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Last active July 2, 2018 21:39
# converts GTFS feed to a CSV sequence of "trip_id,time,lat,lon[,TIMEPOINT]"
import datetime
import partridge as ptg
import numpy
day_start = 1522022400; # 03/26/2018 @ 12:00am (UTC)
path = '/path/to/'
representative_feed = ptg.get_representative_feed(path)
stop_dict = {}
for stop in representative_feed.stops.values:
stop_dict[stop[0]] = stop
trip_stop_times = {}
for stop_time in representative_feed.stop_times.values:
if not stop_time[0] in trip_stop_times:
trip_stop_times[stop_time[0]] = []
def print_stop_time(data, stop_time, timepoint):
stop = stop_dict[data[3]]
output_data = [data[0],str(round((stop_time + day_start) * 1000)), str(stop[4]), str(stop[5])]
if timepoint:
for trip_id in trip_stop_times:
trip_stops = trip_stop_times[trip_id]
sorted_trip_stop_times = sorted(trip_stops, key=lambda k: k[4])
trip_last_timepoint = 0
non_timepoint_stops = []
for stop_time in sorted_trip_stop_times:
if not numpy.isnan(stop_time[1]):
current_time = stop_time[1]
if len(non_timepoint_stops) > 0:
interpolated_time = (current_time - trip_last_timepoint) / (len(non_timepoint_stops) + 1)
offset = 1
for ntp_stop in non_timepoint_stops:
print_stop_time(ntp_stop, trip_last_timepoint + (interpolated_time * offset), False)
offset += 1
non_timepoint_stops = []
trip_last_timepoint = current_time
print_stop_time(stop_time, stop_time[1], True)
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