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Forked from samuel-holt/_color-palette.scss
Created November 13, 2015 04:53
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Dynamic color palette mixin
// =================================
// Color palette generator
// =================================
// Muck around with colors here:
$primary-color: salmon;
// A global to store the palette(s)
$global-color-palettes: () !global;
// Declare allowed types
// Currently limited to the types below
$allowed-types: (analogous, monochromatic, triad, complementary);
// Defaults
$default-palette-type: analogous !default;
$default-base-factor: 5% !default;
$default-number-of-colors: 5 !default;
$default-darken: false !default;
$default-hover-darken: true !default;
$default-hover-factor: 10% !default;
$default-text-color: false !default;
$default-start-index: 0 !default;
$default-color-offset: false !default;
$default-class-name: false !default;
$default-generate-css: true !default;
// Declare default values in mixin parameters
@mixin generate-color-palette($base-color,
$type: $default-palette-type,
$base-factor: $default-base-factor,
$number-of-colors: $default-number-of-colors,
$darken: $default-darken,
$hover-darken: $default-hover-darken,
$hover-factor: $default-hover-factor,
$text-color: $default-text-color,
$start-index: $default-start-index,
$color-offset: $default-color-offset,
$class-name: $default-class-name,
$generate-css: $default-generate-css) {
// Mixin begins here
@if not $base-color {
@error "Base color is required";
// Check for invalid type early
@if not index($allowed-types, $type) {
@error "Invalid type: #{$type}";
// restrict Triad to 3 colours
@if triad == $type and $number-of-colors > 3 {
$number-of-colors: 3;
$color-offset: 120deg;
} @else if monochromatic == $type {
// Set color offset to 0 for monochromatic
// Only lightness changes
$color-offset: 0deg;
@if not $color-offset {
@if analogous == $type {
$color-offset: 36deg;
} @else if complementary == $type {
// Cross-complement by default
$color-offset: 90deg;
// Set color limit to 4 for cross-complement
@if complementary == $type {
$number-of-colors: 4;
// Empty list to store the generated palettes
$color-palettes: ();
// Set the current to the base color by default
$current-color: $base-color;
$factor-increment: 0;
$end-index: $start-index + $number-of-colors - 1;
$previous-color: null;
$current-maps: ();
@if not $class-name {
$class-name: "color";
// Loop begins
@for $i from $start-index through $end-index {
$factor: $factor-increment * $base-factor;
// Get HSL from base color
$color-hue: hue($current-color);
$color-saturation: saturation($current-color);
$color-lightness: lightness($current-color);
$current-color: hsl($color-hue, $color-saturation, $color-lightness);
$current-map: ();
$method: lighten;
@if $darken {
$method: darken;
// If darken is true, lighten on hover
@if $hover-darken {
$hover-darken: false;
// Do color manipulation, skip first (base) color, cos we want that to stay the same
@if $i > $start-index {
@if complementary == $type {
// Get cross-complement
@if $i == 2 {
// For index 2, rotate color by offset (default 90deg)
$current-color: adjust-hue($current-color, $color-offset);
// //@debug $current-color;
} @else {
// on 1 and 3 get complement
$current-color: complement($current-color);
} @else {
// Run given method on color
$current-color: call($method, adjust-hue($current-color, $color-offset), $factor);
// increment colour offset for analogous color
@if analogous == $type {
$colour-offset: $color-offset + $color-offset;
// If totally white, let's bring it back into color
@if lightness($current-color) == 100% {
$current-color: darken($current-color, $factor);
$index: $i + 1;
$contrast: contrast-color($current-color);
// If the text-color has been explicitly set, set the "contrast" value to that
@if false != $text-color {
$contrast: $text-color;
// Calculate hover and active colors:
$hover-color: darken($current-color, $hover-factor);
$active-color: darken($hover-color, $hover-factor);
@if true != $hover-darken {
$hover-color: lighten($current-color, $hover-factor);
$active-color: lighten($hover-color, $hover-factor);
$factor-increment: $factor-increment + 1;
// Generate default CSS rules
@if $generate-css {
.#{$class-name}-#{$index} {
background-color: $current-color;
color: $contrast;
// Links (Just change the text color)
.link {
background-color: transparent;
&.#{$class-name}-#{$index} {
color: $current-color;
&:hover {
color: $hover-color;
&:active {
color: $active-color;
// Button (change background-color)
// Use contrast color or user-set color for text
.button {
&.#{$class-name}-#{$index} {
&:hover {
background-color: $hover-color;
color: $contrast;
&:active {
background-color: $active-color;
color: $contrast;
// Store the current set of colours in a map
// add this current map to the maps list
$current-map: ($i: ($current-color, $hover-color, $active-color));
$current-maps: append($current-maps, $current-map);
// Append the generated maps to the color-palettes global
$color-palettes: append($global-color-palettes, ($class-name: $current-maps));
$global-color-palettes: $color-palettes !global;
// Functions
// Contrast color override (for CodePen)
$contrasted-dark-default: #000 !default;
$contrasted-light-default: #fff !default;
// It strips the unit of measure and returns it
@function strip-unit($num) {
@return $num / ($num * 0 + 1);
@function brightness($color) {
@if type-of($color) == color {
@return (red($color) * 0.299 + green($color) * 0.587 + blue($color) * 0.114) / 255 * 100%;
@else {
@return unquote("brightness(#{$color})");
@function contrast-color($color, $dark: $contrasted-dark-default, $light: $contrasted-light-default) {
@if $color == null {
@return null;
@else {
$color-brightness: brightness($color);
$dark-text-brightness: brightness($dark);
$light-text-brightness: brightness($light);
// Fix CodePen :p
$light-diff: strip-unit($color-brightness) - strip-unit($light-text-brightness);
$dark-diff: strip-unit($color-brightness) - strip-unit($dark-text-brightness);
@return if(abs($light-diff) > abs($dark-diff), $light, $dark);
// Get a specific map by key
@function get-palette-map($_key) {
$current: ();
// Loop through each palette and check for the map with the specified key
@each $palette in $global-color-palettes {
@if map-has-key($palette, $_key) {
$current: $palette;
// Return the map by the given key
@return map-get($current, $_key);
// Get a color list by index (1-based)
// Returns colors in list in format: (link,hover,active)
@function get-palette-color-list($n: 1, $_key: "color") {
$current-list: ();
// Get the map by the specified key
$map: get-palette-map($_key);
// Maps are 0-based
// Lists are 1-based
$index: $n - 1;
@if length($map) > 0 {
$current-map: nth($map, $n);
@if length($current-map) > 0 {
$current-list: map-get($current-map, $index);
@return $current-list;
// Get a single specific color in a list
@function get-palette-color($n: 0, $key: "color") {
$color: null;
$palette-list: get-palette-color-list($n, $key);
@if length($palette-list) > 0 {
$color: nth($palette-list, 1);
@return $color;
// Mixin for getting buttons from a given palette
@mixin get-palette-button($n: 0, $key: "color", $text-color: false) {
// Get the color list
$palette-list: get-palette-color-list($n, $key);
@if length($palette-list) > 0 {
// Get each color out of the list
$default-color: nth($palette-list, 1);
$hover-color: nth($palette-list, 2);
$active-color: nth($palette-list, 3);
// If the text-color is not set, get the contrast color
@if not $text-color {
$text-color: contrast-color($default-color);
// CSS rules
background-color: $default-color;
color: $text-color;
&:hover {
background-color: $hover-color;
color: $text-color;
&:active {
background-color: $active-color;
color: $text-color;
// Example implementation
$primary-color: #A9141A !default;
// Muck around with config here:
// Analogous
@include generate-color-palette($base-color: $primary-color);
// Monochromatic
@include generate-color-palette($base-color: $primary-color, $type: monochromatic, $class-name: 'monochrome', $darken:true, $base-factor:2.5%);
// Triad
@include generate-color-palette($base-color: $primary-color, $type: triad, $class-name: 'triad');
// Cross-complementary
@include generate-color-palette($base-color: $primary-color, $type: complementary, $class-name: 'complementary');
// Custom CSS
.link {
transition: color 250ms ease-out;
.custom-class {
padding: 20px;
background-color: get-palette-color(2, "triad");
color: contrast-color(get-palette-color(2, "triad"));
.custom-button {
padding: 20px;
@include get-palette-button(4, "color");
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