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Created December 24, 2010 12:29
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import scalaz._
object ValidationPromise extends Application {
import scalaz.Scalaz._
import scalaz.concurrent.Promise
import scalaz.concurrent.Strategy
// ------------------------------------------------
// Applicative composition of concurrent functions
// ------------------------------------------------
type ValidationFunction = String => Validation[String, String]
// Composes n (independent) functions of type ValidationFunction to a composite function of type ValidationFunction
// that executes its components concurrently depending on an implicitly defined scalaz.concurrent.Strategy.
def comp(fs: ValidationFunction*)(aggr: (String, String) => String)(implicit cs: Strategy): ValidationFunction =
(s: String) => {
val promises = s.pure[List] <*> fs.toList ∘ (_.promise(cs)) ∘
(kleisliFn[Promise, String, Validation[String, String]](_))
val promise = promises.tail.foldLeft(promises.head) {
(z, m) => m <*> z ∘ aggr.lift[PartialApply1Of2[Validation, String]#Apply].curried
// Alternative to comp using MA#sequence (not used below)
def comps(fs: ValidationFunction*)(aggr: (String, String) => String)(implicit cs: Strategy): ValidationFunction =
(s: String) => {
val xsPromise = (s.pure[List] <*> fs.toList ∘ (_.promise(cs)) ∘
(kleisliFn[Promise, String, Validation[String, String]](_))).sequence
val xPromise = => xs.tail.foldLeft(xs.head) {
(z, m) => m <*> z ∘ aggr.curried
// Creates a ValidationFunction that fails when created with "c" otherwise succeeds
def f(t: String): ValidationFunction = (s:String) => {
Thread sleep 3000
if (t == "c") Failure(t) else Success(s + t)
// Combines two success values into one
val c = (s1: String, s2: String) => "%s - %s" format (s1, s2)
// Creates a separate thread for each function (component)
import scalaz.concurrent.Strategy.Naive
// Compose 3 functions that succeed
val compf = comp(f("a"), f("b"), f("d"))(c)
// Takes approx. 3 seconds (parallel computation)
compf("x") assert_≟ Success("xa - xb - xd")
// Runs each function (component) in the caller thread
import scalaz.concurrent.Strategy.Sequential
// Compose 3 functions that succeed
val compf = comp(f("a"), f("b"), f("d"))(c)
// Takes approx. 9 seconds (sequential computation)
compf("x") assert_≟ Success("xa - xb - xd")
// Creates a separate thread for each function (component)
import scalaz.concurrent.Strategy.Naive
// Compose 2 functions that succeed and one that fails
val compf = comp(f("a"), f("c"), f("d"))(c)
// Takes approx. 3 seconds (parallel computation)
compf("x") assert_≟ Failure("c")
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