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Created June 5, 2017 21:05
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Using Watson Conversation System Entities
var express = require( 'express' );
var request = require( 'request' );
// Router
var router = express.Router();
// Send message to Conversation
// Return found system entities '/message', function( req, res ) {
// Build URL
var url =
'' +
'/conversation/api/v1/workspaces/' +
req.config.workspace +
'/message?' +
// Send message
// Watson Conversation
request( {
url: url,
auth: {
user: req.config.username,
pass: req.config.password
method: 'POST',
json: {
input: {
text: req.body.message
}, function( err, body, response ) {
res.json( response );
} );
} );
// Test
router.get( '/test', function( req, res ) {
res.json( {watson: 'Conversation.'} );
} );
// Export
module.exports = router;
class Entities {
constructor() {
// Query input
this.query = document.querySelector( 'input' );
this.query.addEventListener( 'keydown', evt => this.doKeyDown( evt ) );
this.query.addEventListener( 'focus', evt => this.doFocus( evt ) );
this.query.addEventListener( 'blur', evt => this.doBlur( evt ) );
// Result list
this.results = document.querySelector( '.results' );
// Row template
this.template = document.querySelector( '#row' );
// Services
this.xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
this.xhr.addEventListener( 'load', evt => this.doResponseLoad( evt ) );
doBlur( evt ) {
// Transparent if no value present
// Stay opaque if a value is present
if( this.query.value.trim().length == 0 ) { = 0.30;
doFocus( evt ) {
// Fully opaque when selected = 1;
doKeyDown( evt ) {
// Catch enter key to submit
if( evt.keyCode == 13 ) {
// Remove existing results
while( this.results.children.length > 0 ) {
// Analyze query
// 'POST', Entities.WHISK_PATH, true );
this.xhr.setRequestHeader( 'Content-Type', 'application/json' );
this.xhr.send( JSON.stringify( {
message: this.query.value.trim()
} ) );
doResponseLoad( evt ) {
let data = JSON.parse( this.xhr.responseText );
// Debug
console.log( data );
for( let entity of data.entities ) {
// Get entity type
let dash = entity.entity.indexOf( '-' ) + 1;
// Get word from query
let word = this.query.value.substring(
// Populate template
this.template.content.querySelector( 'p:nth-of-type( 1 )' ).innerHTML = entity.entity.substr( dash );
this.template.content.querySelector( 'p:nth-of-type( 2 )' ).innerHTML = word;
this.template.content.querySelector( 'p:nth-of-type( 3 )' ).innerHTML = entity.value.trim();
this.template.content.querySelector( 'p:nth-of-type( 4 )' ).innerHTML = Math.round( entity.confidence * 100 ) + '%';
// Clone into document
let clone = document.importNode( this.template.content, true );
this.results.appendChild( clone );
// Debug
console.log( entity );
// Node.js server or OpenWhisk action
Entities.LOCAL_PATH = '/api/conversation/message';
Entities.WHISK_PATH = '';
// Off we go!
let app = new Entities();
body {
background-color: #ececec;
color: rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.87 );
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
margin: 0;
padding: 16px;
input {
background: none;
border: none;
border-bottom: solid 1px #994fd7;
color: #994fd7;
font-size: 2em;
font-weight: 300;
margin: 100px 100px 30px 100px;
padding: 0 0 16px 0;
outline: none;
opacity: 0.30;
input::placeholder {
color: #994fd7;
.entity {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
padding: 20px 100px 20px 100px;
.entity > p {
font-size: 1.5em;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
.entity > p:nth-of-type( 1 ) {
width: 150px;
.entity > p:nth-of-type( 2 ) {
color: #994fd7;
flex-basis: 0;
flex-grow: 0.60;
.entity > p:nth-of-type( 3 ) {
flex-basis: 0;
flex-grow: 0.40;
.entity > p:nth-of-type( 4 ) {
text-align: right;
width: 150px;
.logo {
bottom: 16px;
left: 16px;
position: absolute;
import json
import requests
import sys
# Read configuration options
with open( '../bluemix/config.json' ) as data_file:
config = json.load( data_file )
# URL for Conversation API call
url = '{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}'.format(
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
# Optional command line
if len( sys.argv ) > 1:
text = sys.argv[1]
text = 'It was three days ago.'
# Example phrase
data = {
'input': {
'text': text
# Call Conversation API
req =
auth = (
headers = headers,
data = json.dumps( data )
res = req.json()
# Print any found system entities (date, location, etc.)
for entity in res['entities']:
parts = entity['entity'].split( '-' )
print '{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}%'.format(
int( entity['confidence'] * 100 )
var request = require( 'request-promise' );
function main( params ) {
// Build URL
var url =
'' +
'/conversation/api/v1/workspaces/' +
'/message?' +
// Make API call
// Return promise
return request( {
url: url,
method: 'POST',
auth: {
user: params.WATSON_USERNAME,
pass: params.WATSON_PASSWORD
json: {
input: {
text: params.message
} ).then( function( result ) {
return {
headers: {
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
statusCode: 200,
body: new Buffer( JSON.stringify( result ) ).toString( 'base64' )
} );
<title>System Entities</title>
<link href="favicon.ico" rel="icon">
<!-- Google Fonts -->
<!-- Roboto -->
<link href=",400" rel="stylesheet">
<!-- Styles -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style/entities.css">
<!-- Entry field -->
<input type="text" placeholder="Enter a phrase with entities (i.e. date, number)">
<!-- Holder for results -->
<div class="results"></div>
<!-- Logo -->
<a href="">
<img class="logo" src="img/ibm.svg" width="65">
<!-- Result rows -->
<template id="row">
<div class="entity">
<!-- Application -->
<script src="script/entities.js"></script>
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