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Created August 22, 2011 20:13
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Hbase Client Wrapper (scanner part)
# Scanner-related methods
def self.open_scanner(table, params)
scanner = nil
scanner = client(table).scannerOpenWithPrefix(table, params[:prefix], params[:columns]) if params[:prefix]
scanner = client(table).scannerOpenWithStop(table, params[:start_id], params[:stop_id], params[:columns]) if params[:stop_id]
scanner ||= client(table).scannerOpen(table, params[:start_id], params[:columns])
return scanner
# Scans a set of rows emitting one row at a time
def self.scan_rows(table, params = {})
raise ArgumentError, "No block given" unless block_given?
return {} unless enable_reads?(table)
hbase = client(table)
# Default params
params = {
:start_id => '', # start from the beginning
:columns => [], # retrieve all the columns
:rows_per_batch => 1, # retrieve rows one by one
:limit => 0 # retrieve all rows
# Open a scanner
scanner = retryable(:times => 5, :on => Thrift::Exception) do
open_scanner(table, params)
limit = params[:limit]
loop do
# Get rows from the scanner
rows = retryable(:times => 5, :on => Thrift::Exception) do
hbase.scannerGetList(scanner, params[:rows_per_batch])
# ... until it is empty
break if rows.empty?
# ... and feed them to the caller one at a time
rows.each do |row|
columns = columns_to_hash(row.columns)
yield(row.row, columns)
# If 0 was passed as limit, it will never be 0 again, so it means "no limit"
limit -= 1
break if limit == 0
# Stop retrieving rows if limit reached.
break if limit == 0
# Close the scanner
if hbase && scanner
hbase.scannerClose(scanner) rescue nil
def self.columns_to_hash(columns)
return {} unless columns
result = {}
columns.each do |column, cell|
result[column] = cell.value
return result
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