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Karsten Poeck kpoeck

  • Frankfurt, Germany
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kpoeck / gist:1ecb4d116925edd98a20545a11b7b1c2
Created July 16, 2021 19:07
error with c++ 20: commit 5412d09a4c3b9ec222226da87e16e0b229ee68aa
Compilation started at 2021-07-16 21:01:13.091272
[ 1/198] precompile_scraper build/boehmprecise/scraper-precompile-done
[ 2/198] generate_extension_headers_h build/boehmprecise/generated/extension_headers.h
[ 3/198] expand_pump_template src/core/header-templates/applyToFrame.pmp
[ 4/200] Compiling src/core/
[ 5/200] Compiling src/core/
[ 6/200] Compiling src/clbind/
[ 7/200] Compiling src/gctools/
[ 8/200] Compiling src/gctools/
[ 9/200] Compiling src/gctools/
karsten-poecks-macbook-pro:clasp-karsten karstenpoeck$ build/boehm/iclasp-boehm
Starting cclasp-boehm-0.4.2-2831-g4ecc69dbc-cst ... loading image...
Writing jitted symbols to /tmp/
datum: TYPE-ERROR (:DATUM 75277579206656 :EXPECTED-TYPE LIST)
../../src/core/ dbg_hook(...) was called
../../src/core/ core__invoke_internal_debugger --> NIL
37: startup(int, char**, bool&, int&, int&)
* frame #0: 0x00007fff721731ba libsystem_kernel.dylib`__read_nocancel + 10
frame #1: 0x00007fff720c8e2b libsystem_c.dylib`_sread + 16
frame #2: 0x00007fff720c84a3 libsystem_c.dylib`__srefill1 + 24
frame #3: 0x00007fff720c85c5 libsystem_c.dylib`__srget + 14
frame #4: 0x00007fff720c4788 libsystem_c.dylib`getc + 52
frame #5: 0x000000010705f48f libc++.1.dylib`std::__1::__stdinbuf<char>::__getchar(bool) + 117
frame #6: 0x00000001017d4206 iclasp-boehm`std::__1::basic_istream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> >& std::__1::ws<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> >(std::__1::basic_istream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> >&) [inlined] std::__1::basic_streambuf<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> >::sgetc(this=<unavailable>) at streambuf:196:20 [opt]
frame #7: 0x00000001017d41f6 iclasp-boehm`std::__1::basic_istream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> >& std::__1::ws<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> >(__is=0x00000001070a2d60) at istream:1193 [opt]
frame #8: 0x0000000101e3f727 iclasp-boehm`co
#LLVM_CONFIG_BINARY = '/usr/local/opt/llvm@6/bin/llvm-config'
LLVM_CONFIG_BINARY = '/usr/local/Cellar/llvm/9.0.1/bin/llvm-config'
karsten-poecks-macbook-pro:clasp-karsten karstenpoeck$ lldb -p 15794
(lldb) process attach --pid 15794
Process 15794 stopped
* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = signal SIGSTOP
frame #0: 0x00007fff721731ba libsystem_kernel.dylib`__read_nocancel + 10
-> 0x7fff721731ba <+10>: jae 0x7fff721731c4 ; <+20>
0x7fff721731bc <+12>: movq %rax, %rdi
0x7fff721731bf <+15>: jmp 0x7fff72172453 ; cerror_nocancel
0x7fff721731c4 <+20>: retq
karsten-poecks-macbook-pro:clasp-karsten karstenpoeck$ build/boehm/iclasp-boehm
Starting cclasp-boehm-0.4.2-2831-g4ecc69dbc-cst ... loading image...
Writing jitted symbols to /tmp/
datum: TYPE-ERROR (:DATUM 74980885676032 :EXPECTED-TYPE LIST)
../../src/core/ dbg_hook(...) was called
../../src/core/ core__invoke_internal_debugger --> NIL
39: gctools::initializeBoehm(int (*)(int, char**, bool&, int&, int&), int, char**, bool, int, int)
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
karsten-poecks-macbook-pro:clasp-karsten karstenpoeck$ build/clasp --eval "(require :asdf)" --load "~/quicklisp/setup.lisp" --eval "(ql:quickload :drakma)"
Starting cclasp-boehm-0.4.2-2700-g259fa8923-cst ... loading image...
Writing jitted symbols to /tmp/
; Registering system quicklisp
Output different from requested 0 1
Output different from requested 0 1
Output different from requested 0 1
Output different from requested 0 1
Output different from requested 0 1
Output different from requested 0 1
CL_LAMBDA(strm &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value);
CL_DEFUN T_sp cl__read_byte(T_sp strm, T_sp eof_error_p, T_sp eof_value) {
// Should signal an error of type type-error if stream is not a stream.
// Should signal an error of type error if stream is not a binary input stream.
if (strm.nilp())
TYPE_ERROR(strm, cl::_sym_Stream_O);
if (!AnsiStreamP(strm)) {
// if the return value is :eof, return nil
karsten-poecks-macbook-pro:tools-for-build karstenpoeck$ ../build/clasp --load regenerate-cleavir-file-list.lisp
Starting cclasp-boehm-0.4.2-2692-g00d68d383-cst ... loading image...
Writing jitted symbols to /tmp/
Loading asdf
x -> #<CL-SOURCE-FILE "clasp-cleavir" "inline-prep"> file -> src/lisp/kernel/cleavir/inline-prep
x -> #<CL-SOURCE-FILE "clasp-cleavir" "define-unicode-tables"> file -> src/lisp/kernel/cleavir/define-unicode-tables
x -> #<CL-SOURCE-FILE "clasp-cleavir" "activate-clasp-readtables-for-eclector"> file -> src/lisp/kernel/cleavir/activate-clasp-readtables-for-eclector
x -> #<CL-SOURCE-FILE "clasp-cleavir" "fixup-eclector-readtables"> file -> src/lisp/kernel/cleavir/fixup-eclector-readtables
x -> #<CL-SOURCE-FILE "clasp-cleavir" "translate-instruction"> file -> src/lisp/kernel/cleavir/translate-instruction
x -> #<CL-SOURCE-FILE "clasp-cleavir" "translate"> file -> src/lisp/kernel/cleavir/translate
kpoeck / gist:5e9b64834283dccff701b4fd45272a27
Created May 29, 2020 20:12
Slowness with eclector and unwinds
(in-package :cl-user)
(defun process-encodings-file ()
(let ((file (translate-logical-pathname #P"SOURCE-DIR:tools-for-build;encodingdata.txt"))
(old-encoding nil)
(alist nil))
(with-open-file (stream file :element-type 'character :direction :input :external-format :utf-8)
(let ((line (read-line stream nil :end)))
(when (eq line :end)