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Last active December 22, 2015 15:49
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Save krestenkrab/6494775 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Current output of running "make test" in elixir (with Erjang)
Krestens-MacBook-Pro:elixir krab$ make test -f Makefile.e
==> elixir (compile)
Compiled src/elixir_compiler.erl
==> kernel (compile)
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/application/behaviour.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/bitwise.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/behaviour.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/access.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/dict/behaviour.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/code.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/dict.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/gen_event/behaviour.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/gen_fsm/behaviour.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/gen_server/behaviour.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/hash_dict.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/enum.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/file.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/hash_set.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/integer.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/io.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/inspect/algebra.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/exception.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/inspect.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/io/ansi.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/kernel/error_handler.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/kernel/parallel_require.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/kernel/parallel_compiler.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/kernel/cli.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/kernel/record_rewriter.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/kernel/special_forms.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/kernel/typespec.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/keyword.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/list.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/list_dict.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/list/chars.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/macro/env.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/macro.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/module/dispatch_tracker.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/module.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/node.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/port.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/option_parser.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/kernel.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/path.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/process.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/protocol.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/record/extractor.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/range.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/set.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/regex.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/record.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/stream.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/string/chars.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/supervisor/behaviour.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/uri.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/system.ex
Compiled lib/elixir/lib/string.ex
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `unicode'.
==> elixir (compile)
==> ex_unit (compile)
Compiled lib/ex_unit/lib/ex_unit/callbacks.ex
Compiled lib/ex_unit/lib/ex_unit/case.ex
Compiled lib/ex_unit/lib/ex_unit/capture_io.ex
Compiled lib/ex_unit/lib/ex_unit/case_template.ex
Compiled lib/ex_unit/lib/ex_unit.ex
Compiled lib/ex_unit/lib/ex_unit/assertions.ex
Compiled lib/ex_unit/lib/ex_unit/formatter.ex
Compiled lib/ex_unit/lib/ex_unit/cli_formatter.ex
Compiled lib/ex_unit/lib/ex_unit/sup.ex
Compiled lib/ex_unit/lib/ex_unit/server.ex
Compiled lib/ex_unit/lib/ex_unit/doc_test.ex
Compiled lib/ex_unit/lib/ex_unit/runner.ex
==> elixir (eunit)
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 4000
tokenizer_test: chars_test...*failed*
in function tokenizer_test:chars_test/0 (tokenizer_test.erl, line 146)
Failed: 1. Skipped: 0. Passed: 192.
==> kernel (exunit)
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 4000
* @callback(callback) (54.9ms)
* @opaque(type) (40.9ms)
* @spec + @callback (66.2ms)
* @spec(spec) (79.4ms)
* @spec(spec) with guards (53.0ms)
* @type + opaque (56.9ms)
* @type from defrecordp (84.3ms)
* @type from defrecordp with custom tag (89.3ms)
* @type with a binary (101.3ms)
* @type with a binary with a base size (42.7ms)
* @type with a binary with a unit size (32.2ms)
* @type with a fun (35.7ms)
* @type with a fun with any arity and return type (31.4ms)
* @type with a fun with multiple arguments and return type (41.8ms)
* @type with a fun with no arguments and return type (32.5ms)
* @type with a negative integer (36.2ms)
* @type with a range (40.8ms)
* @type with a range op (37.8ms)
* @type with a remote type (42.2ms)
* @type with a single type (33.4ms)
* @type with a tuple (40.9ms)
* @type with a union (31.2ms)
* @type with an access macro (36.5ms)
* @type with an atom (31.0ms)
* @type with an atom alias (34.6ms)
* @type with an empty binary (30.8ms)
* @type with an integer (32.8ms)
* @type with annotations (38.2ms)
* @type with keywords (33.9ms)
* @type with list shortcuts (46.3ms)
* @type with no body (defaults to 'term') (31.7ms)
* @type with parameters (45.4ms)
* block handling (44.1ms)
* defines_type? (62.2ms)
* invalid function specification (55.0ms)
* invalid type specification (70.6ms)
* spec_to_ast (60.4ms)
* specs retrieval (40.6ms)
* type_to_ast (82.5ms)
* type_to_ast for paren_type (0.1ms)
* type_to_ast for records (0.1ms)
* types retrieval (57.0ms)
* decode (0.3ms)
* decode_query (30.8ms)
* decoder (0.3ms)
* default_port (0.8ms)
* downcase_scheme (2.4ms)
* encode_query (10.9ms)
* encode_query_mixed (0.3ms)
* encode_with_binary (0.3ms)
* ipv6_addresses (41.1ms)
1) test_ipv6_addresses (URITest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: nil
to be equal to (==): "::"
uri_test.exs:149: URITest."-test_ipv6_addresses/1-fun-0-"/1
enum.ex:351: Enum."-each/2-lists^foreach/1-0-"/2
enum.ex:351: Enum.each/2
uri_test.exs:147: URITest.test_ipv6_addresses/1
* parse_bad_uris (0.8ms)
* parse_file (0.3ms)
* parse_ftp (0.4ms)
* parse_http (45.2ms)
=ERROR REPORT==== 11-Sep-2013::23:25:27 ===
** Generic server <0.0.17549> terminating
** Last message in was {'$gen_cast',
** When Server state == {'Elixir.ExUnit.CLIFormatter.Config',54,0,1,true,
** Reason for termination ==
** {'module could not be loaded',
Sep 11, 2013 11:25:40 PM erjang.driver.efile.EFile output
WARNING: invalid file_output cmd:22 <<47,85,115,101,114,115,47,107,114,97,98,47,80,114,111,106,101,99,116,115,...,0>>
** exit {:noproc, {:gen_server, :call, [#PID<0.0.17549>, {:suite_finished, 15780413, 52810204}, 30000]}}
ex_unit.ex:115: ExUnit."-start/1-fun-1-"/1
cli.ex:65: Kernel.CLI."-at_exit/1-lc$^0/1-0-"/2
cli.ex:63: Kernel.CLI.at_exit/1
init.erl:1054: :init.start_it/1
init.erl:1034: :init.start_em/1
==> ex_unit (exunit)
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 4000
Finished in 10.5 seconds (9.4s on load, 1.1s on tests)
94 tests, 0 failures
==> doctest (exunit)
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 4000
test/doc_test.exs:453: this expression will fail with a 'badarg' exception
* doc at Access.List.access/2 (1) (0.3ms)
* doc at Access.List.access/2 (2) (0.1ms)
* doc at Code.eval_quoted/3 (1) (1.2ms)
* doc at Code.eval_quoted/3 (2) (0.6ms)
* doc at Code.eval_string/3 (3) (0.8ms)
* doc at Code.eval_string/3 (4) (0.8ms)
* doc at Code.eval_string/3 (5) (1.1ms)
* doc at Code.eval_string/3 (6) (0.8ms)
* doc at Enum.all?/2 (3) (0.5ms)
* doc at Enum.all?/2 (4) (0.1ms)
* doc at Enum.all?/2 (5) (0.2ms)
* doc at Enum.any?/2 (6) (0.1ms)
* doc at Enum.any?/2 (7) (0.09ms)
* doc at Enum.any?/2 (8) (0.2ms)
* doc at (9) (0.3ms)
* doc at Enum.chunks/4 (10) (0.7ms)
* doc at Enum.chunks_by/2 (11) (0.3ms)
* doc at Enum.concat/1 (12) (37.8ms)
* doc at Enum.concat/1 (13) (0.2ms)
* doc at Enum.concat/2 (14) (0.3ms)
* doc at Enum.concat/2 (15) (0.09ms)
* doc at Enum.count/1 (16) (0.2ms)
* doc at Enum.count/2 (17) (0.1ms)
* doc at Enum.drop/2 (18) (0.2ms)
* doc at Enum.drop_while/2 (19) (0.2ms)
* doc at Enum.empty?/1 (20) (0.1ms)
* doc at Enum.fetch!/2 (22) (0.1ms)
* doc at Enum.fetch!/2 (23) (0.04ms)
* doc at Enum.fetch!/2 (24) (12.8ms)
* doc at Enum.fetch/2 (21) (0.2ms)
* doc at Enum.filter/2 (25) (0.1ms)
* doc at Enum.filter_map/3 (26) (0.2ms)
* doc at Enum.find/3 (27) (0.1ms)
* doc at Enum.find/3 (28) (0.1ms)
* doc at Enum.find/3 (29) (0.08ms)
* doc at Enum.find_index/2 (30) (0.1ms)
* doc at Enum.find_index/2 (31) (0.07ms)
* doc at Enum.find_value/3 (32) (0.1ms)
* doc at Enum.find_value/3 (33) (0.08ms)
* doc at Enum.first/1 (34) (0.1ms)
* doc at Enum.flat_map/2 (35) (0.2ms)
* doc at Enum.join/2 (36) (0.4ms)
* doc at (37) (0.1ms)
* doc at (38) (0.1ms)
* doc at Enum.map_join/3 (39) (0.3ms)
* doc at Enum.map_reduce/3 (40) (0.1ms)
* doc at Enum.max/1 (41) (0.2ms)
* doc at Enum.max_by/2 (42) (0.3ms)
* doc at Enum.member?/2 (43) (0.3ms)
* doc at Enum.min/1 (44) (0.1ms)
* doc at Enum.min_by/2 (45) (0.2ms)
* doc at Enum.partition/2 (46) (0.2ms)
* doc at Enum.reduce/2 (47) (0.1ms)
* doc at Enum.reduce/3 (48) (0.1ms)
* doc at Enum.reject/2 (49) (0.2ms)
* doc at Enum.reverse/1 (50) (0.1ms)
* doc at Enum.shuffle/1 (51) (1.2ms)
* doc at Enum.sort/1 (52) (0.1ms)
* doc at Enum.sort/2 (53) (0.3ms)
* doc at Enum.split/2 (54) (0.3ms)
* doc at Enum.split_while/2 (55) (0.2ms)
* doc at Enum.take/2 (56) (0.1ms)
* doc at Enum.take_while/2 (57) (0.1ms)
* doc at Enum.to_list/1 (58) (0.2ms)
* doc at Enum.uniq/2 (59) (0.1ms)
* doc at Enum.uniq/2 (60) (0.2ms)
* doc at Enum.with_index/1 (61) (0.2ms)
* doc at (62) (0.1ms)
* doc at (63) (0.1ms)
* doc at Exception.format_file_line/3 (1) (0.9ms)
* doc at Exception.format_file_line/3 (2) (0.5ms)
* doc at Exception.format_file_line/3 (3) (0.06ms)
* doc at Exception.format_mfa/3 (4) (0.5ms)
* doc at IO.ANSI.escape/2 (1) (0.2ms)
* doc at IO.ANSI.escape_fragment/2 (2) (0.2ms)
* doc at Inspect.Algebra.break/1 (5) (0.2ms)
* doc at Inspect.Algebra.break/1 (6) (0.2ms)
* doc at Inspect.Algebra.concat/2 (7) (0.1ms)
* doc at Inspect.Algebra.empty/0 (8) (0.1ms)
* doc at Inspect.Algebra.folddoc/2 (9) (0.3ms)
* doc at (10) (0.2ms)
* doc at Inspect.Algebra.line/2 (11) (0.1ms)
* doc at Inspect.Algebra.nest/2 (12) (0.1ms)
* doc at (13) (0.1ms)
* doc at Inspect.Algebra.surround/3 (14) (0.3ms)
* doc at Inspect.Algebra.surround_many/5 (15) (0.3ms)
* doc at Inspect.Algebra.surround_many/5 (16) (0.1ms)
* doc at Inspect.Atom.inspect/2 (1) (0.3ms)
* doc at Inspect.BitString.inspect/2 (1) (0.5ms)
* doc at Inspect.List.inspect/2 (1) (0.8ms)
* doc at Inspect.Number.inspect/2 (1) (0.1ms)
* doc at Inspect.Regex.inspect/2 (1) (0.5ms)
* doc at Inspect.Tuple.inspect/2 (1) (51.7ms)
1) test doc at Inspect.Tuple.inspect/2 (1) (KernelTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected doctest:
inspect({1, 2, 3})
to complete or raise: nothing
instead got: UndefinedFunctionError with message "undefined function: Inspect.ArgumentError.inspect/2"
lib/inspect.ex:315: Inspect.Tuple (module)
* doc at Kernel.!/1 (1) (0.06ms)
* doc at Kernel.!=/2 (2) (0.06ms)
* doc at Kernel.!==/2 (3) (0.1ms)
* doc at Kernel.!==/2 (4) (0.05ms)
* doc at Kernel.&&/2 (5) (0.06ms)
* doc at Kernel.*/2 (6) (0.05ms)
* doc at Kernel.++/2 (10) (0.08ms)
* doc at Kernel.++/2 (9) (0.04ms)
* doc at Kernel.+/1 (7) (0.05ms)
* doc at Kernel.+/2 (8) (0.05ms)
* doc at Kernel.--/2 (13) (0.04ms)
* doc at Kernel.--/2 (14) (0.08ms)
* doc at Kernel.-/1 (11) (0.08ms)
* doc at Kernel.-/2 (12) (0.03ms)
* doc at Kernel.../2 (15) (0.03ms)
* doc at Kernel.//2 (16) (0.09ms)
* doc at Kernel.</2 (17) (0.03ms)
* doc at Kernel.<=/2 (18) (0.03ms)
* doc at Kernel.<>/2 (19) (0.06ms)
* doc at Kernel.<>/2 (20) (0.1ms)
* doc at Kernel.==/2 (21) (0.03ms)
* doc at Kernel.==/2 (22) (0.03ms)
* doc at Kernel.===/2 (23) (0.03ms)
* doc at Kernel.===/2 (24) (0.03ms)
* doc at Kernel.=~/2 (25) (0.1ms)
* doc at Kernel.=~/2 (26) (0.05ms)
* doc at Kernel.=~/2 (27) (0.1ms)
* doc at Kernel.=~/2 (28) (0.07ms)
* doc at Kernel.>/2 (29) (0.03ms)
* doc at Kernel.>=/2 (30) (0.03ms)
* doc at Kernel.SpecialForms.&/1 (1) (0.1ms)
* doc at Kernel.SpecialForms.&/1 (2) (0.1ms)
* doc at Kernel.SpecialForms.&/1 (3) (0.07ms)
* doc at Kernel.SpecialForms.&/1 (4) (0.1ms)
* doc at Kernel.SpecialForms.&/1 (5) (0.09ms)
* doc at Kernel.SpecialForms.&/1 (6) (23.3ms)
* doc at Kernel.SpecialForms.&/1 (7) (0.1ms)
* doc at Kernel.SpecialForms.&/1 (8) (0.1ms)
* doc at Kernel.SpecialForms.<<>>/1 (10) (0.07ms)
* doc at Kernel.SpecialForms.<<>>/1 (11) (0.09ms)
* doc at Kernel.SpecialForms.<<>>/1 (12) (0.1ms)
* doc at Kernel.SpecialForms.<<>>/1 (13) (0.7ms)
2) test doc at Kernel.SpecialForms.<<>>/1 (13) (KernelTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected doctest:
rest = "oo"
<<102, rest>>
to complete or raise: ArgumentError with message argument error
instead got: ArgumentError with message "argument error"
lib/kernel/special_forms.ex:179: Kernel.SpecialForms (module)
* doc at Kernel.SpecialForms.<<>>/1 (14) (0.07ms)
* doc at Kernel.SpecialForms.<<>>/1 (15) (0.08ms)
* doc at Kernel.SpecialForms.<<>>/1 (16) (0.08ms)
* doc at Kernel.SpecialForms.<<>>/1 (17) (0.08ms)
* doc at Kernel.SpecialForms.<<>>/1 (18) (0.05ms)
* doc at Kernel.SpecialForms.<<>>/1 (19) (36.1ms)
* doc at Kernel.SpecialForms.<<>>/1 (20) (0.05ms)
* doc at Kernel.SpecialForms.<<>>/1 (9) (0.05ms)
* doc at Kernel.SpecialForms.[]/1 (21) (0.08ms)
* doc at Kernel.SpecialForms.__block__/1 (22) (0.09ms)
* doc at Kernel.SpecialForms.bc/1 (23) (0.2ms)
* doc at Kernel.SpecialForms.import/2 (24) (0.1ms)
* doc at (25) (0.1ms)
* doc at (26) (0.06ms)
* doc at (27) (0.09ms)
* doc at (28) (0.06ms)
* doc at (29) (0.4ms)
* doc at (30) (0.2ms)
* doc at (31) (0.1ms)
* doc at (32) (0.3ms)
* doc at Kernel.SpecialForms.quote/2 (33) (0.08ms)
* doc at Kernel.SpecialForms.{}/1 (34) (0.1ms)
* doc at Kernel.abs/1 (31) (0.1ms)
* doc at Kernel.and/2 (32) (0.06ms)
* doc at Kernel.apply/2 (33) (0.1ms)
* doc at Kernel.apply/3 (34) (0.04ms)
* doc at Kernel.atom_to_binary/1 (35) (0.07ms)
* doc at Kernel.atom_to_binary/2 (36) (0.05ms)
* doc at Kernel.atom_to_list/1 (37) (0.08ms)
* doc at Kernel.binary_part/3 (38) (0.04ms)
* doc at Kernel.binary_part/3 (39) (0.5ms)
3) test doc at Kernel.binary_part/3 (39) (KernelTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected doctest: binary_part("foo", 3, -1)
to complete or raise: nothing
instead got: ArgumentError with message "argument error"
lib/kernel.ex:453: Kernel (module)
* doc at Kernel.binary_to_atom/1 (40) (0.04ms)
* doc at Kernel.binary_to_atom/2 (41) (0.05ms)
* doc at Kernel.binary_to_existing_atom/1 (42) (0.1ms)
* doc at Kernel.binary_to_existing_atom/1 (43) (0.3ms)
* doc at Kernel.binary_to_float/1 (44) (0.08ms)
* doc at Kernel.binary_to_integer/1 (45) (0.08ms)
* doc at Kernel.binary_to_integer/2 (46) (0.1ms)
* doc at Kernel.binary_to_term/1 (47) (0.09ms)
* doc at Kernel.binary_to_term/2 (48) (0.09ms)
* doc at Kernel.binding/0 (49) (0.1ms)
* doc at Kernel.binding/1 (50) (0.06ms)
* doc at Kernel.binding/2 (51) (0.05ms)
* doc at Kernel.bit_size/1 (52) (0.09ms)
* doc at Kernel.byte_size/1 (53) (0.05ms)
* doc at Kernel.delete_elem/2 (54) (0.1ms)
* doc at Kernel.destructure/2 (55) (1.7ms)
* doc at Kernel.destructure/2 (56) (0.1ms)
* doc at Kernel.div/2 (57) (0.05ms)
* doc at Kernel.elem/2 (58) (0.04ms)
* doc at Kernel.float_to_binary/1 (59) (0.09ms)
* doc at Kernel.float_to_list/1 (60) (0.09ms)
* doc at (61) (0.05ms)
* doc at Kernel.insert_elem/3 (62) (0.05ms)
* doc at Kernel.inspect/2 (63) (0.1ms)
* doc at Kernel.inspect/2 (64) (0.3ms)
* doc at Kernel.inspect/2 (65) (22.4ms)
4) test doc at Kernel.inspect/2 (65) (KernelTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected doctest: inspect(ArgumentError[])
to complete or raise: nothing
instead got: UndefinedFunctionError with message "undefined function: Inspect.ArgumentError.inspect/2"
lib/kernel.ex:2049: Kernel (module)
* doc at Kernel.inspect/2 (66) (0.4ms)
* doc at Kernel.integer_to_binary/1 (67) (0.05ms)
* doc at Kernel.integer_to_binary/2 (68) (0.1ms)
* doc at Kernel.integer_to_list/1 (69) (0.08ms)
* doc at Kernel.integer_to_list/2 (70) (0.3ms)
* doc at Kernel.iolist_size/1 (71) (0.1ms)
* doc at Kernel.iolist_to_binary/1 (72) (0.1ms)
* doc at Kernel.iolist_to_binary/1 (73) (0.05ms)
* doc at Kernel.is_exception/1 (74) (0.2ms)
* doc at Kernel.length/1 (75) (0.08ms)
* doc at Kernel.list_to_atom/1 (76) (0.04ms)
* doc at Kernel.list_to_bitstring/1 (77) (0.1ms)
* doc at Kernel.list_to_float/1 (78) (0.04ms)
* doc at Kernel.list_to_integer/1 (79) (0.05ms)
* doc at Kernel.list_to_integer/2 (80) (0.07ms)
* doc at Kernel.list_to_tuple/1 (81) (0.08ms)
* doc at Kernel.match?/2 (82) (0.05ms)
* doc at Kernel.match?/2 (83) (0.04ms)
* doc at Kernel.max/2 (84) (0.04ms)
* doc at Kernel.min/2 (85) (0.05ms)
* doc at Kernel.nil?/1 (86) (0.05ms)
* doc at Kernel.not/1 (87) (0.05ms)
* doc at Kernel.or/2 (88) (0.04ms)
* doc at Kernel.raise/2 (89) (0.5ms)
* doc at Kernel.rem/2 (90) (0.04ms)
* doc at Kernel.round/1 (91) (0.05ms)
* doc at Kernel.set_elem/3 (92) (0.08ms)
* doc at Kernel.sigil_C/2 (93) (0.1ms)
* doc at Kernel.sigil_R/2 (94) (0.2ms)
* doc at Kernel.sigil_S/2 (95) (0.08ms)
* doc at Kernel.sigil_W/2 (96) (0.08ms)
* doc at Kernel.sigil_c/2 (97) (0.3ms)
* doc at Kernel.sigil_r/2 (98) (0.08ms)
* doc at Kernel.sigil_s/2 (99) (0.05ms)
* doc at Kernel.sigil_w/2 (100) (0.2ms)
* doc at Kernel.to_char_list/1 (101) (8.7ms)
* doc at Kernel.to_string/1 (102) (0.07ms)
* doc at Kernel.trunc/1 (103) (0.05ms)
* doc at Kernel.unless/2 (104) (0.08ms)
* doc at Kernel.xor/2 (105) (0.05ms)
* doc at Kernel.|>/2 (106) (0.09ms)
* doc at Kernel.||/2 (107) (0.05ms)
* doc at Keyword.delete/2 (1) (0.1ms)
* doc at Keyword.delete/2 (2) (0.09ms)
* doc at Keyword.delete/2 (3) (0.05ms)
* doc at Keyword.delete_first/2 (4) (0.1ms)
* doc at Keyword.delete_first/2 (5) (0.05ms)
* doc at Keyword.equal?/2 (6) (0.2ms)
* doc at Keyword.fetch!/2 (10) (17.0ms)
* doc at Keyword.fetch!/2 (9) (0.06ms)
* doc at Keyword.fetch/2 (7) (0.1ms)
* doc at Keyword.fetch/2 (8) (0.06ms)
* doc at Keyword.get/3 (11) (0.1ms)
* doc at Keyword.get/3 (12) (0.05ms)
* doc at Keyword.get/3 (13) (0.1ms)
* doc at Keyword.get_values/2 (14) (0.1ms)
* doc at Keyword.has_key?/2 (15) (0.1ms)
* doc at Keyword.has_key?/2 (16) (0.05ms)
* doc at Keyword.keys/1 (17) (0.1ms)
* doc at Keyword.keys/1 (18) (0.1ms)
* doc at Keyword.merge/2 (19) (0.3ms)
* doc at Keyword.merge/3 (20) (0.3ms)
* doc at (21) (0.2ms)
* doc at (22) (0.2ms)
* doc at Keyword.put/3 (23) (0.1ms)
* doc at Keyword.put/3 (24) (0.1ms)
* doc at Keyword.put_new/3 (25) (0.1ms)
* doc at Keyword.put_new/3 (26) (0.05ms)
* doc at Keyword.update!/3 (29) (0.2ms)
* doc at Keyword.update!/3 (30) (0.4ms)
* doc at Keyword.update/4 (27) (0.2ms)
* doc at Keyword.update/4 (28) (0.1ms)
* doc at Keyword.values/1 (31) (0.1ms)
* doc at List.delete/2 (1) (0.1ms)
* doc at List.delete/2 (2) (0.07ms)
* doc at List.duplicate/2 (3) (0.1ms)
* doc at List.duplicate/2 (4) (0.07ms)
* doc at List.flatten/1 (5) (0.07ms)
* doc at List.flatten/2 (6) (0.1ms)
* doc at List.foldl/3 (7) (0.1ms)
* doc at List.foldl/3 (8) (0.09ms)
* doc at List.foldr/3 (9) (0.2ms)
* doc at List.insert_at/3 (10) (0.2ms)
* doc at List.insert_at/3 (11) (0.07ms)
* doc at List.insert_at/3 (12) (0.08ms)
* doc at List.insert_at/3 (13) (0.08ms)
* doc at List.keydelete/3 (14) (0.1ms)
* doc at List.keydelete/3 (15) (0.05ms)
* doc at List.keydelete/3 (16) (0.08ms)
* doc at List.keyfind/4 (17) (0.2ms)
* doc at List.keyfind/4 (18) (0.07ms)
* doc at List.keyfind/4 (19) (0.05ms)
* doc at List.keymember?/3 (20) (0.1ms)
* doc at List.keymember?/3 (21) (0.05ms)
* doc at List.keymember?/3 (22) (0.05ms)
* doc at List.keyreplace/4 (23) (0.1ms)
* doc at List.keysort/2 (24) (0.7ms)
* doc at List.keysort/2 (25) (0.1ms)
* doc at List.keystore/4 (26) (0.2ms)
* doc at List.keystore/4 (27) (0.1ms)
* doc at List.last/1 (28) (0.1ms)
* doc at List.replace_at/3 (29) (0.1ms)
* doc at List.replace_at/3 (30) (0.05ms)
* doc at List.replace_at/3 (31) (0.07ms)
* doc at List.replace_at/3 (32) (0.05ms)
* doc at List.unzip/1 (33) (0.4ms)
* doc at List.unzip/1 (34) (0.1ms)
* doc at List.wrap/1 (35) (0.1ms)
* doc at List.wrap/1 (36) (0.04ms)
* doc at List.wrap/1 (37) (0.04ms)
* doc at (38) (0.1ms)
* doc at (39) (0.1ms)
* doc at Macro.escape/2 (1) (0.1ms)
* doc at Macro.escape/2 (2) (0.1ms)
* doc at Macro.escape/2 (3) (0.1ms)
* doc at Macro.to_string/2 (4) (1.1ms)
* doc at Macro.unescape_string/1 (5) (0.1ms)
* doc at Module.concat/1 (1) (0.2ms)
* doc at Module.concat/2 (2) (0.2ms)
* doc at Module.function/3 (3) (0.1ms)
* doc at Module.safe_concat/1 (4) (0.4ms)
* doc at Module.safe_concat/1 (5) (0.1ms)
* doc at Module.safe_concat/2 (6) (0.4ms)
* doc at Module.safe_concat/2 (7) (0.1ms)
* doc at OptionParser.parse/2 (1) (0.8ms)
* doc at OptionParser.parse/2 (10) (0.3ms)
* doc at OptionParser.parse/2 (2) (0.2ms)
* doc at OptionParser.parse/2 (3) (0.2ms)
* doc at OptionParser.parse/2 (4) (0.1ms)
* doc at OptionParser.parse/2 (5) (0.1ms)
* doc at OptionParser.parse/2 (6) (35.1ms)
* doc at OptionParser.parse/2 (7) (0.2ms)
* doc at OptionParser.parse/2 (8) (0.2ms)
* doc at OptionParser.parse/2 (9) (0.1ms)
* doc at OptionParser.parse_head/2 (11) (0.2ms)
* doc at OptionParser.parse_head/2 (12) (0.6ms)
* doc at Path.absname/2 (1) (0.2ms)
* doc at Path.absname/2 (2) (0.1ms)
* doc at Path.basename/1 (3) (0.2ms)
* doc at Path.basename/1 (4) (0.1ms)
* doc at Path.basename/1 (5) (0.1ms)
* doc at Path.basename/2 (6) (0.4ms)
* doc at Path.extname/1 (7) (0.6ms)
* doc at Path.join/1 (8) (0.3ms)
* doc at Path.join/2 (9) (0.2ms)
* doc at Path.relative_to/2 (10) (0.4ms)
* doc at Path.rootname/1 (11) (0.2ms)
* doc at Path.rootname/2 (12) (0.2ms)
* doc at Path.split/1 (13) (0.1ms)
* doc at Regex.captures/3 (1) (0.7ms)
5) test doc at Regex.captures/3 (1) (KernelTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected doctest:
Regex.captures(%r/c(?<foo>d)/g, "abcd")
Regex.captures(%r/a(?<foo>b)c(?<bar>d)/g, "abcd")
Regex.captures(%r/a(?<foo>b)c(?<bar>d)/g, "efgh")
to complete or raise: nothing
instead got: ArgumentError with message "argument error"
lib/regex.ex:165: Regex (module)
* doc at Regex.escape/1 (2) (30.0ms)
6) test doc at Regex.escape/1 (2) (KernelTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected doctest:
Regex.escape("\\what if")
to complete or raise: nothing
instead got: CaseClauseError with message "no case clause matching: {'Unclosed character class', 18}"
lib/regex.ex:336: Regex (module)
* doc at Regex.groups/1 (3) (0.1ms)
* doc at Regex.match?/2 (4) (0.08ms)
* doc at Regex.opts/1 (5) (0.1ms)
* doc at Regex.replace/4 (6) (0.8ms)
* doc at (7) (0.4ms)
* doc at Regex.scan/3 (8) (0.4ms)
* doc at Regex.source/1 (9) (0.1ms)
* doc at Regex.split/3 (10) (0.3ms)
* doc at Set.delete/2 (1) (0.6ms)
* doc at Set.delete/2 (2) (0.1ms)
* doc at Set.difference/2 (3) (0.3ms)
* doc at Set.disjoint?/2 (4) (0.5ms)
* doc at Set.equal?/2 (5) (0.2ms)
* doc at Set.equal?/2 (6) (0.2ms)
* doc at Set.intersection/2 (7) (0.2ms)
* doc at Set.intersection/2 (8) (0.09ms)
* doc at Set.member?/2 (10) (0.1ms)
* doc at Set.member?/2 (9) (0.07ms)
* doc at Set.put/2 (11) (0.2ms)
* doc at Set.put/2 (12) (0.3ms)
* doc at Set.size/1 (13) (0.1ms)
* doc at Set.subset?/2 (14) (0.6ms)
* doc at Set.to_list/1 (15) (0.4ms)
* doc at Set.union/2 (16) (0.3ms)
* doc at Stream.concat/1 (4) (0.4ms)
* doc at Stream.concat/2 (5) (0.3ms)
* doc at Stream.concat/2 (6) (0.8ms)
* doc at Stream.cycle/1 (7) (0.7ms)
* doc at Stream.drop/2 (8) (12.1ms)
* doc at Stream.drop_while/2 (9) (0.3ms)
* doc at Stream.filter/2 (10) (0.2ms)
* doc at Stream.flat_map/2 (11) (0.4ms)
* doc at Stream.iterate/2 (12) (0.4ms)
* doc at (13) (0.2ms)
* doc at Stream.reject/2 (14) (0.2ms)
* doc at Stream.repeatedly/1 (15) (0.6ms)
* doc at Stream.take/2 (16) (0.4ms)
* doc at Stream.take/2 (17) (0.2ms)
* doc at Stream.take_while/2 (18) (0.4ms)
* doc at Stream.with_index/1 (19) (0.2ms)
* doc at String.Chars.List.to_string/1 (1) (0.1ms)
* doc at (6) (0.3ms)
* doc at String.capitalize/1 (7) (0.4ms)
* doc at String.codepoints/1 (8) (0.3ms)
* doc at String.contains?/2 (9) (0.3ms)
* doc at String.downcase/1 (10) (0.2ms)
* doc at String.duplicate/2 (11) (0.07ms)
* doc at String.ends_with?/2 (12) (0.3ms)
* doc at String.first/1 (13) (0.1ms)
* doc at String.from_char_list!/1 (15) (0.1ms)
* doc at String.from_char_list/1 (14) (0.2ms)
* doc at String.graphemes/1 (16) (0.1ms)
* doc at String.last/1 (17) (0.2ms)
* doc at String.length/1 (18) (0.1ms)
* doc at String.ljust/2 (19) (0.3ms)
* doc at String.lstrip/1 (20) (0.1ms)
* doc at String.lstrip/2 (21) (0.1ms)
* doc at String.next_codepoint/1 (22) (0.1ms)
* doc at String.next_grapheme/1 (23) (0.1ms)
* doc at String.printable?/1 (24) (0.1ms)
* doc at String.replace/4 (25) (0.4ms)
* doc at String.replace/4 (26) (0.2ms)
* doc at String.replace/4 (27) (0.3ms)
* doc at String.reverse/1 (28) (0.2ms)
* doc at String.rjust/2 (29) (0.2ms)
* doc at String.rstrip/1 (30) (0.1ms)
* doc at String.rstrip/2 (31) (0.2ms)
* doc at String.slice/3 (32) (0.8ms)
* doc at String.split/1 (33) (0.1ms)
* doc at String.split/3 (34) (0.3ms)
* doc at String.split/3 (35) (0.1ms)
* doc at String.split/3 (36) (0.2ms)
* doc at String.starts_with?/2 (37) (0.2ms)
* doc at String.strip/1 (38) (0.1ms)
* doc at String.strip/2 (39) (0.1ms)
* doc at String.to_char_list!/1 (41) (0.09ms)
* doc at String.to_char_list/1 (40) (0.1ms)
* doc at String.to_float/1 (42) (0.4ms)
* doc at String.to_integer/1 (43) (0.1ms)
* doc at String.upcase/1 (44) (0.5ms)
* doc at String.valid?/1 (45) (0.1ms)
* doc at String.valid_character?/1 (46) (0.1ms)
* doc at String.valid_codepoint?/1 (47) (0.1ms)
* moduledoc at Bitwise (1) (0.05ms)
* moduledoc at Bitwise (2) (0.05ms)
* moduledoc at Enum (1) (0.08ms)
* moduledoc at Enum (2) (12.7ms)
* moduledoc at Inspect.Algebra (1) (0.07ms)
* moduledoc at Inspect.Algebra (2) (0.07ms)
* moduledoc at Inspect.Algebra (3) (0.08ms)
* moduledoc at Inspect.Algebra (4) (0.09ms)
* moduledoc at Stream (1) (0.1ms)
* moduledoc at Stream (2) (0.1ms)
* moduledoc at Stream (3) (0.1ms)
* moduledoc at String (1) (0.05ms)
* moduledoc at String (2) (0.05ms)
* moduledoc at String (3) (0.07ms)
* moduledoc at String (4) (0.07ms)
* moduledoc at String (5) (0.08ms)
Finished in 28.3 seconds (27.8s on load, 0.5s on tests)
442 tests, 6 failures
==> mix (exunit)
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 4000
* lexer gets verified properly (2.4ms)
* lexes specifications properly (0.5ms)
* != (4.5ms)
* < (13.4ms)
* <= (7.7ms)
* == (6.6ms)
* > (15.3ms)
* >= (9.0ms)
* and (5.1ms)
* or (4.4ms)
* parse (2.3ms)
1) test_parse (Mix.VersionTest)
** (ArgumentError) argument error
version.ex:290: Mix.Version.Parser.parse_version/1
version.ex:123: Mix.Version.parse/1
version_test.exs:30: Mix.VersionTest.test_parse/1
* ~> (108.5ms)
* env (15.7ms)
* shell (3.7ms)
* camelize (3.8ms)
* command_to_module (23.3ms)
* command_to_module_name (3.8ms)
* config_merge (3.8ms)
* extract_files (7.9ms)
* extract_stale (46.5ms)
* module_name_to_command (4.4ms)
* underscore (4.4ms)
* compile for umbrella as dependency (1519.1ms)
* compile umbrella (1099.7ms)
* dependency in umbrella (630.2ms)
* list deps for umbrella as dependency (712.8ms)
* run command with dependencies (186.0ms)
2) test run command with dependencies (Mix.Tasks.RunTest)
** (ErlangError) erlang error: :enoent
shell.ex:41: Mix.Shell.cmd/2
git.ex:134: Mix.SCM.Git.run_cmd_or_raise/1
git.ex:43: Mix.SCM.Git.checkout/1
deps.get.ex:78: Mix.Tasks.Deps.Get.deps_getter/2
converger.ex:73: Mix.Deps.Converger.all/7
deps.ex:93: Mix.Deps.all/2
run_test.exs:27: Mix.Tasks.RunTest."-test run command with dependencies/1-fun-0-"/0
test_helper.exs:83: MixTest.Case.in_fixture/3
run_test.exs:26: Mix.Tasks.RunTest."test run command with dependencies"/1
* run requires before commands (513.9ms)
* new with --sup (69.5ms)
* new with dot (46.4ms)
* new with invalid args (13.7ms)
* new with underscore (50.5ms)
* MIX_PATH (103.3ms)
* archive
=ERROR REPORT==== 11-Sep-2013::23:27:07 ===
File operation error: bad_eocd. Target: /Users/krab/Projects/elixir/lib/mix/tmp/userhome/.mix/archives/archive-0.1.0.ez/archive-0.1.0/ebin. Function: read_file_info. Process: code_server.
* archive (390.7ms)
3) test archive (Mix.Tasks.LocalTest)
** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: :error
task.ex:36: Mix.Task."-load_tasks/1-fun-1-"/2
enum.ex:1758: Enumerable.List.reduce/3
local_test.exs:33: Mix.Tasks.LocalTest."-test archive/1-fun-0-"/0
test_helper.exs:83: MixTest.Case.in_fixture/3
local_test.exs:22: Mix.Tasks.LocalTest."test archive"/1
* help TASK (141.7ms)
* help list default task (296.3ms)
* help lists all tasks (244.9ms)
* generate simple escript (2654.5ms)
** exit {:noproc, {:gen_server, :call, [#PID<0.0.8617>, {:suite_finished, 30877278, 19163607}, 30000]}}
ex_unit.ex:115: ExUnit."-start/1-fun-1-"/1
cli.ex:65: Kernel.CLI."-at_exit/1-lc$^0/1-0-"/2
cli.ex:63: Kernel.CLI.at_exit/1
init.erl:1054: :init.start_it/1
init.erl:1034: :init.start_em/1
==> eex (exunit)
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 4000
=ERROR REPORT==== 11-Sep-2013::23:27:43 ===
** Generic server <0.0.3464> terminating
** Last message in was {'$gen_cast',
'test defined from file do not affect backtrace',
'test defined from file do not affect backtrace',
** When Server state == {'Elixir.ExUnit.CLIFormatter.Config',1,0,0,false,
** Reason for termination ==
** {'module could not be loaded',
** exit {:noproc, {:gen_server, :call, [#PID<0.0.3464>, {:suite_finished, 585946, 3118768}, 30000]}}
ex_unit.ex:115: ExUnit."-start/1-fun-1-"/1
cli.ex:65: Kernel.CLI."-at_exit/1-lc$^0/1-0-"/2
cli.ex:63: Kernel.CLI.at_exit/1
init.erl:1054: :init.start_it/1
init.erl:1034: :init.start_em/1
==> iex (exunit)
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 4000
* completion_inside_expression (136.5ms)
* elixir_auto_completion_with_self (5.9ms)
* elixir_erlang_module_root_completion (56.2ms)
* elixir_function_completion (14.0ms)
* elixir_function_completion_with_arity (110.2ms)
1) test_elixir_function_completion_with_arity (IEx.AutocompleteTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: {:yes, [], ['printable?/1']}
to be equal to (==): {:yes, [], ['printable?/1']}
at autocomplete_test.exs:60
* elixir_kernel_completion (3.7ms)
* elixir_macro_completion (19.5ms)
* elixir_no_completion (109.5ms)
* elixir_proxy (11.0ms)
* elixir_root_completion (20.9ms)
* elixir_root_submodule_completion (8.3ms)
* elixir_simple_completion (17.9ms)
* elixir_submodule_completion (349.4ms)
* elixir_submodule_no_completion (9.3ms)
* erlang_module_common_prefix_completion (13.1ms)
* erlang_module_multiple_values_completion (11.4ms)
* erlang_module_no_completion (12.4ms)
* erlang_module_simple_completion (19.3ms)
* bad key (42.9ms)
* bad option (1.0ms)
* color (143.2ms)
* history size (82.0ms)
* inspect opts (106.0ms)
2) test inspect opts (IEx.OptionsTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: "** (UndefinedFunctionError) undefined function: Inspect.ArgumentError.inspect/2\n** (IEx.Error) error when printing exception message and stacktrace"
to be equal to (==): "ArgumentError[message: \"argument error\"]"
at options_test.exs:42
* .iex (13.8ms)
* break (55.2ms)
* empty history at the start (12.2ms)
* empty history at the start redux (12.6ms)
* empty input (5.7ms)
* exception (2.2ms)
3) test exception (IEx.InteractionTest)
** (CaseClauseError) no case clause matching: {'Unclosed character class', 18}
re.erl:-1: :re.do_replace/5
re.erl:-1: :re.replace/4
interaction_test.exs:26: IEx.InteractionTest."test exception"/1
* invalid input (36.9ms)
* nested .iex (26.0ms)
* no .iex (12.4ms)
* no break (6.8ms)
* normal input (6.5ms)
* receive exit (14.0ms)
* whole output (7.0ms)
* c helper (159.4ms)
* c helper erlang (55.7ms)
* c helper list (163.3ms)
* c helper multiple modules (198.7ms)
* clear helper (5.8ms)
* flush helper (4.1ms)
* h helper (6.5ms)
* h helper __info__ (20.6ms)
* h helper function (14.8ms)
* h helper function string (14.7ms)
* h helper module (29.3ms)
* import_file helper (37.0ms)
* import_file nested (53.0ms)
* l helper (902.6ms)
4) test l helper (IEx.HelpersTest)
** (ExUnit.AssertionError) Expected UndefinedFunctionError exception but nothing was raised
helpers_test.exs:377: IEx.HelpersTest.with_file/3
helpers_test.exs:251: IEx.HelpersTest."test l helper"/1
* ls helper (16.8ms)
5) test ls helper (IEx.HelpersTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: ["ebin", "erjang.log", "erjang.log.lck", "lib", "mix.exs", "target", "test"]
to match pattern (=): ["ebin", "lib", "mix.exs", "test"]
helpers_test.exs:133: IEx.HelpersTest."-test ls helper/1-fun-3-"/0
helpers_test.exs:132: IEx.HelpersTest."test ls helper"/1
* m helper (118.2ms)
6) test m helper (IEx.HelpersTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: 0
to be more than or equal to: 2
at helpers_test.exs:178
* pwd helper (6.6ms)
* r helper (183.6ms)
7) test r helper (IEx.HelpersTest)
** (ExUnit.AssertionError) Expected UndefinedFunctionError exception but nothing was raised
helpers_test.exs:295: IEx.HelpersTest."-test r helper/1-fun-2-"/0
capture_io.ex:114: ExUnit.CaptureIO.do_capture_io/3
helpers_test.exs:289: IEx.HelpersTest."-test r helper/1-fun-3-"/0
helpers_test.exs:377: IEx.HelpersTest.with_file/3
helpers_test.exs:288: IEx.HelpersTest."test r helper"/1
* r helper basic (143.5ms)
* r helper erlang (65.6ms)
* s helper (778.0ms)
* t helper (284.8ms)
* v helper (43.1ms)
* fun_1 (0.7ms)
Finished in 9.6 seconds (4.7s on load, 4.9s on tests)
60 tests, 7 failures
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