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Created February 3, 2017 05:44
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%\usepackage[top=1.1cm, bottom=1.1cm, left=2cm, right=2cm]{geometry}
\usepackage[top=0.9cm, bottom=0.6cm, left=2cm, right=2cm]{geometry}
\title{Software developer}
\address{1234 avenue Toto, Montreal H2X2X9}{}
\section{Highlights of Qualifications}
\item 3+ years of experience in Software Development focused on solving mathematical problems and design of cross-platform desktop applications,
\item Solid C++ skills and mathematical background, experience in Computational Geometry and Image Processing,
\item Experience in all stages of software development,
\item Ability to lead projects independently and to work effectively in a team environment,
\item Small group management experience (geological expedition leadership),
\item Strong learner, able to master quickly new languages, frameworks, technologies,
\item Experience in writing technical specifications, technical and end-user documentation,
\item Experience in negotiating with clients and decision making.
\section{Work Experience}
\cventry{2016-2017}{C++ software developer (distance job, part-time)}{Caboma}{Montreal}{Canada}{Development of VTK/Paraview algorithms and plugins (Computational Geometry) :
\item Creation of Paraview GUI plugins for existing VTK algorithms,
\item Adopting 3rd party geometry algorithms through wrapping them into VTK filters,
\item Updating and debugging legacy VTK code base.
\cventry{2016}{C++ software developer (freelance)}{}{}{}{Multiple small-sized C++ projects for different clients :
\item Desktop applications (Qt-based),
\item Image processing scripts and applications,
\item Computational Geometry scripts.
\cventry{2015-2016}{R\&D engineer in 3D modeling}{Inria}{Sophia Antipolis}{France}{
Generic interfaces for the meshing algorithms of the CGAL library :
\item Comparison of different open source 3D meshers (CGAL and others),
\item Development of a meshing module for an internal scientific development platform (dtk).
\cventry{2015}{Internship (programming, geophysics)}{CGG}{Massy}{France}{
Automatic extraction of orientation maps from seismic data. Supervised by R.\,Moyen :
\item Literature review of relevant Image Processing methods,
\item C++ implementation of algororithms and their combination into workflow,
\item Presentation of resulting ``proof of concept'' workflow and recommendations for further research.
\cventry{2014}{Internship (programming)}{Paradigm}{Nancy}{France}{
Porting of a workflow source code of the geomodeling software Gocad/SKUA to a new engine. Supervised by F.\,Bosquet :
\item Porting of geophysical GUI worflow from C++ to JavaScript (new workflow engine),
\item Debugging of underlying algorithms,
\item Testing of new engine, writing its wiki and providing feedback to the developers,
\item Solving Linux specific problems (the code had never been run on Linux before).
\cventry{2010-2011}{Coauthor of a permafrost numerical modeling software}{}{}{}{QFrost~---~numerical 2D simulator of heat transfer in freezing and frozen soils
\newline(\httplink{\_en.html}) :
\item Creation of a scientific desktop application from scratch without mentorship,
\item GUI design and development,
\item Development of algorithms,
\item Acquisition of a lot of modern programming background and experience.
\cventry{2013-2015}{Master degree in Geology}{École Nationale Supérieure de Géologie}{Nancy}{France}{Specialization: Mathematical Geology.}
\cventry{2012-2013}{First year of Master degree in Geology}{Lomonosov Moscow State University}{}{}{Specialization: Hydrogeology, one semester completed.}
\cventry{2006-2011}{Bachelor degree in Geology}{Lomonosov Moscow State University}{}{}{Specialization: Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology}
\cventry{2003-2005}{First and second year of Bachelor degree in Physics}{Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT)}{}{}{Specialization: Astrophysics and Theoretical Physics}
\section{Research Experience}
\cventry{2015}{CGAL project contributor}{Inria}{Nancy}{France}{Implementation of a ``Delaunay vertex to a dual Voronoi cell'' function for the 3D Delaunay triangulation module of the CGAL library. Supervised by M.\,Teillaud and M.\,Pouget.}
\cventry{2014-2015}{Master's thesis}{ENSG}{Nancy}{France}{Radial mesh around wells. Supervised by A.\,Botella and Prof G.\,Caumon}
\cventry{2013-2014}{Laboratory project}{ENSG}{Nancy}{France}{Calculation of watershed cut and its application in Image Processing. Supervised by Prof G.\,Caumon and A/Prof P.\,Collon-Drouaillet :
\item Literature review for 3D watershed algorithms suitable for geological modeling,
\item C++/BGL implementation of a graph-based watershed algorithm.
\section{Programming Skills}
\item Solid C++ programming skills, my principal language (C++11/14, STL, Boost, Qt, etc.),
\item Development experience with CAD systems (Autocad plugins, GOCAD), Computational Geometry libraries (CGAL, etc.), Image Processing (OpenCV, ITK),
\item Experience with Python, Lisp, JavaScript, MATLAB, CMake, Bash, LaTeX and other languages,
\item Acquaintance with various programming paradigms (OOP, generic programing, test driven development, agile methodology, etc.) and software design patterns,
\item Collaboration work experience : version control (git, mercurial, svn), code reviews, continuous integration, etc.,
\item Linux power-user, experience with Linux development tool chain: command line, gcc, gdb, valgrind, vim, etc.
\cvlistdoubleitem{French :\quad Fluent}{English :\quad Fluent}
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