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Last active April 25, 2024 12:00
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Balance check with Casper JS SDK

This is long demonstration of checking account balance, with the backend usage of JavaScript SDK.

Note: we used extra steps to avoid silent failure that can happen in CasperClient.balanceOfByPublicKey().


  1. Create project directory
$ mkdir /tmp/casper-balance-test
$ cd /tmp/casper-balance-test
  1. Install JS SDK - in this case 2.15.4 version:
$ yarn add --silent casper-js-sdk@2.15.4
  1. Run Node REPL:
$ node
Welcome to Node.js v20.8.0.
Type ".help" for more information.
  1. Import base items from SDK:
> const { CasperClient, CLPublicKey, encodeBase16 } = (await import("casper-js-sdk")).default;
  1. Configure mainnet RPC and example public key of user account:
> const NODE_RPC = "";
> const ACCOUNT_PUBLIC_KEY = "01e44b08110044928ec39baab349fee9f05c832530f73b0a2d1d8fdb63c3d12461";
  1. Convert public key into account hash:
> const publicKey = CLPublicKey.fromHex(ACCOUNT_PUBLIC_KEY);
> const accountHashStr = encodeBase16(publicKey.toAccountHash());
> console.log(accountHashStr);
  1. Create RPC client and fetch state root hash:
> const client = new CasperClient(NODE_RPC);
> const stateRootHash = await client.nodeClient.getLatestBlockInfo().then(it => it.block?.header.state_root_hash);
> console.log(stateRootHash);
  1. Get address of account's main purse:
> const balanceUref = await client.nodeClient.getAccountBalanceUrefByPublicKeyHash(stateRootHash, accountHashStr);
> console.log(balanceUref);
  1. Fetch purse balance:
> let balance = await client.nodeClient.getAccountBalance(stateRootHash, balanceUref);
> console.log(balance.toNumber());

As you can see account has 130400000000 motes (130.4 CSPR) in the main purse. It is exactly the same value as presented at


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