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Last active July 2, 2020 04:49
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pfSense Update NPT
#pfSense update NPT Mappings. (/56 Only)
$rt = "ba-rt1" #Router Hostname
$un = "root" #UserName
$ke = ".\ssh_key" #Key File
$it = "lagg0.4094" #IPv6 Tracked Interface
$mp = ".\mappings.xml" #NPT Mappings File
$fp = "C:\Jobs\pfSense\Update NPT\" #This File Location
$ln = 3 #Line # to extract v6 Address
$r1 = " inet6 " #Remove from line
$r2 = " prefixlen 64" #Remove from line
try {
Write-Host "Loading modules..."
Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $fp -ChildPath ".\System.Net.IPNetwork.dll")
Write-Host "Retrieving pfSense configuration..."
Start-Process -FilePath "scp.exe" -ArgumentList "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-i `"$(Join-Path -Path $fp -ChildPath $ke)`"", "$($un)@$($rt):/cf/conf/config.xml", "`"$(Join-Path -Path $fp -ChildPath ".\config.xml")`"" -Wait
Write-Host "Retrieving $it IP6 Address..."
Start-Process -FilePath "ssh.exe" -ArgumentList "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-i `"$(Join-Path -Path $fp -ChildPath $ke)`"", "$($un)@$($rt)", "ifconfig", $it, "inet6" -RedirectStandardOutput (Join-Path -Path $fp -ChildPath ".\interface_ip") -Wait
Write-Host "Loading configuration files..."
$pfConfig = [System.Xml.XmlDocument]::new()
$pfConfig.Load((Join-Path -Path $fp -ChildPath ".\config.xml"))
$mpConfig = [System.Xml.XmlDocument]::new()
$mpConfig.Load((Join-Path -Path $fp -ChildPath $mp))
Write-Host "Determining TrackV6 Prefix..."
$raw6 = Get-Content -Path (Join-Path -Path $fp -ChildPath ".\interface_ip")
$raw6s = $raw6.Split("`n")
$rawl6 = $raw6s[$ln]
$rawl6 = $rawl6.Replace($r1, "")
$match6 = $rawl6.Replace($r2, "")
$track_ip6 = [System.Net.IPNetwork]::Parse("$($match6)/56")
$track_prefix = $track_ip6.Network.ToString().Replace("00::", "")
Write-Host "Removing old mappings from pfConfig..."
foreach($pfNPT in $pfConfig.pfsense.nat.npt) {
$mapping = $null
foreach($mpNPT in $mpConfig.mappings.npt) {
if($mpNPT.descr."#cdata-section" -eq $pfNPT.descr."#cdata-section") {
$mapping = $mpNPT
if(-not ($mapping -eq $null)) {
Write-Host "Inserting new mappings from mpConfig to pfConfig..."
foreach($mpNPT in $mpConfig.mappings.npt) {
$mpNPT = $pfConfig.ImportNode($mpNPT, $true)
$mpNPT.destination.address = "$($track_prefix)$($mpNPT.destination.address)"
Write-Host "Saving pfConfig..."
$pfConfig.Save((Join-Path -Path $fp -ChildPath ".\config.xml"))
Write-Host "Uploading pfConfig..."
Start-Process -FilePath "scp.exe" -ArgumentList "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-i `"$(Join-Path -Path $fp -ChildPath $ke)`"", "`"$(Join-Path -Path $fp -ChildPath ".\config.xml")`"", "$($un)@$($rt):/cf/conf/config.xml" -Wait
Write-Host "Reloading pfSense Filters..."
Start-Process -FilePath "ssh.exe" -ArgumentList "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-i `"$(Join-Path -Path $fp -ChildPath $ke)`"", "$($un)@$($rt)", "/etc/rc.filter_configure" -Wait
Write-Host "Cleaning up..."
#Remove-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $fp -ChildPath ".\config.xml")
Remove-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $fp -ChildPath ".\interface_ip")
} catch {
Write-Host "An error occured! Aborting..."
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