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Created February 19, 2020 14:04
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0 is not stdin on windows
#7 started for future.
ability to kill sudo background process
a bit of refactoring, minor improvements
A breath of fresh air
accept arbitrary size tokens
accept arbitrary types as nested error
Account for DataCenter mode while looking for hook scripts
Activity reviewing is now avaiable
actually, clear status on exit
add 2> /dev/null alias and fix cut alias
add 2>/dev/null for source coproc.bash
add ability to pass commands with TERM
add ability to set context for err
add a bit of security for registration & heartbeats
add additional enviroment variables (fix #22)
add additional heartbeat timeout check
add additional method for backuping
add addons uninstall/install
add a doc about speed
add ale goimports fixer
add alias #u that works without sorting
add alt+b for back in browser
add alternatives comparison
Add an integration test case for parsing a meta go-import tag in html
add anon struct support
add API for retrieving default settings
add --app flag for firebase
add a simplest data anonymizer
add assertEquals snippet
add atlassian-plugin-sdk-6-3-10
add atlassian-plugin-sdk-latest
add autocomplete for checkout
add autotrigger to snippet for commas around multiple return variables
add average duration and percentile duration
add benchmarks for serializers
add benchmarks, optimize code
add binding annotation, fix selecting return section
add bin/vim-pythonx-reset for dropping cache w/o vim
add biometrics to MainActivity and hasState for lib
add biometric with cipher
add build functions, add new regexp for jumpers
add build time to package filename
add caching output of external program
add capacity for average/percentile duration
add case for port-forward
add case-insensitivity for word matching
add changing uid message
add check for preventing overwriting non-empty directories
add cleanup for leftover network interfacess
add clear screen hook & preview
add clone vars for ssh and http (issue #22)
Add CloseConnection function
add cmdline to gitignore
add command for reseting go autoimport cache
add commands for sync protocol code
add comment about heartbeatTimeoutCoefficient
add comments for all exported functions and types & add showing errow while closing ssh session
add comments for the heartbeat function
add comment version parsing
add commits count to version
add commments to acquireDistributedLock
add common tpl for created issue
add comparison with other libs
add compatibility with bb 5
add completion example
add configuration guide
add conflicts for atlassian-plugin-sdk-latest
add containers:foreach funcs'
add content disposition for attachments
add coproc:set-signal-stop function
Add count argument to commands
add coverage files to gitignore
add curly brace bug testcase
add current comment highlight
Add custom environment variable passthrough
add customer field name func
add custom key naming
add daemon and client
add -D and -M options for custom depends=() and makedepends=()
add dao and migrations
Add data center status as 'compatible'
add dbus client for SinkAdded/SinkRemoved events
add DC mode description to merge check
add debug/trace messages to sync protocol
add DECLINED and REOPENED activity actions
add default, both dark/light theme
add default spaces around keymap
add DescribeDeep for structs and maps
add diagram to readme
add direction & ignores
add Discarder structure
add doc about copying certificate
add doc for stats and rates
add Dockerfile, Makefile
add doc link to
add docs about binaries
add docs about debian/fedora/arch packages
add docs to
add documentation and man page
Add documentation and refactoring
add dunst-with-geometry-centering-git
add duration to unlock
Add @e1senh0rn, @saromanov and @nesl247 as contributors
Added 3.14.4-1 support, lxc-git support, apparmor.
Added 3.14.6-1 support
added check if ssh-key exists
added check on possible break in attempt
added GetMirror method
Added homebrew formula
added interrupt on failed assert
Added linux 3.14 support
added message about generating
Added missing space before function keyword.
Added option for show version.
Added options for integration with Unite.
added saving certificates to cert dir.
Added script tags: @file and @brief
Added spaced indentation support.
Added STASH_IS_ADMIN environment variable to hooks
Added STASH_REPO_NAME environment variable to hooks
added test for checking if util copies primary selection text to clipboard.
added tests_background and checking on test exit status
add empty asserts aliases
add empty set char ∅
add empty set on empty git repo
add enable/disable methods
add enquote() feature
Add environment passthrough description in
add environment to systemd service
add env variables for heartbeat and scheduler intervals
add error description for history request
add error message parser
add {error,warning,fatal,trace,debug}ln functions
add /etc/passwd to image
add evaluated options & compat with marvex reserve
add example jibber.conf
add example usage to readme
add example with json.Unmarshal
Add ExecError type for more flexible error handling
add experimental field reverse
add extra test case for invalid first match argument
add Fatalf implementation
add feature for creating projects
add f for karma.Format
add file creating/overwriting logging
add --filter to grep block lines
add Find() func for finding objects with same type
add finding intersection between groups
add flag -w for number words, pass template vars in snake case
add funcs for running job commands
add functions snippets
add gas price methods
add general options section
add :get-exitcode, add check in :cd, fix cd-tmp-dir
add get-exitcode-file func
add GetLevel that returns current logging level
add GET req to /account/CheckCookie, fix POST req to /account/login
add get-stdout and get-stderr methods
add get-verbose method
add git clean to package section
add --git flag for setting remote in git
add github actions to run tests
add global variable for version
add global version variable
add goimports-improved-git with patch
Add golang github actions (#28)
Add go.mod to follow go1.11+ module style (#27)
add goreleaser, add docs
add goreportcard and traavis badges
add goreportcard badge
add go to base images, fix default bus port
add gradle + androidx
add greenish colorscheme
add g:synta_go_build_recursive
add g:UltiSnipsUsePythonVersion
add gunter & guntalina run tests
add handlers for change password
add header for no csrf, fix url of registration
add health-get client
add here and fix last name completion
add HierarchicalError interface
add hierarchical errors, add long keys
add history clock zero check
add hjkl mappings for dvorak programming layout
add "host" field in json output
add host networking capability and internet access
add <how> for -s sort
add i3 close, add log runTerminal error
add includeExclude of unused components
add include_root for Tree struct
add include statement
add IncreaseMany,DecreaseMany, use int instead of int64
add info about ash.el
add info about helm-ash
adding an option to specify a custom path
Adding compatibility with Bitbucket Server 5.0.1
Adding context.Background() to support GitHub api changes
add --input option for add json data from optional argument
add installation into readme
add installation section
add installation step
add integration notes
add intermediate state for progress bar during init
add @internal tag description to readme
add @internal tag support: drops method from documentation
add is_comment check in addition to is_string
add is_rebase_in_progress
additional fields when POST comment
add jira ticket template
add js to list labels
add key derivation function
add key with passphrase support (fix #2)
add kubernetes tree example
add labels after ui update
add last line as status
add latest data columns into triggers table
add legacy migrations
add len result checking
add license and fix #1
add license note in README
add linebreaks in readme
add logger without std streams
add logging, expand brackets on newline
add login layout, fix Done button
add log, stack and web packages
add long keys, -L is mandatory, bump version
add long options, improve error reporting
add lorg.SetIndentLines & lorg.SetShiftIndent
add maintenance, host operation; check zabbix version in event.acknowledge
add Makefile and Dockerfile
add makefile, output.txt
add make install section
add make release, fix buffer dir
add make run@<bb-version>
add make test, ensureDependenciesExists now only downloads dependencies
add mandatory (zabbix 3.4.2) parameter message in acknowledge function.
add merge-check hook. fixes #18
add method NewExec, New signature changed
add mit license (fix #2)
add more charge parsing cases
add more debug messages
add more documentation & gif
add more guesses for java
add more locks for thread safety
add msgpack concrete (un)marshal
Add multiple evironment variables support
Add mutex for thread safe build appending
add NewChild and NewChildWithPrefix
add new format headers
Add NewRemoteKeyAuthRunnern and NewRemotePassAuthRunner
add new repositories methods
add node about -l flag to readme
add no fail on connect option
add note about arch package
add note about differences
add note about labeling image registry
add note about mcabber build
Add note about old Execute behavior
add note about -p flag
add note about public keys to -k
add note about typical run
Add note support (unparsed comment)
add omit-empty panel option
add open window command
add optional spaces in regexps
add option for checking master key cache
add option for conceal: text on right edge
add option keep-slash to keep slashes in paths
Add options for integration test
add organization url to pom.xml
add original aur eclim-git
add os.O_CREATE flag (ssh handling)
add palantir-java-format
add ParseGlob function
add pa-switch-profile-git
add pending reviewers column
Add -p option for passing version into specified variable
add posibility to display progress
add possibility for explicit control leds
add prefix main for version variable name
add pre-start command
add prints for manual mode
add priorities in proc
add Process,ProcessState,SysProcAttr methods
add process substitution as part of precise kill
add proper json marshalling
add proper newline in readme
add pseudo protocol attachment://
add public Set method
add PUT for updating labels
add --quiet mode that silents simple errors (fzf uses stderr)
add raw ssh key pass method
add readme, fix var highlighting
add Request struct for making http requests, add heartbeat
add requirements in docopt
add rest api without map
add review url to review file
add -r flag to read (fix #2)
add right-justify for conceal
add rootfs to query table
add runcmd.test to gitignore
add script for scanning dependencies
add security check on editing binary path
add servlet to serve settings page
add session and resetter
add session to all activities
add SetExiter for setting log-scope exiters
add SetLevel method, incapsulate levels
add SetStdin method to CmdWorker
add settings as xml document
add several --tube-* flags, look for kubectl in $PATH
add short keys for timeout options
add silly short flags
Add simple last builds list
add simple rest api endpoint
add simple tests for migrations mostly
add simple to_variable transformer
add skeleton for transform
add sleep for ssh connections
add small testcase for brackets and letters after closing bracket
add some architecture drawings
add some examples of tree
add some java snippets
add sorting by variable
add spinner for color picker
add spinner for generating hash tables
add spinner stop method
adds polish diacritics - ą, ć, ę, ł, ń, ó, ś, ź, ż.
add stack, add handler for arguments
add stacked and normal graphs composition
add state variables, remove identifier
Add stderr of command to err in Run()
Add stderr to return []string in Run() method (if program exit with zero status)
add stdin output for eval in debug
add stdin-read bug prevention
add stub that should be killed by oom
add stub that should produce too many open files
add stub with cgo enabled
add stub without binary
add stub with segmentation fault
Add support for changing pkgver & pkgrel through environment variables
add support for fg & bg colors
Add support for file level comments
add support for [ ], fix a few important bugs
add sync after edit operations
add sync stat js annotations
add syntax highlighting
add tag for biometric errors
add tag to make version
add task snake-runner@latest
add template placeholder
add test case for quoted command
add testcase from real example
add testcases for some terminals
add test for correct output
add test for eval that cannot
add Testing_RecordToResult
Add testing suite and some fixes
add test runner command for run-as-root cases
add tests and fix autocorrection code
add tests & cosmetic fixes
add tests for dry-run mode
add tests for force/non-force modes
add tests:print-current-testcase
add tests:progress stub
add -t for using host network
add timestamp to milestone commands
add todos for env variables in merge-check hook
add toolbar with DrawerLayout
add tooltip and fix escaping in aui
add trace level setter
add transaction snippets
Add troubleshooting info for `urxvt: "c": unknown or malformed option.`
add tty mode & fix syntax highlighting
add TypeSwitch_Assisted_Int8
add TypeSwitch_Assisted_Uint8
add type switch with if
add ulock button for locked repo
add underline & tabwriter example
add Usage header in readme
add use_gitignore for reading gitignore
add user namespaces to konfig & update to 3.16.4-1
add /v1/builds to apiSummary
add variables and debug mode
add variables field to pipeline and job
add verbose info for vault
add vim-hacks and go quickfix magic
add vim-tests:get-messags function
add -v --version option
add wait-file-matches function
add wait status to status bar & fix error report
add wait window using xdotool
add well-known random colors
add -w for watch, improve security checks
add whitespace to tokens
add Worker benchmarks
add yaml to annotations, disable lf and ld
add zero as numbers modifier
adopt to -git pkgnames, rename .go to go, add echos
align animation for adv settings
allow add specific options to diff
allow empty flag command, call tmux with abs path
allow num-of-line in source file be empty, fix tests
allow proper marshalling for error type
allow request SSH keys even if no shadow entries found
allow return error from ForEachLine method
allow session aliases
Allow spaces and periods on function names.
Allow spaces before 'function' keyword.
allow spaces on every #
Allow spaces on names
allow to disable highlight completion
allow to expand func in {} group
allow to list items, rework storage to slice
allow to not pass files during sync
allow to not use sbuffer
allow to pass arbitrary options to Load
allow to pass config through uri
allow to pass multiple <package>
allow to pass path to encryption key
allow to read config from file
allow to show import path instead of url in tree mode
allow to specify base image, add make push
allow to specify bridge
allow to specify commit-ish to install/update
allow to specify format of volume
allow to specify -l /dev/stdout
allow to specify terminal bg in opts
allow to specify title and command flag
allow to specify tmux socket
allow to specify uevent file, fix percentage calc
allow to switch between "go build" and "go-fast-build"
allow to use JSON output
allow to use pure go build
Allow to use space before 'function' keyword.
allow weirdest white spaces and add testcase (fix #4)
all: use px.libs() for import
a lot of improvements
also print index.html
alt+b: use iso lvl 5 & fix emdash
alt+c -> ctrl+c, alt+v -> shift+ins
always match previous char in is_comment
always wrap (to display time for first command)
android code generation: retriewing views list
android c-shared support
annoying messages removed
anon func, defer, more is_string checks, goimpl
another try to avoid vim hell
AO prefix is too ugly
api-doc-parser: add -b flag
api-doc-parser: cleanup
api-doc-parser: grep flag added
api-doc-parser: little refactoring
api: fix invalid json annotation
api: output logs about package
api: use different restrict api for cloud
application now not crashing on orientation change
apply google-java-format
APPROVED activity action
arch-apparmor: linux.install cleaned
ASCII strings support added.
ask password if master key is empty
assert-no-diff: try stdin as expected
assert that migrations went well
async mode for post receive hooks
atlassian-plugin-sdk-latest: fix downloading after fixed pkgver
atlassian-plugin-sdk-latest: fix pkgver
atlassian-plugin-sdk-latest: yet another fix
authorization failure fixed
author Name instead of DisplayName
auth: use git user as fallback
autocompletion support & git commit fixes
autoimport: fix broken for built-in packages
autoimport: fix case with global variables
autoimport go was not reusing existing import if it is not in cache
autoimport: should move cursor for vim-go
autosnippets integration with tab9
autosuggest var in for snippet
avoid problems with ssh-agent when connecting
await for bndr/gopencils#11 to resolve
backends: add mongodb
backends/fs: add clients mutex
backends/fs: remove interface embedding
backends/fs: use clients lock
backends/mongodb: rewrote GetTokens
background, coproc: fix var name troubles
background: restore get- pid, stdout and stderr funcs
backspace, ralt for layout switch
back to globals, lib can\'t survive without it
backup: -b flag and tests
bash get should not update to remote without -u
bash: handle : symbol in funcs
bash: if now more smart
bash: properly parse version
bash: shorter debug trigger
bash: source and shdoc snippets
Basic BB 6.2 compatibility (#85)
basic diff parseing + tests
basic documentation added
basic functional implemented, simple tests added
basic package separating
basic tests and functionality
bdf to pcf to overcome urxvt slooow render
beautify acitivities in overview mode
beautify build error output
beautify clone output
beautify indents little bit
beautify vars in startArchiveReceivers
better search and path resolution
better whitespaces handling
bin for reindexing autoimports
blank.bash should be imported by import.bash
blocks: use range begin as delimiter, if range end is omitted + tests
bootstrap: create stdout, stderr files
breaking changes: implement lexec.Command interface
bring cloud and task process
bring STASH_USER_* env variables back
bubble args from craateThreadsPool
buffer logs before pushing
buffer: use vim value if not passed
bugfix: bug in incremental clipboard transfer. Still doesn't work.
bugfix: clipboard selection didn't work
bugfix: segmentation fault bug and some checks to prevent it in future.
bugfix: X apps stucks when requesting clipboard data from daemon.
+build comment fix for go tool vet
build: restruct functions
Bump version to 1.2-1
bump version to 1.2-2
bump version to 1.3-9
Bump version to 3.2-1 in pom.xml
bump version to 6.3.0
bump version to 6.3.1
bump version to 6.3.2-1
calico: upgrade & use policy
Call 'go get' and 'go list' with lists of packages rather than for each package. (#48)
calling simple view methods, subscribe to sensors
call repo-add after building
call setuid manually, allow to run saturated with root privileges
can count repeated opts now
carcosa for mobile preparations
catch case with removing branches
catch user interrupt in transform
cat-screen: capture escape sequences by default
certificate: add hierarchical errors
certificate: generate issuer field
certificate generation
certificate is required
cert.pem in /etc/shadowc
-c for clearing shell after attach
changable argument
change '2>/dev/null' to '&>/dev/null'
change bar at top of J glyph (#3)
change compliance level
change const version to var
change data type to prevent oracle CLOB whatever it is
change default path to config
change default ribbon
change default theme setter & fix linter
change deprecated import
Changed repository dir to use the PR source directory. Fixes #72
Changed the hook response to REJECT the push when output exceeds 65K
change frame position
change gif path in readme
change handling of tmp files
change height of yellow sign
change image register label
change init semantics
change listen address
change password, add tests
change password: handle empty username/password
change password: shadow[] instead of hash[]
change pkgver algorithm
change scope of upm modules
change severity of empty changeset
change stdin passing strategy
change sudo behaviour
Change support to 3.14.2-1
change version const to var
check email address on null
check if package is processing
check on error type in hierr.HierarchicalError()
check that entity exists
check that item text is not empty in quickfix
check that it is identifier
child: pass indent lines
Cleaned up the language in to use more understandable English.
cleanup after failed clone
cleanup container properly
cleanup containers by labels
Cleanup head and add test
cleanup repository, remove old pkgs
cleanup strings returned from go
clear window before first show
clone: be recursively
clone repository and checkout
close client on shutdown
Close SSH session in remote Run function
Code cleeanup and refactoring. No changes in logic.
Code optimizations and better result handling
codestyle: Url to URL
collect combined output
combine stdout and stderr output
command cannot be empty (fix panic)
command for getting total coverage percentage
commands support & parallel lock
Commented LIFO order in saveNewBuild
Commenting and declining support for pull requests
Comments feature is configurable Better formatting of detail messages
commit: do leave empty argument
commit: open editor if commitmsg longer than 50
common: except KeyError
compatibility set -euo pipefail
compatibility with bitbucket server
compatibility with embedded hierr errors
compatibility with embedded hierr errors & ser
compatibility with hastur 3.5
compatibility with konsole
compatibility with new executil error
compatibility with new godiff, fix #26
compatibility with new runcmd interface
compatibility with stash 3.0+
compat with runcmd, ability to disable log, tests
compilation: enable strict mode
compile subdirectories
compile test files too
complete and cd into symlinks
Complete compatibility with BB 6.2.0
completely deprecate import:source
completely rework task scheduling, skeleton for task cancelation
completely skip non-regular files
complete rehaul of label js
condition: separated flag -c
config path for root & for user
configuration format fixed in readme
configure kernel to use old config with upstream defaults to new features
Consider a new line character in the size of the record
consistent args order for diff assertion
const BenchmarkWorker_Multiple_Lock
control leds through X11
convert all non-karma errors to marshallable
coproc: direct bg run
coproc: fix unbound pid var in
coproc: properly start job
coproc: suppress TERMINATED messages
copy bind-widget func from lambda17
copy fix for component-import from bitleaks
copy host interface network settings to bridge
core: add backend interface
core: add password changing
core: fix -c flag duplicate
core: fix generate bash after renaming directories
core: fix importpath in generate script
core: generate new food
core: handle 204 status code
core: improve salt generation
core: new food with hastur
core: rename commands/ to api/
core: rename loggedexec to lexec
core: too much handlers, use one
core: use face.Abstract and face.Interface
core: use modifier for generating hash
correct aborting of heartbeat goroutines
Correct detect variable types
Corrected response handling when comments are enabled
correct link it's difficult for me
correctly handle errors in setup files
correctly match error msg for path which include :
correctly surround map[string]interface{}
correct way to read answer from terminal
cp -> grasp, source -> involve, mkdir -> mk-tmp-dir
cpp: fix include, define & add struct, std
cpp: tuple and something
create directory if not exists
create exitcode file in :wait-file-matches
create .gitignore file
Create pipe in Command(), some refactoring
Create stdin,-out,err pipes in Start() method, some fixes in tests
create subdir linux-appormor
create/update attachment
ctrl-shift-caps without space annihilation
ctrl = shift, shift = escape, caps = ctrl, just try
custom prefix namespace support
cyrrilic letters fixes
dbus skeleton work in progress
decrease time for polling events
default activities limit
default formatting with powered level
deprecate old import path
descend non-karma reasons too
detect stdin on tty and do not show bar
determine linux version from pacman
DEVOPS-1244: add check on private key existing
DEVOPS-1244: added truncate and file variable renamed
DEVOPS-1244: <cert> arg is not required
DEVOPS-1244: errors formating
DEVOPS-1244: format message about invalid certificate file
DEVOPS-1244: missing https:// prepend
DEVOPS-1244: more spaces in options
DEVOPS-1244: private key named as key.pem
diff: use diff-so-fancy if available
dirty fix for autoimport
dirty fix for `ls` file limit
disable autoupdate & interactive mode by default
disable cgo by default
Disable change-default-console-loglevel.patch because it fail
disable dropping all labels
disable highlight in unite
disable output logging if redirected to pipe
disable Pre Receive Hook for PULL_REQUEST_MERGE since no stdin passed by BB
disable remove_pair: doesn't work because vim bug
display all translation and meanings, I need mroar
doc: doxygen documentation added.
doc: fixes after review
docker: add CACHE directive
docker add missing packages
docker: fix pam error for nobody user
docker: pull base image
docopt and newline after password
docopt: fix [options]
docopt format: fix regexp
docopt format: fix regexp for non-flag opts
docopt: grammar fixes
docopt: new flags and formatting
docopt: remove unused -a flag
docopt usage should print version value from variable
doc parser: remove final as well
doc parsing: add help and fix output (v1)
doc parsing: gathering all methods complete
docs: about config, reload configuration
docs about ssh and rest api
docs: actions must not starts with -
docs: add build status
docs: add godoc for all exported structs and methods
docs: add godoc for Format, Formatter, Placeholder and default placeholders
docs: add godoc for Log, Logger and Discarder
docs: add godoc for proxy, proxy conn, pull, tar, logger
docs: notes about configuration file
docs: refactor 'running section
docs: remove extra example
docs, restapi: add notes about hash validation
docs: set manul build as default program version
docs: solve markdown issues
docs, some notes about master
documentation about dry-run mode
do not add brace after :
do not allow empty font for now
do not autoimport in comments
do not break ancestry tree
do not build recursive in tests
do not cache pacman install
do not check for safe path for internal triggers
do not clear screen on new session
do not clutter style strings
do not complete struct names and is_select
do not create subshell for progress
do not cycle in if value for snippet
do not delete directory if test failed
do not descend trivial hierarchy
do not divide by zero
do not fail on go#complete#GetInfo
do not fall into endless loop
do not ignore packages
do not ignore last block
do not init carcosa if has state already
do not mangle with path
do not map quotes if no filetype found
do not move cursor left-right
do not override colors from zstyle
do not override search highlighting
do not panic on nil context format
do not parse filenames as flag
do not parse pattern as option
do not print error if empty output
do not print "without output" message
do not read terminal bg on tty
do not remove .bash extension from progress strings
do not remove newlines
do not report regexp errors
do not require full ancestry, improve dry-run mode
do not search for partial complete if one already found
do not send logs of containers preparation
do not show content for bots in auto delete mode
do not sleep when got a task, ask for next one
do not spam error about rejected push
do not strip whitespaces from eval commands
do not treat arguments as resources
do not truncate on empty/invalid key
do not try to detect content type for dirs
do not use diff-so-fancy, its unusable if file removed
Do not use for windows (#23)
do not use grep at all (#2)
do not use loop devices for generating machine id
Do not use naked return
do not use StorageService
do not visit the link
do not write empty buffer on close
Don't import own package
don't put examples into ```` block
drop item only if pid matches
dummy argument parser
dummy runner that can only register itself
dunno what that code is trying to do
dynamic views: alpha version
@echo -> @stdout, add handling
eclim-git: apply patch to address compilation errors
eclim-git: fix ExecStart right in file
eclim-git: fix path to eclimd in systemd service
eclim-git: fix pkgver
eclim-git: replace /usr/share/eclipse with /usr/lib/eclipse
eclim, whitespaces, fix click subscriber
edit messages with errors about new proxy connection
emulator mode was default hence release was broken
enable alt-mappings in some applications
enable antialiased fonts
enable desktop version
enable unmarshalling from json
encapsulate tls encryption
encode [] in graph url (urlselect can't match it)
ensure dependencies for projects one by one (fix too long command)
ensure ip4 forwarding and br0 up, ignore ip file exists errors
ensure newlines count (esp. for python)
epic changes, control is now space bar
erase previous prompt before printing new
error: add HierarchicalError() method
error: command now is an interface{}, GetArgs can be invoked
error: export method GetArgs
error: fix GetNested signature
error message can be empty
error message with command line
error reporting about add errors
error should be not capitilized
escape '%' in override
EULA: add changelog & loosen copy restrictions
EULA: add version & loosen copy policy
even more smarter docopt
example: checking haptic feedback on click
example.gif: change bg to white
examples: add custom format usage example
examples: add custom placeholder example
examples: add zero configuration example
exclude filetypes for enquote
execution: buffer can be empty
exit with bad status if tests failed
expand createRunnerFactory args
expand parseAdressess args
experimental autosurround for args
experimental autosurround for long identifiers
experimental autosurround quotes
experimental backspace support to fix #2
experimental data center compat #31
experimental pre_sort field
explicitly pass hook settings
explicitly set host verification callback
export field DefaultPlaceholders
Export if the user is able to write to repo
export NewChild and NewChildWithPrefix
Export perms.hasDirectRepositoryUserPermission
export SSH_ADDRESS before invoking ssh command
extend readme & add config example
extract key-value struct
extract remoteNodes map to type
face: do not embed Logger
feature: copy dir with -x, keep failed with -e
feature merge pull requests
feature: search token in the list
feature spoofing implemented
fetch all users from pool & create functionality
fflush log as soon as possible. some debug messages changed to errors
filter out ignored dirs in nested paths too
filter pull-requests by repository first
finally, proper handling of bg processes
finish repo activity styles
first steps on dynamic views
first working version
fix #10. Readme written.
fix #11: thanks @gimolai
fix #18: do not panic when no maintainer
fix #19. Move com/example/groid -> com/goandroidrpc/rpc.
fix #1: /var/run/netns is not exist
fix #21: use cmdline args if no config found
fix #22: check for protocol in hostname
fix #24. Added GetLayoutId.
fix 404 on some pull requests
fix #5. Removed libhello remains.
fix #6. Renaming rpc to android.
fix #7. Exclude complex types from result returning from CallViewMethod.
fix 'a/<BS>b/c' >> '/c' issue
fix a bug with closing pair
fix adding FILES in aur git
fix adding new context while describing
fix a few lint errors
fix ale for goinstall
fix aliases diffing logic
fix alias options pass
fix all troubles with autoimport
fix already set error for label w/o id
fix dep
fix apparmor_sb_mount for kernel >=4.5
fix arg value starting with dash
fix assert-no-diff-blank
fix AttachView aync invokation (now sync)
Fix AUR URL + minor changes
fix authorized_keys owner
fix auto commit, handle CRASH case
fix: avoid using args addNewWords
fix back cd at teardown
fix backward compat with <3.2.0
fix bitbucket api changes
fix bold bold weight name
fix bold formatting in the readme
fix broken escaping on cmd enter
Fix broken image in README
fix (?) broken recv stream, change size calc
fix broken tests after noLock flag inversion
fix broken urls for created resources
fix broken xfs from headers
fix bug: duplicate labels on more prs
fix bug: no previous labels in select
fix bugs in newest arch
fix bugs with semicolon
fix bug with changing context while describing
fix bug with empty lines not showing success message
fix bug with end of line and <cr>
fix bug with incorrect housekeeping params parsing
fix build archive search
fix builtin widgets call
fix caching: open vim was not possible
fix calculating token item height
fix case for empty context
fix case when even one candidate is not our match
fix case when include_root is true and max_depth is 1
fix case with quotes and closing bracket by reordering matchers
fix change tree highlight in middle of comment
fix checking make release status
fix checking power supply present
fix check table record number out of range
fix cleaning up network interfaces
fix clearing of duplicated prompt
fix clone recursively
fix CodeRegexp and ability to pass default color
fix colon in structs expansion
fix comment others comments removal
fix comments count for new bitbucket api
Fix comments without delims parser
fix compatibility with lorg
fix compatibility with new hierr library
fix compat with stash 3.2+ (fix #10)
fix compilation error
fix completing in separate buffer
fix completing package import from subdir, fix #13
fix completion definitons
fix completion miscolorizing
fix compliation errors in lib/c/
fix conceal override for git-repo prompts
fix confirm message while removing user from group
fix context for cloud confluence
fix context for cloud confluence when creating attach
fix converting strings to StandardRepositoryHookTrigger
fix corner case with dot dir (new dir)
fix criticalf formatting & fix merge error
fix crypto/ssh import
fix curl redirects for calicoctl
fix cursor: pointer for suggested colors
fix custom opts handling
fix debug file descriptor bug
fix default directory
fix default path to static
fix default path to templates
fix default path to tpls
fix default tail/head calls
fix default title tpl to work
fix default title tpl to work with custom titles
fix deprecation notice
fix destroy container docopt
fix docopt bug with -L
fix docopt formatting
fix docopt formatting for ICU
fix docopt formatting once more
fix docopt issue with parsing command line
fix docopt short since: -e -> -s.
fix docs john and smith
fix docs misspell about flag -k
fix documentation problems
fix double slash in '<host>//rest/inbox'
fix dry run with options file
fix 'd' snippet brace
fix 'd' snippet, remove 's', fix '} '
fix dunst-with-geometry-centering-git source
fix early type in local shell
fix early type via ssh
Fixed #11: Allow Confluence Space to be mixed case
fixed bug with wrong xcb atoms
Fixed builds list header
Fixed environment overwrite
Fixed environment variables
Fixed for apparmor 2.9.0 without profiles
Fixed for latest stable lxc
Fixed formula installation instructions
fixed GetBalance - can return float, added GetRemains
Fixed invalid index issue. Fixes #71
Fixed param substitution
Fixed parse error output
Fixed PKGBUILD to correctly support custom package name
Fixed pythonx fails on autoimports within broken packages
Fixed sed in PKGBUILD
Fixed smart capitalization.
Fixed symlink madness
Fixed /v1/builds/ path handling
fix empty detailed message
fix empty prompt render
fix english in the
fix envalid date print
fix err handling and makepkg confirm
fix error handling for closing ssh session
fix error message formatting
fix error on empty args to output
fix error with two options
fixes after review, new entity - MirrorUpstream
fixes after self code review
fixes after use in
fix escaping, hide output from key provider
fix example regarding assert-no-diff-blank
fix excess highlighting in prompt command
fix exec flag printing
fix exit code detection
fix expanding package name, remove prints
fix expansion the help
fix expect_cursor_jump error
fix extra tests_eval, remove last-testcase on success
fix fast-copy-paste uppercase letters
fix feedkeys sequence (<C-R><C-O>)
fix few weird scenarios, fix bugs, add QUADRO_DEBUG
fix files copy from dot template directories
fix filtering when SecretList is null
fix flacky bug when prompt dissapears
fix for #18, zbx with ELK returns nubmers instead of strings
fix for case when creds file not found
fix force enable of inherited hooks
fix for goroot packages, that location starts with pkg/
fix format message about unknown user
fix .Format snippet expanding
fix formatting issue in autocompletion
fix formatting issues in README
fix function expand snippet
fix generate.bash to get compiling work
fix generating version
fix getting terminal size when GOOS is darwin
fix getViewById for dynamic views
fix .gitignore after rebranding
fix git protocol auth
fix glod-git systemd service path
fix glod server in systemd service
fix godoc style issues
fix goimpl snippet priority
Fix gometalinter issues (#24)
fix go snippets, imports in __init__ dont work for me
Fix handling comments at the end of file
fix handling SYNC commands
fix hang and messages on test error
fix hanging zfs send when zfs recv fails
fix hang on low verbosity test
fix head and tail aliases
fix help messages and make pipeline volume writable
fix hierr errors reporting in normal mode
fix highlighting issues
fix highlighting of A leafs in tree
fix hook hangs at long outputs
fix import.bash self source path
fix import px.langs.go, do not pass exceptions
fix imports with slashes
fix incorrect shift+-
fix incorrect syntax example
fix incorrect type switch benchmark
fix incorrect urxvt flag by default
fix indent for case with comments
fix indenting in get_buffer_line
fixing GetLayoutById for non-root layouts
fix inserting dot in ^V mode
fix Insert modifier state
fix installing hook scripts for users
fix installing systemd service for glod
fix integration with fast-syntax-highlighting
fix invalid cursor position
fix invalid docopt (ls didn't work)
fix invalid first screen size
fix invalid signal number mappings
fix invalid tab width
fix invalid whitespace character
fix isLicenseValid method
fix jni delete local ref on wrong objects
fix js context in commit view screen
fix kubectl context flag
fix label decription for image registry
fix labels column duplicate
fix labels in repository
fix layout list align & loader on empty list
fix lazy load for prompt
fix loading cache for autoimport, create unique directory for cache
fix log messages, add comments & async requests
fix long labels & do not filter labels list
fix long lines & regard cursor position
fix loooost git status
fix mapping autoimport for new files
fix margin 80 in readme
fix MarshalJSON() signature issue
fix methods with bool args
fix miscolorizing again
fix misplaced vim insert
fix missing bracket after config in docopt
Fix missing space after one-line descriptions
fix misspelled hierarchy
fix mistake in readme
fix [more], fix messages, fix import.bash
fix mount patch for apparmor
fix multiline reasons
fix multiword EDITOR (fix #3)
fix nagbar on dashboard & add cursor: pointer
Fix name of plugin and limit response to 65K
fix negative condition in get-tmp-dir
fix nested tests:main calls
fix networking rules patch for apparmor
fix newer evaluation method
fix NewExec method, restore call
fix nil panic & single line padding
fix non-existant pr or repo panic
fix "No rule to make target 'cmdline.o'" error
fix no-schema/no-path URLs
fix npe & add proper description
fix npe when label did not have color
fix null pointerr in ExternalRefChange
fix openssl ca problem
fix ordering of shell args
fix orgalorg docopt about -p
fix -O to run last failed testcase
fix output for commits
fix output of bg pids and cmd
fix override for cmds longer than 1 line
fix package name for debug mode
fix packages in Dockerfile
fix pagination results
fix panic at execution.setupStreams
fix panic when unable to post form
fix params after hostname
fix parseDate for mac (darwin) #25
fix "parse error near end"
Fix parsing options for integration tests
fix passing activity context
fix passing bin from previous image
fix passing command line arguments to remote node (fix #13)
fix passing level in error format
fix passing user into auth
fix pkgname of upwork-latest
fix printf argument escaping
fix push to non-default origin
fix px.go.extract_prev_method_binding_for_cursor
fix quoted strings in cmdline
fix range snippet expansion (remove _)
fix ranging errors channel
fix react state for bb 5.12.0
fix readability of rq-labels-side-panel
fix Reader: it should return EOF
fix readme files and license in it
fix readme limitations
fix readme markdown problem
fix Context call
fix recoloring of existing labels
fix reconnect join only first issue
fix recursing with failed command
fix redirection like '2>&1'
fix regular expression
fix removing matching pair on backspace
fix rgb to 256color conversion
fix right-justify=false cursor position
fix root local package import
fix run-background identifier
fix search filters, scroll page up
fix sending name header
fix sending stdout/stderr, show info message about docker image
fix set html non in ui thread
fix: set Log.Fatal with addNewWords
fix setting job status to failed
fix should_expand_amp
Fix some English/typos
fix source error supression
fix specifying months
fix spinning frame rendering
Fix split args in slice
fix splitting windows in "biggest" mode
fix stdin passing, --pipe flag is required now
fix streaming mode flushing
fix success answer invalid json
fix super modifier in most of apps
fix surround of braces without prefix
fix systemd/aurora-web parameters
fix template.Mode().IsDir()
fix testcase with bracket and body
fix testcase with curly brace
Fix test imports for external test packages (#47)
fix tests, add readme
Fix tests after pluralization-fix in output messages
fix tests & migrate to ssh-test lib
fix tests:mkdir flags pass
fix: ./ all is not running at all
fix tests, use unicode delimiter
fix tmpfs container removal
fix tty error messsage
fix type and else snippets
fix TypeError: must be str, not bytes
fix typo in docopt docs
fix typo in go.snippets
Fix typo in
fix typo in scheme, fix #4
fix typos & generated .gitignore
fix unlock cache for wrong password
fix unreadable servers timeout
fix updating all dependencies
fix updating color issue
fix urls, fix tags for requests
fix usage of rshift-.
fix usage: show only long option for 'help'
fix: use addNewWords with comma-ok idiom
fix, using switch-case statement instead of if + variable name
fix using text/template instead of html/template
fix utf-8 output of non-ascii symbols
fix various bar rendering issues
fix various pagination errors
fix version extracting
fix version to 5.0.0 for release
fix viml type mismatch
fix vim-paste empty file
fix vim-pythonx compatible
fix waiting for containers
fix warning about non-existing file
Fix warning confusing warning message
fix weird require problem
fix weird troubles with import names
fix whitespaces in usage
fix widget binding with other plugins
fix working directory bug
fix wrong block handling order
fix wrong socket condition
fix (x) outline and add duplicate lable message
fix zfs command in readme
#f: join fields with space
flag -s wait until sync
follow logs and send to bus
font: rasterized iosevka + some manual fixes
fonts moved from dotfiles
force bump version to 3.1
force delete umerged branch
format: add comment about work with map
Format lines in 80 characters per line style
format non-string value as string
format: rename placeholder{Arg,Value}
format: rename rawFormat to formatting
format repository address
format: reset placeholders cache
format: SetPlaceholder{,s} should reset replacements
formatter: pass prefix to render instead of placeholder
formatting output + tests
function action_define_method, add snippet s
Function names spaces period (#7)
further integration steps
fuzzy match, fourth param to control it
generate certificate on first run
generate keys per pipeline
generate ssh key and register it
getConfig -> parseConfig, now returns structure Action and Rules
get exit status of *ssh.ExecError, tests using reflect
get_higher_indent should return line w/o indenation
get_last_var_for_snippet and co
get_pair_line: use column!
get_prev_nonempty_line helper
get rid of archived hierr-go package
get rid of broken component-import
get rid of coproc versioning
get rid of "end" keyword
get rid of go generate
get rid of http server since we go to remote server
get rid of old go-fast-build
get rid of on-cd callback
get rid of parser, fix highlighting
get rid of rest api, add json-rpc
Get rid of updating BuildInfo in ring
get shadow entry skeleton
getting selection owner moved to separate function
GET /v1/key/ now returns public RSA key
GetViewById semantic changed
git daemon: add message 'got connection from'
git daemon: close connection, if git-daemon not started
git daemon proxy: checking mirror state and pull
git: drop all env on exec
.gitignore: add .xkm to .gitignore
Gitignore for autogenerated go files improved.
.gitignore: ignore .SRCINFO
.gitignore: ignore sub-sub-directories
gitmon: allow to list for different hostname
gitmon: save to file, show what should pull
git proxy connection: remove debug leftovers
git status icons & align bold period
global: add default setting values
global: add descriptions to settings
global: add hook triggers form
global: add placeholder for js
global: add prefix to element ids
go1.6 compatibility fix
go: 2 spaces in docopt
go: add docopt quick tag
go: added inoremap . for autoimport
go: add /internal/ to default excludes of autoimport
go: add sorting imports by descending length
go: annotations and more
go: anon struct snippet
go: autoimport in insert mode
go: awesome args[ snippet
go: change const version to var in docopt
go: check for space in placeholder
go: check inside in case condition
gocode_get_info patch
go: comment snippet second word expansion
go: completion - workaround for goErr syntax
go: context functions
go: debug function args
go: debug function args docs, add tests
go: d func method fix cursor blinking in neovim (I know the nature of blinks!)
godoc: add docs for status structs
go: do not autoimport in strings
go: dummy fix for ':' inside inline struct
go: enhance comment snippet
go: expand func types
go: extract doc subject
go: fallthrough and default
go: fix autoimport dot in visual block mode
go: fix comment snippet
go: fix error when not in gopath
go: fix expand for \w+.\w+
go: fix gocode complete for functions without returning variables
go: fix heisenbug in aciton_define_method
go: fix indentation, comment doc snippets
go: fix leaking placeholder in i snippet
go: fix priority redeclaration
go: fix wrong tabstops length check add apache-ant add header, fix mention add note about go get
Go generate fail fixed.
go: gocode complete: fix split calls
go: gocode integration
go: group snippets by priority
goimports-improved-git: new patch
go imports & symlinks fixes
go indentation level with specified direction
go: insane == / != / := / nil completion
go: ':' in struct fix
go: is_before_first_func
go: is_if_bracket() strip whitespaces
go->java: CallViewMethod with ints and floats
golang complete func args
go line with same indentation level
go: make autoimport actually work
go: make if snip simpler
go: make type snippets easier
go: match uppercase types as well
go.mod: update colorgful
go.mod: update go-git.v4 & tidy
go.mod: use upstream go-git
go: move init to separate file
go: n func fix cursor blinking in neovim
go: not nil visual auto
go: n, w, se, return.*h, ", ,", case in selects
go: os.environ.get pass empty variables
go.packages: improve guess package name
go: py - fix comment snippet some description
go: remove autoexpand for annotations
go: remove panic, add schema
go: swap arguments in forr
go-tools-git: sync from aur
go: try to identify package name from siblings
go: updates and some improvements
go: updte comma snippets
go-xmpp -> @mattn, add presence, add fail on send
gradle: allow to use implementation
gradle pom: help to find sdk
grammar fixes in readme
grammar variant generator
grep alias with -o and tr
grep: do not override stderr
ha-ha, compilation is for girlz
handle and propagate status request
handle case when device active port updated
handle case when text after cursor is a space
handle case with mixed bracket and letters
handle FallbackSinkUpdated events
handle more cases with enter
handle new aui/select
handler: detect content type
handle redirects to
handle SIGTERM, output stderr to writer
handle tests:eval "echo $1" properly
handle url like
handshake by sending version in first heartbeat
hashsumms for kernel patches
HashTableHandler now pass HashTTL directly to GetRecordByHashedString
hash validator implemented
HashValidator: rework parsing token and hash from uri
HashValidator: send StatusOK
hastur: add filesystem setter
hastur: add query method
hastur,execution: add operation
hastur --free to umount recursively
hastur: improve setters
hastur: rename Create to Start
helpers for } snippet
help: fix headers syntax
hide operations in makefile
highlight format specifier in multiline strings
Highlight install instructions (#40)
highlight on BufEnter
honor verbose level set by set-verbose
HOWTO: developing in Go for Android
how-to-type-faster: link to keypresses calc tool
how-to-type-faster: some miscalculations
how was not this found before
http: rename MirrorServer to ServerHTTP
http: send internal server error if spoofing has been failed
hurrah, it's ugly, but it's works
identifiers: add cutoff when extracting
I don't know what I'm doing exactly, but now it works
if no args passed, cd to base dir
ignore more output from go test runner
ignore second dots in identifiers
ignore specified cards
IgnoreStdout and IgnoreStderr options
ignore tmux no current client error
ignore unexported fields
ignore vgo, fix looking to k8s libraries
Ignore whitespaces option.
i have no idea how it works
implement encryption, change progress logic
implement global locking
implement hierarchical errors
implement macros & includes
implement secret copy
implement snapshot housekeeping
implement view secret button
import all px manually
import.bash: import from git root
import by .sh extension
Import commons-lang as provided scope
import rules into running database
imports: skip packages
imports: skip packages in GOROOT
import without bash extension
improve autoimport speed, x10 faster
improve comma handling in ComponentImport snippet
improve speed of hijack
Inbox mode limit 1000, do not auth if already authorized
inboxMode on steroids
include android support libraries
increase request size to 100M
increase severity for error with accepting connection
increase severity for error with modify date
incremental limit back to big value
Incremential clipboard request test added. It fails now.
incr_max command line parameter added.
ineffassign: fix using panic error
Initial commit (move from another project)
Initial commit with check gid
in json mode output without array if -c present
inline content-disposition
insert before semicolon
Install blankd for parse meta go-import test
install: check by strings.HasPrefix
install hugo-elasticsearch in container
install systemd service
integrate rest api for retrieving suggestions for completion machine technologies
integrate with safe-paste
integration tests added
integration with ssh-agent, fix openssh encrypted keys
introduce Contains() method
Introduce env variable for isFork
introduce ExternalHooksSettings as centralized settings storage
introduce more goto_ funcs, handle /internal/ as corner case
introduce REST-ish API with background job for factory
introduce sidecar container
introduce ssh key factory to speed up pipelines serving
introduce trace level, send current running pipelines
invert noFail in lock structure
iptables: add sould-gitd rules
is_if_condition now handles case too
Issue 3: Simplify and fix permission checks
is_syntax_string now check deeply
java: 100 column limit
java: add snippet for js
java: fix guess_package_name_from_file_name, add reflect snippet
java: fix public class snippet
java: guess package name
java: guess type based on current dir
java snippets for package
js: add color validation
js: add load defaults & add section in admin
js: add loader for defaults
js: disable save & add message
js: do not allow new labels on repo view
js: fix checking duplicates for new labels
js: fix minifying and non-dev bb 5.0.2
js: fix restoration of previous color
js: implement settings save/apply
js: include repository id
js: load/collect settings
js: refactor loading state
js: simplify chained promises
kdgetled returned old data, fixed by keeping state
keep process exit code even on long output
keys: trim input data
lazy render, reshape/clear msgs, refactor
less bright SpecialKeys (for indentation)
less ugly clock faces
let's admit, trimStyles was a mistake
license checks improvements
license & go report card badge
Limited repository change only to working path
limit threading capabilities & flag -d
line is now numbering from 0
line length: display filename
lint: receiver name should be a reflection of its identity
lint: using var instead make with len 0
linux-apparmor: add bc as dependency
linux-apparmor: fixed broken 3.9.9 kernel
list @akitsul in the contributors list
list child pids in reverse order
List created pr in `ash inbox`
listening port without address
list labels on dashboard
list: sort by token name
list tokens from specified pool
list web scenarios as well as web items
little code style fix
little message refactor
LoadTemplates: remove excessive return value
log: change default formatting, fix placeholder time name
log: change default logging level to INFO
log event if got something unexpected
logger, format: additional mutex
login: add loader indicator
log: indent lines using lorg
log: initiate defaultFormat with DefaultFormatting const
log: prevent stack levels difference
log: trim styles before indent
loop by rule instead of loop by modifications
looping for media player
lorg: calculate indent properly
lots of useful java snippets
lower cased progress indicators
lowercase for anchors url
lvl3+rshift/lshift -> layout change
lvl5+1234qwerdf -> 12345567890
lxc: added apparmor profile
major usability changes
make: add build section
make: add eclipe-clean
make `alias +x=chmod +x` works
make assert-* work as expected with empty string
make commit more flexible by checking -m
make: compile libs only on source change
make container address error more detailed
make: doc target added to Makefile
make Examples header more important
makefile added with two targets: xcsyncd and xcsyncd_debug
Makefile: remove dependencies
makefile to make
make: fix dependency on check_gengetopt
make flag -O to work with many files
make grep call POSIX compatible (fix #2)
make hastur compatible with containers.bash
make it compatible with datacenter bitbucket
make it free and open source
make marvex cosmically fast again
make most complex aliases work
make possible to read stdin & password
make: prepare for adding archs for other phones
make prompt more responsible
make redirection operators works the best
make 'review' command optional
make: run@version to run on specific bb version
make -s flag optional by supporting SRV
makeShadowFfileRecord removed
make shell-like path expansion
make tests pass and update readme
make-tmp-dir: add -p flag
manual build as default version signature
mark as compatible with dc
markdown: header & other
mark managed containers using labels, remove by labels
marvex: add dependency: tmux
marvex: rework pkgbuild
matchadd: use exactly string
media: add txt file with descriptions
member variables should have two var name
mention slack community
menu key as level5 switch
merge grain ttl and RecentClientsTTL to HashTTL
meta: fix newline handling
-m for split most bigger window mode
migrate dotfile snippets
migrate to loreley TTY detection
millisecond instead of microsecond
minor bug with output
Minor fixes in README
minor fix in
mkdir, cp, put, put-string fail testcase on error
Modified PKGBUID from coping extra modules to doing symlink
Modified sha256sum for linux-3.16.1
mod+y->mod+t for insert, ralt+[] for ins/del
moe uvozhenie, @zazab
more aggressive rnu disable
more benchmarks about Queue
more compatibility with data-center
more constant blue for ›
more fixes and tests for tracking pairs
more indentation for visibility
more method chaining support
more obvious names for functions
more packages in image
more smart pre-commit
more verbose messages
mount patch fixes for support linux >= 4.7
Move addNewWords to new function
move all global python code to python file
move all slave works to structure MirrorSlave
move build function to pythonx dir
move chown to new function
move code to cmd/aurorad/, prepare for client
move CompileMarkdown to package
move Context to AddContext
move cursor to syntax error
move deps check to separate file/function
Moved getting max builds string to var section
move docopt to python module
move globals to locals
Move homebrew formula
move hostRegexp to global state
move license to target/ dir, make LicenseValidator abstract of plugin key
move lock to connect, add long connections warning
move reddit ads to media
move sink to cmd/sink/
move source js to src/main/js
move threads size debug
Move wellKnownSites variable before functions
music resources playback controlling
mutex to lock, to Locker type
-n did not work for no-push mode
New flag: score_dirs; Performance tunings
new logo, trim secret clipboard data
NewOutput must return *Output
NewOutput must return SmartOutput
next_line should be less then vim buffer
nginx.conf: fix referer
[[ ]] -\> [ -n ] in get-tmp-dir
no auto colorscheme change
nodejs-nomnoml-cli: .gitignore pushed
noise: not loud drill
noises: change formatting + new noise
noises: saw supression
no more installation, just plugin
no netctl (don't remember why)
non-privileged users can now specify executables
Not always pluralize in output messages
not compatible for dc since not tested
note about installation
note about installation --amend
notifications handlers dedicated to functions. added free_event method
<no translation found> to stderr
: now can detect structure
Now lastBuild points to last build, not on position where next build would be
Now using container/ring.Ring as storage for last builds
nspawn: do not pass environment variables
num-of-lines can be empty
obtain height of token items once
-O flag for subdirectories
omit empty context in json
one more attempt to put codeblock into codeblock in MD
oops, fix short container names
OpenHashTable should seek file offset after reading first line
operating on latest data, session feature
operating on users groups
optimization for getTasks method
optimizations: parse rev only in head, read machine-id as file
order labels by item_id, fix unordered unique sets
orgalorg-sink: expect HELLO
--origin flag support
--output=- now creates temp file and outputs name
override bash file completion for commands
overwrite color if label already created
package and func with makefile
package-wide functions too
page create, extended format, & permission lock
pam-eye-git: rename from pam-eye
parse and use --kubeconfig flag, fix #9
parse comments with binding to line
Parse meta[name=go-import] tag for not-well-known sites
parsing stash diff answer
partial implementation of add repo
pass base name of os.Args[0] instead of full os.Args[0]
pass identifier to gocode get info
pass metalinter checks
pass os stderr to pacstrap
pass standard file descriptors
performance gain: do not treat generator as list
perl: do not cut ending newline before test
php: add missing get_last_used_identifier func
php: fix get_identifier_under_cursor
php get_last_var_for_snippets with custom pattern
picker now a list of cmd plus arguments
pipe: fix bug with assert-exitcode namespace
pipeline cancelation, use task
pkgbuild: add gcflag for striping path
pkgbuild allow to pass PKGVER
pkgbuild: allow to specify git branch
pkgbuild: bump {make,}depends directive
pkgbuild: fix pkgdesc
pkgbuild: set env variable GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT
placeholders: add placeholderFile
placeholders: add placeholderLevel
placeholders: add placeholderLine
placeholders: add placeholderTime
placeholders: cache for level placeholder
placeholders: export default placeholders
placeholders (file,level), tests: fix runtime stack caller
placeholders: now can align your level string
placeholders: rename const for call stack level
placeholders: short level strings + align to right
placeholders: use const for getting caller info
poe: examine only go files
pom: bump patch version
possible fix ctrl-w in subshell after zsh upgrade
pre-commit should count current commit too
Prefer https and git+ssh over plain git protocol
prettier status milestone format
prevent destination directory corrupting
preventing cross-device link error
preventing read arbitrary file
prevent matchem to eat ) ] } after ', '
primary selection data copying and clipboard request handling
print about success operations
print container name after creating
print container name if name is autogenerated
print created terminal tmux session
print debug about target namespace
print error if no comment found
print filename for debug leftovers
print i3-nagbar stdout/stderr to log
print index status before commit
print layouts by states
print layouts groupped by mods
print pretty message if command line is :fu: up
prioritize already used imports
prioritize order of binding more than any specific kind of binding
process uri path as part of url
project: set GitIgnore to /.gtm/
propagate stdin in asynchronous mode #98
proper debug from bg processes
proper debug output to stderr
proper error reporting on container remove
properly catch exit errors
properly format errors
properly format output on >0 exit code
properly handle cases when no packages matched to ...
properly handle SIGINT/SIGTERM and gracefully shutdown
properly marshal error type
properly tag as latest
properply detect context.Canceled error from docker
proper stop on -d flag
protocol: fix bool, rework open command & add docs
protocol: fix bool serialize fix error reply fix formatting small changes
prototype for proxing git protocol
proxy connection: fix typo, remove unused if statement
proxy connection: remove unused isLocalToRemote var
proxy: rework transfering data between git daemon and client
pull: add ssh+git scheme
pull before pushing while syncing
pull image before creating container
pull modules in parallel
pulse: fix package url
push: fix duplicate arguments
push only if reason is not nil
/push/ refactoring and remote detection
put command: support exclusive regions
px all now can complete vars
px.libs() returns all libraries
px: remove libs() dirty hack
python: fix basic code
python: fix basic snippets
python: indenting fix - 3 to 4
query: breaking changes
query: print only root imports
query: use storage engine for handling rootfs
Query with go-get param.
quickfix for import cycles
quickfix: goto undefined identifier
quick fix of tx snippet
quick note about fast typing
raise exception if cant reset super
ralt is more easy to type
read environment variables
read /etc/machine-id instead of disks
read from without [:]
read home dir through syscall
README: about runkirc
readme: add example for running shell
README: add loading image
readme: add note about mongodb backend
readme: add note about strict mode
readme: add notes about using editors
readme: add placeholder level
readme: add placeholder time, line, file
readme: add trick for gitlab, add note about cloud
readme: add underline tag
readme: arch linux, god bless me
README: batch + kindle usage
readme: center diagram
readme: completely go-gettable
readme: done godoc, add code review
README: fix concurrent mode example
readme: fix image tag
readme: fix syntax highlight for vim
readme: fix toc paths
readme.markdown: minor typos (#22) about installation add differences with bracketed paste add examples add '...' in reference add motivation add new note add note about project add reference add settings add some advanced tips add tips and tricks back to xft basic info fix formatting fix imap call fix init instructions fix mailcap entries fix markdown fix path to main.go fix socat command example fix synopsis fix tables fix typo in firebase call formatting in Extension gif re-recorded how to insert important note about modules little fixes little stylistic fixes minor fixes MIT license (fix #7) more sharp picture move preview to up move reference to top need to go deeper quotes in table remove duplicate line remove old joke remove strict link with Jira remove var rescale picture right align image s/go git/go get/ shorten line to fit picture small about small fixes style fixes update for new commands update screenshot update state what package provides
readme: remove tab prefix
README: sections reorder, s/go/Go/
readme: set code style
README: Update arch setup link
README: update link to docs site
readme: update options
read password from stdin
really complete still unused vars
really swap lshift and lalt
recent clients identificator should check token
recv gpg keys, add spotify key
redirect stderr from background ash
redraw editor after commiting changes
refactor acquireDistributedLock
refactor and add ls-reviews cmd
refactor correct code
Refactor dependency calculations (#31)
refactor duplicate assertion conditions
refactoring and check on errors
refactoring (DiffComments -> FileComments)
refactoring + inbox mode
refactoring: incrtransfer structure typedef -> incrtransfer_t
refactoring: move username/password to config
refactoring: no need in print_selection function.
refactoring: no redundant conversion request
refactoring: removed redundant checks, changed variables types
refactor main goroutine order
refactor: remove unused code
refactor rpc calls and ListViews method
refactor using coproc.bash insert newlines
refix calculating when now > full but < full_design
reformat code with palantir-java-format
reformat docopt, add query rootfs and ip opts
reformat safe-mode help message
regenerate go-makepkg-git
register-spawner and keep-containers
remote: catch session errors
remote: escape arguments
remote: fix escaping single quote
remove adding extension
remove {bg 0 } special meaning
remove binary xcf from repo
remove /bitbucket/ from master_address
remove bogus {} block
remove debug & add better gif
remove debug and add return exit code
remove debug from util
remove debug leftovers
remove debug messages
remove debug, trim spaces, fix vim insert command
remove default bingings, update README
remove defer in repo.go
remove dependency from spinner
remove --depth option
removed extra nesting
Removed from LXC changing memory use_hierarchy flag
remove dummy Close method from protocol
remove duplicate code
remove empty strings from output
Remove error structures
Remove example plugin components
remove excessive argument from list call
remove excessive arguments from connect
remove excessive newlines
remove @exitcode from shdoc
remove extra compinit
remove extra stat call
remove fixed version of types.bash
remove forgotten debug output
remove & from unassigned tesst
remove function prefix & git-smart-checkout
remove goquery, check is authorized in login func
remove hardcode ssh key path
remove import cycle from exports
remove incompatible features
remove indenting and fix cleaning
remove installing gometalinter dependencies
remove keys for make rr
remove leading / in output
remove legacy helpers
remove locks for lorg, looks like it thread safe
remove magic +1 in getting under cursor
remove make statement
Remove old modules coping
remove old tests, add new
remove old tests, add test slave_create_repository
remove › on concealed prompts, breaks WORD delimit
remove outdated info from
remove pair is now fixed
Remove pointer from BuildInfo
remove redundant list imports
remove redundant snippets
Remove references to non-existent *-common packages
remove reference to identifier
Remove second Ring pointer
remove snips libraries laoding
remove speedtouch, add netctl
Remove state and do not embed template
remove suffix .bash in help message
remove term, add gitgutter, fix unite
remove that useful advice by Linus
remove toolbar_main leftovers
remove unneeded defers
remove unneeded err check
remove unneeded http.Server, use http.ListenAndServe instead
remove unneeded source import.bash
remove unused includes
remove var Discarder, add NewDiscarder() Logger
remove warn message about missing dev license
remove zgen stuff from readme
remove zsh autosuggestion suffix
rename action methods to start with 'handle'
rename bash snippets file
rename counter variables
Renamed vars for consistent naming
rename execution package, use embedding
rename GetLayoutId->GetLayoutById
rename grasp method to clone
rename hash ttl argument
rename --host to --url
rename label/unlabel methods, fix duplicated slash
rename marvex to marvex-git
rename methods for determine format
rename mirror state table file
rename mk-tmp-dir to make-tmp-dir
rename options for rsa block size
rename package to cog
rename package to lexec-go
rename parent to stack
rename password to token
rename pool to thread_pool
rename remote command error message
rename repo to zsh-smart-kill-word
rename servers upstream file
rename snippet t to tx
Rename s to selection
rename to vim-test and add dummy readme
rename uniqAddress function
Renew config to 3.16.0-2 kernel version with apparmor
Renewed config for 3.15.4-1
reorder binding extraactors
reorder examples and change slogan in readme
replace hastur with docker
Replace regexp for github anchor
replying hashes by http + interval security
report errors on invalid diff
repositories/create: setup git remote
repository getHash should not be aware of pools
require login after a timeout
reserve and use reserved terminals
reset colors before prompt
resolve import cycle & loggedexec
resolve number of hosts
resolve shellcheck issues
restore custom user feature
restore deleted lines from readme
restore go build in run_tests.bash
restore -- it need for -v
restore pkgver and pkgrel
restore removed timeout setup
restore setuid feature with using SYS_SETREUID instead of SYS_SETUID
retrieve environment variables and push them to container
Return bad request when build was failed
return exit status of the command
return if cursor inside the string
return only ASCII and UTF-8 strings for requests. ASCII string as default.
Revert "add ability to set context for err"
Revert "change page title"
Revert "Consider a new line character in the size of the record"
Reverted setuid functionality
revert git clean stuff, fix #15
revert license checks for pre-receive and merge-check
revert private :import:source function
review fixes (step 2)
reword error message about lock failure
rework broadcasting and reading
rework debug printings
rework devices listener, fix grouping by state
rework directory structure
rework ExternalHooksSettings using DAO
rework map labels method
rework missing field message
rework of background processes output
rework progress indication
rewrite to be more versatile
rewrote help message like man page
rewrote keys, add router
rewrote reload-config test, added sighup handler
rewrote run:background
rewrote tests_{diff,background}
rewrote writeShadows() with temporary file and rename
rm upwork-latest .gitignore
run command against matched resources
runner should able to run single testcase
run snake-runner in docker
run testcases recursively, remove global setup
run_tests: different bash support
run_tests: remove _base_dir
run_tests: report deps errors to stderr to run all testcases
run_tests: use .bash suffix in import statements
run_tests: use import namespace
save everything in cache
save tags to tmp directory
scan packages using go list
scan symlink directories
script for printing glyphs list
sdk bindings for all view classes
sdk methods now returns normal types
search for curModelID instead of hardcoded one
search & moremsg - more contrast
search specified profiles
see subdirectories if -s passed
send all job related errors to ci
send keys as one command
send startedAt and finishedAt field for pipeline/job
send started_at/finished_at fields
separate factory and walker
separate local and remote
separate mark into packages
separate to other pull-request
separate RepoList, RepoTokenList, SyncThread, disable auto focus
serialize light packet, seeding monk
serialize packet, packet signature
set finished_at for failed jobs
set recv/send timeouts only after command start
set request timeout to 2 seconds instead of 20
set Special and SpecialKey colors
setting html in text views
set version to 6.2.0-1
shadowd hosts upstream
shadowd should not be aware of pools
sh: correct nesting via extends
sh: debug should append to file
sh: debug snippet (pr)
shdoc: from git to https
shellwords does not support parsing <placeholder>
sh: lower priority of set surround & if snip
shorter aliases & sort/uniq/wc
short slack format and today info
should_expand_map rewrote
show api summary for / page
show debug info for preparations
show examples in docs
show hostname in triggers
Show '<missing>' if trigger has no hosts
show msg about missing configuration, require registration token
show presence/broadcast msgs in debug mode
show properly message on stop-background
show source branch names instead of target
show star label for active tariff
show stash status in git repo
sh: smarter if, local and function snippets
sh: snippet alias for debug to file
silence container list
<silent> option added
simplify code & allow use of nil context
simplify getKarma func after moving out from func
simplify import process
simplify pipeline and job processor, send job logs
simplify variable names
skeletons: add java and some old systemd/sh
skeletons: bash, go, vue
slightly compact inbox output
small refactoring & table collapse fix
smart conceal mode and more
smart mcabber multiline paste
snippets: expand by placeholders, super!
snippets: expand from expansion
snippets: jumper for jump to placeholders
snippets: jump helper to placeholders (px>=1.0.0)
snippets: pass optional should_skip
snippets: simplify snippet expander
snippets: snippet for adding px.libs()
some fixes in runcmd_test.go and
some history modifications
some more documentation
some refactoring after review
some rename stuff and print skeleton
so: PHONE or emulator
sort configuration in help
sort errors by filename, current file should be first
sort namespaces for getting smaller names first
sort testcases by modify date
source testcase file in subshell
special method for setting up hastur bridge
specify default for -d flag
specify default stop-streak
specify repository directory in every git command
specify terminal path as template
speedup context matching
speedup file change & exit
speed up image building, show status for finished job
speed up list/search of tokens
spinner.go: Add support for windows
split import-namespace code
split js: order matters
split_parenthesis: smarter
split tokens into res/login pairs, enable ssh key
spl-linux and wpa_actiond don't exist
s/Same,/Same/ in shdoc
ssh: make truncate more obvious
ssl certificate in listen mode
start global variables from underscore
start login shell if no args given
status: properly format response, add tests
status: rework encoding, add tests for master
StdinPipe(),StdoutPipe() now can return error
steps in direction of logs service
stop coproc before killing
stop streaks, workaround for fixing too many requests error
storage: create directory before mount
stream: indirect written data
streams: pass mutex into writers
strip ansi codes from output error
struct selection added to hold all information about single selection.
stub for return values from sdk
style: fix padding for token list
style: increase paddings for phones
style: make toolbar text & icons black again
stylistic changes in
subscribe command, keyboard input
substitute '$1' in item names
sudo now wraps all command
support for user repos
support ... in go get, fix #9
support multiple master caches based on repo path
support run_tests inside tests/
supress find error messages
supress git status errors
survive symlinks again
swap columns in inbox mode
Switched pacstrap to use host package cache.
switch to colorgful & barely, add upload status
sxhkd-git: fix installing systemd service
sxhkd-git: readme added
symbols: add esc-to-tilde
symbols: swap rshift and ralt
sync: add exclusive lock
sync changelog with docs
sync changelog with docs: formatting & imgs
sync: cleanup local changes after successful sync
sync: do not wait lock
synchronization modes added
sync tool: add CURRENT flag to NODE message
systemd: add aurora-web
systemd: add ExecReload to sould.service
systemd: add sould-gitd rules
systemd combatibility: run systemd-machine-id-setup
systemd: fix sould-gitd port param
systemd: Requires=sould-gitd.service in sould.service
systemd snippets added
systemd: units for sould and sould-gitd added
table: add --no-confirm option
table: catch stty errors
tags: generatee if not found
tags: remove extension in tag file name
TARGETS request handling added
taskfile-git: add zsh completion
tell me, have you seen the Yellow Sign?
TEMP: goguibind conceived.
.template files and .template directories, docs and tests updated
templates directory source changed
templates, tests: add template functions
temprorary copy README to DOCS
test and other snippets
/testcases/ same begin and end conditions
test for previous comit
testing braces autocorrection
testing scroll layout
test-runner.bash msut be imported using import.bash
tests: add 3 new bugs
tests: add basic tests
tests: add expect dependency test
tests: add simple testcase
tests: add ssh key with truncating
tests: add testcase for NewDiscarder
tests: add testcase for --recursive flag
tests: add which check
tests: assert http error
tests_background rewrote
tests: basic framework
tests: change funcs order in format_test.go
tests: change password
tests: combine status testcases by format
tests:describe to colorize output
tests_diff_blank (todo: documment)
tests_do does nothing on verbose=3
tests: do not change password if shadows does not match
tests: empty status servers
_tests_eval_and_capture_output: save exit status
tests: fake stack for placeholders
tests: fix compatibility with run-background
tests: fixes after adding new features
tests: fix --recursive testcase
tests: fix running sshd, need to generate host keys
tests: fix tests with same begin and end
tests for git daemon proxy feature
tests for unique/group execution added
tests: generate hash table
_tests_init to tests:init
tests: list tokens in pool
tests: mass fix line length
tests: master with slaves
tests: merge placeholder_test and format_test files
tests/mongodb: add ssh key
tests/mongodb: add ssh key with truncating
tests/mongodb: various basic tests
tests: next requests for hash must return another hash
tests:pipe - get command stdout and stderr
tests: -Q flag instead of -L
tests: refactor testcase TestLog_Fatal_ExitWithCode1
tests: remove excessive backslash
tests: rename status testcases
tests: retrieve hash for token
tests: retrieve ssh keys for token
tests: rewrite func names, comment about func comparison
tests: separate pull testcases
tests: separate secure testcases
tests: separate tar testcases
tests: status for master with invalid slaves
tests: upgrade all testcases
tests: use assert.Len() instead of assert.Equal()+len()
tests: use runtime for testing placeholderLine
tests: using assert.New, prevent passing *testing.T
tests: validate that stderr is returned from sync
tests:value call pipe and set stdout with given variable name
tests: wow, unexpected shebang bash
themes: fix fatal msg on light background
threads equals cpu count by default
<till> instead of <duration>
todo about buffer and package signs
todo snippet & new ts snippets
todo-to-md: converting TODOs into issue
toggle set -x .. set +x
trigger error about not defined required subfields only in required fields
trigger if sync was failed
trigger PreReceive/AsyncPostReceive on File Edit (web ui commit)
trim newline in code example
trim spaces in err output when exec failed
trim suffix / from base_url of config value
try import if source file not found
trying link for build badge
trying to fix compatibility with bash 4.4
trying to fix stacktrace
trying to fix this issue
trying to get sensors values
try merge with remote update and merge strategy
try preload and force fetchtype
try to kill with sigkill
try to properly umount everything
try use import:source or source import.bash
Two new toggles: result caching and include details in tooltip
type bullet with rshift-8
type snippets should jump if used after name
typo: copy-paste typo
ui: decorate with admin settings
UIThreadCaller and Typer moved to separate classes.
unbuffer some output, proper bg stop
unify makefile targets
unset defined functions
update & add screenshots
update cache on exec change
Update config and linux.install to 3.16.1
update coproc (kill fix)
update default deck model id
Updated link to zsh-async
update docs, basic configuration and api
Updated version to 1.3-7
update executil library path
update go.mod & change button styles
update hierr dependency
Update kernel to 3.14.5-1
update libraries links
update link to official documentation
update peers list, remove connections limit
Update (#36)
Update add latest version.
update runcmd: no panic on stream getters
Update screenshots and
Update shdoc to be the same as original shdoc repository
Update the integration test for meta go-import to use blankd
update to latest version of coproc
Update to the 5.0 APIs, and now pass in the quarantine environment variables
Update tubekit release version
update version to 2.0
upgrade test-runner.bash
upgrade the prols conf
upgrate to appcompat 1.1.0
usability: show long label after hover
usage comment removed
usage: fix docopt tabs
usage: use string replacer
use instead of hostname
use active card if "active" specified
use active window in smart split
use bash as shell if can, introduce CI_ variable
use buffer for string concate
use const for zero hash
use default blue color
Use default GOOS and allow to specify GOOS on cmd-line
use diff instead of for loop
use docker containers instead of atlas-run
use embedding in ItemHistory
use embedding with basic review activity actions
use ExternalHooksSettings instead of Settings
use faster way of hijack
use fork of hugo-elasticsearch
use Fprint instead of Fprintf
use full path to coproc.bash library
use full window address
use /gate/ instead of /runner/
use GetProjectRepositories instead of GetRepositories
use git credentials as pkgbuild maintainer by default
use git+ssh instead of ssh+git
use go-fast-compile instead of slowest go build
use goldfinger, separate login activity
use "hack" for method go#complete#GetInfo which sucks
use /home/operator/.secrets as default directory
use internal context storage
use items instead of py2 iteritems
use karma-go insetad of ser-go
use local packages for autoimport first
use log.Fatal instead of panic in main func
use lorg instead of stdlib log
use multiple threads to collect info
use new executer, lorg logger and hierarchical errors
use our patched gradle-android-eclipse
use PATH for android toolchain
use poll through /proc because not enough permissions to signal 0 root processes
use prefixwriter instead of copy/paste code
use PullRequestLabelsTreeResponse instead of PullRequestLabelsMapResponse for dashboard
use %q instead of %#v in debug
use safeRepoURL instead of repoURL
use separate styles for trailing lines
use ser instead of hierr
Use slf4j for logging errors
use slices to prevent sorting problems
use %s to prevent EXTRA messages
use strings.NewReplacer instead of mass replace
use system level for service
use tcp as control connection
use token instead of user + pool
use ultisnips upstream
use ViewHolder for RepoList
use yellow color as primary
using basename tool instead of -printf flag
using GoImport instead of call GoSwitchImport
using new changes in go-yota package
utilize docker containers
utils: add shadowc-change-password
v2.0: a lot of refactoring
v: 4.0, be in quiet mode by default
valid tmux client detection
value: ensures command success
value: quote variables
various go and sh snippets fixes
various improvements and tests
various improvements (hierarchical errors, logging)
various improvements, logger, hieararchical errors
version: global variable, bump to 1.4
view code generation: first steps
vim-java-completion: added
vim-java-completion: fix newlines
visual & linenr: less contrast
wait-file-changes: add debug, run using pipe
wait file changes, some fixes
wait-file-matches: tests and docs
wait in goroutine to prevent zombies
wait: return executil.Error
warnings, wildmenu, no standout
web: add 2 new helpers
web: buffer response to prevent superfluous response.WriteHeader call
we_handle_selection -> find_selection(). selection owner checks added
well, it fixes something
well, that was not so easy
what was this import for at all
what? we are missing decrease for package-wide
which diff-so-fancy suppress output
whitespaces: match indent accepts direction
whitespaces: some fixes
whoops, fix default TLS settings
who watches the watchmen?
[WIP] parsing options section
wooow, fix async process redirection
workaround against broken EventListener
workaround broken diff algorithm in us
workaround for infinite go list in HOME directory
'working out bg processes issues'
working under matcher regexps
working with coproc hangs
wow, close is faster than send struct{}{}
wow, fix failing test
wow, it's actually did not work properly
wow, such fast: switch to another layout
write changelog even in dry-run mode
write error message to stderr
write output to global defined file
xargs: do not run if no data
xargs: use {} if it's passed on cmdline
xfixes events handling, property changes handling
xml: fix duplicated ids
xxx: remove debug message
yet another rewriting getMirrorParams
yota.Yota to yota.Client
zero modifier: shift or ctrl can be pressed prior
zfs: check container already has fs
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