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Last active January 27, 2024 04:25
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Pacifica: gentle, blue-green ocean waves. For Dan.
// "Pacifica"
// Gentle, blue-green ocean waves.
// December 2019, Mark Kriegsman and Mary Corey March.
// For Dan.
#include <FastLED.h>
#define DATA_PIN 13
#define NUM_LEDS 60
#define LED_TYPE WS2812B
void setup() {
delay( 3000); // 3 second delay for boot recovery, and a moment of silence
.setCorrection( TypicalLEDStrip );
FastLED.setMaxPowerInVoltsAndMilliamps( 5, MAX_POWER_MILLIAMPS);
void loop()
// The code for this animation is more complicated than other examples, and
// while it is "ready to run", and documented in general, it is probably not
// the best starting point for learning. Nevertheless, it does illustrate some
// useful techniques.
// In this animation, there are four "layers" of waves of light.
// Each layer moves independently, and each is scaled separately.
// All four wave layers are added together on top of each other, and then
// another filter is applied that adds "whitecaps" of brightness where the
// waves line up with each other more. Finally, another pass is taken
// over the led array to 'deepen' (dim) the blues and greens.
// The speed and scale and motion each layer varies slowly within independent
// hand-chosen ranges, which is why the code has a lot of low-speed 'beatsin8' functions
// with a lot of oddly specific numeric ranges.
// These three custom blue-green color palettes were inspired by the colors found in
// the waters off the southern coast of California,
CRGBPalette16 pacifica_palette_1 =
{ 0x000507, 0x000409, 0x00030B, 0x00030D, 0x000210, 0x000212, 0x000114, 0x000117,
0x000019, 0x00001C, 0x000026, 0x000031, 0x00003B, 0x000046, 0x14554B, 0x28AA50 };
CRGBPalette16 pacifica_palette_2 =
{ 0x000507, 0x000409, 0x00030B, 0x00030D, 0x000210, 0x000212, 0x000114, 0x000117,
0x000019, 0x00001C, 0x000026, 0x000031, 0x00003B, 0x000046, 0x0C5F52, 0x19BE5F };
CRGBPalette16 pacifica_palette_3 =
{ 0x000208, 0x00030E, 0x000514, 0x00061A, 0x000820, 0x000927, 0x000B2D, 0x000C33,
0x000E39, 0x001040, 0x001450, 0x001860, 0x001C70, 0x002080, 0x1040BF, 0x2060FF };
void pacifica_loop()
// Increment the four "color index start" counters, one for each wave layer.
// Each is incremented at a different speed, and the speeds vary over time.
static uint16_t sCIStart1, sCIStart2, sCIStart3, sCIStart4;
static uint32_t sLastms = 0;
uint32_t ms = GET_MILLIS();
uint32_t deltams = ms - sLastms;
sLastms = ms;
uint16_t speedfactor1 = beatsin16(3, 179, 269);
uint16_t speedfactor2 = beatsin16(4, 179, 269);
uint32_t deltams1 = (deltams * speedfactor1) / 256;
uint32_t deltams2 = (deltams * speedfactor2) / 256;
uint32_t deltams21 = (deltams1 + deltams2) / 2;
sCIStart1 += (deltams1 * beatsin88(1011,10,13));
sCIStart2 -= (deltams21 * beatsin88(777,8,11));
sCIStart3 -= (deltams1 * beatsin88(501,5,7));
sCIStart4 -= (deltams2 * beatsin88(257,4,6));
// Clear out the LED array to a dim background blue-green
fill_solid( leds, NUM_LEDS, CRGB( 2, 6, 10));
// Render each of four layers, with different scales and speeds, that vary over time
pacifica_one_layer( pacifica_palette_1, sCIStart1, beatsin16( 3, 11 * 256, 14 * 256), beatsin8( 10, 70, 130), 0-beat16( 301) );
pacifica_one_layer( pacifica_palette_2, sCIStart2, beatsin16( 4, 6 * 256, 9 * 256), beatsin8( 17, 40, 80), beat16( 401) );
pacifica_one_layer( pacifica_palette_3, sCIStart3, 6 * 256, beatsin8( 9, 10,38), 0-beat16(503));
pacifica_one_layer( pacifica_palette_3, sCIStart4, 5 * 256, beatsin8( 8, 10,28), beat16(601));
// Add brighter 'whitecaps' where the waves lines up more
// Deepen the blues and greens a bit
// Add one layer of waves into the led array
void pacifica_one_layer( CRGBPalette16& p, uint16_t cistart, uint16_t wavescale, uint8_t bri, uint16_t ioff)
uint16_t ci = cistart;
uint16_t waveangle = ioff;
uint16_t wavescale_half = (wavescale / 2) + 20;
for( uint16_t i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) {
waveangle += 250;
uint16_t s16 = sin16( waveangle ) + 32768;
uint16_t cs = scale16( s16 , wavescale_half ) + wavescale_half;
ci += cs;
uint16_t sindex16 = sin16( ci) + 32768;
uint8_t sindex8 = scale16( sindex16, 240);
CRGB c = ColorFromPalette( p, sindex8, bri, LINEARBLEND);
leds[i] += c;
// Add extra 'white' to areas where the four layers of light have lined up brightly
void pacifica_add_whitecaps()
uint8_t basethreshold = beatsin8( 9, 55, 65);
uint8_t wave = beat8( 7 );
for( uint16_t i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) {
uint8_t threshold = scale8( sin8( wave), 20) + basethreshold;
wave += 7;
uint8_t l = leds[i].getAverageLight();
if( l > threshold) {
uint8_t overage = l - threshold;
uint8_t overage2 = qadd8( overage, overage);
leds[i] += CRGB( overage, overage2, qadd8( overage2, overage2));
// Deepen the blues and greens
void pacifica_deepen_colors()
for( uint16_t i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) {
leds[i].blue = scale8( leds[i].blue, 145);
leds[i].green= scale8( leds[i].green, 200);
leds[i] |= CRGB( 2, 5, 7);
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tspike333 commented Apr 24, 2023 via email

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ghstwhl commented Jan 27, 2024

Thank you for this beautiful code. I used it to enhance a faux water feature in the temple at Kiwiburn 2024. Saved me a lot of time, and looked better than what I would have done.

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