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Created September 25, 2013 21:27
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Save kovyrin/6706275 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '0.03';
use File::Find qw(find);
use Getopt::Long;
use YAML;
my $STORAGE_SCHEMAS = '/opt/graphite/conf/storage-schemas.conf';
my $STORAGE_PATH = '/opt/graphite/storage/whisper/';
my $WHISPER_INFO = '/usr/bin/';
my $WHISPER_RESIZE = '/usr/bin/';
die "$STORAGE_SCHEMAS not found!\n"
unless ( -e "$STORAGE_SCHEMAS" );
my ( $reallyrun, $help, $noop ) = ( 0, 0, 0 );
'r|reallyrun' => \$reallyrun,
'h|help' => \$help,
'n|noop' => \$noop,
usage() and exit(0) if ($help || !($reallyrun || $noop));
# take the current schemas flle and ...
or die "Unable to open: $!\n";
my $schemas_string = join q{}, <$SCHEMAS_FILE>;
# ... convert it to yaml because writing a parser was overkill
$schemas_string =~ s/\[([\w-]+)\]/ - name: $1/gm;
foreach (qw( priority pattern retentions )) {
$schemas_string =~ s/($_) =/ $1:/gm;
$schemas_string =~ s/$_: (.+)/$_: "$1"/gm;
# use an array here because the actual order is very important to us
my @retentions = YAML::Load($schemas_string);
# recursively go over the whisper files
# and update them according to the schemas
my $dir = $STORAGE_PATH;
sub {
if (/\.wsp$/) {
my $full_path = $File::Find::name;
my $graphite_name = graphitify($full_path);
foreach my $retention (@retentions) {
# we only want the first matched type
my ($match) = grep { $graphite_name =~ /$_->{pattern}/ } @{$retention};
next unless ( $match->{name} );
my $current_retention = get_retention($full_path);
if ( $current_retention ne $match->{retentions} ) {
printf "Name:\t\t%s\n", $graphite_name;
printf "Matched:\t\%s (%s)\n", $match->{name}, $match->{pattern};
printf "Current:\t%s\n", $current_retention;
printf "Proposed:\t%s\n", $match->{retentions};
# strip any commas out
my $new_retention = $match->{retentions};
$new_retention =~ s/,/ /g;
if ($reallyrun) {
system( "$WHISPER_RESIZE $full_path $new_retention" );
`chown graphite:graphite $full_path`;
`chown graphite:graphite $full_path.bak`;
print "\n";
else {
printf "Would Run:\t%s %s %s\n\n", $WHISPER_RESIZE,
$full_path, $new_retention;
sub graphitify {
# from: /opt/graphite/storage/whisper/server/name/type/datapoint.wsp
# to:
my $path = shift;
$path =~ /^$STORAGE_PATH(.+)\.wsp$/;
$path = $1;
$path =~ s/\//\./g;
return $path;
sub get_retention {
my $path = shift;
my $output = `$WHISPER_INFO $path`;
my @retentions;
while ( $output =~ m/Archive \d+\nretention: \d+\nsecondsPerPoint: (\d+)\npoints: (\d+)\nsize: \d+\noffset: \d+\n/g ) {
my $sec_pp = $1;
my $points = $2;
my $period = $points * $sec_pp;
if ($sec_pp >= 86400) {
$sec_pp = ($sec_pp / 86400) . "d";
} elsif ($sec_pp >= 3600) {
$sec_pp = ($sec_pp / 3600) . "h";
} elsif ($sec_pp >= 60) {
$sec_pp = ($sec_pp / 60) . "m";
} else {
$sec_pp = $sec_pp . "s";
if ($period >= 31536000) {
$period = ($period / 31536000) . "y";
} elsif ($period >= 86400) {
$period = ($period / 86400) . "d";
} elsif ($period >= 3600) {
$period = ($period / 3600) . "h";
} elsif ($period >= 60) {
$period = ($period / 60) . "m";
} else {
$period = $period . "s";
push @retentions, "$sec_pp:$period";
return join(',', @retentions);
sub usage {
print <<'USAGE';
Force Schemas - simple tool to enforce current retention policies and schemas on your Graphite installation
Usage: [options]
options are as follows :
-h, --help : display this help message
-r, --reallyrun : actually process and modify whisper databases
-n, --noop : default- runs in noop mode, showing you the commands that would be run
exit 0;
=head1 NAME
Force Schemas
A simple tool to enforce current retention policies and schemas
for your Graphite installation.
High Level Overview:
- Grab all schema info as set in $GRAPHITE_BASE/$STORGE_SCHEMAS
- Run through all Whisper databases as defined in $GRAPHITE_BASE/$STORAGE_PATH
- Run /usr/bin/ against them
- Match the database's name with the storage schema
- If the schema is up to date, nothing happens, otheriwse it runs /usr/bin/ against it
NOTE: /usr/bin/ creates a .bak file. After you've verified that your data has copied
over correctly, be sure to delete all of them!
=head1 USAGE [options]
=item -h, --help : display this help message
=item -r, --reallyrun : actually process and modify whisper databases
=item -n, --noop : default; runs in noop mode, showing you the commands that would be run
=head1 EXAMPLE
Here is an example of it being --reallyrun
$ --reallyrun
Matched: everything_1min_3_years (.*)
Current: 60:1577846
Proposed: 60:129600,3600:26280
Retrieving all data from the archives
Creating new whisper database: /opt/graphite/storage/whisper/server/name/type/datapoint_a.wsp.tmp
Created: /opt/graphite/storage/whisper/server/name/type/datapoint_a.wsp.tmp (18934180 bytes)
Migrating data...
Renaming old database to: /opt/graphite/storage/whisper/server/name/type/datapoint_a.wsp.bak
Renaming new database to: /opt/graphite/storage/whisper/server/name/type/datapoint_a.wsp
Matched: everything_1min_3_years (.*)
Current: 60:12345
Proposed: 60:1577846
Retrieving all data from the archives
Creating new whisper database: /opt/graphite/storage/whisper/server/name/type/datapoint_b.wsp.tmp
Created: /opt/graphite/storage/whisper/server/name/type/datapoint_b.wsp.tmp (18934180 bytes)
Migrating data...
Renaming old database to: /opt/graphite/storage/whisper/server/name/type/datapoint_b.wsp.bak
Renaming new database to: /opt/graphite/storage/whisper/server/name/type/datapoint_b.wsp
And an example of it being run with no options or --noop
$ --noop
Matched: everything_1min_3_years (.*)
Current: 60:1577846
Proposed: 60:129600,3600:26280
Would Run: /usr/bin/ /opt/graphite/storage/whisper/server/name/type/datapoint_a.wsp 60:129600 3600:26280
Matched: everything_1min_3_years (.*)
Current: 60:12345
Proposed: 60:1577846
Would Run: /usr/bin/ /opt/graphite/storage/whisper/server/name/type/datapoint_b.wsp 60:1577846
=head1 AUTHOR
Jeremy Jack <>
This work was sponsored by my employer, (mt) Media Temple, Inc.
=head1 LICENSE
This program is free software distributed under the Artistic License 2.0.
The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this software.
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