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Created March 8, 2019 03:28
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extern crate common;
use common::measure_and_print;
use std::collections::{BinaryHeap, HashMap};
use std::io;
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum NodeKind {
Branch(Box<Node>, Box<Node>),
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct Node {
frequency: usize,
kind: NodeKind,
impl Ord for Node {
fn cmp(&self, rhs: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
impl PartialOrd for Node {
fn partial_cmp(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
impl Node {
// create leaf-node with particular byte
fn leaf(frequency: usize, byte: u8) -> Self {
Node { frequency, kind: NodeKind::Leaf(byte) }
// create new node on top of `left` and `right`
fn branch(left: Self, right: Self) -> Self {
Node { frequency: left.frequency + right.frequency, kind: NodeKind::Branch(Box::new(left), Box::new(right)) }
// traverse tree building letter->code `map`
fn build_map(&self, map: &mut HashMap<u8, String>, prefix: String) {
match self.kind {
NodeKind::Branch(ref left_child, ref right_child) => {
left_child.build_map(map, prefix.clone() + "0");
right_child.build_map(map, prefix + "1");
NodeKind::Leaf(byte) => {
map.insert(byte, prefix);
fn calculate_letter_frequencies(string: &str) -> HashMap<u8, usize> {
let mut frequencies = vec![0usize; 256];
for byte in string.as_bytes() {
frequencies[*byte as usize] += 1;
let mut map = HashMap::<u8, usize>::with_capacity(256);
for (idx, frequency) in frequencies.into_iter().enumerate() {
if frequency != 0 {
map.insert(idx as u8, frequency);
pub struct Encoder<'a> {
m: [&'a str; 256],
impl<'a> Encoder<'a> {
pub fn new(table: &'a mut HashMap<u8, String>) -> Self {
let mut m = [""; 256];
for i in 0..=255 {
if table.contains_key(&i) {
m[i as usize] = table[&i].as_ref();
Encoder { m: m }
fn encode_byte(&self, byte: u8) -> &str {
self.m[byte as usize]
pub fn encode(&self, string: &str) -> String {
let mut out = String::with_capacity(string.len());
string.as_bytes().iter().for_each(|byte| {
out.push_str( self.encode_byte(*byte) );
fn read_line() -> String {
let mut line = String::new();
io::stdin().read_line(&mut line).unwrap();
fn main() {
// 1.Read message
let sentence = read_line();
let mut letter_freq = HashMap::<u8, usize>::new();
let mut code_string = String::new();
let mut table = HashMap::<u8, String>::new();
// 2. Calculate frequancy map for letters
letter_freq = calculate_letter_frequencies(&sentence);
// 3. Build Huffman tree & table
let mut heap = BinaryHeap::new();
for (byte, frequency) in &letter_freq {
heap.push(Node::leaf(*frequency, *byte));
if heap.len() > 1 {
while heap.len() > 1 {
// take two least frequent nodes and build new one on top of it
let a = heap.pop().expect("heap.pop cannot fail since its len >= 2");
let b = heap.pop().expect("heap.pop cannot fail since its len >= 2");
heap.push(Node::branch(a, b));
// take head of the tree and traverse it build letter->code map
let head = heap.peek().expect("heap should not be empty");
head.build_map(&mut table, String::from(""));
} else if heap.len() == 1 {
// take head of the tree and traverse it build letter->code map
let head = heap.peek().expect("heap should not be empty");
head.build_map(&mut table, String::from("0"));
} else {
panic!("go check heap yourself")
// 4. Encode message
let encoder = Encoder::new(&mut table);
code_string = encoder.encode(&sentence);
// 5. Output
println!("{} {}", letter_freq.len(), code_string.len());
//for (letter, code) in &table {
// println!("{}: {}", letter, code);
println!("{}", code_string);
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