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Created August 2, 2020 02:47
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My configuration for (the default seems to switch Alt and Super/Cmd)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
from xkeysnail.transform import *
# Use the following for testing terminal keymaps
# terminals = [ "", ... ]
# xbindkeys -mk
terminals = ["gnome-terminal","konsole","io.elementary.terminal","terminator","sakura","guake","tilda","xterm","eterm","kitty","alacritty","mate-terminal","tilix","xfce4-terminal"]
terminals = [term.casefold() for term in terminals]
termStr = "|".join(str(x) for x in terminals)
# Use for browser specific hotkeys
browsers = ["Chromium","Chromium-browser","Google-chrome","Epiphany","Firefox","Discord"]
browsers = [browser.casefold() for browser in browsers]
browserStr = "|".join(str(x) for x in browsers)
mscodes = ["code","vscodium"]
codeStr = "|".join(str(x) for x in mscodes)
# [Global modemap] Change modifier keys as in xmodmap
define_conditional_modmap(lambda wm_class: wm_class.casefold() not in terminals,{
# # Chromebook
# Key.LEFT_ALT: Key.RIGHT_CTRL, # Chromebook
# Key.LEFT_CTRL: Key.LEFT_ALT, # Chromebook
# Key.RIGHT_ALT: Key.RIGHT_CTRL, # Chromebook - Multi-language (Remove)
# Key.RIGHT_CTRL: Key.RIGHT_ALT, # Chromebook - Multi-language (Remove)
# # Default Mac/Win
Key.LEFT_ALT: Key.LEFT_ALT, # WinMac
Key.RIGHT_META: Key.RIGHT_CTRL, # WinMac - Multi-language (Remove)
Key.RIGHT_ALT: Key.RIGHT_ALT, # WinMac - Multi-language (Remove)
Key.RIGHT_CTRL: Key.RIGHT_META, # WinMac - Multi-language (Remove)
# # Mac Only
# Key.RIGHT_META: Key.RIGHT_CTRL, # Mac - Multi-language (Remove)
# Key.RIGHT_CTRL: Key.RIGHT_META, # Mac - Multi-language (Remove)
# [Conditional modmap] Change modifier keys in certain applications
define_conditional_modmap(re.compile(termStr, re.IGNORECASE), {
# # Chromebook
# Key.LEFT_ALT: Key.RIGHT_CTRL, # Chromebook
# # Left Ctrl Stays Left Ctrl
# Key.LEFT_META: Key.LEFT_ALT, # Chromebook
# Key.RIGHT_ALT: Key.RIGHT_CTRL, # Chromebook - Multi-language (Remove)
# Key.RIGHT_CTRL: Key.RIGHT_ALT, # Chromebook
# # Right Meta does not exist on chromebooks
# # Default Mac/Win
Key.LEFT_ALT: Key.LEFT_ALT, # WinMac
Key.RIGHT_META: Key.RIGHT_CTRL, # WinMac - Multi-language (Remove)
Key.RIGHT_ALT: Key.RIGHT_ALT, # WinMac - Multi-language (Remove)
Key.RIGHT_CTRL: Key.LEFT_CTRL, # WinMac - Multi-language (Remove)
# # Mac Only
# # Left Ctrl Stays Left Ctrl
# Key.RIGHT_META: Key.RIGHT_CTRL, # Mac - Multi-language (Remove)
# Key.RIGHT_CTRL: Key.LEFT_CTRL, # Mac - Multi-language (Remove)
# Keybindings for IntelliJ
define_keymap(re.compile("jetbrains-idea", re.IGNORECASE),{
# General
K("C-Key_0"): K("M-Key_0"), # Open corresponding tool window
K("C-Key_1"): K("M-Key_1"), # Open corresponding tool window
K("C-Key_2"): K("M-Key_2"), # Open corresponding tool window
K("C-Key_3"): K("M-Key_3"), # Open corresponding tool window
K("C-Key_4"): K("M-Key_4"), # Open corresponding tool window
K("C-Key_5"): K("M-Key_5"), # Open corresponding tool window
K("C-Key_6"): K("M-Key_6"), # Open corresponding tool window
K("C-Key_7"): K("M-Key_7"), # Open corresponding tool window
K("C-Key_8"): K("M-Key_8"), # Open corresponding tool window
K("C-Key_9"): K("M-Key_9"), # Open corresponding tool window
K("Super-Grave"): K("C-Grave"), # Quick switch current scheme
K("C-Comma"): K("C-M-s"), # Open Settings dialog
K("C-Semicolon"): K("C-M-Shift-s"), # Open Project Structure dialog
# Debugging
K("C-M-r"): K("F9"), # Resume program
# Search/Replace
K("C-g"): K("F3"), # Find next
K("C-Shift-F3"): K("Shift-F3"), # Find previous
K("Super-g"): K("M-j"), # Select next occurrence
K("C-Super-g"): K("C-M-Shift-j"), # Select all occurrences
K("Super-Shift-g"): K("M-Shift-j"), # Unselect occurrence
# Editing
K("Super-Space"): K("C-Space"), # Basic code completion
K("Super-Shift-Space"): K("C-Shift-Space"), # Smart code completion
K("Super-j"): K("C-q"), # Quick documentation lookup
K("C-n"): K("M-Insert"), # Generate code...
K("Super-o"): K("C-o"), # Override methods
K("Super-i"): K("C-i"), # Implement methods
K("M-Up"): K("C-w"), # Extend selection
K("M-Down"): K("C-Shift-w"), # Shrink selection
K("Super-Shift-q"): K("M-q"), # Context info
K("Super-M-o"): K("C-M-o"), # Optimize imports
K("Super-M-i"): K("C-M-i"), # Auto-indent line(s)
K("C-Backspace"): K("C-y"), # Delete line at caret
K("Super-Shift-j"): K("C-Shift-j"), # Smart line join
K("M-Delete"): K("C-Delete"), # Delete to word end
K("M-Backspace"): K("C-Backspace"), # Delete to word start
K("C-Shift-Equal"): K("C-KPPLUS"), # Expand code block
K("C-Minus"): K("C-KPMINUS"), # Collapse code block
K("C-Shift-Equal"): K("C-Shift-KPPLUS"), # Expand all
K("C-Shift-Minus"): K("C-Shift-KPMINUS"), # Collapse all
K("C-w"): K("C-F4"), # Close active editor tab
# Refactoring
K("C-Delete"): K("M-Delete"), # Safe Delete
K("C-T"): K("C-M-Shift-t"), # Refactor this
# Navigation
K("C-o"): K("C-n"), # Go to class
K("C-Shift-o"): K("C-Shift-n"), # Go to file
K("C-M-o"): K("C-M-Shift-n"), # Go to symbol
K("Super-Right"): K("M-Right"), # Go to next editor tab
K("Super-Left"): K("M-Left"), # Go to previous editor tab
K("Super-l"): K("C-g"), # Go to line
K("Super-e"): K("C-e"), # Recent files popup
K("M-Space"): K("C-Shift-i"), # Open quick definition lookup
K("C-Y"): K("C-Shift-i"), # Open quick definition lookup
K("Super-Shift-b"): K("C-Shift-b"), # Go to type declaration
K("Super-Up"): K("M-Up"), # Go to previous
K("Super-Down"): K("M-Down"), # Go to next method
K("Super-h"): K("C-h"), # Type hierarchy
K("Super-M-h"): K("C-M-h"), # Call hierarchy
K("C-Down"): K("C-Enter"), # Edit source/View source
K("M-Home"): K("M-Home"), # Show navigation bar
K("F2"): K("F11"), # Toggle bookmark
K("Super-F3"): K("C-F11"), # Toggle bookmark with mnemonic
K("Super-Key_0"): K("C-Key_0"), # Go to numbered bookmark
K("Super-Key_1"): K("C-Key_1"), # Go to numbered bookmark
K("Super-Key_2"): K("C-Key_2"), # Go to numbered bookmark
K("Super-Key_3"): K("C-Key_3"), # Go to numbered bookmark
K("Super-Key_4"): K("C-Key_4"), # Go to numbered bookmark
K("Super-Key_5"): K("C-Key_5"), # Go to numbered bookmark
K("Super-Key_6"): K("C-Key_6"), # Go to numbered bookmark
K("Super-Key_7"): K("C-Key_7"), # Go to numbered bookmark
K("Super-Key_8"): K("C-Key_8"), # Go to numbered bookmark
K("Super-Key_9"): K("C-Key_9"), # Go to numbered bookmark
K("C-F3"): K("Shift-F11"), # Show bookmarks
# Compile and Run
K("Super-M-r"): K("M-Shift-F10"), # Select configuration and run
K("Super-M-d"): K("M-Shift-F9"), # Select configuration and debug
K("Super-r"): K("Shift-F10"), # Run
K("Super-d"): K("Shift-F9"), # Debug
K("Super-Shift-r"): K("C-Shift-F10"), # Run context configuration from editor
K("Super-Shift-d"): K("C-Shift-F9"), # Debug context configuration from editor
# VCS/Local History
K("Super-v"): K("M-Grave"), # VCS quick popup
K("Super-c"): K("LC-c"), # Sigints - interrupt
# Keybindings for Nautilus
define_keymap(re.compile("org.gnome.nautilus", re.IGNORECASE),{
K("RC-Up"): K("M-Up"), # Go Up dir
K("RC-Down"): K("M-Down"), # Go Down dir
K("RC-Left"): K("M-Left"), # Go Back
K("RC-Right"): K("M-Right"), # Go Forward
# Keybindings for Browsers
define_keymap(re.compile(browserStr, re.IGNORECASE),{
K("RC-Q"): K("RC-Q"), # Close all browsers Instances
# Basic App hotkey functions
K("RC-Q"): K("Alt-F4"),
K("RC-H"): K("Alt-F9"),
# Cmd Tab - App Switching Default
K("RC-Tab"): K("RC-F13"), # Default not-xfce4
K("RC-Shift-Tab"): K("RC-Shift-F13"), # Default not-xfce4
K("RC-Grave"): K("M-F6"), # Default not-xfce4
K("RC-Shift-Grave"): K("M-Shift-F6"), # Default not-xfce4
# K("RC-Tab"): K("RC-backslash"), # xfce4
# K("RC-Shift-Tab"): K("RC-Shift-backslash"), # xfce4
# K("RC-Grave"): K("RC-Shift-backslash"), # xfce4
# In-App Tab switching
# K("M-Tab"): K("C-Tab"), # Chromebook - In-App Tab switching
# K("M-Shift-Tab"): K("C-Shift-Tab"), # Chromebook - In-App Tab switching
# K("M-Grave") : K("C-Shift-Tab"), # Chromebook - In-App Tab switching
K("Super-Tab"): K("LC-Tab"), # Default not-chromebook
K("Super-Shift-Tab"): K("LC-Shift-Tab"), # Default not-chromebook
# Wordwise
K("RC-Left"): K("Home"), # Beginning of Line
K("Super-a"): K("Home"), # Beginning of Line
K("RC-Shift-Left"): K("Shift-Home"), # Select all to Beginning of Line
K("RC-Right"): K("End"), # End of Line
K("Super-e"): K("End"), # End of Line
K("RC-Shift-Right"): K("Shift-End"), # Select all to End of Line
# K("RC-Left"): K("C-LEFT_BRACE"), # Firefox-nw - Back
# K("RC-Right"): K("C-RIGHT_BRACE"), # Firefox-nw - Forward
# K("RC-Left"): K("M-LEFT"), # Chrome-nw - Back
# K("RC-Right"): K("M-RIGHT"), # Chrome-nw - Forward
K("RC-Up"): K("C-Home"), # Beginning of File
K("RC-Shift-Up"): K("C-Shift-Home"), # Select all to Beginning of File
K("RC-Down"): K("C-End"), # End of File
K("RC-Shift-Down"): K("C-Shift-End"), # Select all to End of File
# K("M-Backspace"): K("Delete"), # Chromebook - Delete
K("Super-Backspace"): K("C-Backspace"), # Default not-chromebook - Delete Left Word of Cursor
K("Super-Delete"): K("C-Delete"), # Default not-chromebook - Delete Right Word of Cursor
K("Alt-Backspace"): K("C-Backspace"), # Default not-chromebook - Delete Left Word of Cursor
K("Alt-Delete"): K("C-Delete"), # Default not-chromebook - Delete Right Word of Cursor
# K(""): pass_through_key, # cancel
# K(""): K(""), #
define_keymap(lambda wm_class: wm_class.casefold() not in mscodes,{
# Wordwise remaining - for Everything but VS Code
K("M-Left"): K("C-Left"), # Left of Word
K("M-Shift-Left"): K("C-Shift-Left"), # Select Left of Word
K("M-Right"): K("C-Right"), # Right of Word
K("M-Shift-Right"): K("C-Shift-Right"), # Select Right of Word
K("M-Shift-g"): K("C-Shift-g"), # View source control
# ** VS Code fix **
# Electron issue precludes normal keybinding fix.
# Alt menu auto-focus/toggle gets in the way.
# refer to ./xkeysnail-config/vscode_keybindings.json
# **
# ** Firefox fix **
# User will need to set "ui.key.menuAccessKeyFocuses"
# under about:config to false.
# **
# Keybindings for VS Code
define_keymap(re.compile(codeStr, re.IGNORECASE),{
# Wordwise remaining - for VS Code
# Alt-F19 hack fixes Alt menu activation
K("M-Left"): [K("M-F19"),K("C-Left")], # Left of Word
K("M-Right"): [K("M-F19"),K("C-Right")], # Right of Word
K("M-Shift-Left"): [K("M-F19"),K("C-Shift-Left")], # Select Left of Word
K("M-Shift-Right"): [K("M-F19"),K("C-Shift-Right")], # Select Right of Word
# K("C-PAGE_DOWN"): pass_through_key, # cancel next_view
# K("C-PAGE_UP"): pass_through_key, # cancel prev_view
K("C-M-Left"): K("C-PAGE_UP"), # next_view
K("C-M-Right"): K("C-PAGE_DOWN"), # prev_view
# VS Code Shortcuts
K("C-g"): pass_through_key, # cancel Go to Line...
K("Super-g"): K("C-g"), # Go to Line...
K("F3"): pass_through_key, # cancel Find next
K("C-h"): pass_through_key, # cancel replace
K("C-M-f"): K("C-h"), # replace
K("C-Shift-h"): pass_through_key, # cancel replace_next
K("C-M-e"): K("C-Shift-h"), # replace_next
K("f3"): pass_through_key, # cancel find_next
K("C-g"): K("f3"), # find_next
K("Shift-f3"): pass_through_key, # cancel find_prev
K("C-Shift-g"): K("Shift-f3"), # find_prev
K("Super-c"): K("LC-c"), # Sigints - interrupt
# K("Super-C-g"): K("C-f2"), # Default - Sublime - find_all_under
# K("C-M-g"): K("C-f2"), # Chromebook - Sublime - find_all_under
# K("Super-Shift-up"): K("M-Shift-up"), # multi-cursor up - Sublime
# K("Super-Shift-down"): K("M-Shift-down"), # multi-cursor down - Sublime
# K(""): pass_through_key, # cancel
# K(""): K(""), #
}, "Code")
# Keybindings for Sublime Text
define_keymap(re.compile("Sublime_text", re.IGNORECASE),{
K("C-Super-up"): K("M-o"), # Switch file
K("Super-RC-f"): K("f11"), # toggle_full_screen
K("C-M-v"): [K("C-k"), K("C-v")], # paste_from_history
K("C-up"): pass_through_key, # cancel scroll_lines up
K("C-M-up"): K("C-up"), # scroll_lines up
K("C-down"): pass_through_key, # cancel scroll_lines down
K("C-M-down"): K("C-down"), # scroll_lines down
K("Super-Shift-up"): K("M-Shift-up"), # multi-cursor up
K("Super-Shift-down"): K("M-Shift-down"), # multi-cursor down
K("C-PAGE_DOWN"): pass_through_key, # cancel next_view
K("C-PAGE_UP"): pass_through_key, # cancel prev_view
K("C-Shift-left_brace"): K("C-PAGE_DOWN"), # next_view
K("C-Shift-right_brace"): K("C-PAGE_UP"), # prev_view
K("C-M-right"): K("C-PAGE_DOWN"), # next_view
K("C-M-left"): K("C-PAGE_UP"), # prev_view
K("insert"): pass_through_key, # cancel toggle_overwrite
K("C-M-o"): K("insert"), # toggle_overwrite
K("M-c"): pass_through_key, # cancel toggle_case_sensitive
K("C-M-c"): K("M-c"), # toggle_case_sensitive
K("C-h"): pass_through_key, # cancel replace
K("C-M-f"): K("C-h"), # replace
K("C-Shift-h"): pass_through_key, # cancel replace_next
K("C-M-e"): K("C-Shift-h"), # replace_next
K("f3"): pass_through_key, # cancel find_next
K("C-g"): K("f3"), # find_next
K("Shift-f3"): pass_through_key, # cancel find_prev
K("C-Shift-g"): K("Shift-f3"), # find_prev
K("C-f3"): pass_through_key, # cancel find_under
K("Super-M-g"): K("C-f3"), # find_under
K("C-Shift-f3"): pass_through_key, # cancel find_under_prev
K("Super-M-Shift-g"): K("C-Shift-f3"), # find_under_prev
K("M-f3"): pass_through_key, # Default - cancel find_all_under
# K("M-Refresh"): pass_through_key, # Chromebook - cancel find_all_under
# K("M-C-g"): K("M-Refresh"), # Chromebook - find_all_under
K("Super-C-g"): K("M-f3"), # Default - find_all_under
K("C-Shift-up"): pass_through_key, # cancel swap_line_up
K("Super-M-up"): K("C-Shift-up"), # swap_line_up
K("C-Shift-down"): pass_through_key, # cancel swap_line_down
K("Super-M-down"): K("C-Shift-down"), # swap_line_down
K("C-Pause"): pass_through_key, # cancel cancel_build
K("Super-c"): K("C-Pause"), # cancel_build
K("f9"): pass_through_key, # cancel sort_lines case_s false
K("f5"): K("f9"), # sort_lines case_s false
K("Super-f9"): pass_through_key, # cancel sort_lines case_s true
K("Super-f5"): K("Super-f9"), # sort_lines case_s true
K("M-Shift-Key_1"): pass_through_key, # cancel set_layout
K("C-M-Key_1"): K("M-Shift-Key_1"), # set_layout
K("M-Shift-Key_2"): pass_through_key, # cancel set_layout
K("C-M-Key_2"): K("M-Shift-Key_2"), # set_layout
K("M-Shift-Key_3"): pass_through_key, # cancel set_layout
K("C-M-Key_3"): K("M-Shift-Key_3"), # set_layout
K("M-Shift-Key_4"): pass_through_key, # cancel set_layout
K("C-M-Key_4"): K("M-Shift-Key_4"), # set_layout
K("M-Shift-Key_8"): pass_through_key, # cancel set_layout
K("C-M-Shift-Key_2"): K("M-Shift-Key_8"), # set_layout
K("M-Shift-Key_9"): pass_through_key, # cancel set_layout
K("C-M-Shift-Key_3"): K("M-Shift-Key_9"), # set_layout
K("M-Shift-Key_5"): pass_through_key, # cancel set_layout
K("C-M-Shift-Key_5"): K("M-Shift-Key_5"), # set_layout
# K(""): pass_through_key, # cancel
# K(""): K(""), #
}, "Sublime Text")
define_keymap(re.compile("konsole", re.IGNORECASE),{
# Ctrl Tab - In App Tab Switching
K("LC-Tab") : K("Shift-Right"),
K("LC-Shift-Tab") : K("Shift-Left"),
K("LC-Grave") : K("Shift-Left"),
}, "Konsole tab switching")
define_keymap(re.compile("Io.elementary.terminal|kitty", re.IGNORECASE),{
# Ctrl Tab - In App Tab Switching
K("LC-Tab") : K("LC-Shift-Right"),
K("LC-Shift-Tab") : K("LC-Shift-Left"),
K("LC-Grave") : K("LC-Shift-Left"),
}, "Elementary Terminal tab switching")
define_keymap(re.compile(termStr, re.IGNORECASE),{
# Ctrl Tab - In App Tab Switching
K("LC-Tab") : K("LC-PAGE_DOWN"),
K("LC-Shift-Tab") : K("LC-PAGE_UP"),
K("LC-Grave") : K("LC-PAGE_UP"),
# Converts Cmd to use Ctrl-Shift
K("RC-Tab"): K("RC-F13"),
K("RC-Shift-Tab"): K("RC-Shift-F13"),
K("RC-V"): K("C-Shift-V"),
K("RC-MINUS"): K("C-Shift-MINUS"),
K("RC-EQUAL"): K("C-Shift-EQUAL"),
K("RC-W"): K("C-Shift-W"),
K("RC-E"): K("C-Shift-E"),
K("RC-R"): K("C-Shift-R"),
K("RC-T"): K("C-Shift-t"),
K("RC-Y"): K("C-Shift-Y"),
K("RC-U"): K("C-Shift-U"),
K("RC-I"): K("C-Shift-I"),
K("RC-O"): K("C-Shift-O"),
K("RC-P"): K("C-Shift-P"),
K("RC-A"): K("C-Shift-A"),
K("RC-S"): K("C-Shift-S"),
K("RC-D"): K("C-Shift-D"),
K("RC-F"): K("C-Shift-F"),
K("RC-G"): K("C-Shift-G"),
K("RC-H"): K("C-Shift-H"),
K("RC-J"): K("C-Shift-J"),
K("RC-K"): K("C-Shift-K"),
K("RC-L"): K("C-Shift-L"),
K("RC-GRAVE"): K("C-Shift-GRAVE"),
K("RC-Z"): K("C-Shift-Z"),
K("RC-X"): K("C-Shift-X"),
K("RC-C"): K("C-Shift-C"),
K("RC-V"): K("C-Shift-V"),
K("RC-B"): K("C-Shift-B"),
K("RC-N"): K("C-Shift-N"),
K("RC-M"): K("C-Shift-M"),
K("RC-COMMA"): K("C-Shift-COMMA"),
K("RC-DOT"): K("C-Shift-DOT"),
K("RC-SLASH"): K("C-Shift-SLASH"),
}, "terminals")
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