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Created July 29, 2010 22:07
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openFirePro:~ koverholt$ brew install -v pyqt
==> Build Environment
CC: /usr/bin/cc => /usr/bin/gcc-4.2
CXX: /usr/bin/c++ => /usr/bin/c++-4.2
LD: /usr/bin/cc => /usr/bin/gcc-4.2
CFLAGS: -O3 -march=core2 -w -pipe
CXXFLAGS: -O3 -march=core2 -w -pipe
==> Downloading
File already downloaded and cached to /Users/koverholt/Library/Caches/Homebrew
/usr/bin/tar xf /Users/koverholt/Library/Caches/Homebrew/pyqt-4.7.4.tar.gz
==> python ./ --confirm-license --bindir=/usr/local/Cellar/pyqt/4.7.4/bin --destdir=/usr/local/Cellar/pyqt/4.7.4/lib/python --sipdir=/usr/local/Cellar/pyqt/4.7.4/share/sip
python ./ --confirm-license --bindir=/usr/local/Cellar/pyqt/4.7.4/bin --destdir=/usr/local/Cellar/pyqt/4.7.4/lib/python --sipdir=/usr/local/Cellar/pyqt/4.7.4/share/sip
Determining the layout of your Qt installation...
This is the GPL version of PyQt 4.7.4 (licensed under the GNU General Public
License) for Python 2.6.5 on darwin.
Checking to see if the QtGui module should be built...
Checking to see if the QtHelp module should be built...
Checking to see if the QtMultimedia module should be built...
Checking to see if the QtNetwork module should be built...
Checking to see if the QtOpenGL module should be built...
Checking to see if the QtScript module should be built...
Checking to see if the QtScriptTools module should be built...
Checking to see if the QtSql module should be built...
Checking to see if the QtSvg module should be built...
Checking to see if the QtTest module should be built...
Checking to see if the QtWebKit module should be built...
Checking to see if the QtXml module should be built...
Checking to see if the QtXmlPatterns module should be built...
Checking to see if the phonon module should be built...
Checking to see if the QtAssistant module should be built...
Checking to see if the QtDesigner module should be built...
Qt v4.6.3 free edition is being used.
Qt is built as a framework.
SIP 4.10.5 is being used.
The Qt header files are in /usr/local/Cellar/qt/4.6.3/include.
The shared Qt libraries are in /usr/local/Cellar/qt/4.6.3/lib.
The Qt binaries are in /usr/local/Cellar/qt/4.6.3/bin.
The Qt mkspecs directory is in /usr/local/Cellar/qt/4.6.3.
These PyQt modules will be built: QtCore, QtGui, QtHelp, QtMultimedia,
QtNetwork, QtOpenGL, QtScript, QtScriptTools, QtSql, QtSvg, QtTest, QtWebKit,
QtXml, QtXmlPatterns, phonon, QtAssistant, QtDesigner.
The PyQt Python package will be installed in
PyQt is being built with generated docstrings.
PyQt is being built with 'protected' redefined as 'public'.
The Designer plugin will be installed in
The PyQt .sip files will be installed in
pyuic4, pyrcc4 and pylupdate4 will be installed in
Generating the C++ source for the QtCore module...
Creating the Makefile for the QtCore module...
Error: SIP requires Python to be built as a framework
Exit status: 1
==> Environment
HEAD: a32c1afcc0e00a12bf5fd19fc7c2e8428bd2a09d
HOMEBREW_CELLAR: /usr/local/Cellar
HOMEBREW_CACHE: /Users/koverholt/Library/Caches/Homebrew
HOMEBREW_LIBRARY_PATH: /usr/local/Library/Homebrew
Hardware: dual-core 64-bit core2
OS X: 10.6.4
Kernel Architecture: i386
Ruby: 1.8.7-174
GCC-4.0: build 5493 (5493 or newer recommended)
GCC-4.2: build 5659 (5659 or newer recommended)
LLVM: build 2207 (2207 or newer recommended)
MacPorts or Fink? false
X11 installed? true
==> Build Flags
CC: /usr/bin/cc => /usr/bin/gcc-4.2
CXX: /usr/bin/c++ => /usr/bin/c++-4.2
LD: /usr/bin/cc => /usr/bin/gcc-4.2
CFLAGS: -O3 -march=core2 -w -pipe
CXXFLAGS: -O3 -march=core2 -w -pipe
Error: Failure while executing: python ./ --confirm-license --bindir=/usr/local/Cellar/pyqt/4.7.4/bin --destdir=/usr/local/Cellar/pyqt/4.7.4/lib/python --sipdir=/usr/local/Cellar/pyqt/4.7.4/share/sip
Please report this bug at
These existing issues may help you:
Consider running `brew doctor` if a large number of installs are failing.
openFirePro:~ koverholt$
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