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Created July 8, 2013 05:33
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EC2 Ephemeral Swap Helper The intent here is to initialize and active a swap partition from the local ephemeral disk, if any. Generally using an ephemeral disk is faster than EBS and you don't incur EBS IOPS overhead (read: cost) for swappy systems.
# Create a swap partition equal to the system RAM
# on the first ephemeral disk.
function activate_swap_on_device {
swap_on=`swapon -s | grep 'dev' | wc -l`
if [[ ${swap_on} -gt 0 ]]; then
echo "At least one swap partition is already active. Doing nothing (we assume zero or one only)"
return 3
swap_list=`sfdisk -l $1`
swap_dev=`echo "${swap_list}" | grep -i "linux swap" | awk '{print $1}'`
swap_count=`echo "${swap_dev}" | wc -l`
# note - it'd be nice to check if the swap partition is already active
if [[ ${swap_check_status} -eq 0 ]] && [[ ${swap_count} == 1 ]]
echo "Initializing swap on '${swap_dev}'"
mkswap ${swap_dev}
echo "Activating swap on '${swap_dev}'"
swapon ${swap_dev}
return 0
elif [[ ${swap_check_status} -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "Error checking for swap partitions on '$1'"
return 2
echo "Found ${swap_count} swap paritions on '$1'. Expected one - doing nothing"
return 1
device=`wget -q -O -`
echo "Looking for block device '${device}'"
if [[ ! -b "${device}" ]]; then
echo "Block device '${device}' not found. Looking for xvdX named device"
device_id=`echo "${device}" | rev | cut -c 1`
device_id_ord=`printf '%d' "'${device_id}"`
device_id_ord=$(( ${device_id_ord} + 4 )) # add four to map A->E, B->F, etc
device_id_oct=`printf '%03o' ${device_id_ord}`
device_id=`printf \\\\${device_id_oct}`
echo "Looking for block device '${device}'"
if [[ ! -b "${device}" ]]; then
echo "Unable to find device. Bailing out..."
echo "Found block device '${device}'"
sfdisk=`sfdisk -l ${device}`
sfdisk_empty_partitions=`echo "${sfdisk}" | grep -i "empty" | wc -l`
if [[ ${sfdisk} =~ "#blocks" ]] && [[ ${sfdisk_empty_partitions} -ne 4 ]]
echo "Existing partitions found on '${device}'. Attempting to active existing swap (if any) "
activate_swap_on_device ${device}
echo "Done"
swap_size=`grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}'`
echo "Creating a swap parition of size ${swap_size}KB"
parted --align optimal --script -- ${device} mklabel msdos
parted --align optimal --script -- ${device} mkpart primary linux-swap 0 ${swap_size}KB
echo "Activating swap on '${device}'"
activate_swap_on_device ${device}
echo "Done"
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