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Last active March 2, 2022 18:21
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A Space Invaders Clone
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">
<meta name="viewport" content=
"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<style type="text/css">
canvas {
border: 1px solid #d3d3d3;
background-color: black;
<body onload="startGame()">
<script src="void_invaders.js" type="text/javascript">
let roundNumber = 0
const constants = {
canvasWidth: 448,
canvasHeight: 512,
shieldYPos: 380,
shieldWidth: 48,
shieldHeight: 32,
shieldXOffset: 60,
playerStartCoords: [50, 440],
playerBound: 40,
playerWidth: 20,
playerHeight: 16,
alienTickDecrement: 10, // Adjusts frequency that aliens update early in the game
alienWidth: 20,
alienHeight: 16,
initialAlienSpeed: 1,
initialAlienTickPeriod: 80,
initialAlienXDirection: 1
const assetBaseUrl = ''
const playerImg = new Image()
playerImg.src = assetBaseUrl + 'player.png'
const alienImagesByColor = {}
const alienColors = ['red', 'yellow', 'green']
const alienImageSuffixes = ['_one', '_two']
const alienImageFileFormat = 'png'
const rowColors = ['red', 'yellow', 'yellow', 'green', 'green']
// This loop populates the alienImagesByColor map
// of color strings like 'red' to the corresponding Images for
// the alien colors, each alien color has two images that are cycled between
// {'red' -> [`redOneImage`, `redTwoImage`]}
for (let i = 0; i < alienColors.length; i = i + 1) {
const alienImagesForColor = []
const currAlienColor = alienColors[i]
for (let j = 0; j < alienImageSuffixes.length; j = j + 1) {
const currSuffix = alienImageSuffixes[j]
const currSrc = currAlienColor + currSuffix + '.' + alienImageFileFormat
const currAlienImage = new Image()
currAlienImage.src = assetBaseUrl + currSrc
alienImagesByColor[currAlienColor] = alienImagesForColor
class Shield {
// This class manages the shield defenses
// There is a 2D Array of defense strength to account
// for the state of decay after suffering missile strikes
// but currently this is NOT used when rendering the shield
constructor (x, y) {
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.defenses = []
for (let i = 0; i < 6; i += 1) {
const columnStrength = []
for (let j = 0; j < 4; j += 1) {
// console.log('New shield at (' + String(this.x) + ',' + String(this.y) + ')')
draw (context) {
const sw = constants.shieldWidth
const sh = constants.shieldHeight
const ctx = context
ctx.fillStyle = 'blue'
ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, sw, sh)
class GamePiece {
// This class is used to draw the aliens and playerShip
// It keeps track of the images used to render the entities,
// and manages their positions
constructor (x, y, tickImg, tockImg) {
// console.log('New invader at (' + String(x) + ',' + String(y) + ')')
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.tick = true
this.tickImg = tickImg
this.tockImg = tockImg
this.img = tickImg
move (x, y) {
this.img = this.tick ? this.tickImg : this.tockImg
this.tick = !this.tick
this.x = this.x + x
this.y = this.y + y
draw (context) {
context.drawImage(this.img, this.x, this.y)
class ShieldContainer {
constructor () {
this.numShields = 4
this.shields = []
this.initialized = false
initializeShields () {
const horizontalSpacing = constants.shieldWidth * 2
const xOffset = constants.shieldXOffset
const yPos = constants.shieldYPos
for (let n = 0; n < this.numShields; n += 1) {
const xPos = (n * horizontalSpacing) + xOffset
const myShield = new Shield(xPos, yPos)
this.initialized = true
update () {}
draw (context) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.shields.length; i += 1) {
class AlienContainer {
// AlienContainer: Class to wrap and manage all the alien entities
constructor () {
this.maxAlienSpeed = 16
this.xDirection = constants.initialAlienXDirection
this.alienSpeed = constants.initialAlienSpeed
this.alienYIncrement = 18
this.alienTickCount = 0
const atp = constants.initialAlienTickPeriod
const roundModifier = constants.alienTickDecrement * roundNumber
this.alienTickPeriod = atp - roundModifier
this.aliens = []
this.xMin = 19
this.xMax = 400
this.initialized = true
initializeAliens () {
// Instantiates aliens in their initial positions
const numAlienRows = 5
const numAlienColumns = 11
const alienRowSpacing = 36
const alienColumnSpacing = 30
const alienColumnOffset = 20
const firstAlienRowYPos = 120
const initialRowYCoords = []
// Populate array for initial Y coordinates of alien rows
for (let i = 0; i < numAlienRows; i += 1) {
initialRowYCoords.push(firstAlienRowYPos + alienRowSpacing * i)
for (let row = 0; row < numAlienRows; row += 1) {
const alienYPos = initialRowYCoords[row]
for (let x = 0; x < numAlienColumns; x = x + 1) {
// select the color of the alien row
const rowColor = rowColors[row]
// each alien has two associate images that are toggled
// between every time they move to animate their march
const alienImgOne = alienImagesByColor[rowColor][0]
const alienImgTwo = alienImagesByColor[rowColor][1]
// get the x position of the alien
const alienXPos = x * alienColumnSpacing + alienColumnOffset
// get a new alien
const myGameAlien = new GamePiece(alienXPos, alienYPos, alienImgOne, alienImgTwo)
// and add it to the array
increaseAlienSpeed () {
// Alien Speed is governed by two variables,
// alienTickPeriod, and alienSpeed
// Early in the game we adjust how often the aliens move
// by changing how often their positions are updated
// later on we adjust the distance they move per update
if (this.alienTickPeriod > 10) {
this.alienTickPeriod -= constants.alienTickDecrement
} else {
if (this.alienTickPeriod > 5) {
this.alienTickPeriod = this.alienTickPeriod / 2
} else {
if (this.alienSpeed < this.maxAlienSpeed) {
this.alienSpeed *= 2
alienTick () {
// This function determines whether or not
// it's time for the aliens to move
// It is called every game update, and returns true
// if we've proceeded through one cycle of the alienTickPeriod
this.alienTickCount += 1
if (this.alienTickCount === (this.alienTickPeriod - 1)) {
this.alienTickCount = 0
return true
} else {
return false
leftmostComp (most, curr) {
return curr.x < most.x
rightmostComp (most, curr) {
return curr.x > most.x
getFurthestAlien (comparisonFn) {
// !!! TODO This will cause a problem if all aliens are eliminated
let furthestAlien = this.aliens[0]
for (let i = 1; i < this.aliens.length; i = i + 1) {
const currAlien = this.aliens[i]
if (comparisonFn(furthestAlien, currAlien)) {
furthestAlien = currAlien
return furthestAlien
checkAlienBounds (aliens) {
// Checks if the left most alien is at the left bound,
// and if the right most alien is at the right bound,
const leftmostAlien = this.getFurthestAlien(this.leftmostComp)
const rightmostAlien = this.getFurthestAlien(this.rightmostComp)
if (leftmostAlien.x <= this.xMin) {
return true
if (rightmostAlien.x >= this.xMax) {
return true
return false
update () {
// First, Determine whether it's time to move the aliens
const tickAliens = this.alienTick()
let alienVerticalUpdate = 0
if (tickAliens) {
// It's time to move the aliens
if (this.checkAlienBounds(this.aliens)) {
// Furthest left or right alien has reached boundary
// so it's time for the aliens to advance downward
// to do this we set the vertical update,
// and reverse the xDirection so they go back the other way
alienVerticalUpdate = 1
this.xDirection *= -1
// Currently we also increase the speed here,
// but this will change once firing has been implemented
if (tickAliens) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.aliens.length; i = i + 1) {
// Here is where we actually move the aliens
const xMove = this.xDirection * this.alienSpeed
const yMove = this.alienYIncrement * alienVerticalUpdate
this.aliens[i].move(xMove, yMove)
draw (ctx) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.aliens.length; i = i + 1) {
class PlayerShip {
// This class wraps the player GamePiece
// and handles logic related to the player
constructor () {
const playerX = constants.playerStartCoords[0]
const playerY = constants.playerStartCoords[1]
this.ship = new GamePiece(playerX, playerY, playerImg)
this.movementIncrement = 2
this.leftBound = constants.playerBound
this.rightBound = constants.canvasWidth - constants.playerBound + constants.playerWidth
applyBounds () {
if (this.ship.x < this.leftBound) {
this.ship.x = this.leftBound
if (this.ship.x > this.rightBound) {
this.ship.x = this.rightBound
move (xDirection) {
// When moving the player we apply the requested keyboard input
// and then make sure we do not move past the boundaries
this.ship.x += this.movementIncrement * xDirection
update () {
draw (ctx) {
class Game {
// Game logic class
// Initializes and holds game entities
// Controls ordering of updates and drawing of entities
constructor () {
this.shields = []
this.gameInitialized = false
this.alienContainer = new AlienContainer()
this.shieldContainer = new ShieldContainer()
this.playerShip = new PlayerShip()
this.gameInitialized = true
firePlayerMissile () {
update () {
// this.shieldContainer.update()
// this.playerShip.update()
draw (ctx) {
if (this.gameInitialized) {
const myGameArea = {
// Wrapper for the html canvas and the game class
// Adds the canvas to the document, sets update Interval for updateGameArea
canvas: document.createElement('canvas'),
context: null,
game: null,
clear: function () {
// Clear the canvas, happens every update
this.context.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height)
start: function () {
this.canvas.width = constants.canvasWidth
this.canvas.height = constants.canvasHeight
this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d')
document.body.insertBefore(this.canvas, document.body.childNodes[0]) = new Game()
this.interval = setInterval(updateGameArea, 20)
update_text: function (xPos) {
// This was used at one point for debugging and can
// probably be removed
this.context.font = '20px Arial'
this.context.fillStyle = 'white'
this.context.fillText(xPos.toString(), 400, 480)
function updateGameArea () {
// This is the main update function, it is called every 20 milliseconds
// Listen for keyboard input
window.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
const g =
let xDirection = 0
if (event.key === 'a') {
xDirection = -1
} else if (event.key === 'd') {
xDirection = 1
} else if (event.key === ' ') {
function startGame () {
// This is called by index.html at load time
// For writing text on canvas
// ctx.font = '20px Arial'
// ctx.fillStyle = 'white'
// ctx.fillText(alienSpeed.toString() + ',' + alienTickPeriod.toString(),
// 400, 480)
// For deleting aliens from the array
// function popAliens () {
// for (let i = 0; i < alienDeletions.length; i = i + 1) {
// aliens.splice(alienDeletions[i], 1)
// }
// alienDeletions = []
// }
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