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Created February 5, 2016 08:35
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Gulpfile im using with Gulp 4 with error notifying and plumber
gulp = require 'gulp'
babel = require 'gulp-babel'
sourcemaps = require 'gulp-sourcemaps'
concat = require 'gulp-concat'
uglify = require 'gulp-uglify'
sass = require 'gulp-sass'
minCss = require 'gulp-minify-css'
prefix = require 'gulp-autoprefixer'
plumber = require 'gulp-plumber'
gutil = require 'gulp-util'
notify = require 'gulp-notify'
sync = require('browser-sync').create()
# Options
options =
SASS_SRC: './assets/style/style.scss'
SASS_FILES: './assets/style/**/*.scss'
JS_SRC: './assets/js/**/*.js'
JS_DEST: './assets/'
JS_BUNDLE: 'bundle.min.js'
gulp.task 'style', (done) ->
gulp.src options.SASS_SRC
.pipe plumber()
.pipe sourcemaps.init()
.pipe sass(
outputStyle: 'expanded'
errLogToConsole: false,
).on('error', notify.onError())
.pipe prefix browsers: ["last 2 versions", "> 5%"]
.pipe minCss keepSpecialComments: "*"
.pipe sourcemaps.write '.'
.pipe gulp.dest options.SASS_DEST
.pipe notify message: 'Building CSS successful', onLast: true
gulp.task 'scripts', (done) ->
gulp.src options.JS_SRC
.pipe plumber()
.pipe sourcemaps.init()
.pipe babel()
.on 'error', notify.onError()
.pipe concat options.JS_BUNDLE
.pipe sourcemaps.write '.'
.pipe gulp.dest options.JS_DEST
.pipe notify message: 'Building JS successful', onLast: true
gulp.task 'watch', ->
sync.init proxy: 'domain.local'
# Watch for sass changes options.SASS_FILES, gulp.parallel 'style'
.on 'change', sync.reload
# Watch for js changes options.JS_SRC, gulp.parallel 'scripts'
.on 'change', sync.reload
gulp.task 'build', gulp.parallel 'style', 'scripts', (done) ->
gulp.task 'default', gulp.series 'build', 'watch', (done) ->
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