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Created May 24, 2019 09:37
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Plutus Playground Smart Contract
-- | Crowdfunding contract implemented using the [[Plutus]] interface.
-- This is the fully parallel version that collects all contributions
-- in a single transaction.
-- Note [Transactions in the crowdfunding campaign] explains the structure of
-- this contract on the blockchain.
import qualified Language.PlutusTx as PlutusTx
import qualified Ledger.Interval as Interval
import Ledger.Slot (SlotRange)
import qualified Ledger.Slot as Slot
import qualified Language.PlutusTx.Prelude as P
import Ledger
import Ledger.Validation as V
import Ledger.Value (Value)
import qualified Ledger.Value.TH as VTH
import Playground.Contract
import Wallet as W
import qualified Wallet.Emulator as EM
-- | A crowdfunding campaign.
data Campaign = Campaign
{ campaignDeadline :: Slot
-- ^ The date by which the campaign target has to be met
, campaignTarget :: Value
-- ^ Target amount of funds
, campaignCollectionDeadline :: Slot
-- ^ The date by which the campaign owner has to collect the funds
, campaignOwner :: PubKey
-- ^ Public key of the campaign owner. This key is entitled to retrieve the
-- funds if the campaign is successful.
} deriving (Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON, ToSchema)
PlutusTx.makeLift ''Campaign
-- | Construct a 'Campaign' value from the campaign parameters,
-- using the wallet's public key.
mkCampaign :: Slot -> Value -> Slot -> Wallet -> Campaign
mkCampaign ddl target collectionDdl ownerWallet =
{ campaignDeadline = ddl
, campaignTarget = target
, campaignCollectionDeadline = collectionDdl
, campaignOwner = EM.walletPubKey ownerWallet
-- | The 'SlotRange' during which the funds can be collected
collectionRange :: Campaign -> SlotRange
collectionRange cmp =
W.interval (campaignDeadline cmp) (campaignCollectionDeadline cmp)
-- | The 'SlotRange' during which a refund may be claimed
refundRange :: Campaign -> SlotRange
refundRange cmp =
W.intervalFrom (campaignCollectionDeadline cmp)
-- | Action that can be taken by the participants in this contract. A value of
-- `CampaignAction` is provided as the redeemer. The validator script then
-- checks if the conditions for performing this action are met.
data CampaignAction = Collect | Refund
deriving (Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON, ToSchema)
PlutusTx.makeLift ''CampaignAction
-- | The validator script that determines whether the campaign owner can
-- retrieve the funds or the contributors can claim a refund.
contributionScript :: Campaign -> ValidatorScript
contributionScript cmp = ValidatorScript val where
val = Ledger.applyScript mkValidator (Ledger.lifted cmp)
mkValidator = $$(Ledger.compileScript [||
-- The validator script is a function of four arguments:
-- 1. The 'Campaign' definition. This argument is provided by the Plutus client, using 'Ledger.applyScript'.
-- As a result, the 'Campaign' definition is part of the script address, and different campaigns have different addresses.
-- The Campaign{..} syntax means that all fields of the 'Campaign' value are in scope (for example 'campaignDeadline' in l. 70).
-- See note [RecordWildCards].
-- 2. A 'PubKey'. This is the data script. It is provided by the producing transaction (the contribution)
-- 3. A 'CampaignAction'. This is the redeemer script. It is provided by the redeeming transaction.
-- 4. A 'PendingTx value. It contains information about the current transaction and is provided by the slot leader.
-- See note [PendingTx]
\Campaign{..} (con :: PubKey) (act :: CampaignAction) (p :: PendingTx) ->
-- In Haskell we can define new operators. We import
-- `P.and` from the PlutusTx prelude here so that we can use it
-- in infix position rather than prefix (which would require a
-- lot of additional brackets)
infixr 3 &&
(&&) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
(&&) = $$(P.and)
signedBy :: PendingTx -> PubKey -> Bool
signedBy = $$(V.txSignedBy)
-- We pattern match on the pending transaction `p` to get the
-- information we need:
-- `ps` is the list of inputs of the transaction
-- `outs` is the list of outputs
-- `slFrom` is the beginning of the validation interval
-- `slTo` is the end of the validation interval
PendingTx ps outs _ _ _ range _ _ = p
collRange :: SlotRange
collRange = $$(Interval.interval) campaignDeadline campaignCollectionDeadline
refndRange :: SlotRange
refndRange = $$(Interval.from) campaignCollectionDeadline
-- `totalInputs` is the sum of the values of all transaction
-- inputs. We use `foldr` from the Prelude to go through the
-- list and sum up the values.
totalInputs :: Value
totalInputs =
let v (PendingTxIn _ _ vl) = vl in
$$(P.foldr) (\i total -> $$( total (v i)) $$( ps
isValid = case act of
Refund -> -- the "refund" branch
contributorTxOut :: PendingTxOut -> Bool
contributorTxOut o = case $$(pubKeyOutput) o of
Nothing -> False
Just pk -> $$(eqPubKey) pk con
-- Check that all outputs are paid to the public key
-- of the contributor (this key is provided as the data script `con`)
contributorOnly = $$(P.all) contributorTxOut outs
refundable =
$$(Slot.contains) refndRange range
&& contributorOnly && p `signedBy` con
in refundable
Collect -> -- the "successful campaign" branch
payToOwner =
$$(Slot.contains) collRange range
&& $$(VTH.geq) totalInputs campaignTarget
&& p `signedBy` campaignOwner
in payToOwner
if isValid then () else $$(P.error) () ||])
-- | The address of a [[Campaign]]
campaignAddress :: Campaign -> Ledger.Address
campaignAddress = Ledger.scriptAddress . contributionScript
-- | Contribute funds to the campaign (contributor)
contribute :: MonadWallet m => Slot -> Value -> Slot -> Wallet -> Value -> m ()
contribute deadline target collectionDeadline ownerWallet value = do
let cmp = mkCampaign deadline target collectionDeadline ownerWallet
ownPK <- ownPubKey
let ds = DataScript (Ledger.lifted ownPK)
range = W.interval 1 (campaignDeadline cmp)
-- `payToScript` is a function of the wallet API. It takes a campaign
-- address, value, and data script, and generates a transaction that
-- pays the value to the script. `tx` is bound to this transaction. We need
-- to hold on to it because we are going to use it in the refund handler.
-- If we were not interested in the transaction produced by `payToScript`
-- we could have used `payeToScript_`, which has the same effect but
-- discards the result.
tx <- payToScript range (campaignAddress cmp) value ds
logMsg "Submitted contribution"
-- `register` adds a blockchain event handler on the `refundTrigger`
-- event. It instructs the wallet to start watching the addresses mentioned
-- in the trigger definition and run the handler when the refund condition
-- is true.
register (refundTrigger value cmp) (refundHandler (Ledger.hashTx tx) cmp)
logMsg "Registered refund trigger"
-- | Register a [[EventHandler]] to collect all the funds of a campaign
scheduleCollection :: MonadWallet m => Slot -> Value -> Slot -> Wallet -> m ()
scheduleCollection deadline target collectionDeadline ownerWallet = do
let cmp = mkCampaign deadline target collectionDeadline ownerWallet
register (collectFundsTrigger cmp) (EventHandler (\_ -> do
logMsg "Collecting funds"
let redeemerScript = Ledger.RedeemerScript (Ledger.lifted Collect)
range = collectionRange cmp
collectFromScript range (contributionScript cmp) redeemerScript))
-- | An event trigger that fires when a refund of campaign contributions can be claimed
refundTrigger :: Value -> Campaign -> EventTrigger
refundTrigger vl c = andT
(fundsAtAddressT (campaignAddress c) (W.intervalFrom vl))
(slotRangeT (refundRange c))
-- | An event trigger that fires when the funds for a campaign can be collected
collectFundsTrigger :: Campaign -> EventTrigger
collectFundsTrigger c = andT
(fundsAtAddressT (campaignAddress c) (W.intervalFrom (campaignTarget c)))
(slotRangeT (collectionRange c))
-- | Claim a refund of our campaign contribution
refundHandler :: MonadWallet m => TxId -> Campaign -> EventHandler m
refundHandler txid cmp = EventHandler (\_ -> do
logMsg "Claiming refund"
let validatorScript = contributionScript cmp
redeemerScript = Ledger.RedeemerScript (Ledger.lifted Refund)
-- `collectFromScriptTxn` generates a transaction that spends the unspent
-- transaction outputs at the address of the validator scripts, *but* only
-- those outputs that were produced by the transaction `txid`. We use it
-- here to ensure that we don't attempt to claim back other contributors'
-- funds (if we did that, the validator script would fail and the entire
-- transaction would be invalid).
collectFromScriptTxn (refundRange cmp) validatorScript redeemerScript txid)
$(mkFunctions ['scheduleCollection, 'contribute])
{- note [Transactions in the crowdfunding campaign]
Assume there is a campaign `c :: Campaign` with two contributors
(identified by public key `pc_1` and `pc_2`) and one campaign owner (pco).
Each contributor creates a transaction, `t_1` and `t_2`, whose outputs are
locked by the scripts `contributionScript c pc_1` and `contributionScript
c pc_1` respectively.
There are two outcomes for the campaign.
1. Campaign owner collects the funds from both contributors. In this case
the owner creates a single transaction with two inputs, referring to
`t_1` and `t_2`. Each input contains the script `contributionScript c`
specialised to a contributor. The redeemer script of this transaction contains the value `Collect`, prompting the validator script to check the
branch for `Collect`.
2. Refund. In this case each contributor creates a transaction with a
single input claiming back their part of the funds. This case is
covered by the `Refund` branch, and its redeemer script is the `Refund` action.
In both cases, the validator script is run twice. In the first case there is a single transaction consuming both inputs. In the second case there are two different transactions that may happen at different times.
{- note [RecordWildCards]
We can use the syntax "Campaign{..}" here because the 'RecordWildCards'
extension is enabled automatically by the Playground backend.
The extension is documented here:
A list of extensions that are enabled by default for the Playground can be found here:
{- note [PendingTx]
This part of the API (the PendingTx argument) is experimental and subject to change.
myCurrency :: KnownCurrency
myCurrency = KnownCurrency (ValidatorHash "b0b0") "MyCurrency" (TokenName "USDToken" :| [TokenName "EURToken", TokenName "CADToken", TokenName "GBPToken", TokenName "WHYToken", TokenName "FRCToken"])
$(mkKnownCurrencies ['myCurrency])
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