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Created July 7, 2012 14:55
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import yk.Util;
import java.util.*;
import static yk.Util.list;
import static;
public class Lift {
public static void main(String[] args) {
State start = new State(1, map(
Children.Митя, 1,
Children.Петя, 2,
Children.Тёма, 2,
Children.Саша, 2,
Children.Витя, 3,
Children.Маша, 4,
Children.Паша, 4
final State end = new State(0, map(
Children.Митя, 2,
Children.Петя, 4,
Children.Тёма, 2,
Children.Саша, 3,
Children.Витя, 2,
Children.Маша, 1,
Children.Паша, 4
Search<State, Action> search = new Search<State, Action>(start) {
public List<Action> getActions(Node<State, Action> node) {
List<Action> result = new ArrayList<Action>();
if (node.state.liftFloor < 4) result.add(new Action(true));
if (node.state.liftFloor > 1) result.add(new Action(false));
for (Children c : node.state.floors.get(node.state.liftFloor)) {
if (node.state.liftFloor < 4) result.add(new Action(true, c));
if (node.state.liftFloor > 1) result.add(new Action(false, c));
for (Children c2 : node.state.floors.get(node.state.liftFloor)) {
if (c2 != c) {
if (node.state.liftFloor < 4) result.add(new Action(true, c, c2));
if (node.state.liftFloor > 1) result.add(new Action(false, c, c2));
return result;
public int compare(Node<State, Action> a, Node<State, Action> b) {
return a.state.distanceTo(end) - b.state.distanceTo(end);
public boolean isEnd(State state) {
return state.distanceTo(end) == 0;
public State genState(State state, Action action) {
State result = new State(state);
int oldFloor = state.liftFloor;
int newFloor = state.liftFloor + (action.up ? 1 : -1);
result.liftFloor = newFloor;
for (Children p : action.passangers) {
return result;
for (Search.Node<State, Action> node : search.popNext(100)) {
if (node.action != null) System.out.println(node.action);
private static class State {
int liftFloor;
List<Set<Children>> floors = new ArrayList<Set<Children>>();
private State(int liftFloor, Map<Children, Integer> state) {
floors = list();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) floors.add(new HashSet<Children>());
this.liftFloor = liftFloor;
for (Map.Entry<Children, Integer> entry : state.entrySet()) {
State(State s) {
liftFloor = s.liftFloor;
floors = list();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) floors.add(new HashSet<Children>());
for (int i = 0; i < floors.size(); i++) floors.get(i).addAll(s.floors.get(i));
int getFloor(Children c) {
for (int i = 0; i < floors.size(); i++) for (Children cc : floors.get(i)) if (cc == c) return i;
throw new Error("can't find " + c);
public int distanceTo(State end) {
int result = 0;
for (Children c : Children.values()) result += Math.abs(end.getFloor(c) - getFloor(c));
return result;
private static class Action {
boolean up;
List<Children> passangers;
private Action(boolean up, Children... passangers) {
this.up = up;
if (passangers.length > 2) throw new Error("too much " + passangers.length);
this.passangers = Arrays.asList(passangers);
public String toString() {
return (up ? "вверх" : "вниз") + " " + (passangers.isEmpty() ? "пустой" : Util.append(passangers, ", "));
private static enum Children {
package lift;
import java.util.*;
import static lift.Util.list;
import static;
import static lift.Util.set;
public class Lift2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
State start = new State(4, 2, map(
Children.Мужчина, 2,
Children.Женщина, 5,
Children.Девочка, 5,
Children.Мальчик, 8,
Children.Кошка, 7
final State end = new State(0, 0, map(
Children.Мужчина, 8,
Children.Женщина, 3,
Children.Девочка, 6,
Children.Мальчик, 2,
Children.Кошка, 1
Search<State, Action> search = new Search<State, Action>(start) {
private List<Action> getLift1(Node<State, Action> node) {
List<Action> result = new ArrayList<Action>();
if (node.state.lift1Floor < 8) result.add(new Action(true, list()));
if (node.state.lift1Floor > 1) result.add(new Action(false, list()));
for (Children c : node.state.floors.get(node.state.lift1Floor)) {
if (node.state.lift1Floor < 8) result.add(new Action(true, list(c)));
if (node.state.lift1Floor > 1) result.add(new Action(false, list(c)));
for (Children c2 : node.state.floors.get(node.state.lift1Floor)) {
if (c2 != c) {
if (node.state.lift1Floor < 8) result.add(new Action(true, list(c, c2)));
if (node.state.lift1Floor > 1) result.add(new Action(false, list(c, c2)));
return result;
private List<Action> getLift2(Node<State, Action> node, Action l1) {
List<Action> result = new ArrayList<Action>();
if (node.state.lift2Floor < 8) result.add(new Action(l1, true, list()));
if (node.state.lift2Floor > 1) result.add(new Action(l1, false, list()));
for (Children c : node.state.floors.get(node.state.lift2Floor)) if (!l1.passangers1.contains(c)){
if (node.state.lift2Floor < 8) result.add(new Action(l1, true, list(c)));
if (node.state.lift2Floor > 1) result.add(new Action(l1, false, list(c)));
return result;
public List<Action> getActions(Node<State, Action> node) {
List<Action> result = list();
for (Action a : getLift1(node)) result.addAll(getLift2(node, a));
return result;
public int compare(Node<State, Action> a, Node<State, Action> b) {
return (int) Math.signum((a.w-b.w)*2 + a.state.distanceTo(end) - b.state.distanceTo(end));
public boolean isEnd(State state) {
return state.distanceTo(end) == 0;
public State genState(State state, Action action) {
State result = new State(state);
int old1Floor = state.lift1Floor;
int new1Floor = state.lift1Floor + (action.firstUp ? 1 : -1);
result.lift1Floor = new1Floor;
for (Children p : action.passangers1) {
int old2Floor = state.lift2Floor;
int new2Floor = state.lift2Floor + (action.secondUp ? 1 : -1);
result.lift2Floor = new2Floor;
for (Children p : action.passangers2) {
return result;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
List<Search.Node<State, Action>> res = search.popNext(100);
if (res.size() - 1 <= 11)
for (Search.Node<State, Action> node : res){
if (node.action != null) {
System.out.print("лифт 1, этаж " + node.prevNode.state.lift1Floor + ", движение: ");
System.out.print("лифт 2, этаж " + node.prevNode.state.lift2Floor + ", движение: ");
System.out.println("--" + (res.size() - 1));
private static class State {
int lift1Floor;
int lift2Floor;
List<Set<Children>> floors = new ArrayList<Set<Children>>();
private State(int liftFloor, int lift2Floor, Map<Children, Integer> state) {
floors = list();
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) floors.add(new HashSet<Children>());
this.lift1Floor = liftFloor;
this.lift2Floor = lift2Floor;
for (Map.Entry<Children, Integer> entry : state.entrySet()) {
State(State s) {
lift1Floor = s.lift1Floor;
lift2Floor = s.lift2Floor;
floors = list();
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) floors.add(new HashSet<Children>());
for (int i = 0; i < floors.size(); i++) floors.get(i).addAll(s.floors.get(i));
int getFloor(Children c) {
for (int i = 0; i < floors.size(); i++) for (Children cc : floors.get(i)) if (cc == c) return i;
throw new Error("can't find " + c);
public int distanceTo(State end) {
int result = 0;
for (Children c : Children.values()) result += Math.abs(end.getFloor(c) - getFloor(c));
return result;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
State state = (State) o;
if (lift1Floor != state.lift1Floor) return false;
if (lift2Floor != state.lift2Floor) return false;
if (!floors.equals(state.floors)) return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
int result = lift1Floor;
result = 31 * result + lift2Floor;
result = 31 * result + floors.hashCode();
return result;
private static class Action {
boolean firstUp;
boolean secondUp;
List<Children> passangers1;
List<Children> passangers2;
private Action(boolean up, List c1) {
this.firstUp = up;
if (c1.size() > 2) throw new Error("too much for 1" + c1.size());
this.passangers1 = c1;
private Action(Action firstLift, boolean up2, List c2) {
this.firstUp = firstLift.firstUp;
this.secondUp = up2;
if (c2.size() > 1) throw new Error("too much for 2 " + c2.size());
this.passangers1 = firstLift.passangers1;
this.passangers2 = c2;
public String l1() {
return (firstUp ? "вверх" : "вниз") + " " + (passangers1.isEmpty() ? "пустой" : Util.append(passangers1, ", "));
public String l2() {
return (secondUp ? "вверх" : "вниз") + " " + (passangers2.isEmpty() ? "пустой" : Util.append(passangers2, ", "));
private static enum Children {
package lift;
import java.util.*;
* Kravchik Yuri
* Date: 09.01.12
* Time: 10:34 PM
//TO DO max edge size. List of actions?
abstract public class Search<STATE, ACTION> implements Comparator<Search.Node<STATE, ACTION>> {
public boolean breadthFirst = true;
protected boolean keepActionless;
protected List<Node<STATE, ACTION>> edge = new ArrayList<Node<STATE, ACTION>>();
public Map<STATE, Node<STATE, ACTION>> seen = new HashMap<STATE, Node<STATE, ACTION>>();
public int iterations;
* @return list of possible actions from given state
abstract public List<ACTION> getActions(Node<STATE, ACTION> node);
abstract public boolean isEnd(STATE state);
* @return new state, or null if new state is impossible or 'bad'
abstract public STATE genState(STATE state, ACTION action);
* Override this to add an heuristic (A* would use distance to the target state as heuristics)
public int compare(Node<STATE, ACTION> a, Node<STATE, ACTION> b) {
return breadthFirst ? a.w - b.w : b.w - a.w;
public Search(STATE begin) {
iterations = 0;
edge.add(new Node<STATE, ACTION>(null, null, begin));
public List<Node<STATE, ACTION>> popNext(int limit) {
return popResult();
private int curLimit;
public void next(int limit) {
curLimit += limit;
while (!edge.isEmpty()) {
Node<STATE, ACTION> current;
Collections.sort(edge, this);
current = edge.get(0);
if (isEnd(current.state)) break;
if (current.w >= curLimit) break;
List<ACTION> actions = getActions(current);
if (keepActionless && actions.isEmpty()) {
for (ACTION action : actions) {
STATE state = genState(current.state, action);
if (state != null) {
Node<STATE, ACTION> newNode = new Node<STATE, ACTION>(current, action, state);
Node<STATE, ACTION> oldNode = seen.get(newNode.state);
if (oldNode == null || newNode.w + 1 < oldNode.w) {
seen.put(newNode.state, newNode);
public List<Node<STATE, ACTION>> popResult() {
List<Node<STATE, ACTION>> result = getResult();
if (!edge.isEmpty()) edge.remove(0);
return result;
public List<Node<STATE, ACTION>> getResult() {
List<Node<STATE, ACTION>> result = new ArrayList<Node<STATE, ACTION>>();
Node<STATE, ACTION> current = edge.isEmpty() ? null : edge.get(0);
if (current == null) return null;
while (current.prevNode != null) {
result.add(0, current);
current = current.prevNode;
result.add(0, current);
return result;
public static class Node<STATE, ACTION> {
public STATE state;
public ACTION action;//action that leads to this state
public Node<STATE, ACTION> prevNode;//node with state from which we get here with 'action'
public int w;//number of steps taken on the route from the start
public Node(Node<STATE, ACTION> prevNode, ACTION action, STATE state) {
this.action = action;
this.prevNode = prevNode;
if (prevNode != null) this.w = prevNode.w + 1;
this.state = state;
public String toString() {
return "Node{action=" + action + ", prevNode.state=" + (prevNode == null ? "null" : prevNode.state) + ", w=" + w + ", state=" + state + "}\n";
package yk;
import java.util.*;
* Kravchik Yuri
* Date: 11/24/11
* Time: 12:43 AM
public class Util {
public static <K, V> Map<K, V> ext(Map<K, V> m, K k, V v) {
Map<K, V> result = new HashMap<K, V>(m);
result.put(k, v);
return result;
public static <T> Set<T> subSet(Set<T> nn, T n) {
Set<T> result = new LinkedHashSet<T>(nn);
return result;
public static float format(float v, int base) {
float b = (float) Math.pow(10, base);
return ((int) (v*b))/b;
public static <T> T car(List<T> list) {
return list.get(0);
public static <T> List<T> cdr(List<T> list) {
if (list.size() == 1) return new ArrayList<T>();
return list.subList(1, list.size());
public static <T> Collection<T> sub(Collection<T> s, T item) {
Set<T> result = new HashSet<T>();
for (T t : s) if (t != item) result.add(t);
return result;
public static <T> T car(Collection<T> list) {
return list.iterator().next();
//Iterator<T> it = list.iterator();
//return it.hasNext() ? : null;
public static <T> Set<T> copy(Set<T> set) {
return new LinkedHashSet<T>(set);
public static <K, V> Map<K, V> copy(Map<K, V> map) {
return new HashMap<K, V>(map);
public static <K, V> Map<K, V> copy(Map<K, V> m, K k, V v, Object... other) {
Map<K, V> result = copy(m);
result.put(k, v);
for (int i = 0; i < other.length; i += 2) {
result.put((K)other[i], (V)other[i + 1]);
return result;
public static <T> Collection<T> cdr(Collection<T> list) {
return sub(list, car(list));
public static String append(Collection ss, String appender) {
return append("", ss, appender);
public static String append(String prefix, Collection ss, String appender) {
boolean first = true;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Object o : ss) {
if (first) first = false;
else sb.append(appender);
return sb.toString();
public static <T> Set<T> set(T... tt) {
return new LinkedHashSet<T>(Arrays.asList(tt));
public static <T> ArrayList<T> list(T... tt) {
return new ArrayList<T>(Arrays.asList(tt));
public static <T> Set<T> set(Set<T> s) {
return new LinkedHashSet<T>(s);
public static <K, V> Map<K, V> map(K k, V v, Object... oo) {
Map<K, V> result = new HashMap<K, V>();
result.put(k, v);
for (int i = 0; i < oo.length; i+=2) result.put((K)oo[i], (V)oo[i+1]);
return result;
public static <K, V> Map<K, V> map() {
return new HashMap<K, V>();
public static <T> Set<T> addIf(Set<T> old, Set<T> toAdd) {
if (toAdd == null) return old;
if (old == null) return toAdd;
return old;
public static float sqr(float x) {
return x * x;
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