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Created March 19, 2019 13:27
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Plutus Playground Smart Contract
-- | Vesting scheme as a PLC contract
module Vesting where
import Control.Monad (void)
import qualified Language.PlutusTx as PlutusTx
import qualified Ledger.Interval as Interval
import qualified Language.PlutusTx.Prelude as P
import Ledger
import Ledger.Ada (Ada)
import qualified Ledger.Ada.TH as Ada
import Ledger.Validation
import Wallet
import Playground.Contract
-- | Tranche of a vesting scheme.
data VestingTranche = VestingTranche {
vestingTrancheDate :: Slot,
vestingTrancheAmount :: Ada
} deriving (Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON, ToSchema)
PlutusTx.makeLift ''VestingTranche
-- | A vesting scheme consisting of two tranches. Each tranche defines a date
-- (slot) after which an additional amount of money can be spent.
data Vesting = Vesting {
vestingTranche1 :: VestingTranche,
vestingTranche2 :: VestingTranche,
vestingOwner :: PubKey
} deriving (Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON, ToSchema)
PlutusTx.makeLift ''Vesting
-- | The total amount of money vested
totalAmount :: Vesting -> Ada
totalAmount Vesting{..} =
vestingTrancheAmount vestingTranche1 + vestingTrancheAmount vestingTranche2
-- | Data script for vesting utxo
data VestingData = VestingData {
vestingDataHash :: ValidatorHash, -- ^ Hash of the validator script
vestingDataPaidOut :: Ada -- ^ How much of the vested value has already been retrieved
} deriving (Eq, Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON, ToSchema)
PlutusTx.makeLift ''VestingData
-- | Lock some funds with the vesting validator script and return a
-- [[VestingData]] representing the current state of the process
vestFunds :: MonadWallet m => Vesting -> Ada -> m ()
vestFunds vst adaAmount = do
_ <- if adaAmount < totalAmount vst then throwOtherError "Value must not be smaller than vested amount" else pure ()
let value = $$(Ada.toValue) adaAmount
(payment, change) <- createPaymentWithChange value
let contractAddress = Ledger.scriptAddress (validatorScript vst)
dataScript = DataScript (Ledger.lifted vd)
vd = VestingData (validatorScriptHash vst) 0
payToScript_ defaultSlotRange contractAddress value dataScript
-- | Register this wallet as the owner of the vesting scheme. At each of the
-- two dates (tranche 1, tranche 2) we take out the funds that have been
-- released so far.
-- This function has to be called before the funds are vested, so that the
-- wallet can start watching the contract address for changes.
registerVestingOwner :: MonadWallet m => Vesting -> m ()
registerVestingOwner v = do
ourPubKey <- ownPubKey
o = vestingOwner v
addr = Ledger.scriptAddress (validatorScript v)
_ <- if o /= ourPubKey
then throwOtherError "Vesting scheme is not owned by this wallet"
else startWatching addr
register (tranche2Trigger v) (tranche2Handler v)
-- ^ This runs `tranche2Handler` as soon as the final funds are released.
-- It is possible to take out funds from tranche 1 earlier than that
-- (as explained in the script code, below) but doing so requires some
-- low-level code dealing with the transaction outputs, because we don't
-- have a nice interface for this in 'Wallet.API' yet.
validatorScriptHash :: Vesting -> ValidatorHash
validatorScriptHash =
. Ledger.getAddress
. Ledger.scriptAddress
. validatorScript
validatorScript :: Vesting -> ValidatorScript
validatorScript v = ValidatorScript val where
val = Ledger.applyScript inner (Ledger.lifted v)
inner = $$(Ledger.compileScript [|| \Vesting{..} () VestingData{..} (p :: PendingTx) ->
eqPk :: PubKey -> PubKey -> Bool
eqPk = $$(eqPubKey)
infixr 3 &&
(&&) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
(&&) = $$(P.and)
PendingTx _ os _ _ _ range = p
VestingTranche d1 a1 = vestingTranche1
VestingTranche d2 a2 = vestingTranche2
-- We assume here that the txn outputs are always given in the same
-- order (1 PubKey output, followed by 0 or 1 script outputs)
amountSpent :: Ada
amountSpent = case os of
PendingTxOut v' _ (PubKeyTxOut pk):_
| pk `eqPk` vestingOwner -> $$(Ada.fromValue) v'
_ -> $$(P.error) ()
-- Value that has been released so far under the scheme
currentThreshold =
if $$(Interval.contains) ($$(Interval.from) d1) range
then if $$(Interval.contains) ($$(Interval.from) d2) range
-- everything can be spent
then $$( a1 a2
-- only the first tranche can be spent (we are between d1 and d2)
else a1
-- Nothing has been released yet
else $$(
paidOut = vestingDataPaidOut
newAmount = $$( paidOut amountSpent
-- Verify that the amount taken out, plus the amount already taken
-- out before, does not exceed the threshold that is currently
-- allowed
amountsValid = $$(Ada.leq) newAmount currentThreshold
-- Check that the remaining output is locked by the same validation
-- script
txnOutputsValid = case os of
_:PendingTxOut _ (Just (vl', _)) DataTxOut:_ -> $$(eqValidator) vl' vestingDataHash
-- If there is no data script in the output list,
-- we only accept the transaction if we are past the
-- date of the final tranche.
_ -> $$(Interval.before) d2 range
isValid = amountsValid && txnOutputsValid
if isValid then () else $$(P.error) () ||])
tranche1Trigger :: Vesting -> EventTrigger
tranche1Trigger v =
let VestingTranche dt1 _ = vestingTranche1 v in
(slotRangeT (singleton dt1))
-- | Collect the remaining funds at the end of tranche 2
tranche2Handler :: MonadWallet m => Vesting -> EventHandler m
tranche2Handler vesting = EventHandler (\_ -> do
logMsg "Collecting tranche 2"
let vlscript = validatorScript vesting
redeemerScript = Ledger.unitRedeemer
VestingTranche dt2 _ = vestingTranche2 vesting
range = intervalFrom dt2
collectFromScript range vlscript redeemerScript)
tranche2Trigger :: Vesting -> EventTrigger
tranche2Trigger v =
let VestingTranche dt2 _ = vestingTranche2 v in
(slotRangeT (singleton dt2))
$(mkFunctions ['vestFunds, 'registerVestingOwner])
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