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Created February 26, 2019 16:20
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Generate a camera in Nuke from the metadata of an EXR sequence that is rendered with VRay in Maya.
# code copied and adapted from
# Big thanks to Ivan Busquets who helped me put this together!
# (ok, ok, he really helped me a lot)
# Also thanks to Nathan Dunsworth for giving me solid ideas and some code to get me started.
import math
def createExrCamVray( node ):
Create a camera node based on VRay metadata.
This works specifically on VRay data coming from maya.
mDat = node.metadata()
reqFields = ['exr/camera%s' % i for i in ('FocalLength', 'Aperture', 'Transform')]
if not set( reqFields ).issubset( mDat ):
nuke.critical( 'No metadata for camera found! Please select a read node with EXR metadata from VRay!' )
nuke.message( "Creating a camera node based on VRay metadata. This works specifically on VRay data coming from Maya!\n\nIf you get both focal and aperture as they are in the metadata, there's no guarantee your Nuke camera will have the same FOV as the one that rendered the scene (because the render could have been fit to horizontal, to vertical, etc). Nuke always fits to the horizontal aperture. If you set the horizontal aperture as it is in the metadata, then you should use the FOV in the metadata to figure out the correct focal length for Nuke's camera. Or, you could keep the focal as is in the metadata, and change the horizontal_aperture instead. I'll go with the former here. Set the haperture knob as per the metadata, and derive the focal length from the FOV." )
first = node.firstFrame()
last = node.lastFrame()
ret = nuke.getFramesAndViews( 'Create Camera from Metadata', '%s-%s' %( first, last ) )
if ret is None:
fRange = nuke.FrameRange( ret[0] )
cam = nuke.createNode( 'Camera2' )
cam['useMatrix'].setValue( False )
for k in ( 'focal', 'haperture', 'vaperture', 'translate', 'rotate'):
task = nuke.ProgressTask( 'Baking camera from meta data in %s' % )
for curTask, frame in enumerate( fRange ):
if task.isCancelled():
task.setMessage( 'processing frame %s' % frame )
hap = node.metadata( 'exr/cameraAperture', frame ) # get horizontal aperture
fov = node.metadata( 'exr/cameraFov', frame ) # get camera FOV
focal = float(hap) / ( 2.0 * math.tan( math.radians(fov) * 0.5 ) ) # convert the fov and aperture into focal length
width = node.metadata( 'input/width', frame )
height = node.metadata( 'input/height', frame )
aspect = float(width) / float(height) # calulate aspect ratio from width and height
vap = float(hap) / aspect # calculate vertical aperture from aspect ratio
cam['focal'].setValueAt( float(focal), frame )
cam['haperture'].setValueAt( float(hap), frame )
cam['vaperture'].setValueAt( float(vap), frame )
matrixCamera = node.metadata( 'exr/cameraTransform', frame ) # get camera transform data
# create a matrix to shove the original data into
matrixCreated = nuke.math.Matrix4()
for k,v in enumerate( matrixCamera ):
matrixCreated[k] = v
matrixCreated.rotateX( math.radians(-90) ) # this is needed for VRay, it's a counter clockwise rotation
translate = matrixCreated.transform( nuke.math.Vector3(0,0,0) ) # get a vector that represents the camera translation
rotate = matrixCreated.rotationsZXY() # give us xyz rotations from cam matrix (must be converted to degrees)
cam['translate'].setValueAt( float(translate.x), frame, 0 )
cam['translate'].setValueAt( float(translate.y), frame, 1 )
cam['translate'].setValueAt( float(translate.z), frame, 2 )
cam['rotate'].setValueAt( float( math.degrees( rotate[0] ) ), frame, 0 )
cam['rotate'].setValueAt( float( math.degrees( rotate[1] ) ), frame, 1 )
cam['rotate'].setValueAt( float( math.degrees( rotate[2] ) ), frame, 2 )
task.setProgress( int( float(curTask) / fRange.frames() * 100 ) )
node = None
node = nuke.selectedNode()
nuke.critical( 'No node selected! Please select a read node with EXR metadata from VRay!' )
if node is not None:
createExrCamVray( node )
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