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Created August 22, 2013 13:47
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Save kreitje/6307379 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Updated shortcodes file.
function hms_testimonials_form( $atts ) {
global $wpdb, $blog_id, $current_user;
$settings = get_option('hms_testimonials');
$fields = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `".$wpdb->prefix."hms_testimonials_cf` WHERE `blog_id` = ".$blog_id." ORDER BY `name` ASC");
$field_count = count($fields);
require_once HMS_TESTIMONIALS . 'recaptchalib.php';
$ret = '';
if (isset($_POST) && isset($_POST['hms_testimonial']) && ($_POST['hms_testimonial'] == 1)) {
if (! wp_verify_nonce(@$_REQUEST['_wpnonce'], 'hms-testimonials-form') ) die('Security check stopped this request. Not all required fields were entered. <a href="'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'">Go back and try again.</a>');
$errors = array();
if (!isset($_POST['hms_testimonials_name']) || (($name = trim(@$_POST['hms_testimonials_name'])) == ''))
$errors[] = __('Please enter your name.', 'hms-testimonials' );
if (!isset($_POST['hms_testimonials_testimonial']) || (($testimonial = trim(@$_POST['hms_testimonials_testimonial'])) == ''))
$errors[] = __('Please enter your testimonial.', 'hms-testimonials' );
if ($field_count>0) {
foreach($fields as $f) {
if ($f->isrequired == 1 && (!isset($_POST['hms_testimonials_cf'][$f->id]) || trim($_POST['hms_testimonials_cf'][$f->id])=='')) {
$errors[] = sprintf( __('%1$s is a required field.', 'hms-testimonials' ), $f->name );
switch($f->type) {
case 'email':
if (!filter_var($_POST['hms_testimonials_cf'][$f->id], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL))
$errors[] = sprintf( __('Please enter a valid email for the %1$s field.', 'hms-testimonials'), $f->name );
$cf_{$f->id} = $_POST['hms_testimonials_cf'][$f->id];
$website = '';
if (isset($_POST['hms_testimonials_website']) && ($_POST['hms_testimonials_website'] != '')) {
$website = $_POST['hms_testimonials_website'];
if (!filter_var($website, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL))
$errors[] = __('Please enter a valid URL.', 'hms-testimonials' );
if ($settings['use_recaptcha'] == 1) {
$resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($settings['recaptcha_privatekey'], $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]);
if (!$resp->is_valid) {
switch($resp->error) {
case 'incorrect-captcha-sol':
$errors[] = __('You entered an incorrect captcha. Please try again.', 'hms-testimonials' );
$errors[] = sprintf( __('An error occured with your captcha. ( %1$s )', 'hms-testimonials' ), $resp->error );
if (count($errors)>0)
$ret .= '<div class="hms_testimonial_errors">'.join('<br />', $errors).'</div><br />';
else {
$display_order = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `display_order` FROM `".$wpdb->prefix."hms_testimonials` ORDER BY `display_order` DESC LIMIT 1");
'blog_id' => $blog_id, 'user_id' => $current_user->ID, 'name' => strip_tags($name),
'testimonial' => strip_tags($testimonial), 'display' => 0, 'display_order' => ($display_order+1),
'url' => $website, 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d h:i:s'), 'testimonial_date' => date('Y-m-d h:i:s')
$id = $wpdb->insert_id;
$e_message = '';
if ($field_count > 0) {
foreach($fields as $f) {
if (isset($_POST['hms_testimonials_cf'][$f->id])) {
'testimonial_id' => $id, 'key_id' => $f->id, 'value' => trim($_POST['hms_testimonials_cf'][$f->id])
$e_message .= $f->name.': '.@$_POST['hms_testimonials_cf'][$f->id]."\r\n";
$visitor_name = __('A visitor', 'hms-testimonials' ) .' ';
if ($current_user->ID != 0)
$visitor_name = $current_user->user_login.' ';
$message = sprintf( __('%1$s as added a testimonial to your site %2$s', 'hms-testimonials' ), $visitor_name, get_bloginfo('name'))."\r\n\r\n";
$message .= sprintf( __('Name: %1$s', 'hms-testimonials' ), $name)."\r\n";
$message .= sprintf( __('Website: %1$s', 'hms-testimonials' ), $website)."\r\n";
$message .= sprintf( __('Testimonial: %1$s', 'hms-testimonials' ), $testimonial)."\r\n";
$message .= $e_message;
$message .= "\r\n\r\n";
$message .= sprintf( __('View this testimonial at %1$s', 'hms-testimonials' ), admin_url('admin.php?page=hms-testimonials-view&id='.$id));
wp_mail(get_bloginfo('admin_email'), sprintf( __('New Visitor Testimonial Added to %1$s', 'hms-testimonials' ), get_bloginfo('name') ), $message);
if (!isset($settings['guest_submission_redirect']) || ($settings['guest_submission_redirect'] == ''))
return '<div class="hms_testimonial_success">' . __('Your testimonial has been submitted.', 'hms-testimonials' ) . '</div>';
die(header('Location: '.$settings['guest_submission_redirect']));
} else {
$name = $current_user->user_firstname.' '.$current_user->user_lastname;
$testimonial = '';
$website = '';
if ($field_count>0) {
foreach($fields as $f)
$cf_{$f->id} = '';
* Adding filters to the default fields. Their value defaults to the second parameter
$name_text = apply_filters('hms_testimonials_sc_name', __('Name', 'hms-testimonials' ));
$website_text = apply_filters('hms_testimonials_sc_website', __('Website', 'hms-testimonials' ));
$testimonial_text = apply_filters('hms_testimonials_sc_testimonial', __('Testimonial', 'hms-testimonials' ));
$submit_text = apply_filters('hms_testimonials_sc_submit', __('Submit Testimonial', 'hms-testimonials' ));
$nf = wp_nonce_field('hms-testimonials-form', '_wpnonce', true, false);
$ret .= <<<HTML
<form method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="hms_testimonial" value="1" />
<table class="hms-testimonials-form">
<tr class="name required">
<td><input type="text" name="hms_testimonials_name" value="{$name}" />
<tr class="website">
<td><input type="text" name="hms_testimonials_website" value="{$website}" />
<tr class="testimonial required">
<td valign="top">{$testimonial_text}</td>
<td><textarea name="hms_testimonials_testimonial" rows="5" style="width:99%;">{$testimonial}</textarea></td>
if ($field_count>0) {
foreach($fields as $f) {
$ret .= '
<tr class="cf-'.strtolower($f->name).(($f->isrequired == 1) ? ' required' : '').'">
<td valign="top">'.$f->name.'</td>
switch($f->type) {
case 'email':
case 'text':
$ret .= '<input type="text" name="hms_testimonials_cf['.$f->id.']" value="'.$cf_{$f->id}.'" />';
case 'textarea':
$ret .= '<textarea name="hms_testimonials_cf['.$f->id.']" rows="5" style="width:99%;">'.$cf_{$f->id}.'</textarea>';
$ret .=' </td>
if ($settings['use_recaptcha'] == 1) {
$ret .= '<tr>
<td> </td>
<td>'.recaptcha_get_html($settings['recaptcha_publickey'], null).'</td>
$ret .= <<<HTML
<td><input type="submit" value="{$submit_text}" /></td>
return $ret;
function hms_testimonials_show( $atts ) {
global $wpdb, $blog_id;
$order_by = array('id', 'name','testimonial','url','testimonial_date','display_order', 'image', 'rand');
$settings = get_option('hms_testimonials');
'id' => 0,
'group' => 0,
'template' => 1,
'limit' => -1,
'start' => 0,
'prev' => '&laquo;',
'next' => '&raquo;',
'location' => 'both',
'order' => 'display_order',
'direction' => 'ASC',
'word_limit' => 0,
'char_limit' => 0,
'readmore_link' => HMS_Testimonials::getInstance()->getOption('readmore_link', ''),
'readmore_text' => HMS_Testimonials::getInstance()->getOption('readmore_text', '...'),
), $atts
if (!in_array($order, $order_by)) $order = 'display_order';
if ($order == 'rand') $order = 'RAND()';
if ($direction != 'DESC') $direction = 'ASC';
if ($start != 0) $start = (int)$start - 1;
$options = array(
'readmore_link' => $readmore_link,
'readmore_text' => $readmore_text
$sql_limit = '';
$pages = 0;
$total_results = 0;
$current_page = 1;
if ($limit != -1) {
if ($group != 0) {
$get_count = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT t.* FROM `".$wpdb->prefix."hms_testimonials` AS t
INNER JOIN `".$wpdb->prefix."hms_testimonials_group_meta` AS m
ON m.testimonial_id =
WHERE t.blog_id = ".(int)$blog_id." AND t.display = 1 AND m.group_id = ".(int)$group, ARRAY_A);
} else {
$get_count = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `".$wpdb->prefix."hms_testimonials` WHERE `blog_id` = ".(int)$blog_id." AND `display` = 1", ARRAY_A);
$total_results = count($get_count);
$pages = ceil($total_results/$limit);
* If not set or is an invalid value make it the first page
if (!isset($_GET['hms_testimonials_page']) || (int)$_GET['hms_testimonials_page'] <= 1) {
$current_page = 1;
$new_start = $start;
* If the page number is set but greater than the number of pages, set it to the last page
} elseif ((int)$_GET['hms_testimonials_page'] > $pages) {
$current_page = $pages;
$new_start = (($current_page * $limit) - $limit) + $start;
* We are inbetween 1 and the maximum number of pages
} else {
$current_page = (int)$_GET['hms_testimonials_page'];
$new_start = (($current_page * $limit) - $limit) + $start;
$sql_limit = 'LIMIT '.intval($new_start).', '.intval($limit);
if ($id != 0) {
$get = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `".$wpdb->prefix."hms_testimonials` WHERE `blog_id` = ".(int)$blog_id." AND `id` = ".(int)$id." AND `display` = 1 LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A);
if (count($get)<1)
return '';
$ret = '<div class="hms-testimonial-container hms-testimonial-single hms-testimonial-'.$get['id'].' hms-testimonial-template-'.$template.'">';
$ret .= HMS_Testimonials::template($template, $get, (int)$word_limit, (int)$char_limit, $options);
$ret .= '</div>';
} else {
if ($group != 0) {
if ($order == 'display_order')
$order = 'm.display_order';
elseif ($order != 'RAND()')
$order = 't.'.$order;
$get = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT t.* FROM `".$wpdb->prefix."hms_testimonials` AS t
INNER JOIN `".$wpdb->prefix."hms_testimonials_group_meta` AS m
ON m.testimonial_id =
WHERE t.blog_id = ".(int)$blog_id." AND t.display = 1 AND m.group_id = ".(int)$group." ORDER BY ".$order." ".$direction." ".$sql_limit, ARRAY_A);
} else {
$get = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `".$wpdb->prefix."hms_testimonials` WHERE `blog_id` = ".(int)$blog_id." AND `display` = 1 ORDER BY ".$order." ".$direction." ".$sql_limit, ARRAY_A);
if (count($get)<1)
return '';
$ret = '<div class="hms-testimonial-group">';
$paging = '';
if ($pages > 1)
$paging = hms_testimonials_build_pagination($current_page, $pages, $prev, $next);
if ($paging != '' && ($location == 'top' || $location == 'both'))
$ret .= '<div class="paging top">'.$paging.'</div>';
foreach($get as $g) {
$ret .= '<div class="hms-testimonial-container hms-testimonial-'.$g['id'].' hms-testimonial-template-'.$template.'">';
$ret .= HMS_Testimonials::template($template, $g, (int)$word_limit, (int)$char_limit, $options);
$ret .= '</div>';
if ($paging != '' && ($location == 'bottom' || $location == 'both'))
$ret .= '<div class="paging">'.$paging.'</div>';
$ret .= '</div>';
return $ret;
function hms_testimonials_show_rotating( $atts ) {
global $wpdb, $blog_id, $hms_testimonials_random_strings;
$order_by = array('id', 'name','testimonial','url','testimonial_date','display_order', 'image', 'rand');
$settings = get_option('hms_testimonials');
'group' => 0,
'template' => 1,
'seconds' => 6,
'show_links' => false,
'autostart' => true,
'link_position' => 'bottom',
'link_prev' => '&laquo;',
'link_next' => '&raquo;',
'link_pause' => 'Pause',
'link_play' => 'Play',
'order' => 'display_order',
'direction' => 'ASC',
'word_limit' => 0,
'char_limit' => 0,
'readmore_link' => HMS_Testimonials::getInstance()->getOption('readmore_link', ''),
'readmore_text' => HMS_Testimonials::getInstance()->getOption('readmore_text', '...'),
), $atts
if (!in_array($order, $order_by)) $order = 'display_order';
if ($order == 'rand') $order = 'RAND()';
if ($direction != 'DESC') $direction = 'ASC';
if ($link_position != 'top' && $link_position != 'both') $link_position = 'bottom';
$options = array(
'readmore_link' => $readmore_link,
'readmore_text' => $readmore_text
$start = false;
$start_int = 0;
if ($autostart) {
if (is_bool($autostart) || (is_string($autostart) && ($autostart != 'false'))) {
$start = true;
$start_int = 1;
$play_pause_init = ($start) ? __($link_pause) : __($link_play);
$play_pause_class = ($start) ? 'pause' : 'play';
$random_string = '';
$characters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++)
$random_string .= $characters[rand(0, strlen($characters))];
if ($group == 0)
$get = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `".$wpdb->prefix."hms_testimonials` WHERE `display` = 1 AND `blog_id` = ".(int)$blog_id." ORDER BY ".$order." ".$direction, ARRAY_A);
else {
if ($order == 'display_order')
$order = 'm.display_order';
elseif ($order != 'RAND()')
$order = 't.'.$order;
$get = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT t.* FROM `".$wpdb->prefix."hms_testimonials` AS t INNER JOIN `".$wpdb->prefix."hms_testimonials_group_meta` AS m ON m.testimonial_id = WHERE m.group_id = ".(int)$group." AND t.blog_id = ".$blog_id." AND t.display = 1 ORDER BY ".$order." ".$direction, ARRAY_A);
$return = '<div id="hms-testimonial-sc-'.$random_string.'" class="hms-testimonials-rotator">';
if ($show_links && $show_links != "false" && ($link_position == 'top' || $link_position == 'both'))
$return .= '<div class="controls"><a href="#" class="prev">'.$link_prev.'</a> <a href="#" class="playpause '.$play_pause_class.'">'.$play_pause_init.'</a> <a href="#" class="next">'.$link_next.'</a></div>';
$return .= '<div class="hms-testimonial-container hms-testimonial-'.$get[0]['id'].' hms-testimonial-template-'.$template.'"">';
$return .= HMS_Testimonials::template($template, $get[0], (int)$word_limit, (int)$char_limit, $options);
$return .= '</div>';
if ($show_links && $show_links != "false" && ($link_position == 'bottom' || $link_position == 'both'))
$return .= '<div class="controls"><a href="#" class="prev">'.$link_prev.'</a> <a href="#" class="playpause '.$play_pause_class.'">'.$play_pause_init.'</a> <a href="#" class="next">'.$link_next.'</a></div>';
$return .= '</div>';
$return .= '<div style="display:none;" id="hms-testimonial-sc-list-'.$random_string.'">';
foreach($get as $g) {
$return .= '<div class="hms-testimonial-container hms-testimonial-'.$g['id'].' hms-testimonial-template-'.$template.'"">';
$return .= HMS_Testimonials::template($template, $g, (int)$word_limit, (int)$char_limit, $options);
$return .= '</div>';
$return .= '</div>';
$hms_testimonials_random_strings .= <<<JS
<script type="text/javascript">
var index_{$random_string} = 1;
var timeout_{$random_string} = null;
var play_{$random_string} = $start_int;
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
if ($start)
$hms_testimonials_random_strings .= 'si_'.$random_string.'();';
$hms_testimonials_random_strings .= <<<JS
jQuery("#hms-testimonial-sc-{$random_string} .controls .playpause").click(function() {
if (play_{$random_string} == 1) {
play_{$random_string} = 0;
} else {
play_{$random_string} = 1;
return false;
jQuery("#hms-testimonial-sc-{$random_string} .controls .prev").click(function() {
var new_index = (index_{$random_string} - 2);
if (new_index < 0) {
new_index = (jQuery("#hms-testimonial-sc-list-{$random_string} .hms-testimonial-container").length - 1);
var nextitem = jQuery("#hms-testimonial-sc-list-{$random_string} .hms-testimonial-container").get(new_index);
if (nextitem == undefined) {
index_{$random_string} = 0;
var nextitem = jQuery("#hms-testimonial-sc-list-{$random_string} .hms-testimonial-container").get(0);
jQuery("#hms-testimonial-sc-{$random_string} .hms-testimonial-container").fadeOut('slow', function(){ jQuery(this).html(nextitem.innerHTML)}).fadeIn();
index_{$random_string} = new_index + 1;
if (play_{$random_string} == 1) {
return false;
jQuery("#hms-testimonial-sc-{$random_string} .controls .next").click(function() {
var nextitem = jQuery("#hms-testimonial-sc-list-{$random_string} .hms-testimonial-container").get(index_{$random_string});
if (nextitem == undefined) {
index_{$random_string} = 0;
var nextitem = jQuery("#hms-testimonial-sc-list-{$random_string} .hms-testimonial-container").get(0);
jQuery("#hms-testimonial-sc-{$random_string} .hms-testimonial-container").fadeOut('slow', function(){ jQuery(this).html(nextitem.innerHTML)}).fadeIn();
index_{$random_string} = index_{$random_string} + 1;
if (play_{$random_string} == 1) {
return false;
function si_{$random_string}() {
timeout_{$random_string} = setInterval(function() {
var nextitem = jQuery("#hms-testimonial-sc-list-{$random_string} .hms-testimonial-container").get(index_{$random_string});
if (nextitem == undefined) {
index_{$random_string} = 0;
var nextitem = jQuery("#hms-testimonial-sc-list-{$random_string} .hms-testimonial-container").get(0);
jQuery("#hms-testimonial-sc-{$random_string} .hms-testimonial-container").fadeOut('slow', function(){ jQuery(this).html(nextitem.innerHTML)}).fadeIn();
index_{$random_string} = index_{$random_string} + 1;
}, {$seconds}000);
return $return;
function hms_testimonial_footer_js() {
global $hms_testimonials_random_strings;
echo $hms_testimonials_random_strings;
* Create pagination links
function hms_testimonials_build_pagination($current_page, $total_pages, $prev, $next) {
$url = explode('?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
if (isset($_GET['hms_testimonials_page']))
if (count($_GET)>0)
$url[0] .= '?'. http_build_query($_GET) . '&';
$url[0] .= '?';
if ($current_page > 1)
$return .= '<a href="' . $url[0] . 'hms_testimonials_page='.($current_page - 1).'" class="prev">'.$prev.'</a> ';
for($x = 1; $x <= $total_pages; $x++) {
if ($x == $current_page)
$return .= '<span class="current-page">'.$x.'</span> ';
$return .= '<a href="'.$url[0] . 'hms_testimonials_page='.$x.'">'.$x.'</a> ';
if ($current_page < $total_pages)
$return .= '<a href="'.$url[0] . 'hms_testimonials_page='.($current_page + 1).'" class="next">'.$next.'</a> ';
return $return;
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