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Created February 1, 2016 08:08
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Simple script for generating Kerberos principals and keytabs from the Ambari host-keytab CSV file
#!/usr/bin/env python
# File:
# This is a simple script that will handle the creation of principals on
# the KDC, the creation of keytabs with appropriate permissions, and
# the copying of keytabs to the appropriate locations. It's input is the
# host-principal-keytab-list file that Ambari generates.
# This script MUST be run as root on the KDC node.
# 'container' is a nested datastructure of the form:
# {hostname : {keytabdir: {keytab: (perms) } } }
import sys
import os
import pwd
import grp
import socket
import tempfile
import shutil
from subprocess import call
runninghost = socket.gethostname()
tempktspath = tempfile.mkdtemp()
def usage():
return "Usage: setup-krb-users-and-keytabs <host-principal-file>"
def get_filename(args):
"""Gets the file name from the list of arguments. For now, there's
only one argument so we return that. """
if len(args) < 1:
raise Exception("An error occurred")
return os.path.abspath(args[0])
def make_keytab_dirs(container):
"""Create the directories for keytab files"""
for host, val in container.iteritems():
for dirs in val.keys():
if host == runninghost:
if not os.path.exists(dirs):
print('Creating {0}'.format(dirs))
os.makedirs(dirs, 0755)
# create dir on remote host
cmdstr = "ssh {0} 'mkdir {1} -m 0755'".format(host, dirs)
print("Running command on remote host: {0}. Command: {1}".
format(host, cmdstr))
call(["ssh", host, "mkdir", dirs, "-m 0755"])
except Exception, e:
print("Unable to run command on {}".format(host))
def create_princs(principals):
"""Create principals in the KDC database using kadmin.local"""
for p in principals:
print("Running command: kadmin.local -q 'addprinc -randkey {0}'".format(p))
call(['kadmin.local', '-q', 'addprinc -randkey ' + p])
def printmap(nestedmap):
"""Print out the nested map of form:
{ key1 : { key2 : object} }"""
for x in nestedmap:
print (x)
for y in nestedmap[x]:
print ("{0}: {1}".format(y, nestedmap[x][y]))
def write_princs_to_keytabs(container):
"""Write the principals to the appropriate keytab files in temporary
# os.mkdir(tempktspath)
for keytab, princs in container.iteritems():
cmd = "ktadd -k {0}/{1} {2}".format(tempktspath, keytab, " ".join(princs))
print(["kadmin.local", "-q", cmd])
call(["kadmin.local", "-q", cmd])
def get_keytab_perms_map(lines):
"""Set permissions on the keytab files"""
pathfileperms = {}
for line in lines:
keytabdir = line[4]
keytab = line[3]
perms = (line[5], line[6], line[7])
if keytabdir not in pathfileperms:
pathfileperms[keytabdir] = {}
if keytab not in pathfileperms[keytabdir]:
pathfileperms[keytabdir][keytab] = None
pathfileperms[keytabdir][keytab] = perms
return pathfileperms
def save_perms(path, username, grpname, permstr):
uid = pwd.getpwnam(username).pw_uid
gid = grp.getgrnam(grpname).gr_gid
except Exception, e:
print(r'os.chown({0}, {1}, {2})'.format(path, uid, gid))
os.chown(path, uid, gid)
print(r'os.chmod({0}, {1})'.format(path, int(permstr, 8)))
os.chmod("{0}".format(path), int(permstr, 8))
def copy_keytabs_set_perms(container):
for host, val in container.iteritems():
for keytabdir, val2 in val.iteritems():
for keytab, perms in val2.iteritems():
src = tempktspath + "/" + keytab
if host == runninghost:
# copy file
print("Copying {0} to {1}".format(src, keytabdir))
shutil.copy(src, keytabdir)
print("Saving permissions")
save_perms(keytabdir + "/" + keytab, perms[0], perms[1],
# copy file
dsthost = host + ":" + keytabdir
print("Executing scp {0} {1}".format(src, dsthost))
ret = call(["scp", src, dsthost])
# set perms
if ret == 0:
ug = perms[0] + ":" + perms[1]
dst = keytabdir + "/" + keytab
perm = "0" + perms[2]
print("Executing ssh {0} chown {1} {2}".format(host, ug, dst))
call(["ssh", host, "chown", ug, dst])
print("Executing ssh {0} chmod {1} {2}".format(host, perm, dst))
call(["ssh", host, "chmod", perm, dst])
print("scp failed with return code: {0}".format(ret))
def cleanup():
def process(principals, keytabprincsmap, container):
def main(args):
"""Main function which controls everything"""
fname = get_filename(args)
# container is: {hostname: {keytabdir: {keytab: (perms) } } }
container = {}
keytabprincsmap = {}
principals = set()
with open(fname, 'r') as f:
# each line has the form:
# <hostname>, <username>, <principal>, <keytab>, <keytabdir>,
# <fowner>, <fgroup>, <fperms>
for line in f:
line = [r.rstrip() for r in line.split(",")]
if len(line) == 1: continue
hostname, keytab, keytabdir = line[0], line[3], line[4]
if hostname not in container:
container[hostname] = {}
if keytabdir not in container[hostname]:
container[hostname][keytabdir] = {}
if keytab not in container[hostname][keytabdir]:
container[hostname][keytabdir][keytab] = (line[5], line[6], line[7])
if keytab not in keytabprincsmap:
keytabprincsmap[keytab] = set()
# printmap(container)
# print(keytabprincsmap)
process(principals, keytabprincsmap, container)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Before we go too far, check if the user is root
if not os.geteuid() == 0:
sys.exit("\nThis script must be run as root!\n")
print("Running script on " + runninghost)
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