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This, objects, and es6 classes


In this document, we will cover the this keyword, object prototypes, uses of .call() and .apply(), lexical this, arrow functions, es6 classes, object behavior delegation, some class theory, and objects-linking-other-objects. Our motivation is to learn these concepts is that we must know the finer points of object creation, assignment of values, and behavior delegation in order to better understand Javascript.


The this keyword is a special mechanism in Javascript - it allows us to implicitly pass reference values to other objects. It is a source of frustration for many developer's, but it's not as complicated as they make it out to be. In this section, we'll cover the this keyword, how it functions, why it's useful, and how it can help us write more expressive code.
     this has nothing to do with where a function is declared, but everything to do with how a function is called. When a function is invoked, an activation record (aka execution context) is created. The activation record contains information about where the function is called from, this is known as the call-stack. To summarize, this is a binding that's made when a function is invoked. What it references is determined entirely by the call-site where the function is called


This is in the global context

In the global execution context, the this keyword refers to the global object.

  • In the browser, it is the global window object, if not using strict mode. If strict mode is enabled, this is undefined
  • In node.js, this refers to module.exports because the node engine runs each module inside a wrapper function and the wrapper function is invoked witth the this value set to module.exports

This in function calls

The this value is a binding amde when a function is invoked. What that value exactly is is determined by the call-site. In order to avoid polluting the global object with identifiers, use the new keyword to create an instance of a constructor. This will prevent properties being added to the global object

This in constructor calls - the new keyword

The constructor call makes a copy of the prototype in the instance - SIKE! Javascript doesn't do any copying at all. A constructor call makes an object linked to its own prototype The mental model should be linking, not copying. An object with a new operator in front of it does the following

  1. create a brand new object
  2. links that object to another object
  3. calls function its this keyword pointed at the newly created object
  4. if function does not return an object, assume return of this

For example: ```javascript function person(firstName, lastName) { this.firstName = firstName; this.lastName = lastName; // implicitly return this; } var somePerson = new Person('zendaya', 'cozz'); ``` Note: `this` is implicitly returned in a constructor

This in method calls

When a function is called as a method of an object, the this value is set to the object of the method.
For instance:

const Person = {
  firstName: 'Kyle',
  sayHi() {
    console.log(`Hi, my name is ${this.firstName}`)

Confusion occurs when the this value is lost i.e. when a method loses its receiver
For example:

const Person = {
  first: 'Kyle',
  sayHi: function() {

const greet = Person.sayHi();
greet() // greet is not a function

     We are calling greet() as a regular, plain function call. first is undefined because this refers to the global object. In order to observe the behavior we expect from greet(), we must explicitly this to a specific object.

const Person = {
  first: 'Kyle',
  sayHi: function() {

Another confusion developers experience of this is when the receiver is lost when we pass a method as a callback to another function.
To demonstrate: setTimeout(Person.sayHi, 1000). In order to solve this problem and observe the expected behavior, we can use the bind() method: setTimeout(Person.sayHi.bind(Person), 1000) will log first

Specify this using call(), apply()

What's the use of call() and apply()? call() and apply() are used to explicitly invoke a function a specified context.

  • as their first argument, they take a this keyword
function ask(question) {

var workshop1 = {
	teacher: 'Ms. Grace',

var workshop2 = {
	teacher: 'Mr. Grottle'
}, "Can I explicitly set context?"), "Can I explicitly set context?")

In the example, we are invoking the ask() function with the context of workshop1. We say "wherever this function comes from, invoke it in a particular context which I'm going to specify"

  • apply(): allows us to invoke a function with arguments
  • call(): is for an array, it requires parameters to be lsited explicitly

Hard-binding a function's this value using bind()

bind() hard binds the object's this to a specific target object, permanently. Meaning, bind() produces a new function that is bound to a particular specific this context. For example:

  • when we try to pass a method as a callback to another function, we often lose the receiver of the method. In the case of setTimeout utility function defined by HTML, it explicitly calls your function in the context of the global object context. Suppose:
const Person = {
  first: 'Kyle',
  sayHi: function() {
setTimeout(Person.sayHi, 1000)

setTimeout calls the callback Person.sayHi and sets the context to the global object (imagine the context of script 1000ms later). This will result in the intended this context to be lost.

  • Explicitly hard-binding the this value to the Person object, results in binding the this to a target object. setTimeout(Person.sayHi.bind(Person), 1000)
var greet = Person.sayHi.bind(Person);

Even if we used call() or apply(), the object's this reference to the target object is maintained from the hard-binding of bind().

Notice that we use bind() for predictable this behavior, rather than flexible this behavior.

Bind in depth

 * @params {thisArg} - the args we want to bind to
 * @params {fixedArgs} - the fixed number of arguments when we bind the function
 * note: the snippet - return func.apply(thisArg, [...fixedArgs, ..args])
 * when the new function is invoked, the argument lists are combined. We are using partial application
 * here. We provide all fixedArgs and concatenate all dynamic args
Function.prototype.bind = function(thisArgs, ...fixedArgs) {
  const func = this; // we store a reference to the original function in the function variable
  // spreading (...args) takes care of any arguments that the caller of our inner function might provide
  return function(...args) { // we return a new function
    return func.apply(thisArg, [...fixedArgs, ...args]); // we use apply() to invoke our original function

Bind returns a new function that we can use to invoke our original function with any of the arguments we want to bind to. We can use bind() like so:

const functionReference = object.someMethod.bind(object); // pass as many args as we want
functionReference(); // bind returns a function, we can invoke that function

Flexible or predictable? When to use this-aware style code

A heuristic for using this aware code is if our method calls depend on the dynamicism of this, and every once in a while, we are using bind(). However, if we find ourselves using bind() often, we are losing the dynamicism of this and would be better served using lexical closure (predictability).

Arrow functions

The arrow function does not have a this so it resolves is lexically.

  • An arrow function does not define a this keyword at all. If we put a this keyword inside an arrow function, it will behave like any other function - which mean it will lexically resolve to some enclosing scope that does define the this keyword.
  • Arrow functions do not have a prototype, that's why it fails when new is called on it. It doesn't have a prototype so it can't be 'constructed'.
  • Arrow functions use the this from its enclosing execution context
  • If we try to pass a this arg to a function using call(), apply(), or bind(), it will be ignored i.e. the arrow function's thisArg always uses the this value captured when the function was created
  • Arrow functions can't be used as constructors
  • the benefit of using an arrow function is seen when we want to access this within a callback

Consider the following example:

const workshop = {
  teacher: 'Kyle',
  ask(question) {
    setInterval(() => {
      console.log(this.teacher, question)
    }, 1000);
workshop.ask("Is this lexical 'this'?");
// Kyle, Is this lexical 'this?'

How are we able to use the value of this.teacher in the arrow function?
There does not exist a this binding in an arrow function. Instead, we treat the arrow function like a regular function and use lexical scope to resolve the this keyword's value.
Using lexical scope, we go from the callback function scope to the enclosing scope, one level up, which is the ask() function to determine the value of this. ask()'s definition of the this keyword is set by the call-site.
When the callback in ask() is later invoked, it has closed over the parent scope that had a this keyword pointing at the workshop object

var workshop = {
  teacher: "Kyle",
  ask: (question) => {
workshop.ask("What happened to 'this'?");
// undefined "What happened to 'this'?", "Still no 'this'?");
// undefined "Still no 'this'?"

Arrow functions do not have a this, so we resolve this lexically. workshop object is not a scope. There are only two scopes in this script - the scope of the ask() function, which is an arrow function, and the global scope. A common source of confusion is to thinking that the curly braces create scope but they don't.

Another note, properties aren't scoped, they aren't lexical identifiers, it's a member on an object value, it does not participate in lexical scope at all.

When we do use an arrow function, we want the this to behave lexically, i.e. adopt the behavior of some parent scope. The right situation, like a setTimeout() or when we use a bind() function

const counter = {
  count: 0,
  incrementPeriodically: function() {
    setInterval(() => {
    }, 1000)

Now our callback uses the this binding from the incrementPeriodically() method. Since we invoked incrementPeriodically() using the method syntax, this is set to counter and everything works out.

This in class bodies

We will demonstrate how to properly bind this value to class bodies so the invocation will result in expected behavior.
Don't do the following:

class Person() {
  constructor(firstName, lastName) {
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;
  sayHi() {
    console.log(`Hi my name is ${this.firstName}`)
const person = new Person('Kyle', 'Fong');
const greet = person.sayHi;
greet(); // cannot read property 'firstName' of undefined

We get an error because we are invoking sayHi() as a function, greet(), and we lose the receiver of the method. Also, the class body has an implicit use strict mode. To observe the expected behavior, we can use an explicit bind() method in the constructor of the class to tie the sayHi() function to person.

class Person {
  constructor(firstName, lastName) {
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;
    this.sayHi = this.sayHi.bind(this);
  sayHi() {/*...*/}
  // Alternatively, we can use class fields and arrow functions
  // to implicitly bind this to the instance of the class
  // sayHi = () => {/*...*/}
  // and remove the explicit binding from the constructor

End of TL;DR

Classes and Prototypical (Delegation)

Let's get this straight - Javascript does not have inheritance. There are only objects delegating behavior to other objects via [[prototype]]-linkage. And neither do we make copies of methods and properties of "classes" when we instantiate them, rather, the object references properties. Again, all we're doing is objects delegating to other objects.
     Classes are a way of implying relationships through data structures.
in Java - everything is a class.
in Javascript - we have class syntax but, simply and cleary, Javascript does not have classes. We fake classes for the sake of developers who are accustomed to class-oriented languages.
     In this section, we will discuss, in detail, patterns of inheritance, creation and instantiation of objects, delegation of behavior, compare prototypical and classical inheritance, and do so much more.


Polymorphism describes the behavior of a child class overriding a parent class for greater specificity. The elegance of polymorphism is implicit inheritance, when a child is able to inherit behavior from their parent. However, the mechanism of polymorphism gives rise to the diamond problem.
     The diamond problem: if a child shares two parents whose methods or properties are named the same - the question is, which parent will the child inherit from? We lose the elegance of polymorphism, implicit inheritance, if we had to explicitly state the parent that the child must inherit from.

Class-oriented languages v. Prototypical languages

In class-oriented languages:

  • Defining a class creates a 'blueprint'.
  • In order to use a class, we must instantiate it by creating an object
  • An object is a copy of the class
  • Constructors are special methods. When we invoke a class, the constructor creates the object for us initializing any information of the instance that we'll need
  • Classical inheritance implies copies
  • And multiple inheritance opens the door for the diamond problem For prototypical-delegation:
  • In Javascript, there are just object delegating to other objects
  • Object instances and "children" don't inherit properties and methods, instead, their properties and methods are prototype linked to other objects. Object instantiation doesn't create a copy of the "parent" class. In other words, when invoking a method or accessing a property, we delegate behavior up the prototype chain.

The role of constructors, __proto__, [[prototype]], and prototype


There are no constructor functions, only construction calls of functions.
Pre-ES6, constructors are just functions that are called with the new operator in front of them. This makes a function call a constructor call.

When a function is invoked with a new operator in front of it, the following happens:

  • a brand new object is created
  • the newly constructed object is [[prototype]] linked
  • the newly constructed object is set as the this binding for that function call
  • we make a new-invoked function call using the newly constructed object, and automatically return the newly constructed object, unless specified otherwise


function foo(a) {
  this.a = a

var bar = new foo(a);

Explanation: by calling foo() with new in front of it, we've constructed a new object. This newly constructed object is the this-value when we invoke foo().

In summary, when placing a new operator in front, functions become constructor calls. new creates a new object, almost as a side-effect, and continues to do whatever else it was going to do.
For example:

function NothingSpecial() {
	console.log( "Don't mind me!" );

var a = new NothingSpecial();

a; // "Don't mind me!"
   // NothingSpecial {}

Explanation: As a result of making a constructor call using the new keyword, a brand new object is created, NothingSpecial() is invoked and "Don't mind me!" is printed. The newly constructed object is [[prototype]] linked to NothingSpecial()'s prototype.
As another demonstration of pre-es6 constructor behavior, let's look at the following snippet:

function Foo() {}
Foo.prototype.constructor === Foo; // true
var a = new Foo();
a.constructor === Foo // true

a.constructor actually delegates to Foo.prototype. a is [[prototype]] linked to Foo() as a result of invoking Foo() with a new operator in front of it.

The prototype chain

We're going to use the following example to demonstrate the prototype chain. Please follow along

function Workshop(teacher) {
  this.teacher = teacher;
Workshop.prototype.ask = function(question) {
  console.log(this.teacher, question);

var deepJS = new Workshop("Kyle");
var reactJS = new Workshop("Suzy");

deepJS.ask("Is 'prototype' a class?");
// Kyle Is 'prototype' a class?

reactJS.ask("Isn't 'prototype' ugly?");
// Suzy Isn't 'prototype' ugly?

In javascript, we have a master function called Object. On the Object function, there's a property that points to an object called prototype. If you've ever seen Object.prototype that's the property pointing from the Object() function over to Object.prototype.

The property pointing back in the other direction, from the prototype to the Object() function is constructor. This is mad confusing because it implies the Object() function is the constructor of the object pointing to it.

The word constructor does not have the same meaning that constructor has in other class-oriented languages like Java or C++. Instead, constructor could be named anything, really. The naming of this property as constructor has only one purpose, to maintain a facade that Javascript is a class system.

Provided the background about functions and prototypes, let's dive into our above example to understand how the prototype chain works.

On line 1: We have a function called Workshop(), and implicitly, we've created an object called Workshop.prototype. The Workshop() function points to Workshop.prototype. There is also a linkage from Workshop.prototype to the Workshop() function called constructor. The purpose of constructor is only to suggest that the Workshop.prototype object was created by the Workshop() function, as if the Workshop() function is a contructor for classes - this is simply not true. Finally, there is a hidden relationship between the Workshop.prototype and Object.prototype. On line 4: We make a property and add directly to Workshop.prototype. On line 8: We use the new keyword to . let's discuss what it does

  1. creates a new empty object
  2. links the object to Workshop.prototype
  3. invokes the function that it was called in front of Workshop() with the this keyword pointing at the object. As we see on line 2, we put the property called teacher directly on the newly created object
  4. if the function, Workshop(), does not return an object, we return the this keyword i.e. the newly created object, and it's named deepJS.

Notice that the teacher property exists on the object, and the ask() does not get copied to the instances of the Workshop.prototype. Instead there is an internal hidden linkage, the prototype chain (in spec it's [[prototype]]), between deepJS and Workshop.prototype.

On line 11: When we invoke the ask() method, the this keyword points to the deepJS object. Why? Because the call-site is line 11. The call-site says invoke the ask() function in the context of deepJS. Although we found ask() by looking up the prototype chain, we use the call-site to invoke it.

In summary, we're able to share methods with potentially many instances because of the this binding behavior and the prototype linkage.

Dunder prototype

function Workshop(teacher) {
  this.teacher = teacher;
Workshop.prototype.ask = function(question) {
  console.log(this.teacher, question);

var deepJS = new Workshop("Kyle");
deepJS.__proto__ === Workshop.prototype; // true
Object.getPrototypeOf(deepJS) === Workshop.prototype; // true

On line 12: deepJS.__proto__ is pointing at Workshop.prototype. It seems like deepJS has a property on it that points to the the thing it's linked to, except deepJS doesn't have a property on it called __proto__. So, when deepJS tries to access a __proto__ it goes up to Workshop.prototype and asks if Workshop.prototype has __proto__. __proto__ is linked to the Object.prototype. __proto__ is not a property, it's a getter function. When __proto__ is invoked, internally, it's this keyword will be the call-site, deepJS. We must consistently apply the this binding rule. We invoke the gget function on the Object.prototype in the this context of our instance and gives us the hidden internal linkage, the prototype chain.

Javascript is Behavioral Delegation - forget class systems and classical inheritance

Javascript is prototype delegation system, not a class system. The mental model of class inheritance and child copying parent classes does not fit in a delegation system. A prototypical system is a superset of a class system because we can implement a class system with prototypical delegation, but not the other way around. Therefore a prototypical system is more powerful than a class system. If we embrace the prototypical system of Javascript, what else, other than writing class-based code, can we do with it?

Javascript and Lua are the other languages where you can create an object without a class. Javascript and Lua really are true Object-Oriented languages

Differences between Object.create() and the new keyword

The object returned from Object.create() is not [[prototype]]-linked to the source object we used to call it with. new creates a new plain object, looks at the function and takes the object on its prototype property, and it will set that object (the one found on the prototype property) as the prototype of the simple object that it just created. It will feed the plain object into the constructor of the function as it's this keyword and return w/e the function returns

Object Links

Creating links amongst objects is the objective of prototype inheritance. The [[prototype]] linkage tells the engine to look for the property/method on the linked-to-object - objects linked together moves towards a delegation-oriented language

Although [[prototype]] should not be used as a fallback if an object cannot handle a method or property, (Instead, use the ES6 Proxy), you can design your API with [[prototype]] and reap the benefits of [[prototype]] linkage!

var anotherObject = {
  cool: function() {
    console.log("I'm cool!")

var myObject = Object.create(anotherObject)

myObject.doCool = function() { // internal delegation

myObject.doCool() // "I'm cool!"

Internally, this takes advantage of [[prototype]] delegation and follows the delegation design pattern


Mixins are a way of copying an object's methods and properties to a target object. Mixins can lead to multiple inheritance. If a method is defined on the target object,

static keyword

Using extends links "parent class" ObjectA.prototype to ObjectB.prototype via [[Prototype]] link. Additionally ObjectA() is [[Prototype]]-linked to ObjectB().

When static is declared before a method or property, these methods/properties are added directly to the class's function object, and not to the function object's __proto__ object. Suppose:

class Foo {
    constructor() {
        this.a = 2;
        this.b = 4;

    modifyConstructor() {}
    static props() {}

var b = new Foo()

class Bar extends Foo {}

var c = new Bar();


The extends keyword [[prototype]]-links Bar to Foo. Bar's __proto__ object does not have the statically declared method Props because Props is added to Foo's function object, and not the __proto__ object.


There are two ways of using super.

  • In the constructor, super automatically refers to the parent constructor.
  • In method definitions, super is used as a property reference or method call. super refers to the "parent object" and we can make a property/method access off it. An example of using super in a method definition is shown below in super.gimmeXY() For example:
class Foo {
  constructor() {
    this.x = 5;
    this.y = 2;
  gimmeXY() {
    return this.x;
class Bar extends Foo {
  constructor(a,b,c) {
    this.z = a;
  gimmeXYZ() {
    return super.gimmeXY() * this.z;

var b = new Bar(5,15,25);

To explain a bit more about the above snippet: Bar extends Foo means that Bar is [[prototype]] linked to Foo i.e. Bar.prototype linked to Foo.prototype.

Gotchas of super() (Source: YDKJS Ch.3, Simpson)

super seems as if it is driven by a function's context, like the this keyword -- that they are dynamically bound, but that is not the case. When a constructor or method makes a super reference, that super is statically bound to that class heirarchy and cannot be overridden.
This really applies to mixins.     If we borrow methods from one class and override its this with .call(..) or .apply(..), we will get unexpected behavior if the method has a super() in it. Particularly, this applies to mixins.

class ParentA {
	constructor() { = "a"; }
	foo() { console.log( "ParentA:", ); }

class ParentB {
	constructor() { = "b"; }
	foo() { console.log( "ParentB:", ); }

class ChildA extends ParentA {
	foo() {;
		console.log( "ChildA:", );

class ChildB extends ParentB {
	foo() {;
		console.log( "ChildB:", );

var a = new ChildA();;					// ParentA: a
							// ChildA: a
var b = new ChildB();		// ParentB: b;

All seems fairly natural and expected in this previous snippet. However, if you try to borrow and use it in the context of a -- by virtue of dynamic this binding, such borrowing is quite common and used in many different ways, including mixins most notably -- you may find this result an ugly surprise:

// borrow `` to use in `a` context a ); // ParentB: a
		 // ChildB: a

class + super prevents us from cross-pollination of prototype linking multiple objects that do not have a strict static-class heirarchy. One of the benefits of this-aware coding is exactly cross-pollination. We are better off embracing dynamic and flexible classless objects and [[prototype]] delegation Additionally, static properties are inherited and we can super-call static methods.

Subclass constructor

The default substituted constructor is different for a direct class versus an extended class. The default subclass constructor automatically calls the parent constructor, and passes along any arguments like so:

constructor(...args) {

Another limitation of ES6 subclass constructors is that, in a constructor of a subclass, you cannot access this until super(..) is called because the parent constructor is the one creating and initializing the instance's this. Pre-ES6 works oppositely; the this object is created by the "subclass constructor" and then we call a "parent constructor" with the context of the "subclass" this.

function Foo() {
  this.a = 1;

function Bar() {
  this.b = 2;;

// Bar "extends" Foo
Bar.prototype = Object.create(Foo.prototype);

// But this isn't
class Foo {
  constructor() { this.a = 1; }

class Bar extends Foo {
  constructor() {
    this.b = 2;  // not allowed before `super()`
    super();     // to fix swap these two statements

Basically, call super() first. Also, using classes, we won't be able to skip calling the 'parent constructor' any longer.

Mixins and multiple inheritance

If we do not have a constructor for a base class, the following definition is used

// default behavior if no constructor is specified
constructor(...args) {

We cannot access this until super() is called. The reason being, the parent constructor is acutally the one creating/initializing the instance's this. Pre-ES6, it works oppositely; the this object is created by the constructor, and we call a "parent constructor" with the context of the subclass this

How does super and this binding relate to mixins?

Static methods

Static properties (or class properties) are properties of the object itself. We create a super() = static binding rather than late binding as this, even if it gives the impression that a function that is super bound is more a 'method' than 'function' - it's just semantics.


class Food {
    static isHealthy() {
        return true
    static isEdible() { // references it's own class
        return this.isHealthy()


class Vehicle {
    isLegal() {
        return true

class Car extends Vehicle {
    canUse() {
        return this.isLegal()

console.log(new Car.canUse()); // returns true
console.log(Vehicle.prototype.isLegal()) // invoke property on prototype

class Person {
    constructor(id) {
        // shadowing of the id() method
        // with a property value on the instance = id;

    id () {


const abigail = new Person('cc');; // shadowing of the id() method with a property value on the instance we talked about above



  • OLOO
  • Prototypical inheritance
  • Object.create(object.assign())
  • ES6 classes
class Foo {
  constructor(a,b) {
    this.x = a;
    this.y = b;

  locate() {
    return this.x + this.y;

// Prototype-style equivalent
function Foo(a,b) {
  this.x = a;
  this.y = b;

Foo.prototype.location = function() {
  return this.x + this.y;
  • [[Prototype]] simply means a reference to another object.
  • the new keyword prototype links objects, it does not copy over functions or properties When classes are inherited there is a way for the classes themselves to relatively reference the class inherited from (and not the object instances created from them!!), this relative reference is usually called super

---> Javascript does not automatically create copies (as classes imply) between objects. Objects and functions only have shared references duplicated, not the objects/functions themselves. Not paying attention is a source of a variety of gotchas

explicit pseudo-polymorphism, ...) is brittle and ugly syntax. This comes up often when shadowing a method - i.e. Vehicle Object has a method called drive() and Car has a method called drive and overrides it - see parasitic inheritance (don't do it, not worth it)

Class-oriented languages

  • Class mechanics
    • define a class is like defining a blueprint. We create the base for other classes to build on. In classical inheritance, Objects are copies of classes. In order to use a class, we must instantiate the class into an object by copy. Again, in classical inheritance. think java
    • An object is a copy of a class, in classical inheritance
  • Constructors
    • Classes have a constructor. When we invoke a class, the constructor creates the class for us - it initializes any information of the instance that we will need
  • Class Inheritance implies copies
  • Multiple inheritance and the diamond problem

[[Prototype]] and Prototypical Inheritance

In prototypical inheritance, the [[prototype]] simply means reference to another object. The [[get]] operation follows the [[prototype]] link of the object if it can't find the property on the object directly

The mental model that many developers have is copy and fill. When an object is created, properties from other 'classes' fill ::NEEDS ATTENTION REVISE

Here's what prototypical inheritance is not, and what developer's get confused on:

  • implied classes

    • A function that implies a class is declared with an upper-case letter, even though this has no significance to the engine at all

    • the new keyword implies a construction of the object. Ex:

      function Foo() {
        // ...
      Foo.prototype.constructor === Foo; // true
      var a = new Foo()
      a.constructor === Foo // true
    • The .constructor property seems to be on a, however, the .constructor reference is delegated to Foo.prototype, which happens to have a .constructor pointing to Foo.

    • By default, The Foo.prototype object has a public property called .constructor. .constructor is a reference back to the function.

    • When new is called ---> we'd assume a is also given a property called .constructor, of which points to Foo, the function that created it. However, this is not true. a has no .constructor property on it. Also, we cannot say Foo constructed a

    • It's tempting to think Foo is a constructor because we call new and we observe that it constructed an object. However, Foo is just a function. Using new with Foo, the phrase constructs an object which we assign to a (which can be thought of as a side-effect) ---> The call was a constructor call but Foo itself is just a function. with a new keyword in front.

    • Another example:

      function Foo() { ... }
      Foo.prototype = { ... }; // create a new prototype object
      var a1 = new Foo();
      a1.constructor === Foo; // false!
      a1.constructor === Object; // true!
  • What's going on here? Why is a1.constructor === Foo false? It would seem Foo constructed a1

  • a1 has no .constructor property, so it delegates up the [[prototype]] chain to Foo.prototype. Foo.prototype doesn't have the .constructor property either, like the default Foo.prototype would have had, we keep delegating up until Object.prototype. That object has a .constructor property on it, which points to the built-in Object(..) function.

  • Say it with me, in Javascript, constructor does not mean constructed by. A constructor on an object points at a function who, reciprocally, has a reference back to the object -- a reference which it calls .prototype.


Objects (aka instances) delegation links rather than copy operations

--> Function calls are "constructor calls" iff new is used

  • assignment of this
    • In class-oriented languages, a constructor will assign any properties and values the object will need, similar to how class instances encapsulate data values
    • Ex:
      function Person(name) { = name
      Foo.prototype.myName = function() {
      var a = new Person('Kyle')
      var b = new Person('Don')
  • many would think Person copies over the functions and properties to a and b, however they are [[prototype]] linked. a and b end up with an internal [[prototype]] linkage to Foo.prototype. myName will not be found on a or b, it'll be found on Foo.prototype through delegation

The correct model of Prototypical inheritance is object's linking and behavior delegation.

[[prototype]] is about linking objects. Let's explain why it's useful

let's explain what it's not

JavaScript is one of the few languages where you can create an object on its own. Classes can't (being that they don't exist!) describe what an object can do. The object defines its own behavior directly. There's just the object

Bar.prototype = Object.create( Foo.prototype ) - make a new 'Bar dot prototype' objects that's linked to 'Foo dot prototype'

Bar.prototype = Foo.prototype doesn't work the way you'd expect it. Bar's prototype is assigned to Foo.prototype - when we start assigning properties Bar.prototype.myLabel - we are adding the property on the shared Foo.prototype and not on a separate object.

Bar.prototype = new Foo() - new Foo() creates a new object that is linked to Foo.prototype, but uses a Foo() function call.

  • This is seen as a side-effect because if Foo has any side-effects, logging, changing state, adding data properties to this, those side-effects happen at the time of this linking

  • The safest option is to use Object.create() to make a new object linked and with no side-effects, or Object.setPrototypeOf()

Inspecting Class Relationships

If we want to inspect what an object might delegate to we can use Object-A instanceof Object-B. In class-oriented languages, inspecting an instance (just an object in Js) for its inheritance ancestry (or more aptly described as the delegation linkage in Javascript)is called introspection (or reflection in JS)

  • instanceof - in the entire prototype chain of an Object-A, does the prototype of Object-B appear? The much cleaner approach for reflection is Foo.prototype.isPrototypeOf(a)

Delegation-Oriented Design

We should strive for behavior delegation because it better reflects the kind of object relationship that javascript models, instead of class-oriented inheritance.

Class Theory we'd create a base class. XYZ and ABC would inherit the base class and add properties and methods for their use cases and greater specificity. They might also modify the methods and properties from the base class, this is known as polymorphism. ABC and XYZ would be copies of the base class.

Behavior Delegation Theory, the base object would define its own methods. ABC and XYZ objects would define their own properties and methods. If ABC or XYZ needed to use from the base object, they would delegate to it. The prototype mechanism links objects to other objects, there are no classes no matter how much we try to convince ourselves. In behavior delegation, we avoid if at all possible naming things the same at different levels of the [[prototype]] chain (that would be shadowing if we did name things the same...). It creates brittle code and naming collisions. The names of methods are strewn out, and can be easier to understand/maintain.

function Graph(size) {
  this.size = size

Graph.prototype.getSize = function() {
  return this.size

function SpecialGraph(spaceAvailable) {, spaceAvailable)

var SpecialGraph = Object.create(Graph.prototype)

SpecialGraph.prototype.spaceAvailable = function() {
  console.log("there is " + this.getSize() + " space available in the graph")

var graph1 = new SpecialGraph(60)
var graph2 = new SpecialGraph(30)


var Graph = {
  init: function(size) {
    this.size = size

  getSize: function() {
    return this.size

var SpecialGraph = Object.create(Graph)

SpecialGraph.spaceAvailable = function() {
  console.log("there is " + this.getSize() + " space available in the graph")

var graph1 = Object.create(SpecialGraph)

var graph2 = Object.create(SpecialGraph)




// This code is trying to use lexical scope to bind a:1 and b:3

a = 4;
b = 6;
function outer(){
  function inner(){
  console.log(`this.a is ${this.a} and this.b is ${this.b}`);


a = 4;
b = 6;
function outer(){
  inner = () => {
  console.log(`this.a is ${this.a} and this.b is ${this.b}`);

Explanation: Remember, to understand this binding, we have to understand the call-site: the location in code where a function is called (not where it's declared). We must inspect the call-site to answer the question: what's this this a reference to?

Object-oriented programming, classical inheritance, prototypical inheritance, delegation, constructors, classes, methods/properties, getters and setters, composition over inheritance, polymorphism, prototype chain, ES6 classes and their prototypical equivalent

Object.assign() spread operator this in function calls constructor calls method calls lexical scope


Contrary to belief: not everything in Javascript is an object. function is a sub-type of Object

Javascript uses the Prototype model for inheritance.

In most OO languages, like C++, Java and so on, there is a strict system of classes and instances; if you want a Bar that is just like a Foo but has a Hat property, you have to define a class Bar which inherits from Foo (or contains an instance of Foo), and then instantiate the class to create a new BarObject. By contrast in Javascript, all you have are instances, and to create a new type you just add stuff to an existing one.

Parasitic inheritance Classical inheritance is about the is-a relationship, and parasitic inheritance is about the was-a-but-now's-a relationship.


function Vehicle() {
    this.engines = 1

Vehicle.prototype.ignition = function() {
    console.log("Turning on my engine")
} = function() {
    console.log("steering and moving")

function Car() {
    // `car` is a `Vehicle`
    var car = new Vehicle()

    // we modify our `car` to specialize it
    car.wheels = 4

    // save a privileged reference to `Vehicle::drive()`
    var vehDrive = = function() {
        console.log(this) // <-- do you know where the call-site is?
        console.log("Rolling on " + this.wheels + " all good to go!")

    return car;

var myCar = Car()

--> QUESTION: We certainly cannot say the call-site of the this in is in the scope of Car()... can we say the call-site is Car()? i.e. we give no mention of scope, we just say 'the call-site is Car()'

Since the two objects also share references to their common functions, that means that even manual copying of functions (aka, mixins) from one object to another doesn't actually emulate the real duplication from class to instance that occurs in class-oriented languages.

JavaScript functions can't really be duplicated (in a standard, reliable way), so what you end up with instead is a duplicated reference to the same shared function object (functions are objects; see Chapter 3). If you modified one of the shared function objects (like ignition()) by adding properties on top of it, for instance, both Vehicle and Car would be "affected" via the shared reference.

Explicit mixins are a fine mechanism in JavaScript. But they appear more powerful than they really are. Not much benefit is actually derived from copying a property from one object to another, as opposed to just defining the properties twice, once on each object. And that's especially true given the function-object reference nuance we just mentioned.

If you explicitly mix-in two or more objects into your target object, you can partially emulate the behavior of "multiple inheritance", but there's no direct way to handle collisions if the same method or property is being copied from more than one source. Some developers/libraries have come up with "late binding" techniques and other exotic work-arounds, but fundamentally these "tricks" are usually more effort (and lesser performance!) than the pay-off.

Take care only to use explicit mixins where it actually helps make more readable code, and avoid the pattern if you find it making code that's harder to trace, or if you find it creates unnecessary or unwieldy dependencies between objects.

Property v. method

functions never belong to objects. Methods do not exist on objects

although functions may have a this reference in them, this is dynamically bound at run-time, at the call-site and the relationship with the object is indirect.

Though function and method are interchangeable in Javascript, we are actually just doing property accesses


var obj = {
  foo:  function foo() {

var someFoo =
someFoo // function foo(){..}

Explanation: Declaring a function expression as part of an object literal does not make the function 'belong' to the object, it still is just a reference to the same function object

[[Get]] and [[Set]]

The [[get]] algorithm for an object does, perhaps a bit more work because it looks up the [[prototype]] chain for the property. If the [[get]] operation doesn't find the property - then it returns the value of undefined. For variables - they are references to values - and so we see a ReferenceError thrown

In order to distinguish whether a property exists and holds the explicit value of undefined OR the property does not exist and undefined was the default return after [[get]] failed --> we can use

var myObject = {
myObject.hasOwnProperty("a") // true
myObject.hasOwnProperty("b") // false

Setters [[set]]

get creates a property on the object, but doesn't hold the value. Instead, it makes a call to the getter function [[get]] and returns the result of the property access. setters override the default [[put]] (aka assignment), per-property.

var myClass = {
  get a() {
    return 2;

  set a(args) {
    console.log(this.a, args)

myClass.a = 3

myClass.a // 2 3

When a property is accessed, [[get]] operation is invoked, and [[put]] for setting (assigning) values

we can customize an object using such as writable(..) Object.seal(..) and Object.freeze(..) I will typically use [[get]] and [[set]] with classes because

In the following example, we will observe the how this can be used to create behavior across multiple contexts:

function identify() {

function speak() {
  var greeting = "Hello, I'm " +;

var me = {
  name: 'Kyle'

var you = {
  name: 'Reader'
};  // KYLE; // READER; // Hello, I'm KYLE; // Hello, I'm READER

Explanation: The code snippet allows identify() and speak() to be re-used against multiple contexts, the me and you objects, rather than needing a separate version of the function for each object. The next example demonstrates explicitly passing context:

function identify ( context ) {
function speak ( context ) {
  var greeting = "Hello, I'm " + identify(context);

identify(you); // READER
speak(me); // Hello, I'm KYLE
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