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Created June 17, 2011 15:39
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Depends on scrot.
shootMe <directory to save images> <period>
ghc -o shootMe ShootMe.hs;
shootMe /home/user/images/screenshots/auto/ 60 &
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import System (system, getArgs)
import Data.DateTime
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, intercalate)
-- you should send "dir" then "minutes"
main :: IO a
main = do
args <- getArgs
let dir = head args
let period = (read (args !! 1) :: Int) * 60
waitFor 300
shootMe dir period
shootMe :: String -> Int -> IO a
shootMe dir period = do
t <- fmap (show . toClockTime) getCurrentTime
let imageName = intercalate "_" (filter (not . isPrefixOf "EE") $ words t) ++ ".png"
let execName = "scrot -q 100 " ++ dir ++ imageName
system execName
waitFor period
shootMe dir period
waitFor = threadDelay . (* 1000000) --seconds
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