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Last active August 15, 2018 09:57
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# Sample Algorithm
import pandas as pd
import talib as ta
import numpy as np
def initialize(ctx):
# 設定
ctx.logger.debug("initialize() called")
channels={ # 利用チャンネル
"jp.stock": {
"symbols": [
"columns": [
#"open_price_adj", # 始値(株式分割調整後)
#"high_price_adj", # 高値(株式分割調整後)
#"low_price_adj", # 安値(株式分割調整後)
#"volume_adj", # 出来高
#"txn_volume", # 売買代金
"close_price", # 終値
"close_price_adj", # 終値(株式分割調整後)
def _my_signal(data):
cp = data["close_price_adj"].fillna(method="ffill")
rsi9 = pd.DataFrame(data=0,columns=[], index=cp.index)
for (sym,val) in cp.items():
rsi9[sym] = ta.RSI(cp[sym].values.astype(np.double), timeperiod=9)
return {
"rsi9": rsi9
# シグナル登録
ctx.regist_signal("my_signal", _my_signal)
def handle_signals(ctx, date, current):
current: pd.DataFrame
done_syms = set([])
rsi9 = current["rsi9"].dropna()
df_buy = rsi9[rsi9 < 20]
df_sell = rsi9[rsi9 > 80]
for (sym,val) in df_buy.items():
sec = ctx.getSecurity(sym)
sec.order(sec.unit() * 1, comment="SIGNAL BUY")
#ctx.logger.debug("BUY: %s, %f" % (sec.code(), val))
for (sym,val) in df_sell.items():
sec = ctx.getSecurity(sym)
sec.order_target_percent(0, comment="SIGNAL SELL")
#ctx.logger.debug("SELL: %s, %f" % (sec.code(), val))
# for (sym,val) in ctx.portfolio.positions.items():
# returns = val["returns"]
# if returns < -0.03:
# sec = ctx.getSecurity(sym)
# #sec.order(-val["amount"], comment="損切り(%f)" % returns)
# done_syms.add(sym)
# elif returns > 0.05:
# sec = ctx.getSecurity(sym)
# #sec.order(-val["amount"], comment="利益確定売(%f)" % returns)
# done_syms.add(sym)
#buy = current["buy:sig"].dropna()
#for (sym,val) in buy.items():
# if sym in done_syms:
# continue
# sec = ctx.getSecurity(sym)
# #sec.order(sec.unit() * 1, comment="SIGNAL BUY")
# #ctx.logger.debug("BUY: %s, %f" % (sec.code(), val))
# pass
#sell = current["sell:sig"].dropna()
#for (sym,val) in sell.items():
# if sym in done_syms:
# continue
# sec = ctx.getSecurity(sym)
# #sec.order(sec.unit() * -1, comment="SIGNAL SELL")
# #ctx.logger.debug("SELL: %s, %f" % (sec.code(), val))
# pass
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