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Created January 12, 2010 21:16
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Save kplawver/275619 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Helps simplify and automate apache benchmark runs.
## Loader
# Does a pre-configured set of apache benchmark on an array of URLs passed in.
# Yes, it's silly, but it saved me a lot of time today.
# Usage: Loadr.test(['',''],"news_and_me")
# - Created a log file for each URL, then fills it with the results of its ab runs.
# - Only works on OS's where ab is in the path.
class Loadr
@@run_sets = [
def self.test(urls,log_name="test")
i = 0
urls.each do |url|
i = i+1
puts "Starting #{i}: #{url}"
log ="#{ENV['PWD']}/#{log_name}_#{i}.log","w+")
log.puts "Load Test Runs for #{url}:\n\n"
@@run_sets.each do |set|
puts "-- Starting set: #{set[0]}, #{set[1]}"
log.puts "#{set[0]} concurrent, #{set[1]} total requests\n\n"
log.puts `ab -c #{set[0]} -n #{set[1]} #{url}`
log.puts "\n\n------------------------------------------------------\n\n"
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