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Created October 7, 2011 00:20
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haproxy.cfg - Notes
log local0
log local1 notice
#Adds a global syslog server. Up to two global servers can be defined. They
#will receive logs for startups and exits, as well as all logs from proxies
#configured with "log global". An optional level can be specified to filter
#outgoing messages. By default, all messages are sent.
#An IPv4 address optionally followed by a colon and a UDP port. If
#no port is specified, 514 is used by default (the standard syslog port).
maxconn 4096
#Sets the maximum per-process number of concurrent connections to <number>. It
#is equivalent to the command-line argument "-n". Proxies will stop accepting
#connections when this limit is reached. The "ulimit-n" parameter is
#automatically adjusted according to this value. See also "ulimit-n"
uid 99
#Changes the process' user ID to <number>. It is recommended that the user ID
#is dedicated to HAProxy or to a small set of similar daemons. HAProxy must
#be started with superuser privileges in order to be able to switch to another
#one. See also "gid" and "user".
gid 99
#Changes the process' group ID to <number>. It is recommended that the group
#ID is dedicated to HAProxy or to a small set of similar daemons. HAProxy must
#be started with a user belonging to this group, or with superuser privileges.
#See also "group" and "uid".
#Makes the process fork into background. This is the recommended mode of
#operation. It is equivalent to the command line "-D" argument. It can be
#disabled by the command line "-db" argument.
#Enables debug mode which dumps to stdout all exchanges, and disables forking
#into background. It is the equivalent of the command-line argument "-d". It
#should never be used in a production configuration since it may prevent full
#system startup.
#Do not display any message during startup. It is equivalent to the command-
#line argument "-q".
log global
#Enable per-instance logging of events and traffic.
#global should be used when the instance's logging parameters are the
#same as the global ones. This is the most common usage. "global"
#replaces <address>, <facility> and <level> with those of the log
#entries found in the "global" section. Only one "log global"
#statement may be used per instance, and this form takes no other
mode http
#Set the running mode or protocol of the instance
#The instance will work in HTTP mode. The client request will be
#analyzed in depth before connecting to any server. Any request
#which is not RFC-compliant will be rejected. Layer 7 filtering,
#processing and switching will be possible. This is the mode which
#brings HAProxy most of its value.
option httplog
#Enable logging of HTTP request, session state and timers
option dontlognull
#Enable or disable logging of null connections
retries 3
#Set the number of retries to perform on a server after a connection failure
option redispatch
#Enable or disable session redistribution in case of connection failure
maxconn 2000
#Fix the maximum number of concurrent connections on a frontend
#This value should not exceed the global maxconn
contimeout 5000
#Set the maximum time to wait for a connection attempt to a server to succeed.
clitimeout 50000
#Set the maximum inactivity time on the client side.
#An unspecified timeout results in an infinite timeout, which
#is not recommended. Such a usage is accepted and works but reports a warning
#during startup because it may results in accumulation of expired sessions in
#the system if the system's timeouts are not configured either.
srvtimeout 50000
#Set the maximum inactivity time on the server side.
#balance roundrobin
#The load balancing algorithm of a backend is set to roundrobin when no other
#algorithm, mode nor option have been set
frontend http-in
bind *:80
#Define one or several listening addresses and/or ports in a frontend
default_backend servers
#Specify the backend to use when no "use_backend" rule has been matched
backend servers
option httpchk OPTIONS /
#Enable HTTP protocol to check on the servers health
option forwardfor
#Enable insertion of the X-Forwarded-For header to requests sent to servers
#Since HAProxy works in reverse-proxy mode, the servers see its IP address as
#their client address. This is sometimes annoying when the client's IP address
#is expected in server logs. To solve this problem, the well-known HTTP header
#"X-Forwarded-For" may be added by HAProxy to all requests sent to the server.
stats enable
#Enable statistics reporting with default settings
stats refresh 10s
#Enable statistics with automatic refresh
stats hide-version
#Enable statistics and hide HAProxy version reporting
stats scope .
# Enable statistics and limit access scope
stats uri /admin?stats
#Enable statistics and define the URI prefix to access them
stats realm Haproxy\ Statistics
#Enable statistics and set authentication realm
#<realm> is the name of the HTTP Basic Authentication realm reported to
#the browser. The browser uses it to display it in the pop-up
#inviting the user to enter a valid username and password.
stats auth admin:pass
#Enable statistics with authentication and grant access to an account
cookie JSESSIONID prefix
#Enable cookie-based persistence in a backend
#server <name> <address>[:port] [param*]
#Please refer to section 5 for more details.
server tomcat1 cookie JSESSIONID_SERVER_1 check inter 5000
server tomcat2 cookie JSESSIONID_SERVER_2 check inter 5000
#Declare a server in a backend
#server <name> <address>[:port] [param*]
#<param*> is a list of parameters for this server. The "server" keywords
#accepts an important number of options and has a complete section
#dedicated to it. Please refer to section 5 for more details.
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