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Created April 12, 2011 09:52
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The programmatic counter-part for "fun Mod:Fun/Arity"
%% @doc
%% The programmatic counter-part for `fun Mod:Fun/Arity'.
%% Erlang syntax does not allow usage of the `fun' syntax,
%% where Mod, Fun and Arity are variables; they need to be
%% atom, atom, integer. This little hack lets you avoid
%% writing `fun(A1,A2,A3...) -> Mod:Fun(A1,A2,A3,...) end'.
%% @end
mkfun(Mod,Fun,Arity) ->
ModBin = atom_to_binary(Mod, latin1),
FunBin = atom_to_binary(Fun, latin1),
Binary = <<131,113,
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djui commented Apr 12, 2011

Nice hack. btw: what's wrong with using erlang:make_fun/3?

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Darn, even Erjang implements it. Stupid me; but it is not documented!

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No, it's really meant as a compiler intrinsic function, and should not be used by mere mortals. It might be preferable to the binary_to_term-hack, though, if you really really need it. :-)

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