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Last active August 28, 2019 15:19
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Import certificate with own CA to Unifi CloudKey

I was trying to import certs with own CA according to Ubiquity docs, but it fails. Probably because my CA was self-signed. So I've had to do it manually.

You should consider making backup, really

Unifi Controller

Generate certificates, e.g. with easy-rsa. Pack certs into pkcs12 and upload them to the controller:

openssl pkcs12 -export -in unifi.crt -inkey unifi.key -out unifi.p12 -name unifi -CAfile ca.crt -caname root
scp unifi.p12 unifi:/tmp/

Connect with SSH to Unifi Cloud Key and rewrite keystore:

mv /etc/ssl/private/unifi.keystore.jks /tmp/keystore.bak
keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass aircontrolenterprise -destkeypass aircontrolenterprise -destkeystore /etc/ssl/private/unifi.keystore.jks -srckeystore /tmp/unifi.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass aircontrolenterprise -alias unifi

Next, restart unifi controller:

service unifi restart


Just copy your certs over default nginx ones:

scp unifi.crt unifi:/etc/ssl/private/cloudkey.crt
scp unifi.key unifi:/etc/ssl/private/cloudkey.key 

Connect with SSH to Unifi Cloud Key and restart nginx server:

service nginx restart


  • Certs with keystore are placed in /etc/ssl/private/
  • /usr/lib/unifi/data/keystore links to /etc/ssl/private/unifi.keystore.jks and it's rewritten automatically
  • In /etc/ssl/private/cert.tar there is backup of self signed certs and keystore

It worked for me with Unifi Controller v5.9.32 and CloudKey firmware v0.12.1, but YMMV.

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