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Created December 5, 2012 21:51
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Save krischer/4219818 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Cython header file for libmseed
cdef extern from "i386/types.h" nogil:
ctypedef long long int64_t
ctypedef signed char int8_t
ctypedef short int16_t
ctypedef int int32_t
cdef extern from "stdint.h" nogil:
ctypedef unsigned short uint16_t
ctypedef unsigned char uint8_t
ctypedef unsigned int uint32_t
cdef extern from "stdio.h" nogil:
ctypedef long long off_t
cdef struct __sFILE:
ctypedef __sFILE FILE
cdef extern from "libmseed.h" nogil:
enum: LMP_BSD
enum: DE_ASCII
enum: DE_INT16
enum: DE_INT32
enum: DE_FLOAT32
enum: DE_FLOAT64
enum: DE_STEIM1
enum: DE_STEIM2
enum: DE_GEOSCOPE163
enum: DE_GEOSCOPE164
enum: DE_CDSN
enum: DE_SRO
off_t lmp_ftello(FILE *stream)
int lmp_fseeko(FILE *stream, off_t offset, int whence)
ctypedef int64_t hptime_t
ctypedef int8_t flag
cdef struct btime_s:
uint16_t year
uint16_t day
uint8_t hour
uint8_t min
uint8_t sec
uint8_t unused
uint16_t fract
ctypedef btime_s BTime
cdef struct fsdh_s:
char sequence_number[6]
char dataquality
char reserved
char station[5]
char location[2]
char channel[3]
char network[2]
BTime start_time
uint16_t numsamples
int16_t samprate_fact
int16_t samprate_mult
uint8_t act_flags
uint8_t io_flags
uint8_t dq_flags
uint8_t numblockettes
int32_t time_correct
uint16_t data_offset
uint16_t blockette_offset
cdef struct blkt_100_s:
float samprate
int8_t flags
uint8_t reserved[3]
cdef struct blkt_200_s:
float amplitude
float period
float background_estimate
uint8_t flags
uint8_t reserved
BTime time
char detector[24]
cdef struct blkt_201_s:
float amplitude
float period
float background_estimate
uint8_t flags
uint8_t reserved
BTime time
uint8_t snr_values[6]
uint8_t loopback
uint8_t pick_algorithm
char detector[24]
cdef struct blkt_300_s:
BTime time
uint8_t numcalibrations
uint8_t flags
uint32_t step_duration
uint32_t interval_duration
float amplitude
char input_channel[3]
uint8_t reserved
uint32_t reference_amplitude
char coupling[12]
char rolloff[12]
cdef struct blkt_310_s:
BTime time
uint8_t reserved1
uint8_t flags
uint32_t duration
float period
float amplitude
char input_channel[3]
uint8_t reserved2
uint32_t reference_amplitude
char coupling[12]
char rolloff[12]
cdef struct blkt_320_s:
BTime time
uint8_t reserved1
uint8_t flags
uint32_t duration
float ptp_amplitude
char input_channel[3]
uint8_t reserved2
uint32_t reference_amplitude
char coupling[12]
char rolloff[12]
char noise_type[8]
cdef struct blkt_390_s:
BTime time
uint8_t reserved1
uint8_t flags
uint32_t duration
float amplitude
char input_channel[3]
uint8_t reserved2
cdef struct blkt_395_s:
BTime time
uint8_t reserved[2]
cdef struct blkt_400_s:
float azimuth
float slowness
uint16_t configuration
uint8_t reserved[2]
cdef struct blkt_405_s:
uint16_t delay_values[1]
cdef struct blkt_500_s:
float vco_correction
BTime time
int8_t usec
uint8_t reception_qual
uint32_t exception_count
char exception_type[16]
char clock_model[32]
char clock_status[128]
cdef struct blkt_1000_s:
uint8_t encoding
uint8_t byteorder
uint8_t reclen
uint8_t reserved
cdef struct blkt_1001_s:
uint8_t timing_qual
int8_t usec
uint8_t reserved
uint8_t framecnt
cdef struct blkt_2000_s:
uint16_t length
uint16_t data_offset
uint32_t recnum
uint8_t byteorder
uint8_t flags
uint8_t numheaders
char payload[1]
cdef struct blkt_link_s:
uint16_t blktoffset
uint16_t blkt_type
uint16_t next_blkt
void *blktdata
uint16_t blktdatalen
blkt_link_s *next
ctypedef blkt_link_s BlktLink
cdef struct StreamState_s:
int64_t packedrecords
int64_t packedsamples
int32_t lastintsample
flag comphistory
ctypedef StreamState_s StreamState
cdef struct MSRecord_s:
char *record
int32_t reclen
fsdh_s *fsdh
BlktLink *blkts
blkt_100_s *Blkt100
blkt_1000_s *Blkt1000
blkt_1001_s *Blkt1001
int32_t sequence_number
char network[11]
char station[11]
char location[11]
char channel[11]
char dataquality
hptime_t starttime
double samprate
int64_t samplecnt
int8_t encoding
int8_t byteorder
void *datasamples
int64_t numsamples
char sampletype
StreamState *ststate
ctypedef MSRecord_s MSRecord
cdef struct MSTrace_s:
char network[11]
char station[11]
char location[11]
char channel[11]
char dataquality
char type
hptime_t starttime
hptime_t endtime
double samprate
int64_t samplecnt
void *datasamples
int64_t numsamples
char sampletype
void *prvtptr
StreamState *ststate
MSTrace_s *next
ctypedef MSTrace_s MSTrace
cdef struct MSTraceGroup_s:
int32_t numtraces
MSTrace_s *traces
ctypedef MSTraceGroup_s MSTraceGroup
cdef struct MSTraceSeg_s:
hptime_t starttime
hptime_t endtime
double samprate
int64_t samplecnt
void *datasamples
int64_t numsamples
char sampletype
void *prvtptr
MSTraceSeg_s *prev
MSTraceSeg_s *next
ctypedef MSTraceSeg_s MSTraceSeg
cdef struct MSTraceID_s:
char network[11]
char station[11]
char location[11]
char channel[11]
char dataquality
char srcname[45]
char type
hptime_t earliest
hptime_t latest
void *prvtptr
int32_t numsegments
MSTraceSeg_s *first
MSTraceSeg_s *last
MSTraceID_s *next
ctypedef MSTraceID_s MSTraceID
cdef struct MSTraceList_s:
int32_t numtraces
MSTraceID_s *traces
MSTraceID_s *last
ctypedef MSTraceList_s MSTraceList
cdef struct SelectTime_s:
hptime_t starttime
hptime_t endtime
SelectTime_s *next
ctypedef SelectTime_s SelectTime
cdef struct Selections_s:
char srcname[100]
SelectTime_s *timewindows
Selections_s *next
ctypedef Selections_s Selections
int msr_parse(char *record, int recbuflen, MSRecord ** ppmsr, int reclen, flag dataflag, flag verbose)
int msr_unpack(char *record, int reclen, MSRecord ** ppmsr, flag dataflag, flag verbose)
int msr_pack(MSRecord *msr, void (*record_handler)(char*, int, void*), void *handlerdata, int64_t *packedsamples, flag flush, flag verbose)
int msr_pack_header(MSRecord *msr, flag normalize, flag verbose)
MSRecord* msr_init(MSRecord *msr)
void msr_free(MSRecord ** ppmsr)
void msr_free_blktchain(MSRecord *msr)
BlktLink* msr_addblockette(MSRecord *msr, char *blktdata, int length, int blkttype, int chainpos)
int msr_normalize_header(MSRecord *msr, flag verbose)
MSRecord* msr_duplicate(MSRecord *msr, flag datadup)
double msr_samprate(MSRecord *msr)
double msr_nomsamprate(MSRecord *msr)
hptime_t msr_starttime(MSRecord *msr)
hptime_t msr_starttime_uc(MSRecord *msr)
hptime_t msr_endtime(MSRecord *msr)
char* msr_srcname(MSRecord *msr, char *srcname, flag quality)
void msr_print(MSRecord *msr, flag details)
double msr_host_latency(MSRecord *msr)
int ms_detect(char *record, int recbuflen)
int ms_parse_raw(char *record, int maxreclen, flag details, flag swapflag)
MSTrace* mst_init(MSTrace *mst)
void mst_free(MSTrace ** ppmst)
MSTraceGroup* mst_initgroup(MSTraceGroup *mstg)
void mst_freegroup(MSTraceGroup ** ppmstg)
MSTrace* mst_findmatch(MSTrace *startmst, char dataquality, char *network, char *station, char *location, char *channel)
MSTrace* mst_findadjacent(MSTraceGroup *mstg, flag *whence, char dataquality, char *network, char *station, char *location, char *channel, double samprate, double sampratetol, hptime_t starttime, hptime_t endtime, double timetol)
int mst_addmsr(MSTrace *mst, MSRecord *msr, flag whence)
int mst_addspan(MSTrace *mst, hptime_t starttime, hptime_t endtime, void *datasamples, int64_t numsamples, char sampletype, flag whence)
MSTrace* mst_addmsrtogroup(MSTraceGroup *mstg, MSRecord *msr, flag dataquality, double timetol, double sampratetol)
MSTrace* mst_addtracetogroup(MSTraceGroup *mstg, MSTrace *mst)
int mst_groupheal(MSTraceGroup *mstg, double timetol, double sampratetol)
int mst_groupsort(MSTraceGroup *mstg, flag quality)
char* mst_srcname(MSTrace *mst, char *srcname, flag quality)
void mst_printtracelist(MSTraceGroup *mstg, flag timeformat, flag details, flag gaps)
void mst_printsynclist(MSTraceGroup *mstg, char *dccid, flag subsecond)
void mst_printgaplist(MSTraceGroup *mstg, flag timeformat, double *mingap, double *maxgap)
int mst_pack(MSTrace *mst, void (*record_handler)(char*, int, void*), void *handlerdata, int reclen, flag encoding, flag byteorder, int64_t *packedsamples, flag flush, flag verbose, MSRecord *mstemplate)
int mst_packgroup(MSTraceGroup *mstg, void (*record_handler)(char*, int, void*), void *handlerdata, int reclen, flag encoding, flag byteorder, int64_t *packedsamples, flag flush, flag verbose, MSRecord *mstemplate)
MSTraceList* mstl_init(MSTraceList *mstl)
void mstl_free(MSTraceList ** ppmstl, flag freeprvtptr)
MSTraceSeg* mstl_addmsr(MSTraceList *mstl, MSRecord *msr, flag dataquality, flag autoheal, double timetol, double sampratetol)
void mstl_printtracelist(MSTraceList *mstl, flag timeformat, flag details, flag gaps)
void mstl_printsynclist(MSTraceList *mstl, char *dccid, flag subsecond)
void mstl_printgaplist(MSTraceList *mstl, flag timeformat, double *mingap, double *maxgap)
cdef struct MSFileParam_s:
FILE *fp
char filename[512]
char *rawrec
int readlen
int readoffset
int packtype
off_t packhdroffset
off_t filepos
off_t filesize
int recordcount
ctypedef MSFileParam_s MSFileParam
int ms_readmsr(MSRecord ** ppmsr, char *msfile, int reclen, off_t *fpos, int *last, flag skipnotdata, flag dataflag, flag verbose)
int ms_readmsr_r(MSFileParam ** ppmsfp, MSRecord ** ppmsr, char *msfile, int reclen, off_t *fpos, int *last, flag skipnotdata, flag dataflag, flag verbose)
int ms_readmsr_main(MSFileParam ** ppmsfp, MSRecord ** ppmsr, char *msfile, int reclen, off_t *fpos, int *last, flag skipnotdata, flag dataflag, Selections *selections, flag verbose)
int ms_readtraces(MSTraceGroup ** ppmstg, char *msfile, int reclen, double timetol, double sampratetol, flag dataquality, flag skipnotdata, flag dataflag, flag verbose)
int ms_readtraces_timewin(MSTraceGroup ** ppmstg, char *msfile, int reclen, double timetol, double sampratetol, hptime_t starttime, hptime_t endtime, flag dataquality, flag skipnotdata, flag dataflag, flag verbose)
int ms_readtraces_selection(MSTraceGroup ** ppmstg, char *msfile, int reclen, double timetol, double sampratetol, Selections *selections, flag dataquality, flag skipnotdata, flag dataflag, flag verbose)
int ms_readtracelist(MSTraceList ** ppmstl, char *msfile, int reclen, double timetol, double sampratetol, flag dataquality, flag skipnotdata, flag dataflag, flag verbose)
int ms_readtracelist_timewin(MSTraceList ** ppmstl, char *msfile, int reclen, double timetol, double sampratetol, hptime_t starttime, hptime_t endtime, flag dataquality, flag skipnotdata, flag dataflag, flag verbose)
int ms_readtracelist_selection(MSTraceList ** ppmstl, char *msfile, int reclen, double timetol, double sampratetol, Selections *selections, flag dataquality, flag skipnotdata, flag dataflag, flag verbose)
int msr_writemseed(MSRecord *msr, char *msfile, flag overwrite, int reclen, flag encoding, flag byteorder, flag verbose)
int mst_writemseed(MSTrace *mst, char *msfile, flag overwrite, int reclen, flag encoding, flag byteorder, flag verbose)
int mst_writemseedgroup(MSTraceGroup *mstg, char *msfile, flag overwrite, int reclen, flag encoding, flag byteorder, flag verbose)
char* ms_recsrcname(char *record, char *srcname, flag quality)
int ms_splitsrcname(char *srcname, char *net, char *sta, char *loc, char *chan, char *qual)
int ms_strncpclean(char *dest, char *source, int length)
int ms_strncpcleantail(char *dest, char *source, int length)
int ms_strncpopen(char *dest, char *source, int length)
int ms_doy2md(int year, int jday, int *month, int *mday)
int ms_md2doy(int year, int month, int mday, int *jday)
hptime_t ms_btime2hptime(BTime *btime)
char* ms_btime2isotimestr(BTime *btime, char *isotimestr)
char* ms_btime2mdtimestr(BTime *btime, char *mdtimestr)
char* ms_btime2seedtimestr(BTime *btime, char *seedtimestr)
int ms_hptime2btime(hptime_t hptime, BTime *btime)
char* ms_hptime2isotimestr(hptime_t hptime, char *isotimestr, flag subsecond)
char* ms_hptime2mdtimestr(hptime_t hptime, char *mdtimestr, flag subsecond)
char* ms_hptime2seedtimestr(hptime_t hptime, char *seedtimestr, flag subsecond)
hptime_t ms_time2hptime(int year, int day, int hour, int min, int sec, int usec)
hptime_t ms_seedtimestr2hptime(char *seedtimestr)
hptime_t ms_timestr2hptime(char *timestr)
double ms_nomsamprate(int factor, int multiplier)
int ms_genfactmult(double samprate, int16_t *factor, int16_t *multiplier)
int ms_ratapprox(double real, int *num, int *den, int maxval, double precision)
int ms_bigendianhost()
double ms_dabs(double val)
uint8_t ms_samplesize(char sampletype)
char* ms_encodingstr(char encoding)
char* ms_blktdesc(uint16_t blkttype)
uint16_t ms_blktlen(uint16_t blkttype, char *blktdata, flag swapflag)
char* ms_errorstr(int errorcode)
cdef struct MSLogParam_s:
void (*log_print)()
char *logprefix
void (*diag_print)()
char *errprefix
ctypedef MSLogParam_s MSLogParam
int ms_log(int level)
int ms_log_l(MSLogParam *logp, int level)
void ms_loginit(void (*log_print)(char*), char *logprefix, void (*diag_print)(char*), char *errprefix)
MSLogParam* ms_loginit_l(MSLogParam *logp, void (*log_print)(char*), char *logprefix, void (*diag_print)(char*), char *errprefix)
Selections* ms_matchselect(Selections *selections, char *srcname, hptime_t starttime, hptime_t endtime, SelectTime ** ppselecttime)
Selections* msr_matchselect(Selections *selections, MSRecord *msr, SelectTime ** ppselecttime)
int ms_addselect(Selections ** ppselections, char *srcname, hptime_t starttime, hptime_t endtime)
int ms_addselect_comp(Selections ** ppselections, char *net, char *sta, char *loc, char *chan, char *qual, hptime_t starttime, hptime_t endtime)
int ms_readselectionsfile(Selections ** ppselections, char *filename)
void ms_freeselections(Selections *selections)
void ms_printselections(Selections *selections)
void ms_gswap2(void *data2)
void ms_gswap3(void *data3)
void ms_gswap4(void *data4)
void ms_gswap8(void *data8)
void ms_gswap2a(void *data2)
void ms_gswap4a(void *data4)
void ms_gswap8a(void *data8)
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mbyt commented Dec 7, 2012

good work!

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