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[Unity] PhysicsRaycaster for indirectly casting rays inside a quad that has a RenderTexture on it
using UnityEngine;
public static class Intersection
private const float EPSILON = 1e-8f;
/// <summary>Returns the distance t to the triangle along the ray and the barycenter coordinates of the hit.
/// Adapted from</summary>
private static bool IntersectRayTriangle(Ray ray, Vector3 v0, Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2, bool ignoreBackfacing, out float t, out float u, out float v)
t = u = v = default;
// Find vectors for two edges sharing v0
Vector3 edge1 = v1 - v0;
Vector3 edge2 = v2 - v0;
// Begin calculating determinant - also used to calculate U parameter
Vector3 pvec = Vector3.Cross(ray.direction, edge2);
// If determinant is near zero, ray lies in plane of triangle
float det = Vector3.Dot(edge1, pvec);
// Use backface culling
if (ignoreBackfacing && det < EPSILON)
return false;
float inv_det = 1.0f / det;
// Calculate distance from v0 to ray origin
Vector3 tvec = ray.origin - v0;
// Calculate U parameter and test bounds
u = Vector3.Dot(tvec, pvec) * inv_det;
if (u < 0.0 || u > 1.0f)
return false;
// Prepare to test V parameter
Vector3 qvec = Vector3.Cross(tvec, edge1);
// Calculate V parameter and test bounds
v = Vector3.Dot(ray.direction, qvec) * inv_det;
if (v < 0.0 || u + v > 1.0f)
return false;
// calculate t, ray intersects triangle
t = Vector3.Dot(edge2, qvec) * inv_det;
return true;
/// <summary>Returns the distance t to the triangle along the ray and the barycenter coordinates of the hit.
/// Adapted from</summary>
private static bool IntersectRayTriangle(Ray ray, Vector3 v0, Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2, bool ignoreBackfacing, out float t, out float u, out float v, out float w)
var hit = IntersectRayTriangle(ray, v0, v1, v2, ignoreBackfacing, out t, out u, out v);
w = 1 - u - v;
return hit;
/// <summary>Returns the distance t to the quad along the ray and the barycenter coordinates of the hit.</summary>
public static bool IntersectRayQuad(Ray ray, Vector3 v0, Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2, Vector3 v3, bool ignoreBackfacing, out float t, out Vector2 uv)
if (IntersectRayTriangle(ray, v0, v1, v2, ignoreBackfacing, out t, out var u, out var v, out var w))
//uv = u * Vector2.up + v * + w *;
// u(0,1) + v(1,1) + w(0,0)
uv = new Vector2(v, u + v);
return true;
if (IntersectRayTriangle(ray, v2, v3, v0, ignoreBackfacing, out t, out u, out v, out w))
//uv = u * Vector2.right + v * + w *;
// u(1,0) + v(0,0) + w(1,1)
uv = new Vector2(u + w, w);
return true;
t = default;
uv = default;
return false;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.UI;
/// <summary>PhysicsRaycaster that casts its rays inside a RenderTexture on a RawImage.
/// You can think of it as casting physics rays through a portal. Which sounds kinda cool.</summary>
public class RenderTextureImagePhysicsRaycaster : PhysicsRaycaster
private class RaycastHitComparer : IComparer<RaycastHit>
public static RaycastHitComparer instance = new RaycastHitComparer();
public int Compare(RaycastHit x, RaycastHit y)
return x.distance.CompareTo(y.distance);
private static readonly Vector3[] _cornersCache = new Vector3[4];
[Tooltip("The RawImage whose RectTransform will be used as the target quad for the raycast. It must have the same RenderTexture assigned as the renderTextureCamera below.")]
public RawImage renderTextureRawImage;
[Tooltip("The camera from which the physics raycasts will be made from. It must have the same RenderTexture assigned as the rawImage above below.")]
public Camera renderTextureCamera;
[Tooltip("If true, then the RawImage needs to be facing this camera in order to trigger the raycasts inside the RenderTexture.")]
public bool ignoreBackfacing;
private RaycastHit[] _hitsCache;
public override void Raycast(PointerEventData eventData, List<RaycastResult> resultAppendList)
// This method is overridden for two reasons:
// - We want to call our custom implementation of ComputeRayAndDistance, which is not virtual, thus the new keyword in its declaration.
// - We want to use the LayerMask of the renderTextureCamera, not the eventCamera.
Ray ray = new Ray();
int displayIndex = 0;
float distanceToClipPlane = 0;
if (!ComputeRayAndDistance(eventData, ref ray, ref displayIndex, ref distanceToClipPlane))
int hitCount = 0;
var finalRTEventMask = (renderTextureCamera != null) ? renderTextureCamera.cullingMask & eventMask : -1;
if (m_MaxRayIntersections == 0)
_hitsCache = Physics.RaycastAll(ray, distanceToClipPlane, finalRTEventMask);
hitCount = _hitsCache.Length;
if (m_LastMaxRayIntersections != m_MaxRayIntersections)
_hitsCache = new RaycastHit[m_MaxRayIntersections];
m_LastMaxRayIntersections = m_MaxRayIntersections;
hitCount = Physics.RaycastNonAlloc(ray, _hitsCache, distanceToClipPlane, finalRTEventMask);
if (hitCount != 0)
if (hitCount > 1)
System.Array.Sort(_hitsCache, 0, hitCount, RaycastHitComparer.instance);
for (int b = 0, bmax = hitCount; b < bmax; ++b)
new RaycastResult
gameObject = _hitsCache[b].collider.gameObject,
module = this,
distance = _hitsCache[b].distance,
worldPosition = _hitsCache[b].point,
worldNormal = _hitsCache[b].normal,
screenPosition = eventData.position,
displayIndex = displayIndex,
index = resultAppendList.Count,
sortingLayer = 0,
sortingOrder = 0
protected new bool ComputeRayAndDistance(PointerEventData eventData, ref Ray rayInRTSpace,
ref int eventDisplayIndex, ref float distanceToClipPlane)
if (!ValidateReferences()) return false;
var baseRay = new Ray();
if (!base.ComputeRayAndDistance(eventData, ref baseRay, ref eventDisplayIndex, ref distanceToClipPlane))
return false;
// Use the ray returned by the base PhysicRaycaster to check collision against the RawImage's rect.
var rectTransform = renderTextureRawImage.transform as RectTransform;
if (!Intersection.IntersectRayQuad(baseRay, _cornersCache[0], _cornersCache[1], _cornersCache[2], _cornersCache[3], ignoreBackfacing, out var t, out var quadUV))
// The rect was not hit, so we discard this raycast by returning false.
return false;
// Create the ray in the rtCamera's space that comes out of the point that was hit on the rect.
var intersectionPoint = baseRay.origin + baseRay.direction * t;
rayInRTSpace = renderTextureCamera.ViewportPointToRay(quadUV);
eventDisplayIndex = renderTextureCamera.targetDisplay;
// The base PhysicsRaycaster computes the distance to the eventCamera's clip planes, but we want to do the same
// for our inner rtCamera instead.
float projectionDirection = rayInRTSpace.direction.z;
distanceToClipPlane = Mathf.Approximately(0.0f, projectionDirection)
? Mathf.Infinity
: Mathf.Abs((renderTextureCamera.farClipPlane - renderTextureCamera.nearClipPlane) / projectionDirection);
return true;
private bool ValidateReferences()
return renderTextureRawImage != null && renderTextureCamera != null &&
renderTextureCamera != eventCamera &&
renderTextureRawImage.mainTexture == renderTextureCamera.targetTexture;
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kraj0t commented Apr 28, 2022

I did this for a RawImage because it fits my needs. It should be easy to adapt this to work with a PlaneCollider or a quad in a MeshRenderer. It should also be easy to make this work with other types of raycasters, such as the GraphicRaycaster.

Check the included unitypackage for an example setup.

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