@media screen-phone-360
GridDefine(6, 40px, 16px, 20px)
@media screen-phone-320
GridDefine(6, 35px, 14px, 20px)
margin-left auto
margin-right auto
display block
display none
box-sizing border-box
&_col_stretch // Ширина 100%
width 100%
ratios = {
'1x1': 100%,
'1x2': 200%,
'2x1': 50%,
'2x3': 150%,
'3x2': 66.67%,
'3x4': 133.33%,
'4x3': 75%,
'16x10': 62.5%,
'16x9': 56.25%
for ratio in ratios
position relative
content ''
display block
padding-bottom ratios[ratio]
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