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Created April 7, 2014 19:54
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function hardyCLI() {
// hardy --browser=chrome,phantomjs,ie features/
// hardy selenium start
// hardy init
var http = require("http"),
fs = require('fs'),
path = require('path'),
osType = require('os').type(),
spawn = osType === 'Windows_NT' ? require('win-spawn') : require('child_process').spawn,
argParser = require("./argumentParser"),
VERSION = require('../package.json').version,
numberOfRuns, currentRun,
hardyPath = path.resolve(require.main.filename, '../..') + '/',
configFile = null,
lockFile = hardyPath + '.seleniumlock';
function init(properties) {
console.log('Hardy v' + VERSION);
PROPERTIES = properties || argParser(process.argv);
// If we've failed for some reason
if ( {
printMessageAndExit('', 1, true);
} else {
// If this is simply a call to initialise the current directory with default test setup
if (PROPERTIES.init) {
// Check it hasn't already got files in it
if (fs.existsSync('selectors/') || fs.existsSync('screenshots/')) {
printMessageAndExit('Cannot init a non-empty directory', 1);
} else {
// If the directory is empty, create the default empty files
printMessageAndExit('Directory initialised');
} else if (PROPERTIES.clean) {
// Check the screenshot directory exists. If it doesn't, there's nothing to clean
if (!fs.existsSync('screenshots/')) {
printMessageAndExit('screenshot directory does not exist', 1);
} else {
// Directory is there, let's remove everything in it
printMessageAndExit('Directory initialised');
} else {
// Not just initialising a new folder
//First check if Selenium is running
PROPERTIES.seleniumPID = getSeleniumPID();
http.get("", seleniumIsRunning)
.on('error', seleniumIsNotRunning);
function createScreenshotsFolder() {
function createTestFolder() {
fs.writeFileSync('test.feature', "Feature:");
fs.writeFileSync('step_definitions/custom.js', "");
fs.writeFileSync('selectors.js', "module.exports = {};");
// printMessageAndExit("Test folder created");
function controlNotRunningSelenium() {
if (PROPERTIES.seleniumAction === 'start') {
if (PROPERTIES.logLevel === 'debug') {
console.log('java', ['-jar', hardyPath + 'lib/selenium-server-standalone-2.32.0.jar'], {
detached: true
var selenium = spawn('java', ['-jar', hardyPath + 'lib/selenium-server-standalone-2.32.0.jar'], {
detached: true
selenium.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
console.warn('' + data);
if (selenium.connected) {
fs.writeFile(lockFile,, function (err) {
if (err) {
} else {
printMessageAndExit("Selenium started: [" + + "]");
} else if (PROPERTIES.seleniumAction === 'stop') {
printMessageAndExit('Selenium stopped');
} else {
printMessageAndExit('Unrecognised Selenium command', 1, true);
function controlRunningSelenium() {
if (PROPERTIES.seleniumAction === 'stop') {
if (PROPERTIES.seleniumPID) {
process.kill(PROPERTIES.seleniumPID); // sends SIGTERM
printMessageAndExit(osType === 'Windows_NT' ? 'Cannot stop Selenium on Windows' : 'Selenium stopped');
} else {
printMessageAndExit('Cannot control external Selenium');
// Is it a call to start selenium (even though it is already running)?
} else if (PROPERTIES.seleniumAction === 'start') {
printMessageAndExit('Selenium already running [' + PROPERTIES.seleniumPID + ']');
// command is 'hardy selenium somethingElse', Ignore.
} else {
printMessageAndExit('Unrecognised Selenium command', 1, true);
function getSeleniumPID() {
// is this our Selenium?
if (fs.existsSync(lockFile)) {
return fs.readFileSync(lockFile, "utf8").trim();
return false;
function seleniumIsRunning(res) {
// Selenium is running
// is this our Selenium?
if (!PROPERTIES.seleniumPID) {
console.log('Using external selenium.');
// is this a call to stop selenium?
if (PROPERTIES.selenium) {
} else {
process.argv.forEach(function(arg) {
arg = arg.match(/^--([A-Za-z]+)=(.*)/);
// Only look for --[PROPERTY] style args, everything else can be forgotten
if (arg === null || !arg[1]) return;
// If the JSON file has the argument to override, then override it.
if (PROPERTIES.hasOwnProperty(arg[1])) {
PROPERTIES[arg[1]] = arg[2];
// Otherwise proclaim that it is an unrecognised argument
} else {
console.log('Unrecognised argument ' + arg[1]);
testFolder = process.argv[process.argv.length - 1];
testPath = path.resolve(testFolder);
if (PROPERTIES.configFile && fs.existsSync(testPath + "/" + PROPERTIES.configFile)) {
configFile = testPath + "/" + PROPERTIES.configFile;
browsersToTest = PROPERTIES.browser.split(',');
numberOfRuns = browsersToTest.length;
currentRun = 0;
exitCode = 0;
function buildChildProcess(browser) {
var command, optionsArray = [],
// Output style of Cucumber
optionsArray.push("-f=" + PROPERTIES.reportFormat);
// Get Cucumber to load our CSS test helpers and world files first
optionsArray.push("-r=" + hardyPath + 'features/');
// Now load any test-folder local step files
if (fs.existsSync(testPath + "/step_definitions/")) {
optionsArray.push("-r=" + testPath + "/step_definitions/");
// Load test-folder local selector mapping files
if (fs.existsSync(testPath + "/selectors/")) {
optionsArray.push("--selectorsPath=" + testPath + "/selectors/");
// Set the WebDriverJS logLevel if it has been supplied
if (PROPERTIES.logLevel) {
optionsArray.push("--logLevel=" + PROPERTIES.logLevel);
// Need to loop over the specified browsers
optionsArray.push("--browser=" + browser);
// This is the path to the globally installed Hardy
optionsArray.push("--binaryPath=" + hardyPath);
// Path to the local test folder
optionsArray.push("--testPath=" + testPath);
// Config file
if (configFile) {
optionsArray.push("--configFile=" + configFile);
// Where to find our *.feature files
command = hardyPath + 'node_modules/cucumber/bin/cucumber.js';
environment = {
cwd: testPath,
stdio: 'inherit'
if (PROPERTIES.logLevel === 'debug') {
console.log(command, optionsArray, environment);
// Spawn all the different browsers into separate child processes
// but pipe the stdio and stderr back to the parent.
var testRun = spawn(command, optionsArray, environment);
testRun.on('exit', makeNext(browser));
function seleniumIsNotRunning(e) {
// Selenium is not running, is this a call to start it?
if (PROPERTIES.selenium) {
// If it isn't running, get rid of any incorrect lockfiles
if (PROPERTIES.seleniumPID) {
} else {
printMessageAndExit("Selenium not running: " + e.message + "\nStart it using:\nhardy selenium start", 1);
function printMessageAndExit(optionalMessage, exitCode, usage) {
if (optionalMessage) {
if (exitCode) {
if (usage) {
console.log('hardy --browser=chrome,phantomjs,ie features/');
console.log('hardy selenium start');
console.log('hardy selenium stop');
console.log('hardy init');
return process.exit(exitCode);
// console.log(PROPERTIES);
// Helper to make the main thread wait for the children to finish before
// deciding on its own error code.
function makeNext(browser) {
return function next(code) {
exitCode += code;
if (code === 0) {
// Add Browser name here
console.log(browser + ' success');
} else {
console.log(browser + ' fail');
if (currentRun == numberOfRuns) {
function cleanDirectory(dirPath) {
var files;
try {
files = fs.readdirSync(dirPath);
} catch (e) {
if (files.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
var filePath = dirPath + '/' + files[i];
if (fs.statSync(filePath).isFile()) {
} else {
return {
init: init,
printMessageAndExit: printMessageAndExit
module.exports = hardyCLI();
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