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Last active December 15, 2020 09:22
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Google Fonts loader for Next.js
/* TODO: Abstract this module away into a separate npm package */
* References:
* -
* -
import Head from "next/head";
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/ban-types */
type Italic = 0 | 1 | (number & {});
type OpticalSize =
| 6
| 7
| 8
| 9
| 10
| 11
| 12
| 14
| 18
| 20
| 24
| 28
| 36
| 48
| 60
| 72
| 96
| 120
| 144
| (number & {});
type Slant = 0 | (number & {});
type Width =
| 50
| 62.5
| 75
| 87.5
| 100
| 112.5
| 125
| 150
| 200
| (number & {});
type Weight =
| 100
| 200
| 300
| 400
| 500
| 600
| 700
| 800
| 900
| (number & {});
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/ban-types */
type Range<T extends number> = { start: T; end: T };
type AxisValue<T extends number> = T | Range<T>;
type FontStyle = {
ital?: AxisValue<Italic>;
opsz?: AxisValue<OpticalSize>;
slnt?: AxisValue<Slant>;
wdth?: AxisValue<Width>;
wght?: AxisValue<Weight>;
// TODO: Consider adding `[axis: string]: Axis<number> | undefined;`
type FontDisplay = "auto" | "block" | "swap" | "fallback" | "optional";
function sortableAxisValue(value: AxisValue<number>) {
return typeof value === "number" ? value : value.start + Number.EPSILON;
const defaultValuesByAxis = new Map<keyof FontStyle, number>([
["ital", 0],
["opsz", 14],
["slnt", 0],
["wdth", 100],
["wght", 400],
export type GoogleFontsSheetProps = {
fonts: { [family: string]: FontStyle[] };
text?: string;
display?: FontDisplay;
export function GoogleFontsSheet({
display = "swap",
}: GoogleFontsSheetProps): React.ReactElement | null {
const familiesSorted = Object.keys(fonts).sort();
const normalizedStylesByFamilySorted = => {
const axesInUse = new Set<keyof FontStyle>();
const styles = fonts[family];
styles.forEach((style) => {
Object.entries(style).forEach(([axis, value]) => {
if (value != null) {
axesInUse.add(axis as keyof FontStyle);
const axesInUseSorted = [...axesInUse].sort();
return [
(style) =>
new Map( => [
style[axis] ?? defaultValuesByAxis.get(axis),
.sort((a, b) => {
const firstDifferentValuedAxis = axesInUseSorted.find(
(axis) => a.get(axis) !== b.get(axis),
if (!firstDifferentValuedAxis) return 0;
return (
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion */
sortableAxisValue(a.get(firstDifferentValuedAxis)!) -
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion */
] as const;
return normalizedStylesByFamilySorted.length > 0 ? (
{/* eslint-disable-next-line @next/next/missing-preload */}
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-template
"" +
.map(([family, styles]) => {
let param = `family=${family.replace(/ /g, "+")}`;
if (styles.length > 0) {
param += `:${[...styles[0].keys()]}@${styles
.map((style) => [])
return param;
.join("&") +
(text ? `&text=${encodeURIComponent(text)}` : "") +
(display !== "auto" ? `&display=${display}` : "")
) : null;
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