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Last active November 29, 2019 10:51
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  • Save krhoyt/9b57a34d14a3de5d97f2eaed41399f69 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save krhoyt/9b57a34d14a3de5d97f2eaed41399f69 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Get complete list of repos and their respective details for a given GitHub user. Sorted by last updated, ascending. Output to CSV file.
// Holds pertinent authentiation
module.exports = {
github: {
token: '__your__token__here__'
const fs = require( 'fs' );
const rp = require( 'request-promise-native' );
const config = require( '../configuration.js' );
async function aggregate() {
let ibm = [];
let last = 0;
let page = 1;
do {
console.log( 'Page: ' + page );
// Get the repository list
// Will be paged
let repos = await rp( {
url: '',
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'User-Agent': 'IBM Developer'
qs: {
access_token: config.github.token,
page: page
resolveWithFullResponse: true,
json: true
} )
.then( ( response ) => {
// Page index in header
// Parse total pages from header
if( last === 0 ) {
const link = response.headers['link'].trim();
const page = link.lastIndexOf( 'page' ) + 5;
const close = link.lastIndexOf( '>' );
last = parseInt( link.substring( page, close ) );
console.log( 'Last: ' + last );
// Retrun repositories
return response.body;
} )
.catch( ( error ) => {
console.log( 'Problem accessing API.' );
console.log( error );
} );
// Debug
// console.log( repos );
// Repository list results missing some data
// Need to get repository details specifically
for( let r = 0; r < repos.length; r++ ) {
let details = await rp( {
url: `${repos[r].full_name}`,
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'User-Agent': 'IBM Developer'
qs: {
access_token: config.github.token
json: true
} );
ibm.push( details );
// Next page
page = page + 1;
// } while( page <= 3 );
} while( page <= last );
console.log( 'Total: ' + ibm.length );
// Sort by date updated
ibm.sort( ( a, b ) => {
let a_at = new Date( a.updated_at );
let b_at = new Date( b.updated_at );
if( a_at.getTime() > b_at.getTime() ) return 1;
if( a_at.getTime() < b_at.getTime() ) return -1;
return 0;
} );
// Output file
const file = fs.createWriteStream( 'ibmcode.csv', {
flags: 'a'
} );
// Line by line
// Picking a few pertinent details
for( let i = 0; i < ibm.length; i++ ) {
const created_at = new Date( ibm[i].created_at );
const created = `${created_at.getMonth() + 1}/${created_at.getDate()}/${created_at.getFullYear()}`;
const updated_at = new Date( ibm[i].updated_at );
const updated = `${updated_at.getMonth() + 1}/${updated_at.getDate()}/${updated_at.getFullYear()}`;
const pushed_at = new Date( ibm[i].pushed_at );
const pushed = `${pushed_at.getMonth() + 1}/${pushed_at.getDate()}/${pushed_at.getFullYear()}`;
file.write( `${ibm[i].name},${created},${updated},${pushed},${ibm[i].subscribers_count},${ibm[i].stargazers_count},${ibm[i].forks_count},${ibm[i].open_issues}\n` );
// Close the file
console.log( 'Done.' );
const Excel = require( 'exceljs' );
const fs = require( 'fs' );
const rp = require( 'request-promise-native' );
const config = require( './configuration.js' );
async function report() {
// Read list of repos
// Split into array
const matching = fs.readFileSync( __dirname + '/patterns.txt', 'utf8' ).trim();
const patterns = matching.split( '\n');
// Repository details
let ibm = [];
for( let p = 0; p < patterns.length; p++ ) {
// Not on GitHub
// This is for GitHub content only
if( patterns[p].indexOf( '' ) === -1 ) {
// No trailing slash, thank you
if( patterns[p].charAt( patterns[p].length - 1 ) == '/' ) {
patterns[p] = patterns[p].substring( 0, patterns[p].length - 1 );
// Repository full name
// Full name includes user account
const start = patterns[p].lastIndexOf( '.com/' ) + 5;
const name = patterns[p].substring( start );
console.log( name );
// Get details from GitHub API
let details = await rp( {
url: `${name}`,
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'User-Agent': 'IBM Developer'
qs: {
access_token: config.github.token
json: true
} )
.catch( ( error ) => {
if( error.statusCode == 404 ) {
return null;
} );
if( details !== null ) {
ibm.push( details );
console.log( 'Patterns: ' + ibm.length );
// Sort by date updated
ibm.sort( ( a, b ) => {
let a_at = new Date( a.updated_at );
let b_at = new Date( b.updated_at );
if( a_at.getTime() > b_at.getTime() ) return 1;
if( a_at.getTime() < b_at.getTime() ) return -1;
return 0;
} );
// Generate statistics
// Calculate manually
// Must prepopulate values with formulas
let statistics = {
subscribers: {sum: 0, values: [], average: 0, median: 0},
stargazers: {sum: 0, values: [], average: 0, median: 0},
forks: {sum: 0, values: [], average: 0, median: 0},
issues: {sum: 0, values: [], average: 0, median: 0},
remove: 0,
promote: 0
for( let i = 0; i < ibm.length; i++ ) {
statistics.subscribers.sum = statistics.subscribers.sum + ibm[i].subscribers_count;
statistics.subscribers.values.push( ibm[i].subscribers_count );
statistics.stargazers.sum = statistics.stargazers.sum + ibm[i].stargazers_count;
statistics.stargazers.values.push( ibm[i].stargazers_count );
statistics.forks.sum = statistics.forks.sum + ibm[i].forks_count;
statistics.forks.values.push( ibm[i].forks_count );
statistics.issues.sum = statistics.issues.sum + ibm[i].open_issues;
statistics.issues.values.push( ibm[i].open_issues );
// Average
statistics.subscribers.average = Math.round( statistics.subscribers.sum / ibm.length );
statistics.stargazers.average = Math.round( statistics.stargazers.sum / ibm.length );
statistics.forks.average = Math.round( statistics.forks.sum / ibm.length );
statistics.issues.average = Math.round( statistics.issues.sum / ibm.length );
// Median
statistics.subscribers.values.sort( numeric );
statistics.subscribers.median = median( statistics.subscribers.values );
statistics.stargazers.values.sort( numeric );
statistics.stargazers.median = median( statistics.stargazers.values );
statistics.forks.values.sort( numeric );
statistics.forks.median = median( statistics.forks.values );
statistics.issues.values.sort( numeric );
statistics.issues.median = median( statistics.issues.values );
// Setup reporting
let book = new Excel.Workbook();
let sheet = book.addWorksheet( 'IBM Code' );
sheet.columns = [
{header: 'Name', width: 55, bold: true},
{header: 'Created', width: 20},
{header: 'Updated', width: 20},
{header: 'Pushed', width: 20},
{header: 'Watchers', width: 10},
{header: 'Stars', width: 10},
{header: 'Forks', width: 10},
{header: 'Issues', width: 10},
{header: 'Candidate', width: 10},
// Line by line
// Picking a few pertinent details
for( let i = 0; i < ibm.length; i++ ) {
// Name
sheet.getCell( `A${i + 2}` ).value = ibm[i].name;
// Created
const created_at = new Date( ibm[i].created_at );
const created = `${created_at.getMonth() + 1}/${created_at.getDate()}/${created_at.getFullYear()}`;
sheet.getCell( `B${i + 2}` ).value = created;
// Updated
const updated_at = new Date( ibm[i].updated_at );
const updated = `${updated_at.getMonth() + 1}/${updated_at.getDate()}/${updated_at.getFullYear()}`;
sheet.getCell( `C${i + 2}` ).value = updated;
// Pushed
const pushed_at = new Date( ibm[i].pushed_at );
const pushed = `${pushed_at.getMonth() + 1}/${pushed_at.getDate()}/${pushed_at.getFullYear()}`;
sheet.getCell( `D${i + 2}` ).value = pushed;
// Watchers
// Also called subscribers in the API
sheet.getCell( `E${i + 2}` ).value = ibm[i].subscribers_count;
if( ibm[i].subscribers_count < statistics.subscribers.average ) {
sheet.getCell( `E${i + 2}` ).fill = {type: 'pattern', pattern: 'solid', fgColor: {argb: 'FFFFFD54'}};
if( ibm[i].subscribers_count < statistics.subscribers.median ) {
sheet.getCell( `E${i + 2}` ).fill = {type: 'pattern', pattern: 'solid', fgColor: {argb: 'FFF6C9CF'}};
// Stargazers
sheet.getCell( `F${i + 2}` ).value = ibm[i].stargazers_count;
if( ibm[i].stargazers_count < statistics.stargazers.average ) {
sheet.getCell( `F${i + 2}` ).fill = {type: 'pattern', pattern: 'solid', fgColor: {argb: 'FFFFFD54'}};
if( ibm[i].stargazers_count < statistics.stargazers.median ) {
sheet.getCell( `F${i + 2}` ).fill = {type: 'pattern', pattern: 'solid', fgColor: {argb: 'FFF6C9CF'}};
// Forks
sheet.getCell( `G${i + 2}` ).value = ibm[i].forks_count;
if( ibm[i].forks_count < statistics.forks.average ) {
sheet.getCell( `G${i + 2}` ).fill = {type: 'pattern', pattern: 'solid', fgColor: {argb: 'FFFFFD54'}};
if( ibm[i].forks_count < statistics.forks.median ) {
sheet.getCell( `G${i + 2}` ).fill = {type: 'pattern', pattern: 'solid', fgColor: {argb: 'FFF6C9CF'}};
// Issues
sheet.getCell( `H${i + 2}` ).value = ibm[i].open_issues;
// Candidate for removal
// All measures fall below
if( ibm[i].subscribers_count < statistics.subscribers.median &&
ibm[i].stargazers_count < statistics.stargazers.median &&
ibm[i].forks_count < statistics.forks.median ) {
sheet.getCell( `I${i + 2}` ).value = 'X';
statistics.remove = statistics.remove + 1;
// Outperforming
// All measures fall above
if( ibm[i].subscribers_count >= Math.round( statistics.subscribers.average ) &&
ibm[i].stargazers_count >= Math.round( statistics.stargazers.average ) &&
ibm[i].forks_count >= Math.round( statistics.forks.average ) ) {
sheet.getCell( `I${i + 2}` ).value = 'Y';
statistics.promote = statistics.promote + 1;
// Watchers summary
sheet.getCell( `E${ibm.length + 2}` ).value = {
formula: `=MEDIAN(E2:E${ibm.length + 1})`,
result: statistics.subscribers.median
sheet.getCell( `E${ibm.length + 3}` ).value = {
formula: `=ROUND(SUM(E2:E${ibm.length + 1})/${ibm.length},0)`,
result: statistics.subscribers.average
// Stars summary
sheet.getCell( `F${ibm.length + 2}` ).value = {
formula: `=MEDIAN(F2:F${ibm.length + 1})`,
result: statistics.stargazers.median
sheet.getCell( `F${ibm.length + 3}` ).value = {
formula: `=ROUND(SUM(F2:F${ibm.length + 1})/${ibm.length},0)`,
result: statistics.stargazers.average
// Forks summary
sheet.getCell( `G${ibm.length + 2}` ).value = {
formula: `=MEDIAN(G2:G${ibm.length + 1})`,
result: statistics.forks.median
sheet.getCell( `G${ibm.length + 3}` ).value = {
formula: `=ROUND(SUM(G2:G${ibm.length + 1})/${ibm.length},0)`,
result: statistics.forks.average
// Issues summary
sheet.getCell( `H${ibm.length + 2}` ).value = {
formula: `=MEDIAN(H2:H${ibm.length + 1})`,
result: statistics.issues.median
sheet.getCell( `H${ibm.length + 3}` ).value = {
formula: `=ROUND(SUM(H2:H${ibm.length + 1})/${ibm.length},0)`,
result: statistics.issues.average
// Candidate summary
sheet.getCell( `I${ibm.length + 2}` ).value = {
formula: `=COUNTIF(I2:I${ibm.length + 1},"X")`,
result: statistics.remove
sheet.getCell( `I${ibm.length + 3}` ).value = {
formula: `=COUNTIF(I2:I${ibm.length + 1},"Y")`,
result: statistics.promote
// Summary labels
sheet.getCell( `D${ibm.length + 2}` ).value = 'Median';
sheet.getCell( `D${ibm.length + 3}` ).value = 'Average';
sheet.getCell( `J${ibm.length + 2}` ).value = 'Underperform';
sheet.getCell( `J${ibm.length + 3}` ).value = 'Outperform';
sheet.getCell( `E${ibm.length + 4}` ).value = 'Watchers';
sheet.getCell( `F${ibm.length + 4}` ).value = 'Stars';
sheet.getCell( `G${ibm.length + 4}` ).value = 'Forks';
sheet.getCell( `H${ibm.length + 4}` ).value = 'Issues';
// Write the file
await book.xlsx.writeFile( 'patterns.xlsx' );
console.log( 'Done.' );
function median( values ) {
// Odd length: Just the middle number
// Equal number of digits on both sides
let result = values[Math.floor( values.length / 2 )];
// Even length: Average of two middle numbers
if( ( values.length % 2 ) === 0 ) {
const low = values.length / 2;
const high = low + 1;
result = ( values[low] + values[high] ) / 2;
return result;
// Ascending
function numeric( a, b ) {
if( a < b ) return -1;
if( a > b ) return 1;
return 0;
# List of links
# One per line
# That point to a repository hosted on GitHub
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