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# $ nix develop
# $ nix build [see result/bin when completed]
# $ nix develop .#llvm-pretty-bc-parser.llvm_9.default
# $ nix develop .#llvm-pretty-bc-parser.llvm_9.ghc882
# $ nix develop .#llvm-pretty-bc-parser.ghc882.llvm_9
description = "The llvm-pretty-bc-parser library and tool";
inputs = {
"""Simple TCP sockets.
Each Actor has a TCP IPv4 port/socket that will accept incoming
connections for messages. Each connection from a remote Actor will
accept a single message per connection. The connection is dropped and
re-established for multiple messages; this is less efficient but has
more fairness.
This transport can be used within a process, between processes, and
even between processes on separate systems.
import logging
from thespian.actors import *
from thespian.system.utilis import (thesplog, checkActorCapabilities,
foldl, join, fmap, AssocList,
from thespian.system.timing import ExpirationTimer, currentTime
from thespian.system.logdirector import LogAggregator
from thespian.system.admin.globalNames import GlobalNamesAdmin
from thespian.system.admin.adminCore import PendingSource
from thespian.system.transport import (TransmitIntent, ReceiveEnvelope,
############################ Ontology Nodes (64) #############################
An organization is a social or legal institution such as a company, society, etc. @ en
. ns6:definedIn -------------------------------------------------> FILE#FILE
. ns2:actedOnBehalfOf ----------------------------------------> PROV-S#AGENT
ns2:THING.ns2:AGENT.rack:AGENTS#PERSON :: owl:Class
Person agents are people - alias for User@en
. rack:AGENTS#emailAddress :: xsd:string
[Crux] Using pointer width: 64 for file crux-build/crux~ex3-undef.bc
[Crux] Simulating function "main"
[Crux] Attempting to prove verification conditions.
[Crux] Counter example for test-data/golden/ex3-undef.c:11:9: error: in generate_value
Failed to load function handle
No implementation or override found for pointer: "update_value"
[Crux] Failed to build counterexample executable
`clang` compilation failed.
*** Exit code: 1
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Main where
import Data.Parameterized.Classes
import Data.Parameterized.Context
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Context.Unsafe as U
data (Show t) => MyMaybe t = MyJust t | MyNothing
:::: Use default logging config
WARNING:root:level 30
ERROR:root:level 40
WARNING:one:level 30
ERROR:one:level 40
:::: Configure both root and logger level
#!/usr/bin/env bash
def trylog(l):
for e in range(0,50,10):
l.log(e, 'level %s'%e)
script() { # $1 is logdict
cat <<EOF
.file "saturate_add-good.c"
.globl saturate_add
.type saturate_add, @function
pushq %rbp
.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
.cfi_offset 6, -16
Up to date
saturate_add-good.x86.contract: UTC-2020-12-10_00:14:38.469 I [User-Op] uploading binary file
UTC-2020-12-10_00:14:38.469 Dbg [entered] op=load bkend=renovate-binary-analyzer Analyzer.loadBytesAsElf
UTC-2020-12-10_00:14:38.469 I [progress] op=load bkend=renovate-binary-analyzer ElfWidth=64bit Arch=EM_X86_64 Setup Renovate ELF configuration
UTC-2020-12-10_00:14:38.469 Dbg [entered] op=load bkend=renovate-binary-analyzer ElfWidth=64bit Arch=EM_X86_64 Renovate.analyzeElf
UTC-2020-12-10_00:14:40.501 I [completed] op=load bkend=renovate-binary-analyzer ElfWidth=64bit Arch=EM_X86_64 Renovate.analyzeElf, executed for 2.031766994s
UTC-2020-12-10_00:14:40.501 I [progress] op=load bkend=renovate-binary-analyzer ElfWidth=64bit Arch=EM_X86_64 Finished Renovate ELF analysis
UTC-2020-12-10_00:14:40.501 I [progress] op=load bkend=renovate-binary-analyzer ElfWidth=64bit Arch=EM_X86_64 Binary loaded
UTC-2020-12-10_00:14:40.501 Warn [misc] op=load bkend=renovate-binary-anal