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Last active March 20, 2024 16:12
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small event loop
const std = @import("std");
const allocator = std.heap.page_allocator;
pub fn main() !void {
const n = 10;
const ret = try (try, .{n}));
std.debug.warn("fib({}) = {}\n", .{n, ret});
fn fib(n: usize) std.mem.Allocator.Error!usize {
if (n <= 1)
return n;
const l = try allocator.create(@Frame(fib));
defer allocator.destroy(l);
const r = try allocator.create(@Frame(fib));
defer allocator.destroy(r);
l.* = async fib(n - 1);
r.* = async fib(n - 2);
const lv = await l;
const rv = await r;
return (try lv) + (try rv);
pub const Task = struct {
next: ?*Task = undefined,
frame: anyframe,
fn ReturnTypeOf(comptime func: anytype) type {
return @typeInfo(@TypeOf(func)).Fn.return_type orelse unreachable;
pub fn run(comptime asyncFn: anytype, args: anytype) !ReturnTypeOf(asyncFn) {
const Wrapper = struct {
fn entry(fn_args: anytype, task: *Task, res: *?ReturnTypeOf(asyncFn)) void {
const result = @call(.{}, asyncFn, fn_args);
suspend res.* = result;
var task: Task = undefined;
var result: ?ReturnTypeOf(asyncFn) = null;
var frame = async Wrapper.entry(args, &task, &result);
while (Task.find()) |runnable_task|
resume runnable_task.frame;
return result orelse error.DeadLocked;
var head: ?*Task = null;
var tail: ?*Task = null;
pub fn yield() void {
var task = Task{ .frame = @frame() };
suspend task.schedule();
pub fn schedule(self: *Task) void { = null;
if (tail) |t| = self;
if (head == null)
head = self;
tail = self;
fn find() ?*Task {
const task = head orelse return null;
head =;
if (head == null)
tail = null;
return task;
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