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Created October 6, 2013 09:39
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Elixir @ JVM now passing 2287 / 2335 tests (48 failed).
Oct 06, 2013 11:26:10 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.Foo.Bar.Baz':sum/2
Oct 06, 2013 11:26:10 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.Foo.Bar.Baz':sum/2
tokenizer_test: chars_test...*failed*
in function tokenizer_test:chars_test/0 (tokenizer_test.erl, line 146)
Failed: 1. Skipped: 0. Passed: 192.
==> kernel (exunit)
1) test_from_char_list (StringTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: {:ok, "?"}
to be equal to (==): {:error, "", [57343]}
at string_test.exs:446
2) test_from_char_list! (StringTest)
** (ExUnit.AssertionError) Expected String.UnicodeConversionError exception but nothing was raised
at string_test.exs:453
3) test_bitstring (String.Chars.ErrorsTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected error message: "protocol String.Chars not implemented for <<0, 1::size(4)>>, cannot convert a bitstring to a string"
to match: "protocol String.Chars not implemented for <<0, 0::size(4)>>, cannot convert a bitstring to a string"
at chars_test.exs:81
4) test_captures (Regex.BinaryTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: Keyword.equal?(Regex.captures(sigil_r(<<"(?<foo>c)(?<bar>d)">>, [103]), [97, 98, 99, 100]), bar: [100], foo: [99])
to be: true
instead got: false
at regex_test.exs:72
5) test_compile! (Regex.BinaryTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected error message: "nothing to repeat at position 0"
to match: "Dangling meta character '*' in /*foo/ at position 0"
at regex_test.exs:23
6) test_run_with_groups (Regex.BinaryTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: [['d']]
to be equal to (==): ['d']
at regex_test.exs:91
7) test_scan_with_groups (Regex.BinaryTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: [[]]
to be equal to (==): []
at regex_test.exs:110
8) test_wildcard (PathTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: []
to be equal to (==): ["/Users/krab/Projects/elixir/lib/elixir/tmp/héllò"]
at path_test.exs:10
9) test_registered_attributes (ModuleTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: [register_example: [:it_works], register_example: [:still_works]]
to be equal to (==): [register_example: [:still_works], register_example: [:it_works]]
at module_test.exs:127
10) test_badarity_error (Kernel.RescueTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: "bad arity error: #Function<0.39267306 in Kernel.RescueTest.test_badarity_error/1> called with []"
to be equal to (==): "bad arity error: #Function<0.39267306 in Kernel.RescueTest.test_badarity_error/1> called with [1, 2]"
at rescue_test.exs:180
.......................................................................................................................Oct 06, 2013 11:27:29 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.Kernel.MacrosTest.Nested':value/0
..............................Oct 06, 2013 11:27:29 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.Kernel.ErrorsTest':__record__/1
..........................Oct 06, 2013 11:27:29 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.Kernel.ErrorsTest':__before_compile__/1
...Oct 06, 2013 11:27:30 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.Kernel':__record__/1
Oct 06, 2013 11:27:30 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.Kernel':__record__/1
11) test_macros_interpreted_function_clause_stacktrace (Kernel.ErrorsTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: [{:erl_eval, :"-inside-an-interpreted-fun-", [{3, {:elixir_scope, nil, nil, false, false, false, ErrorsTest, {:other, 0}, [], nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, ["": 0], nil, [ErrorsTest], [], [], "nofile", [Integer, Kernel, Kernel.Typespec, Record], [], [{Kernel, [&&: 2, ..: 2, <>: 2, @: 1, access: 2, and: 2, atom_to_binary: 1, binary_to_atom: 1, binary_to_existing_atom: 1, binding: 0, binding: 1, binding: 2, case: 2, cond: 1, def: 1, def: 2, def: 4, defdelegate: 2, defexception: 2, defexception: 3, defexception: 4, defimpl: 2, defimpl: 3, defmacro: 1, defmacro: 2, defmacro: 4, defmacrop: 1, defmacrop: 2, defmacrop: 4, defmodule: 2, defoverridable: 1, defp: 1, defp: 2, defp: 4, defprotocol: 2, defrecord: 2, defrecord: 3, defrecordp: 2, defrecordp: 3, delete_elem: 2, destructure: 2, div: 2, elem: 2, if: 2, in: 2, insert_elem: 3, is_exception: 1, is_range: 1, is_record: 1, is_record: 2, ...]}], [], [{Kernel, [!: 1, !=: 2, !==: 2, *: 2, +: 1, +: 2, ++: 2, -: 1, -: 2, --: 2, /: 2, <: 2, <-: 2, <=: 2, ==: 2, ===: 2, =~: 2, >: 2, >=: 2, abs: 1, apply: 2, apply: 3, atom_to_binary: 2, atom_to_list: 1, binary_part: 3, binary_to_atom: 2, binary_to_existing_atom: 2, binary_to_float: 1, binary_to_integer: 1, binary_to_integer: 2, binary_to_term: 1, binary_to_term: 2, bit_size: 1, bitstring_to_list: 1, byte_size: 1, exit: 1, float_to_binary: 1, float_to_binary: 2, float_to_list: 1, float_to_list: 2, function_exported?: 3, hd: 1, inspect: 1, inspect: 2, integer_to_binary: 1, integer_to_binary: 2, integer_to_list: 1, integer_to_list: 2, iolist_size: 1, iolist_to_binary: 1, ...]}]}}, 1]}, {:erl_eval, :expr, 3}, {ErrorsTest, :sample, 1, [file: "nofile", line: 3]}]
to match pattern (=): [{ErrorsTest, :sample, 1, _} | _]
at errors_test.exs:599
12) test_syntax_code_error (Kernel.CLI.SyntaxErrorTest)
** (ExUnit.AssertionError) Expected this output: `** (TokenMissingError) nofile:1: missing terminator: ]`
but got this output: ``
at cli_test.exs:64
13) test_hex (Kernel.BinaryTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: "࿿"
to be equal to (==): "𐿿"
at binary_test.exs:78
14) test_literal (Kernel.BinaryTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: <<106, 0, 111, 0, 115, 0, 101, 0>>
to be equal to (==): <<0, 106, 0, 111, 0, 115, 0, 101>>
at binary_test.exs:121
............................................................Oct 06, 2013 11:27:36 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.List':__record__/1
15) test_bitstring (Inspect.BitStringTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: "<<0, 0::size(4)>>"
to be equal to (==): "<<0, 1::size(4)>>"
at inspect_test.exs:56
16) test_sort (EnumTest.Others)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: [is: 2, sentence: 2, this: 2, multi_word: 1, a: 1, punctuation: 1, another: 1, some: 1, with: 1]
to be equal to (==): [this: 2, is: 2, sentence: 2, with: 1, a: 1, another: 1, multi_word: 1, some: 1, punctuation: 1]
at enum_test.exs:759
17) test_hex (CharListTest)
** (String.UnicodeConversionError) invalid code point 4095
inspect.ex:268: Inspect.List.inspect/2
kernel.ex:2071: Kernel.inspect/2
char_list_test.exs:42: CharListTest.test_hex/1
18) test_rm_file_with_dir (FileTest.Rm)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: {:error, :eexist}
to be equal to (==): {:error, :eperm}
at file_test.exs:722
19) test_rm_rf (FileTest.Rm)
** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: {:error, :eexist, "/Users/krab/Projects/elixir/lib/elixir/tmp/tmp"}
at file_test.exs:779
20) test_rm_rf! (FileTest.Rm)
** (File.Error) could not remove files and directories recursively from /Users/krab/Projects/elixir/lib/elixir/tmp/tmp: file already exists
at file_test.exs:856
21) test_rm_rf_with_char_list (FileTest.Rm)
** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: {:error, :eexist, "/Users/krab/Projects/elixir/lib/elixir/tmp/tmp"}
at file_test.exs:820
22) test_rm_rf_with_file (FileTest.Rm)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: {:error, :eexist, "/Users/krab/Projects/elixir/lib/elixir/tmp/tmp"}
to be equal to (==): {:ok, ["/Users/krab/Projects/elixir/lib/elixir/tmp/tmp"]}
at file_test.exs:834
23) test_rm_rf_with_symlink (FileTest.Rm)
** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: {:error, :eexist, "/Users/krab/Projects/elixir/lib/elixir/tmp/tmp/from"}
at file_test.exs:801
24) test_write_with_options (FileTest.OpenReadWrite)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: {:ok, "Русский\n日\ntest text"}
to be equal to (==): {:ok, "test text"}
at file_test.exs:481
25) test_cp_r_with_src_with_file_conflict (FileTest.Cp)
** (File.Error) could not read file /Users/krab/Projects/elixir/lib/elixir/tmp/tmp/a/1.txt: invalid argument
at file_test.exs:313
26) test_cp_r_with_src_with_file_conflict_callback (FileTest.Cp)
** (File.Error) could not read file /Users/krab/Projects/elixir/lib/elixir/tmp/tmp/a/1.txt: invalid argument
at file_test.exs:333
27) test_cp_with_conflict_with_function (FileTest.Cp)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: "FOO\n"
to be equal to (==): "hello"
at file_test.exs:109
28) test_cp_with_src_dir (FileTest.Cp)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: {:error, :enoent}
to be equal to (==): {:error, :eisdir}
at file_test.exs:78
29) test_cp_with_src_dir! (FileTest.Cp)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected error message: "could not copy recursively from /Users/krab/Projects/elixir/lib/elixir/test/elixir/fixtures/cp_r to /Users/krab/Projects/elixir/lib/elixir/tmp/tmp.file: illegal operation on a directory"
to match: "could not copy recursively from /Users/krab/Projects/elixir/lib/elixir/test/elixir/fixtures/cp_r to /Users/krab/Projects/elixir/lib/elixir/tmp/tmp.file: no such file or directory"
at file_test.exs:133
30) test_touch_with_no_file (FileTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: {:ok, ""}
to be equal to (==): {:error, :einval}
at file_test.exs:1141
Finished in 75.6 seconds (59.3s on load, 16.3s on tests)
1305 tests, 30 failures
==> ex_unit (exunit)
Finished in 11.9 seconds (11.1s on load, 0.7s on tests)
94 tests, 0 failures
==> doctest (exunit)
test/doc_test.exs:453: this expression will fail with a 'badarg' exception
1) test doc at Kernel.SpecialForms.<<>>/1 (13) (KernelTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected doctest:
rest = "oo"
<<102, rest>>
to complete or raise: ArgumentError with message argument error
instead got: ArgumentError with message "argument error"
lib/kernel/special_forms.ex:179: Kernel.SpecialForms (module)
2) test doc at Kernel.binary_part/3 (39) (KernelTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected doctest: binary_part("foo", 3, -1)
to complete or raise: nothing
instead got: ArgumentError with message "argument error"
lib/kernel.ex:453: Kernel (module)
3) test doc at Regex.captures/3 (1) (KernelTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected doctest: Regex.captures(%r/c(?<foo>d)/g, "abcd")
to evaluate to: [foo: "d"]
instead got: [foo: ["d"]]
lib/regex.ex:173: Regex (module)
4) test doc at Regex.compile/2 (2) (KernelTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected doctest: Regex.compile("*foo")
to evaluate to: {:error, {'nothing to repeat', 0}}
instead got: {:error, {'Dangling meta character \'*\' in /*foo/', 0}}
lib/regex.ex:70: Regex (module)
Finished in 28.0 seconds (27.6s on load, 0.4s on tests)
444 tests, 4 failures
==> mix (exunit)
=ERROR REPORT==== 6-Oct-2013::11:29:13 ===
File operation error: bad_eocd. Target: /Users/krab/Projects/elixir/lib/mix/tmp/userhome/.mix/archives/archive-0.1.0.ez/archive-0.1.0/ebin. Function: read_file_info. Process: code_server.
1) test archive (Mix.Tasks.LocalTest)
** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: :error
task.ex:36: Mix.Task."-load_tasks/1-fun-1-"/2
enum.ex:1783: Enumerable.List.reduce/3
local_test.exs:33: Mix.Tasks.LocalTest."-test archive/1-fun-0-"/0
test_helper.exs:83: MixTest.Case.in_fixture/3
local_test.exs:22: Mix.Tasks.LocalTest."test archive"/1
...Oct 06, 2013 11:29:25 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.Mix.Tasks.Escriptize':__record__/1
Oct 06, 2013 11:29:25 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.Mix.Tasks.EscriptizeTest':__record__/1
Oct 06, 2013 11:29:25 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.File':__record__/1
Oct 06, 2013 11:29:25 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.MixTest.Case':__record__/1
Oct 06, 2013 11:29:25 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.Mix.Tasks.EscriptizeTest':__record__/1
Oct 06, 2013 11:29:25 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.ExUnit.Runner':__record__/1
Oct 06, 2013 11:29:25 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.ExUnit.Runner':__record__/1
2) test generate simple escript (Mix.Tasks.EscriptizeTest)
** (UndefinedFunctionError) undefined function: String.Chars.EXIT.to_string/1
String.Chars.EXIT.to_string({:EXIT, {:badarg, [{:erlang, :split_binary, [<<80, 75, 3, 4, 20, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 120, 120, 176, 194, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 76, 11, 0, 0, 23, 0, 0, 0, 69, 108, 105, 120, 105, 114, 46, 65, 99, 99, 101, 115, 115, 46, 65, 116, 111, 109, 46, 98, ...>>, 1464459], []}, {:zip, :pwrite_iolist, 3, [file: 'zip.erl', line: 1581]}, {:zip, :pwrite_binary, 3, [file: 'zip.erl', line: 1587]}, {:zip, :binary_io, 2, [file: 'zip.erl', line: 1743]}, {:zip, :put_cd_files_loop, 4, [file: 'zip.erl', line: 780]}, {:zip, :put_central_dir, 4, [file: 'zip.erl', line: 771]}, {:zip, :do_zip, 3, [file: 'zip.erl', line: 451]}, {:zip, :zip, 3, [file: 'zip.erl', line: 439]}, {Mix.Tasks.Escriptize, :escriptize, 2, [file: 'escriptize.ex', line: 90]}, {Mix.Tasks.EscriptizeTest, :"-test generate simple escript/1-fun-0-", 0, [file: 'escriptize_test.exs', line: 30]}, {File, :cd!, 2, [file: 'file.ex', line: 927]}, {MixTest.Case, :in_fixture, 3, [file: 'test_helper.exs', line: 83]}, {Mix.Tasks.EscriptizeTest, :"test generate simple escript", 1, [file: 'escriptize_test.exs', line: 29]}, {ExUnit.Runner, :"-run_test/3-fun-0-", 0, [file: 'runner.ex', line: 138]}, {:timer, :tc, 1, [file: 'timer.erl', line: 165]}, {ExUnit.Runner, :"-run_test/3-fun-1-", 0, [file: 'runner.ex', line: 133]}]}})
escriptize.ex:101: Mix.Tasks.Escriptize.escriptize/2
escriptize_test.exs:30: Mix.Tasks.EscriptizeTest."-test generate simple escript/1-fun-0-"/0
test_helper.exs:83: MixTest.Case.in_fixture/3
escriptize_test.exs:29: Mix.Tasks.EscriptizeTest."test generate simple escript"/1
Oct 06, 2013 11:29:26 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.Mix.Tasks.Escriptize':__record__/1
Oct 06, 2013 11:29:26 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.Mix.Tasks.EscriptizeTest':__record__/1
Oct 06, 2013 11:29:26 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.File':__record__/1
Oct 06, 2013 11:29:26 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.MixTest.Case':__record__/1
Oct 06, 2013 11:29:26 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.Mix.Tasks.EscriptizeTest':__record__/1
Oct 06, 2013 11:29:26 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.ExUnit.Runner':__record__/1
Oct 06, 2013 11:29:26 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.ExUnit.Runner':__record__/1
3) test generate simple escript with path (Mix.Tasks.EscriptizeTest)
** (UndefinedFunctionError) undefined function: String.Chars.EXIT.to_string/1
String.Chars.EXIT.to_string({:EXIT, {:badarg, [{:erlang, :split_binary, [<<80, 75, 3, 4, 20, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 200, 120, 176, 194, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 76, 11, 0, 0, 23, 0, 0, 0, 69, 108, 105, 120, 105, 114, 46, 65, 99, 99, 101, 115, 115, 46, 65, 116, 111, 109, 46, 98, ...>>, 1465520], []}, {:zip, :pwrite_iolist, 3, [file: 'zip.erl', line: 1581]}, {:zip, :pwrite_binary, 3, [file: 'zip.erl', line: 1587]}, {:zip, :binary_io, 2, [file: 'zip.erl', line: 1743]}, {:zip, :put_cd_files_loop, 4, [file: 'zip.erl', line: 780]}, {:zip, :put_central_dir, 4, [file: 'zip.erl', line: 771]}, {:zip, :do_zip, 3, [file: 'zip.erl', line: 451]}, {:zip, :zip, 3, [file: 'zip.erl', line: 439]}, {Mix.Tasks.Escriptize, :escriptize, 2, [file: 'escriptize.ex', line: 90]}, {Mix.Tasks.EscriptizeTest, :"-test generate simple escript with path/1-fun-0-", 0, [file: 'escriptize_test.exs', line: 45]}, {File, :cd!, 2, [file: 'file.ex', line: 927]}, {MixTest.Case, :in_fixture, 3, [file: 'test_helper.exs', line: 83]}, {Mix.Tasks.EscriptizeTest, :"test generate simple escript with path", 1, [file: 'escriptize_test.exs', line: 44]}, {ExUnit.Runner, :"-run_test/3-fun-0-", 0, [file: 'runner.ex', line: 138]}, {:timer, :tc, 1, [file: 'timer.erl', line: 165]}, {ExUnit.Runner, :"-run_test/3-fun-1-", 0, [file: 'runner.ex', line: 133]}]}})
escriptize.ex:101: Mix.Tasks.Escriptize.escriptize/2
escriptize_test.exs:45: Mix.Tasks.EscriptizeTest."-test generate simple escript with path/1-fun-0-"/0
test_helper.exs:83: MixTest.Case.in_fixture/3
escriptize_test.exs:44: Mix.Tasks.EscriptizeTest."test generate simple escript with path"/1
4) test runs given tasks (Mix.Tasks.DoTest)
** (ExUnit.AssertionError) Expected to have received message matching {:mix_shell, :info, ["mix help" <> _]}
do_test.exs:9: Mix.Tasks.DoTest."-test runs given tasks/1-fun-0-"/0
test_helper.exs:83: MixTest.Case.in_fixture/3
do_test.exs:7: Mix.Tasks.DoTest."test runs given tasks"/1
5) test compile is no-op on empty project (Mix.Tasks.CompileTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: File.exists?("ebin")
to be: false
instead got: true
compile_test.exs:45: Mix.Tasks.CompileTest."-test compile is no-op on empty project/1-fun-0-"/0
test_helper.exs:83: MixTest.Case.in_fixture/3
compile_test.exs:43: Mix.Tasks.CompileTest."test compile is no-op on empty project"/1
6) test mix compile --list without mixfile (Mix.Tasks.CompileTest)
** (ExUnit.AssertionError) Expected to have received message matching {:mix_shell, :info, ["\nEnabled compilers: yecc, leex, erlang, elixir"]}
test_helper.exs:83: MixTest.Case.in_fixture/3
compile_test.exs:7: Mix.Tasks.CompileTest."test mix compile --list without mixfile"/1
=ERROR REPORT==== 6-Oct-2013::11:29:45 ===
enoent}, _)...................................
7) test push and pop projects (Mix.ProjectTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: Mix.Project.get()
to be: false
instead got: Mix.Tasks.LocalTest.ArchiveProject
at project_test.exs:20
8) test archive (Mix.ArchiveTest)
** (Protocol.UndefinedError) protocol Enumerable not implemented for :bad_eocd
enum.ex:517: Enum.find/3
archive_test.exs:13: Mix.ArchiveTest."-test archive/1-fun-0-"/0
test_helper.exs:83: MixTest.Case.in_fixture/3
archive_test.exs:9: Mix.ArchiveTest."test archive"/1
Finished in 76.8 seconds (19.5s on load, 57.2s on tests)
135 tests, 8 failures
==> eex (exunit)
.................Oct 06, 2013 11:30:14 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.EExText.Compiled':__record__/1
.Oct 06, 2013 11:30:14 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.EExText.Compiled':__record__/1
1) test defined from file do not affect backtrace (EExTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: {8, {EExText.Compiled, :before_compile, 0, [file: 'eex_test.exs', line: 7]}}
to be equal to (==): {8, {EExText.Compiled, :before_compile, 0, [file: '/Users/krab/Projects/elixir/lib/eex/test/eex_test.exs', line: 7]}}
at eex_test.exs:319
Finished in 4.6 seconds (3.9s on load, 0.6s on tests)
50 tests, 1 failures
==> iex (exunit)
1) test_elixir_function_completion_with_arity (IEx.AutocompleteTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: {:yes, [], ['printable?/1']}
to be equal to (==): {:yes, [], ['printable?/1']}
at autocomplete_test.exs:60
..........................Oct 06, 2013 11:30:31 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.IEx.Helpers':my_variable/0
.......Oct 06, 2013 11:30:31 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.Sample':run/0
.Oct 06, 2013 11:30:31 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.Sample':run/0
Oct 06, 2013 11:30:31 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.Sample2':hello/0
........Oct 06, 2013 11:30:32 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.IEx.Helpers':variable/0
Oct 06, 2013 11:30:32 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.IEx.Helpers':puts/1
.Oct 06, 2013 11:30:32 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.IEx.Helpers':parent/0
Oct 06, 2013 11:30:32 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.IEx.Helpers':variable/0
Oct 06, 2013 11:30:32 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.IEx.Helpers':puts/1
.Oct 06, 2013 11:30:32 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.Sample':run/0
Oct 06, 2013 11:30:33 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.Sample':run/0
2) test l helper (IEx.HelpersTest)
** (ExUnit.AssertionError) Expected UndefinedFunctionError exception but nothing was raised
helpers_test.exs:377: IEx.HelpersTest.with_file/3
helpers_test.exs:251: IEx.HelpersTest."test l helper"/1
3) test ls helper (IEx.HelpersTest)
** (ExUnit.ExpectationError)
expected: ["ebin", "erjang.log", "erjang.log.lck", "kilim_splitter.log", "lib", "mix.exs", "split.log", "target", "test"]
to match pattern (=): ["ebin", "lib", "mix.exs", "test"]
helpers_test.exs:133: IEx.HelpersTest."-test ls helper/1-fun-3-"/0
helpers_test.exs:132: IEx.HelpersTest."test ls helper"/1
..Oct 06, 2013 11:30:33 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.Sample':run/0
Oct 06, 2013 11:30:33 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING 'Elixir.Sample':run/0
4) test r helper (IEx.HelpersTest)
** (ExUnit.AssertionError) Expected UndefinedFunctionError exception but nothing was raised
helpers_test.exs:295: IEx.HelpersTest."-test r helper/1-fun-2-"/0
capture_io.ex:114: ExUnit.CaptureIO.do_capture_io/3
helpers_test.exs:289: IEx.HelpersTest."-test r helper/1-fun-3-"/0
helpers_test.exs:377: IEx.HelpersTest.with_file/3
helpers_test.exs:288: IEx.HelpersTest."test r helper"/1
.Oct 06, 2013 11:30:33 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING sample:hello/0
Oct 06, 2013 11:30:33 AM erjang.EModuleManager$FunctionInfo$1 invoke
INFO: MISSING sample:hello/0
Finished in 10.8 seconds (6.2s on load, 4.5s on tests)
60 tests, 4 failures
dhcp-42:elixir krab$
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