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Last active September 30, 2016 11:11
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Lubricant of Gel
[Adblock Plus 2.0]
[uBlock Origin 1.2.0]
! Title: Lubricant of Gel (Gist)
! Version: 201609301811
! Author: kowith337
! Expires: 1 day
! 1. This rules will not automatically updated.
! 2. This rules not completely to hide ads and collapse space, but it still remove ads and unwanted resources.
! (e.g. subdocuments and other scripts file that use to load ads from ExoClick)
! 3. They will frequently update their sites to keep ads appear.
! 4. for uB0 1.2.0 + Firefox 42 (and/or both newer) inline-script support can able to collaps space that caused
! from immune ads (from document, use noscript)
! Block external hyperlinks, include CCBill ads and Patreon.[href*="patreon"]
! Block ExoClick iFrame (Not sure is it still exist?)[src*="exoclick"]
! Block NoScript (They use this function to stil serve ads, if you refuse to load JavaScript.)
! Block Announcement (Now they use to promote patreon, mostly about advertisement removal campaign, nor for server status)
! Third party their use to serve ads and track users.
! Note: If you want to allow Twitter, you can disable it. (Only ABP)
! Block Every resources (See Unbreak for exception)
! Unbreak (e.g. Legit WebM Posts, Translation Notes)
! Only uBlock0 1.2.0 + Firefox 42+ (Fennec F-Droid also work, Not sure for IceCat and Pale Moon because it based on ESR build)
! I can confirmed these inline script filter rules below can collaps space that caused from every immoral ads, for now.
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