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Last active January 18, 2019 09:32
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Broad-phase Collision Detection O(n)


This describes a 2D broad-phase collision detection algorithm that runs in O(n) time where n is the number of entities. It easily extends to 3D. It holds no state except entity bounding box calculated during the previous frame in order to prevent phasing. The algorithm performs 4 steps every frame: Rectangle Creation, Rectangle Sorting, Chunk Creation, and Collision Detection.


  • point = a point in 2D space
  • path = an open set of linearly connected points
  • polygon = a closed set of linearly connected points
  • entity = a point or path or polygon
  • space = the 2D space formed by two spatial dimensions
  • spacetime = the 3D space formed by two spatial dimensions and a time dimension
  • hyperentity = the linear interpolation of an entity in spacetime between 2 frames (a prism) projected back into space
  • rect = the bounding box of an entity
  • hyperrect = the bounding box of a hyperentity

Rectangle Creation

  • objective : for each entity, compute its hyperrect
  • time complexity : O(np) n = entities, p = average number of points per entity
for each entity
  boundingBox = the min/max X/Y values in the hyperentity's set of points
  if boundingBox > minChunkSize
    divide the box along the longest dimension until < minChunkSize

Rectangle Sorting

  • objective : radix sort the hyperrects along each dimension
  • time complexity : O(n) n = entities
buckets = 2^5
range = 2^12
accuracy = 2^3
places = log2(range) + log2(accuracy)
iterations = ceil(places / log2(buckets))
iterationSize = places / iterations

LIST = get list of entity bounds for dimension A and format as a
       byte array according to range and accuracy (011.10 => 000000000011.100)

foreach iteration
  create buckets
  use the first X bits in LIST according to iterationSize to sort into buckets
  LIST = append the buckets

Chunk Creation

  • objective : recursively bisect the space in two dimensions so each chunk only needs to check collision for max X entities
  • time complexity : O(n/k) n = entities, k = maximum entities per chunk
foreach dimension
  for entity, idx in LIST[x|y]
    entity.[xChunk|yChunk] = idx div maxEntitiesPerChunk

chunks = createchunks(LIST)

foreach entity in LIST

Collision Detection

objective : to register collisions for each entity time complexity : O(n) n = entities

foreach chunk
  done = []
  foreach point
    foreach LIST (X and y)
      this = rect(point)
      sliceX = get LIST indices between left and right bounds
      foreach that in sliceX
        if !this.collisions.that
          if that.Bottom < this.Top & that.Top > this.Bottom
            this.collisions += that; that.collisions += this
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TODO: Algorithm for Radix sort 64 bit float in parallel on GPU in WebGL

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