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Created June 17, 2011 15:27
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Bot for browser mmorpg written in Haskell
import Prelude hiding (catch)
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map as M (lookup)
import System.IO
import System.Random (randomRIO)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Exception (catch, SomeException)
import Data.String.Utils (split, startswith)
import Network.Shpider
import Network.Shpider.State
import Network.Curl.Opts
import Text.HTML.TagSoup
data BotvaAccount = BAccount {
server :: Int
, email :: String
, password :: String
} deriving(Show)
data Work a = CanWork | WaitForWork a
deriving(Show, Eq)
data WorkType = Bodalka | Farm | Fishing
deriving(Show, Eq)
data Fight a = CanFight | WaitForFight a
deriving(Show, Eq)
data CharacterState = CharState {
work :: Work Int
, fishing :: Work Int
, fight :: Fight Int
} deriving(Show)
data BotvaCharacter = BCharacter {
nickname :: String
, lvl :: Int
, strength :: Int
, defence :: Int
, dexterity :: Int
, weight :: Int
, skill :: Int
, hp :: (Int, Int)
, xp :: (Int, Int)
, glory :: Int
, charState :: CharacterState
, regen :: Int
, dozorRemTime :: Int
} deriving(Show)
--- Parsing and working with network ---
main :: IO ()
main = do
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
runBot :: IO ()
runBot = catch bot rest
rest :: SomeException -> IO ()
rest _ = runBot
twentySpaces :: String
twentySpaces = replicate 20 ' '
putMsg, putMsgLn :: String -> IO ()
putMsg = putStr . ("\r" ++) . (++ twentySpaces)
putMsgLn = putStrLn . ("\r" ++) . (++ twentySpaces)
bot :: IO ()
bot = bot' 1
bot' :: Int -> IO ()
bot' i = do
putStrLn $ "\n" ++ show i ++ " iteration."
loginIn >> smallPause
stats <- getMyStats
when (i `mod` 15 == 0) $ print stats
let charState' = charState stats
let canWork = work charState' == CanWork && snd (checkHP stats)
let canFight = fight charState' == CanFight && fst (checkHP stats) && canWork
let canFish = fishing charState' == CanWork
let workType' = workType stats
when' canFight "Fight!" $ findAndFight stats
when' canWork ("Work on " ++ show workType' ++ "!") $ goWork (workTime workType') workType'
when' canFish "Fishing!" $ goWork 0 Fishing
stats <- getMyStats
print $ timeForWaitList stats
putMsgLn "Wait!" >> bigPause >> (waitWithProgress . minimum' . filter (> 0) . timeForWaitList) stats
bot' (i + 1)
timeForWaitList :: BotvaCharacter -> [Int]
timeForWaitList stats = [fromWaitWork (work charState'), fromWaitWork (fishing charState'), fromWaitFight (fight charState')]
where charState' = charState stats
when' :: Bool -> String -> IO () -> IO ()
when' p s x = when p $ putMsgLn s >> x >> smallPause
minimum' :: [Int] -> Int
minimum' xs = if null xs then 0 else minimum xs
loginIn :: IO ()
loginIn = runShpiderWithMyState $ do
src <- download $ gameUrl "index.php"
let form = forms $ snd src
unless (null form) $
sendForm (fillOutForm (head form) [("email", email myAcc), ("password", password myAcc)])
>> return ()
findAndFight :: BotvaCharacter -> IO ()
findAndFight stats = findAndFight' 0
where findAndFight' i = when (i < 5) $
findOpponent (lvl stats - 1) (lvl stats + 1)
>>= \(f,o) -> if sumOfStats stats / sumOfStats (getStats o) >= compareCoeff
then goFight f
else findAndFight' (i + 1)
getMyStats :: IO BotvaCharacter
getMyStats = runShpiderWithMyState $ do
tgs <- downloadTags $ gameUrl "index.php"
lift smallPause
doz <- downloadTags $ gameUrl "dozor.php"
lift smallPause
fishingState <- lift getFishingState
let fightState = fromJsTimer (~== "<a class='timer attack'>") tgs
let workState = fromJsTimer (~== "<a class='timer link'>") tgs
let person = BCharacter {
nickname = select 5 (~== "<div class=name>") tgs
, lvl = read (select 3 (~== "<td class='c2 left'>") tgs) :: Int
, strength = selectStats 0 tgs
, defence = selectStats 1 tgs
, dexterity = selectStats 2 tgs
, weight = selectStats 3 tgs
, skill = selectStats 4 tgs
, hp = (head (parseExpHP "ico_hits" tgs), parseExpHP "ico_hits" tgs !! 1)
, xp = (head (parseExpHP "ico_exp" tgs), parseExpHP "ico_exp" tgs !! 1)
, glory = read (select 6 (~== "<b class='icon ico_glory'>") tgs) :: Int
, charState = CharState
(if workState == 0 then CanWork else WaitForWork workState)
(if fightState == 0 then CanFight else WaitForFight fightState)
, regen = read (parseRegen tgs) :: Int
, dozorRemTime = if fromWaitWork (work $ charState person) == 0 && snd (checkHP person)
then read (filter isDigit $ select 4
(~== "<input type=submit class='cmd_all \
\cmd_row3 cmd_arow3 ' value = '\205\192\215\192\210\220'>")
doz) :: Int
else -10
return person
getStats :: [Tag String] -> BotvaCharacter
getStats p = BCharacter { nickname = drop 4 $ select 4 (~== "<div class=blockTitle>") p
, lvl = read (select 3 (~== "<td class='c2 left'>") p) :: Int
, strength = selectStats 0 p
, defence = selectStats 1 p
, dexterity = selectStats 2 p
, weight = selectStats 3 p
, skill = selectStats 4 p
, hp = (0,0)
, xp = (0,0)
, glory = read (select 7 (~== "<b class='icon ico_glory'>") p) :: Int
, charState = CharState CanWork CanWork CanFight
, regen = 0
, dozorRemTime = -10
sumOfStats :: BotvaCharacter -> Double
sumOfStats x = toEnum (sum [strength x, defence x, dexterity x, weight x, skill x]) :: Double
getFishingState :: IO (Work Int)
getFishingState = runShpiderWithMyState $ do
tgs <- downloadTags $ gameUrl "harbour.php?a=pier"
rndTime <- lift (randomRIO (75, 225) :: IO Int)
let button = partitions (~== "<input type=submit class='cmd_all cmd_large cmd_alarge ' value='\206\210\207\208\192\194\200\210\220'>") tgs
let timer = head $ partitions (~== "<center>") tgs
let fishingState | not (null button) = CanWork
| length timer == 32 = WaitForWork $ (fromBTimer . fromTagText . (!!8)) timer
| otherwise = WaitForWork rndTime
return fishingState
findOpponent :: Int -> Int -> IO (Form, [Tag String])
findOpponent mi ma = runShpiderWithMyState $ do
src <- download $ gameUrl "dozor.php"
let form = forms (snd src) !! 1
let k = fromMaybe "" $ M.lookup "k" (inputs form)
let form' = mkForm "dozor.php" POST [("k", k), ("min", show mi), ("max", show ma), ("do_search", "1"), ("type", "advanced")]
r <- fmap snd $ sendForm form'
return (head (forms r), tags r)
goFight :: Form -> IO ()
goFight oppForm = runShpiderWithMyState $ sendForm oppForm >> return ()
goWork :: Double -> WorkType -> IO ()
goWork time t = runShpiderWithMyState $ do
src <- case t of
Bodalka -> download $ gameUrl "dozor.php"
Farm -> download $ gameUrl "farm.php"
Fishing -> download $ gameUrl "harbour.php?a=pier"
let form = (head . forms . snd) src
let k = fromMaybe "" $ M.lookup "k" (inputs form)
let form' = case t of
Bodalka -> mkForm "dozor.php" POST [("k", k), ("auto_watch", show $ floor $ time / 10)]
Farm -> mkForm "farm.php" POST [("k", k), ("work", show $ floor $ time / 60), ("cmd", "do")]
Fishing -> mkForm "harbour.php?a=pier" POST [("k", k), ("do_cmd", "send")]
fmap snd $ sendForm form'
return ()
--- Helpers ---
workType :: BotvaCharacter -> WorkType
workType stats = if dozorRemTime stats > 0 then Bodalka else Farm
workTime :: Fractional a => WorkType -> a
workTime wType = case wType of
Bodalka -> 10.0
_ -> 60.0
smallPause :: IO ()
smallPause = do
rndTime <- randomRIO (5,40) :: IO Int
waitWithProgress rndTime
bigPause :: IO ()
bigPause = do
rndTime <- randomRIO (35, 175) :: IO Int
waitWithProgress rndTime
fromWaitWork :: Num t => Work t -> t
fromWaitWork (WaitForWork x) = x
fromWaitWork CanWork = 0
fromWaitFight :: Num t => Fight t -> t
fromWaitFight (WaitForFight x) = x
fromWaitFight CanFight = 0
waitFor :: Int -> IO ()
waitFor = threadDelay . (* 1000000)
waitWithProgress :: Int -> IO ()
waitWithProgress x = do
putMsg ("Wait for: " ++ show x ++ " sec")
waitFor 1
when (x > 0) $ waitWithProgress (x - 1)
checkHP :: BotvaCharacter -> (Bool, Bool)
checkHP = (\(x,y) -> (,) ((fromIntegral x / fromIntegral y) > hpCoeff) (x > 25) ) . hp
{-- Parsing helpers --}
clean :: String -> String
clean = unwords . words
select :: Int -> (Tag String -> Bool) -> [Tag String] -> String
select = select' 0
select' :: Show str => Int -> Int -> (Tag str -> Bool) -> [Tag str] -> str
select' y x p = fromTagText . (!! x) . (!! y) . partitions p
selectStats :: Int -> [Tag String] -> Int
selectStats x t = read (select' x 1 (~== "<td class=c4>") t) :: Int
fromTimer :: String -> Int
fromTimer = (\[x,y,z] -> x*24*60 + y*60 + z) . map read . split ":"
fromBTimer :: String -> Int
fromBTimer x = if length x == 8 then fromTimer x else 0
fromJsTimer' :: Show str => [[Tag str]] -> str
fromJsTimer' x = if isTagText first then fromTagText first else fromTagText second
where first = head x !! 1
second = head x !! 2
fromJsTimer :: (Tag String -> Bool) -> [Tag String] -> Int
fromJsTimer p = fromBTimer . fromJsTimer' . partitions p
parseExpHP :: String -> [Tag String] -> [Int]
parseExpHP t = map (\x -> read x :: Int) . split "/" . clean .
dropWhile (/= ' ') . clean .
select 2 (~== ("<b class='icon " ++ t ++ "'>"))
parseRegen :: [Tag String] -> String
parseRegen = filter isDigit . concat . filter (startswith "speed") . split ";" .
fromAttrib "onMouseOver" . head . head . partitions (~== "<div class=char_stat>")
{-- Shpider state performer --}
downloadTags :: String -> StateT ShpiderState IO [Tag String]
downloadTags = fmap (tags . snd) . download
runShpiderWithMyState :: StateT ShpiderState IO a -> IO a
runShpiderWithMyState = runShpider . (put myState >>)
{-- States and configs --}
hpCoeff, compareCoeff :: Double
hpCoeff = 0.7
compareCoeff = 1.5
gameUrl :: String -> String
gameUrl x = concat ["http://g", show (server myAcc), "", x]
myAcc :: BotvaAccount
myAcc = BAccount {
server = 3
, email = ""
, password = "YOUR_PASSWORD"
pmyState :: ShpiderState
myState = SS { startPage = ""
, htmlOnlyDownloads = False
, dontLeaveDomain = False
, curlOpts = [ CurlCookieFile "cookies"
, CurlCookieJar "cookies"
, CurlUserAgent "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/534.27 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/12.0.718.0 Safari/534.27"
, currentPage = emptyPage
, visited = Nothing
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