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Last active June 22, 2024 18:35
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Template attempting to show the many facets of a baseline web standards-based component. Not intended to function as a component.
export default class HoytTemplate extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
const template = document.createElement( 'template' );
template.innerHTML = /* template */ `
:host {
box-sizing: border-box;
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
:host( [a-boolean] ) {
display: none;
hoyt-component::part( inner ) {
--component-stylet: var( --my-component-style, #123456 );
<hoyt-component exportparts="inner: outer" part="also-outer"></hoyt-component>
// Properties
this._anArray = [];
this._aDate = null;
this._anObject = null;
// Events
this.onComponentClick = this.onComponentClick.bind( this );
// Root
this.attachShadow( {mode: 'open'} );
this.shadowRoot.appendChild( template.content.cloneNode( true ) );
// Elements
this.$component = this.shadowRoot.querySelector( 'hoyt-component' );
onComponentClick( evt ) {
this.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent( 'krh-event', {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: false,
composed: true,
detail: {
'abc': 123
} ) );
// When attributes change
_render() {
this.$component.aBoolean = this.aInteger === null ? false : true;
// Promote properties
// Values may be set before module load
_upgrade( property ) {
if( this.hasOwnProperty( property ) ) {
const value = this[property];
delete this[property];
this[property] = value;
// Setup
connectedCallback() {
this.$component.addEventListener( 'click', this.onComponentClick );
this._upgrade( 'anArray' );
this._upgrade( 'aBoolean' );
this._upgrade( 'aDate' );
this._upgrade( 'aFloat' );
this._upgrade( 'anInteger' );
this._upgrade( 'anObject' );
this._upgrade( 'aString' );
// Set down
diconnectedCallback() {
this.$component.removeEventListener( 'click', this.onComponentClick );
// Watched attributes
static get observedAttributes() {
return [
// Observed attribute has changed
// Update render
attributeChangedCallback( name, old, value ) {
// Properties
// Not reflected
// Array, Date, Object, null
get anArray() {
return this._anArray.length === 0 ? null : this._anArray;
set anArray( value ) {
this._anArray = value === null ? [] : [... value];
get aDate() {
return this._aDate;
set aDate( value ) {
this._aDate = value === null ? null : new Date( value.getTime() );
get anObject() {
return this._anObject;
set anObject( value ) {
this._anObject = Object.assign( value, {} );
// Attributes
// Reflected
// Boolean, Float, Integer, String, null
get aBoolean() {
return this.hasAttribute( 'a-boolean' );
set aBoolean( value ) {
if( value !== null ) {
if( typeof value === 'boolean' ) {
value = value.toString();
if( value === 'false' ) {
this.removeAttribute( 'a-boolean' );
} else {
this.setAttribute( 'a-boolean', '' );
} else {
this.removeAttribute( 'a-boolean' );
get aFloat() {
if( this.hasAttribute( 'a-float' ) ) {
return parseFloat( this.getAttribute( 'a-float' ) );
return null;
set aFloat( value ) {
if( value !== null ) {
this.setAttribute( 'a-float', value );
} else {
this.removeAttribute( 'a-float' );
get anInteger() {
if( this.hasAttribute( 'an-integer' ) ) {
return parseInt( this.getAttribute( 'an-integer' ) );
return null;
set anInteger( value ) {
if( value !== null ) {
this.setAttribute( 'an-integer', value );
} else {
this.removeAttribute( 'an-integer' );
get aString() {
if( this.hasAttribute( 'a-string' ) ) {
return this.getAttribute( 'a-string' );
return null;
set aString( value ) {
if( value !== null ) {
this.setAttribute( 'a-string', value );
} else {
this.removeAttribute( 'a-string' );
window.customElements.define( 'krh-template', HoytTemplate );
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