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Created March 4, 2017 23:48
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* @file ffn.hpp
* @author Marcus Edel
* Definition of the FFN class, which implements feed forward neural networks.
* mlpack is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the 3-clause BSD license. You should have received a copy of the
* 3-clause BSD license along with mlpack. If not, see
* for more information.
#include <mlpack/prereqs.hpp>
#include "visitor/delete_visitor.hpp"
#include "visitor/delta_visitor.hpp"
#include "visitor/output_height_visitor.hpp"
#include "visitor/output_parameter_visitor.hpp"
#include "visitor/output_width_visitor.hpp"
#include "visitor/reset_visitor.hpp"
#include "visitor/weight_size_visitor.hpp"
#include <mlpack/methods/ann/layer/layer_types.hpp>
#include <mlpack/methods/ann/init_rules/random_init.hpp>
#include <mlpack/methods/ann/init_rules/nguyen_widrow_init.hpp>
#include <mlpack/core/optimizers/rmsprop/rmsprop.hpp>
namespace mlpack {
namespace ann /** Artificial Neural Network. */ {
* Implementation of a standard feed forward network.
* @tparam OutputLayerType The output layer type used to evaluate the network.
* @tparam InitializationRuleType Rule used to initialize the weight matrix.
typename OutputLayerType = NegativeLogLikelihood<>,
typename InitializationRuleType = RandomInitialization
class FFN
//! Convenience typedef for the internal model construction.
using NetworkType = FFN<OutputLayerType, InitializationRuleType>;
std::vector<LayerTypes> & Model() { return network; }
* Create the FFN object with the given predictors and responses set (this is
* the set that is used to train the network) and the given optimizer.
* Optionally, specify which initialize rule and performance function should
* be used.
* @param outputLayer Output layer used to evaluate the network.
* @param initializeRule Optional instantiated InitializationRule object
* for initializing the network parameter.
FFN(OutputLayerType&& outputLayer = OutputLayerType(),
InitializationRuleType initializeRule = InitializationRuleType());
* Create the FFN object with the given predictors and responses set (this is
* the set that is used to train the network) and the given optimizer.
* Optionally, specify which initialize rule and performance function should
* be used.
* @param predictors Input training variables.
* @param responses Outputs results from input training variables.
* @param outputLayer Output layer used to evaluate the network.
* @param initializeRule Optional instantiated InitializationRule object
* for initializing the network parameter.
FFN(const arma::mat& predictors,
const arma::mat& responses,
OutputLayerType&& outputLayer = OutputLayerType(),
InitializationRuleType initializeRule = InitializationRuleType());
//! Destructor to release allocated memory.
* Train the feedforward network on the given input data using the given
* optimizer.
* This will use the existing model parameters as a starting point for the
* optimization. If this is not what you want, then you should access the
* parameters vector directly with Parameters() and modify it as desired.
* @tparam OptimizerType Type of optimizer to use to train the model.
* @param predictors Input training variables.
* @param responses Outputs results from input training variables.
* @param optimizer Instantiated optimizer used to train the model.
template<typename> class OptimizerType = mlpack::optimization::RMSprop
void Train(const arma::mat& predictors,
const arma::mat& responses,
OptimizerType<NetworkType>& optimizer);
* Train the feedforward network on the given input data. By default, the
* RMSprop optimization algorithm is used, but others can be specified
* (such as mlpack::optimization::SGD).
* This will use the existing model parameters as a starting point for the
* optimization. If this is not what you want, then you should access the
* parameters vector directly with Parameters() and modify it as desired.
* @tparam OptimizerType Type of optimizer to use to train the model.
* @param predictors Input training variables.
* @param responses Outputs results from input training variables.
template<typename> class OptimizerType = mlpack::optimization::RMSprop
void Train(const arma::mat& predictors, const arma::mat& responses);
* Predict the responses to a given set of predictors. The responses will
* reflect the output of the given output layer as returned by the
* output layer function.
* @param predictors Input predictors.
* @param responses Matrix to put output predictions of responses into.
void Predict(arma::mat& predictors, arma::mat& responses);
* Evaluate the feedforward network with the given parameters. This function
* is usually called by the optimizer to train the model.
* @param parameters Matrix model parameters.
* @param i Index of point to use for objective function evaluation.
* @param deterministic Whether or not to train or test the model. Note some
* layer act differently in training or testing mode.
double Evaluate(const arma::mat& parameters,
const size_t i,
const bool deterministic = true);
* Evaluate the gradient of the feedforward network with the given parameters,
* and with respect to only one point in the dataset. This is useful for
* optimizers such as SGD, which require a separable objective function.
* @param parameters Matrix of the model parameters to be optimized.
* @param i Index of points to use for objective function gradient evaluation.
* @param gradient Matrix to output gradient into.
void Gradient(const arma::mat& parameters,
const size_t i,
arma::mat& gradient);
* Add a new module to the model.
* @param args The layer parameter.
template <class LayerType, class... Args>
void Add(Args... args) { network.push_back(new LayerType(args...)); }
* Add a new module to the model.
* @param layer The Layer to be added to the model.
void Add(LayerTypes layer) { network.push_back(layer); }
std::vector<LayerTypes>& Model() { return network; }
//! Return the number of separable functions (the number of predictor points).
size_t NumFunctions() const { return numFunctions; }
//! Return the initial point for the optimization.
const arma::mat& Parameters() const { return parameter; }
//! Modify the initial point for the optimization.
arma::mat& Parameters() { return parameter; }
//! Serialize the model.
template<typename Archive>
void Serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int /* version */);
// Helper functions.
* The Forward algorithm (part of the Forward-Backward algorithm). Computes
* forward probabilities for each module.
* @param input Data sequence to compute probabilities for.
void Forward(arma::mat&& input);
* The Backward algorithm (part of the Forward-Backward algorithm). Computes
* backward pass for module.
void Backward();
* Iterate through all layer modules and update the the gradient using the
* layer defined optimizer.
void Gradient();
* Reset the module infomration (weights/parameters).
void ResetParameters();
* Reset the module status by setting the current deterministic parameter
* for all modules that implement the Deterministic function.
void ResetDeterministic();
* Reset the gradient for all modules that implement the Gradient function.
void ResetGradients(arma::mat& gradient);
//! Instantiated outputlayer used to evaluate the network.
OutputLayerType outputLayer;
//! Instantiated InitializationRule object for initializing the network
//! parameter.
InitializationRuleType initializeRule;
//! The input width.
size_t width;
//! The input height.
size_t height;
//! Indicator if we already trained the model.
bool reset;
//! Locally-stored model modules.
std::vector<LayerTypes> network;
//! The matrix of data points (predictors).
arma::mat predictors;
//! The matrix of responses to the input data points.
arma::mat responses;
//! Matrix of (trained) parameters.
arma::mat parameter;
//! The number of separable functions (the number of predictor points).
size_t numFunctions;
//! The current error for the backward pass.
arma::mat error;
//! THe current input of the forward/backward pass.
arma::mat currentInput;
//! THe current target of the forward/backward pass.
arma::mat currentTarget;
//! Locally-stored delta visitor.
DeltaVisitor deltaVisitor;
//! Locally-stored output parameter visitor.
OutputParameterVisitor outputParameterVisitor;
//! Locally-stored weight size visitor.
WeightSizeVisitor weightSizeVisitor;
//! Locally-stored output width visitor.
OutputWidthVisitor outputWidthVisitor;
//! Locally-stored output height visitor.
OutputHeightVisitor outputHeightVisitor;
//! Locally-stored reset visitor.
ResetVisitor resetVisitor;
//! Locally-stored delete visitor.
DeleteVisitor deleteVisitor;
//! The current evaluation mode (training or testing).
bool deterministic;
//! Locally-stored delta object.
arma::mat delta;
//! Locally-stored input parameter object.
arma::mat inputParameter;
//! Locally-stored output parameter object.
arma::mat outputParameter;
//! Locally-stored gradient parameter.
arma::mat gradient;
}; // class FFN
} // namespace ann
} // namespace mlpack
// Include implementation.
#include "ffn_impl.hpp"
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