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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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// ----
// libsass (v3.1.0)
// ----
@import 'susy';
$susy: (columns: 4);
$map: (columns: 4);
// doesn't work
@mixin inherit-layout($layout: 4) {
columns: $layout;
// works
@mixin inherit-susy-map($layout: map-get($susy, 'columns')) {
columns: $layout;
// doesn't work
@mixin inherit-my-map($layout: map-get($map, 'columns')) {
columns: $layout;
// No map specified
@include susy-breakpoint(30em) {
.global-cols {
@include inherit-layout();
@include inherit-susy-map();
@include inherit-my-map();
// Map specified
@include susy-breakpoint(48em, $layout: 8) {
.inherited-cols {
@include inherit-layout();
/* OMGWTFBBQ it inherited context, BUT WHY!? */
@include inherit-susy-map();
@include inherit-my-map();
@media (min-width: 30em) {
.global-cols {
columns: 4;
columns: 4;
columns: 4; } }
@media (min-width: 48em) {
.inherited-cols {
columns: 4;
/* OMGWTFBBQ it inherited context, BUT WHY!? */
columns: 8;
columns: 4; } }
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