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Created February 26, 2015 22:42
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let \startcolor=blue; let \endcolor=red; % --- the start and end colors
function FordCircles(\a,\b,\n){
int \p, \q; % ------------------------------ p and q are integers
for \q in {1,...,\n}{ % -------------------- 0 < q <= n
int \mix; \mix = 100*(\q-1)/(\n-1); % ---- color mix parameter in [0,100]
for \p in {\a*\q,...,\b*\q}{ % ----------- a < p/q < b <=> [aq] < p < [bq]
if gcd(\p,\q) == 1 then { % ------------ if the fraction is irreducible
\f = \p/\q; % ------------------------ evaluate the tuch point f = p/q
\r = 1/(2*\q*\q); % ------------------ evaluate the radius r = 1/2q^2
\filldraw[ultra thin,fill=\startcolor!\mix!\endcolor,fill opacity=.77, text opacity=1]
(\f,\r) circle(\r) % --- and draw the Ford circle at (f,r)
\begin{tikzpicture}[spy using outlines={rectangle, size=10mm, connect spies}]
\draw[help lines,step=2mm] (-1,-0.1) grid (4,1.1);
% Draw the Ford circles
% Magnification on some regions
on (0.41,0.1) in node [left] at (1,-.7);
on (pi,0) in node [left] at (3,-.7);
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