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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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Save kowey/ca70b20e18876144e8e0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"sandbox for attelo development"
from __future__ import print_function
from itertools import chain
import codecs
import itertools
import six
from tabulate import tabulate
import numpy
from import (load_labels, load_model)
from attelo.table import (UNRELATED)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# main
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
def config_argparser(psr):
"add subcommand arguments to subparser"
psr.add_argument("attachment_model", metavar="FILE",
help="model to inspect")
psr.add_argument("relations_model", metavar="FILE",
help="model to inspect")
psr.add_argument("features", metavar="FILE",
help="sparse features file (just for labels)")
psr.add_argument("vocab", metavar="FILE",
help="feature vocabulary")
def load_vocab(filename):
"read feature vocabulary"
features = []
with, 'r', 'utf-8') as stream:
for line in stream:
return features
def condense_cell(old, new):
Maximise readability of the new cell given that it's sitting
below the old one in a 2D table
if isinstance(new, six.string_types):
is_eqish = lambda (x, y): x == y and '=' not in [x, y]
zipped = list(itertools.izip_longest(old, new))
prefix = itertools.takewhile(is_eqish, zipped)
suffix = itertools.dropwhile(is_eqish, zipped)
return ''.join(['.' for _ in prefix] +
[n if n is not None else '' for _, n in suffix])
return new
def sort_table(rows):
Return rows in the following order
* UNRELATED always comes first
* otherwise, sort by the names of top N features
The hope is that this would visually group together the same
features so you can see a natural separation
label_value = {'UNRELATED': -2}
def ordering_key(row):
"tweaked version of list of sorting"
label = label_value.get(row[0], 0)
rest = row[1::2]
return (label, rest)
return sorted(rows, key=ordering_key)
def condense_table(rows):
Make a table more readable by replacing identical columns in
subsequent rows by "
if not rows:
return rows
results = []
current_row = rows[0]
for row in rows[1:]:
new_row = [row[0]]
new_row.extend(condense_cell(old, new)
for old, new in zip(current_row[1:], row[1:]))
current_row = row
return results
def _best_feature_indices(vocab, model, class_index, top_n=4):
Return a list of strings representing the best features in
a model for a given class index
weights = model.coef_[class_index] # higher is better?
# pylint: disable=no-member
best_idxes = numpy.argsort(weights)[-top_n:][::-1]
best_weights = numpy.take(weights, best_idxes)
# pylint: enable=no-member
res = chain.from_iterable([vocab[j], w]
for j, w in zip(best_idxes, best_weights))
return list(res)
def main_for_harness(args):
main function core that you can hook into if writing your own
You have to supply (and filter) the data yourself
(see `select_data`)
attach_model = load_model(args.attachment_model)
relate_model = load_model(args.relations_model)
labels = load_labels(args.features)
vocab = load_vocab(args.vocab)
rows = []
rows.append([UNRELATED] + _best_feature_indices(vocab, attach_model, 0))
for i, class_ in enumerate(relate_model.classes_):
label = labels[int(class_) - 1]
rows.append([label] + _best_feature_indices(vocab, relate_model, i))
def main(args):
"subcommand main (invoked from outer script)"
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